
Writing an Argumentative Research Paper

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Structure & Outline

Usually written in the five-paragraph structure, the argumentative essay format consists of an introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

A works cited page or reference page (depending on format) will be included at the end of the essay along with in-text citations within the essay.

When writing an argumentative research essay, create an outline to structure the research you find as well as help with the writing process. The outline of an argumentative essay should include an introduction with thesis statement, 3 main body paragraphs with supporting evidence and opposing viewpoints with evidence to disprove, along with an conclusion.

The example below is just a basic outline and structure

I. Introduction: tells what you are going to write about. Basic information about the issue along with your thesis statement.

 A. Basic information

B. Thesis Statement

II. Body 1 : Reason 1 write about the first reason that proves your claim on the issue and give supporting evidence

A. supporting evidence 

B. Supporting evidence 

II. Body 2 .: Reason 2 write about the third reason that proves your claim on the issue and give supporting evidence

A. supporting evidence

III. Body 3 : Reason 3 write about the fourth reason that proves your claim on the issue and give supporting evidence

IV. Counter arguments and responses. Write about opposing viewpoints and use evidence to refute their argument and persuade audience in your direction or viewpoint

A. Arguments from other side of the issue

B. Refute the arguments

V. Conclusion

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Argumentative Essay Guide

Argumentative Essay Outline

Nova A.

Argumentative Essay Outline: How to Structure Your Argumentative Essay

11 min read

argumentative essay outline

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Preparing to write an argumentative essay but don’t know where to start?

Making an outline is an important step in prewriting. Having a defined outline makes the essay writing process much simpler. It helps you logically present your ideas and saves you from getting stuck with writer’s block. 

In this blog, we are going to teach you about how to write an outline for your essay. You’ll also get examples and templates to help you out.

So continue reading!

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  • 1. How To Write An Argumentative Essay Outline?
  • 2. Types of Arguments and Argumentative Essay Outlines
  • 3. Argumentative Essay Outline Examples

How To Write An Argumentative Essay Outline?

A simple argumentative essay outline follows the same structure as any other type of essay. The difference lies in the content of the body paragraphs. Unlike a persuasive essay, where the focus is on convincing the reader through emotional appeals, the argumentative essay presents the argument.

Some paragraphs introduce your own argument, while others state the opposing arguments and their refutations. 

Here is an argumentative essay outline template you could follow for writing your essay:

The most common structure to craft an argumentative essay is as follows:

1. Argumentative Essay Introduction 

The introductory paragraph introduces the main argument and provides a brief background of the argumentative essay topic you chose. Essay introductions act as a roadmap for the entire essay. For an argumentative essay, this is where you lay the foundation for your argument.  An introduction comprises the following essential components: 

  • Hook Statement

A hook statement is written to grab the attention of your reader immediately. It should intrigue the reader and make them read the complete essay. For example, if you are writing an argumentative essay on animal testing, your hook statement could be: 

  • Background Information 

Provide brief background information about your argument and the main claim of your essay. It will make it easier for the reader to understand the argument you will make in your essay.  For example:

  • Thesis Statement

An argumentative essay thesis statement should highlight your perspective, stance, and reason for your position. A thesis statement must be clearly defined, arguable, and defendable. It should express the importance of your argument and a reason why the reader should read your essay. For Example:

In case you're looking for some inspiration for your topic, check out our argumentative essay topics blog!

2. Argumentative Essay Supporting Paragraphs 

In the body paragraph, you present your point of view and provide evidence that supports your argument. The goal here is to explain how valid your claim is by providing evidence that strengthens your argument. 

For Example:

Here are four basic things that a body paragraph should state.

a. The purpose: Why are you making an argument about a particular issue? 

b. Topic sentence: This is a fact or an example that helps the reader better understand your argument. The topic sentence of a paragraph should focus on just one point.

c. Provide evidence: State facts with examples and statistics that support your thesis statement and the topic sentence. Make sure that you have collected authentic evidence from credible sources. 

d. Concluding sentence: The concluding sentence should reassert how the topic sentence helps the reader better understand the claim. 

3. Argumentative Essay Counter Arguments Paragraph 

The counter-argument is the other side of the issue that you will prove wrong by stating the specific reasons. In this paragraph, you mention the opposing views that the reader might pose against your argument and refute them.  Conclude this paragraph by reasserting the thought provoking central idea of your essay.

4. Argumentative Essay Conclusion

A good argumentative essay conclusion summarizes the entire discussion of the essay and provides a call to action. It holds the same significance as the introduction paragraph. Here, you restate your thesis statement to remind the reader of your essay’s overall argument. Tell the reader that you have critically analyzed both sides of the argument. And based on the evidence, you have proved your side of the argument right. Explain the importance of your argument and bring your discussion to a logical end. You can propose a solution if your claim has specified a problem or make future predictions about the claim. Tell your reader the consequences if your argument is not believed and what good will happen if it's believed.

Here is an example:

Use the following argumentative essay outline graphic organizer to structure your essay efficiently.

Argumentative Essay Outline Graphic Organizer

Here’s a video demonstrating how you can prepare an argumentative essay outline:

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Types of Arguments and Argumentative Essay Outlines

Your argumentative essay structure is affected by the type of argument you are using. There are three argumentative writing models: Classical, Rogerian, and Toulmin. 

Let's take a look at each one:

Classical Argument

The classical argument is the oldest and most used argument model. It is based on the principles of rhetoric, which is the art of persuasion. This type of argument has a clear structure with distinct steps, making it an ideal choice for an essay or paper.

Here is the classical argumentative writing structure.

Classical Argumentative Essay Outline Template

Rogerian argument.

The Rogerian model allows both sides of an issue to be discussed to reach a common ground.

Unlike the classical approach, the Rogerian argument seeks to understand both sides of an issue before moving forward. This style of argumentation does not look for a single ‘right’ answer but seeks to create a dialogue between all parties.

Rhetorical Rogerian Argumentative Essay Outline Template

Toulmin argument.

The Toulmin argument is a model that breaks down an issue into its component parts to analyze it more thoroughly. The Toulmin argument is composed of six parts: a claim, grounds, warrant, backing, qualifier, and rebuttal.

The first part lays out the main point being argued (the “claim”) . This is followed by the evidence that supports it (the “grounds”) . It is then connected to an underlying assumption or principle (the “warrant”) . 

The warrant is then supported by additional evidence (the “backing”) , which may be followed by qualifications (the “qualifier”) . Finally, the argument may anticipate and address possible counterarguments (the “rebuttal”) .

Toulmin Argumentative Essay Outline Template

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Argumentative Essay Outline Examples

Argumentative Essay Outline Example PDF

Argumentative Essay Outline Worksheet

5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay Outline

MLA Argumentative Essay Outline

Conclusion Argumentative Essay Outline

Argumentative Essay Outline AP Lang

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Gun Control Argumentative Essay Outline

Need more sample essays to get a better idea? Give our argumentative essay examples a read!

The Bottom Line! We've covered all the essential elements of structuring your argumentative essay. With this guide, you're now well-prepared to craft a compelling essay that effectively presents your viewpoint and supports your argument with evidence. 

Remember the key components: the introduction that hooks your reader, a clear thesis statement, well-organized body paragraphs, counterarguments, and a strong conclusion. Don't forget to cite your sources properly to give credibility to your work. 

If you are unable to craft a perfect outline, you can always seek the help of an expert and professional essay writer at

Our affordable argumentative essay writing service can help you write a top-notch argumentative paper. Our skilled writers conduct research to find facts and evidence to support your claim and write an original essay according to your needs.

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Nova A.

Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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argumentative essay guide

Enago Academy

8 Effective Strategies to Write Argumentative Essays

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In a bustling university town, there lived a student named Alex. Popular for creativity and wit, one challenge seemed insurmountable for Alex– the dreaded argumentative essay!

One gloomy afternoon, as the rain tapped against the window pane, Alex sat at his cluttered desk, staring at a blank document on the computer screen. The assignment loomed large: a 350-600-word argumentative essay on a topic of their choice . With a sigh, he decided to seek help of mentor, Professor Mitchell, who was known for his passion for writing.

Entering Professor Mitchell’s office was like stepping into a treasure of knowledge. Bookshelves lined every wall, faint aroma of old manuscripts in the air and sticky notes over the wall. Alex took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

“Ah, Alex,” Professor Mitchell greeted with a warm smile. “What brings you here today?”

Alex confessed his struggles with the argumentative essay. After hearing his concerns, Professor Mitchell said, “Ah, the argumentative essay! Don’t worry, Let’s take a look at it together.” As he guided Alex to the corner shelf, Alex asked,

Table of Contents

“What is an Argumentative Essay?”

The professor replied, “An argumentative essay is a type of academic writing that presents a clear argument or a firm position on a contentious issue. Unlike other forms of essays, such as descriptive or narrative essays, these essays require you to take a stance, present evidence, and convince your audience of the validity of your viewpoint with supporting evidence. A well-crafted argumentative essay relies on concrete facts and supporting evidence rather than merely expressing the author’s personal opinions . Furthermore, these essays demand comprehensive research on the chosen topic and typically follows a structured format consisting of three primary sections: an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.”

He continued, “Argumentative essays are written in a wide range of subject areas, reflecting their applicability across disciplines. They are written in different subject areas like literature and philosophy, history, science and technology, political science, psychology, economics and so on.

Alex asked,

“When is an Argumentative Essay Written?”

The professor answered, “Argumentative essays are often assigned in academic settings, but they can also be written for various other purposes, such as editorials, opinion pieces, or blog posts. Some situations to write argumentative essays include:

1. Academic assignments

In school or college, teachers may assign argumentative essays as part of coursework. It help students to develop critical thinking and persuasive writing skills .

2. Debates and discussions

Argumentative essays can serve as the basis for debates or discussions in academic or competitive settings. Moreover, they provide a structured way to present and defend your viewpoint.

3. Opinion pieces

Newspapers, magazines, and online publications often feature opinion pieces that present an argument on a current issue or topic to influence public opinion.

4. Policy proposals

In government and policy-related fields, argumentative essays are used to propose and defend specific policy changes or solutions to societal problems.

5. Persuasive speeches

Before delivering a persuasive speech, it’s common to prepare an argumentative essay as a foundation for your presentation.

Regardless of the context, an argumentative essay should present a clear thesis statement , provide evidence and reasoning to support your position, address counterarguments, and conclude with a compelling summary of your main points. The goal is to persuade readers or listeners to accept your viewpoint or at least consider it seriously.”

Handing over a book, the professor continued, “Take a look on the elements or structure of an argumentative essay.”

Elements of an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay comprises five essential components:

Claim in argumentative writing is the central argument or viewpoint that the writer aims to establish and defend throughout the essay. A claim must assert your position on an issue and must be arguable. It can guide the entire argument.

2. Evidence

Evidence must consist of factual information, data, examples, or expert opinions that support the claim. Also, it lends credibility by strengthening the writer’s position.

3. Counterarguments

Presenting a counterclaim demonstrates fairness and awareness of alternative perspectives.

4. Rebuttal

After presenting the counterclaim, the writer refutes it by offering counterarguments or providing evidence that weakens the opposing viewpoint. It shows that the writer has considered multiple perspectives and is prepared to defend their position.

The format of an argumentative essay typically follows the structure to ensure clarity and effectiveness in presenting an argument.

How to Write An Argumentative Essay

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an argumentative essay:

1. Introduction

  • Begin with a compelling sentence or question to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Provide context for the issue, including relevant facts, statistics, or historical background.
  • Provide a concise thesis statement to present your position on the topic.

2. Body Paragraphs (usually three or more)

  • Start each paragraph with a clear and focused topic sentence that relates to your thesis statement.
  • Furthermore, provide evidence and explain the facts, statistics, examples, expert opinions, and quotations from credible sources that supports your thesis.
  • Use transition sentences to smoothly move from one point to the next.

3. Counterargument and Rebuttal

  • Acknowledge opposing viewpoints or potential objections to your argument.
  • Also, address these counterarguments with evidence and explain why they do not weaken your position.

4. Conclusion

  • Restate your thesis statement and summarize the key points you’ve made in the body of the essay.
  • Leave the reader with a final thought, call to action, or broader implication related to the topic.

5. Citations and References

  • Properly cite all the sources you use in your essay using a consistent citation style.
  • Also, include a bibliography or works cited at the end of your essay.

6. Formatting and Style

  • Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution.
  • Use a professional and academic tone in your writing and edit your essay to avoid content, spelling and grammar mistakes .

Remember that the specific requirements for formatting an argumentative essay may vary depending on your instructor’s guidelines or the citation style you’re using (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Always check the assignment instructions or style guide for any additional requirements or variations in formatting.

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Prof. Mitchell continued, “An argumentative essay can adopt various approaches when dealing with opposing perspectives. It may offer a balanced presentation of both sides, providing equal weight to each, or it may advocate more strongly for one side while still acknowledging the existence of opposing views.” As Alex listened carefully to the Professor’s thoughts, his eyes fell on a page with examples of argumentative essay.

Example of an Argumentative Essay

Alex picked the book and read the example. It helped him to understand the concept. Furthermore, he could now connect better to the elements and steps of the essay which Prof. Mitchell had mentioned earlier. Aren’t you keen to know how an argumentative essay should be like? Here is an example of a well-crafted argumentative essay , which was read by Alex. After Alex finished reading the example, the professor turned the page and continued, “Check this page to know the importance of writing an argumentative essay in developing skills of an individual.”

Importance of an Argumentative Essay


After understanding the benefits, Alex was convinced by the ability of the argumentative essays in advocating one’s beliefs and favor the author’s position. Alex asked,

“How are argumentative essays different from the other types?”

Prof. Mitchell answered, “Argumentative essays differ from other types of essays primarily in their purpose, structure, and approach in presenting information. Unlike expository essays, argumentative essays persuade the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action on a controversial issue. Furthermore, they differ from descriptive essays by not focusing vividly on describing a topic. Also, they are less engaging through storytelling as compared to the narrative essays.

Alex said, “Given the direct and persuasive nature of argumentative essays, can you suggest some strategies to write an effective argumentative essay?

Turning the pages of the book, Prof. Mitchell replied, “Sure! You can check this infographic to get some tips for writing an argumentative essay.”

Effective Strategies to Write an Argumentative Essay


As days turned into weeks, Alex diligently worked on his essay. He researched, gathered evidence, and refined his thesis. It was a long and challenging journey, filled with countless drafts and revisions.

Finally, the day arrived when Alex submitted their essay. As he clicked the “Submit” button, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. He realized that the argumentative essay, while challenging, had improved his critical thinking and transformed him into a more confident writer. Furthermore, Alex received feedback from his professor, a mix of praise and constructive criticism. It was a humbling experience, a reminder that every journey has its obstacles and opportunities for growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

An argumentative essay can be written as follows- 1. Choose a Topic 2. Research and Collect Evidences 3. Develop a Clear Thesis Statement 4. Outline Your Essay- Introduction, Body Paragraphs and Conclusion 5. Revise and Edit 6. Format and Cite Sources 7. Final Review

One must choose a clear, concise and specific statement as a claim. It must be debatable and establish your position. Avoid using ambiguous or unclear while making a claim. To strengthen your claim, address potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. Additionally, use persuasive language and rhetoric to make your claim more compelling

Starting an argument essay effectively is crucial to engage your readers and establish the context for your argument. Here’s how you can start an argument essay are: 1. Begin With an Engaging Hook 2. Provide Background Information 3. Present Your Thesis Statement 4. Briefly Outline Your Main 5. Establish Your Credibility

The key features of an argumentative essay are: 1. Clear and Specific Thesis Statement 2. Credible Evidence 3. Counterarguments 4. Structured Body Paragraph 5. Logical Flow 6. Use of Persuasive Techniques 7. Formal Language

An argumentative essay typically consists of the following main parts or sections: 1. Introduction 2. Body Paragraphs 3. Counterargument and Rebuttal 4. Conclusion 5. References (if applicable)

The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to accept or agree with a particular viewpoint or position on a controversial or debatable topic. In other words, the primary goal of an argumentative essay is to convince the audience that the author's argument or thesis statement is valid, logical, and well-supported by evidence and reasoning.

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how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper

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  • Argumentative Essay Outline
  • How to Write an Essay Outline: Full Guide With Examples

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Table of Contents

Argumentative essay outline toolkit, how to write an outline for an argumentative essay, once you are done with these steps, this is what your structure will look like, introduction.

  • Provide an overview of capitalism and socialism
  • Introduce the central question: How is socialism more beneficial for society?

Capitalism and socialism each have distinct strengths and weaknesses, but for the betterment of society socialism offers a wider and healthy prespective.

Socialism ensures fairness and equality

  • Highlight the advantages of socialism, such as better living standards
  • Mention how socialism reduces income inequality
  • Provide real-world examples or case studies that illustrate the effects of socialism

Capitalism can be better for economy

  • Discuss the benefits of socialism, such as reduced income inequality and social safety nets.
  • Explore the disadvantages of socialism, such as reduced economic incentives and bureaucracy
  • Offer examples from socialist societies or historical contexts to illustrate the impact of socialism

Socialism can create a stable economy and society

  • contrast capitalism and socialism based on how socialism provides better economic stability for the society (e.g., economic growth, income distribution, individual freedom)
  • Evaluate the impact of capitalism and socialism on societal well-being, considering factors like healthcare, education, and poverty

Socialism enhances living standards and reduces business fluctuations

  • End your discussion by mentioning how socialism is better for both economically and socially
  • Present examples of countries successfully implementing socialism models
  • Reiterate your thesis statement
  • Give your final perspective on how socialism system is more beneficial for society

This is what your outline will look like

Firstly, the essay will discuss how socialism ensures fairness and equality in society by examining various advantages of socialism and offering real-world examples from case studies and historical events. Secondly, the essay will compare and analyze both by evaluating their impact on social and economic factors. Lastly, the essay will convey how socialism enhances living standards and reduces business fluctuations and will support them with the use of real-world examples.

1. Identify the topic

The initial step in crafting a compelling outline for your argumentative essay is to carefully choose your topic. Your choice of topic should be precise and engaging, setting the stage for the reader's expectations. By thoughtfully selecting your topic, you're laying the foundation for an argument that will engage and inform your audience throughout your essay. To do this effectively, consider asking yourself thought-provoking questions.

If you are writing an essay on capitalism and socialism, your topic can be “Why is socialism important for a co-operative society”.

2. Define the objective

In the realm of argumentative essays, the primary aim is to convince your readers to align with your viewpoint on a particular topic. You accomplish this by presenting a well-reasoned argument supported by substantial evidence. Clearly outlining your objective helps your audience understand the purpose and direction of your argumentative essay right from the outset.

If your objective is to state your opinion on a topic, you can say, “A discussion on how socialism can improve co-operative behaviour in the society will be conducted.”

3. Craft the thesis

Within your outline, carve out a distinct section dedicated to constructing the thesis statement, the heart of your argumentative essay. A thesis statement for an argumentative essay takes a firm stance on the issue at hand. The thesis statement serves as the guiding light for your essay, directing your arguments and analysis toward a specific and persuasive perspective.

Continuing the example, your thesis statement for the topic could be, “Capitalism and socialism each have distinct strengths and weaknesses, but for the betterment of society socialism offers a wider and healthy prespective.”

4. Main points

As you delve into the core of your outline, it's crucial to outline the major components of your argument. Identify the central themes and specify supporting points that bolster your thesis. In the realm of argumentative essays, the conventional five-paragraph structure often serves as a helpful framework. This structure typically comprises an introduction and a body paragraph that examines both sides of the issue, followed by your reasoning for supporting one side. Mapping out these main points provides a clear roadmap for your argumentative essay, ensuring it flows logically and persuasively.

The main points for your essay could be

  • Socialism can create a stable economy
  • Socialism is better for social living and fewer business fluctuations

5. Sub-points

Subsequently, after introducing the main points of your essay, you should embark on a comprehensive exploration of each of these points, fortified by relevant examples and evidence. In this section, it's imperative to elucidate the key issues to be discussed and specify the examples that will underpin your arguments. By breaking down your main points into sub-points, you'll be able to provide a more detailed and compelling argument within your essay.

  • Examine the drawbacks of capitalism, including income inequality and exploitation
  • Discuss the benefits of capitalism, such as increase in overall economy and better market for consumers.
  • Explore the advtanges of capitalism, such as a competitive market and bureaucracy

All will be explained with examples and backed with statistical data.

6. Evidence and citations

In the realm of academic essays, it's imperative to back your claims with credible evidence and properly attribute information. Your outline should include a dedicated section for citing your sources, whether they are real-world examples, quotes, or statistical data. This reinforces the credibility of your argument and demonstrates the thoroughness of your research.

You can cite real-world examples, and case studies, and provide information on historical events and their impact.

7. Introduction and hook

To captivate your readers' attention, your argumentative essay's introduction should feature a compelling hook. Typically, argumentative essays leverage surprising or striking statistics related to your argument as a hook. An effective introduction sets the stage for your argument and entices your audience to delve further into your essay.

You can start your essay with a statistical data hook like “Did you know roughly 39% of people have a positive view of capitalism and a negative view of socialism, and vice-versa”. Then continue on to provide an overview of capitalism and socialism and introduce your central question.

8. Conclusion

After you have stated your key points, it's time to conclude your essay. Argumentative essays are generally concluded by addressing opposing viewpoints and explaining why readers should align with your position.

In the conclusion, you will reiterate your thesis statement, and then give your final perspective on how socialism is better for society.

9. Transitions

Transition words play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless flow of your writing, facilitating smooth transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and topics. In argumentative essays generally, contrast transition words are used specifically when you need to communicate a point that contradicts your previous statement. An effective transition sentence is one that includes a word or phrase such as however, despite this/that, in contrast, or nonetheless.

You can use words like “chiefly”, “as a result”, and “after all” to transition from one idea, topic, or sentence to another.

10. Refine and review

Finally, before you embark on the actual writing of your essay, thoroughly review your outline. Ensure that each point flows logically, and all necessary information is included, while avoiding any extraneous content. Make any necessary revisions as you review, by refining and reviewing your outline, you lay the groundwork for a well-structured, persuasive, and compelling argumentative essay.

Finally, during the review, you will need to ensure that each point flows logically and you have included all the necessary information and didn’t add any extra points.


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What is an Argumentative Essay? How to Write It (With Examples)

Argumentative Essay

We define an argumentative essay as a type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue. The purpose is to convince the reader to accept a particular viewpoint or action. In an argumentative essay, the writer takes a stance on a controversial or debatable topic and supports their position with evidence, reasoning, and examples. The essay should also address counterarguments, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the topic.

Table of Contents

  • What is an argumentative essay?  
  • Argumentative essay structure 
  • Argumentative essay outline 
  • Types of argument claims 

How to write an argumentative essay?

  • Argumentative essay writing tips 
  • Good argumentative essay example 

How to write a good thesis

  • How to Write an Argumentative Essay with Paperpal? 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an argumentative essay.

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents a coherent and logical analysis of a specific topic. 1 The goal is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or opinion on a particular issue. Here are the key elements of an argumentative essay: 

  • Thesis Statement : The central claim or argument that the essay aims to prove. 
  • Introduction : Provides background information and introduces the thesis statement. 
  • Body Paragraphs : Each paragraph addresses a specific aspect of the argument, presents evidence, and may include counter arguments. 

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  • Evidence : Supports the main argument with relevant facts, examples, statistics, or expert opinions. 
  • Counterarguments : Anticipates and addresses opposing viewpoints to strengthen the overall argument. 
  • Conclusion : Summarizes the main points, reinforces the thesis, and may suggest implications or actions. 

how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper

Argumentative essay structure

Aristotelian, Rogerian, and Toulmin are three distinct approaches to argumentative essay structures, each with its principles and methods. 2 The choice depends on the purpose and nature of the topic. Here’s an overview of each type of argumentative essay format.

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Argumentative essay outline

An argumentative essay presents a specific claim or argument and supports it with evidence and reasoning. Here’s an outline for an argumentative essay, along with examples for each section: 3  

1.  Introduction : 

  • Hook : Start with a compelling statement, question, or anecdote to grab the reader’s attention. 

Example: “Did you know that plastic pollution is threatening marine life at an alarming rate?” 

  • Background information : Provide brief context about the issue. 

Example: “Plastic pollution has become a global environmental concern, with millions of tons of plastic waste entering our oceans yearly.” 

  • Thesis statement : Clearly state your main argument or position. 

Example: “We must take immediate action to reduce plastic usage and implement more sustainable alternatives to protect our marine ecosystem.” 

2.  Body Paragraphs : 

  • Topic sentence : Introduce the main idea of each paragraph. 

Example: “The first step towards addressing the plastic pollution crisis is reducing single-use plastic consumption.” 

  • Evidence/Support : Provide evidence, facts, statistics, or examples that support your argument. 

Example: “Research shows that plastic straws alone contribute to millions of tons of plastic waste annually, and many marine animals suffer from ingestion or entanglement.” 

  • Counterargument/Refutation : Acknowledge and refute opposing viewpoints. 

Example: “Some argue that banning plastic straws is inconvenient for consumers, but the long-term environmental benefits far outweigh the temporary inconvenience.” 

  • Transition : Connect each paragraph to the next. 

Example: “Having addressed the issue of single-use plastics, the focus must now shift to promoting sustainable alternatives.” 

3.  Counterargument Paragraph : 

  • Acknowledgement of opposing views : Recognize alternative perspectives on the issue. 

Example: “While some may argue that individual actions cannot significantly impact global plastic pollution, the cumulative effect of collective efforts must be considered.” 

  • Counterargument and rebuttal : Present and refute the main counterargument. 

Example: “However, individual actions, when multiplied across millions of people, can substantially reduce plastic waste. Small changes in behavior, such as using reusable bags and containers, can have a significant positive impact.” 

4.  Conclusion : 

  • Restatement of thesis : Summarize your main argument. 

Example: “In conclusion, adopting sustainable practices and reducing single-use plastic is crucial for preserving our oceans and marine life.” 

  • Call to action : Encourage the reader to take specific steps or consider the argument’s implications. 

Example: “It is our responsibility to make environmentally conscious choices and advocate for policies that prioritize the health of our planet. By collectively embracing sustainable alternatives, we can contribute to a cleaner and healthier future.” 

how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper

Types of argument claims

A claim is a statement or proposition a writer puts forward with evidence to persuade the reader. 4 Here are some common types of argument claims, along with examples: 

  • Fact Claims : These claims assert that something is true or false and can often be verified through evidence.  Example: “Water boils at 100°C at sea level.”
  • Value Claims : Value claims express judgments about the worth or morality of something, often based on personal beliefs or societal values. Example: “Organic farming is more ethical than conventional farming.” 
  • Policy Claims : Policy claims propose a course of action or argue for a specific policy, law, or regulation change.  Example: “Schools should adopt a year-round education system to improve student learning outcomes.” 
  • Cause and Effect Claims : These claims argue that one event or condition leads to another, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship.  Example: “Excessive use of social media is a leading cause of increased feelings of loneliness among young adults.” 
  • Definition Claims : Definition claims assert the meaning or classification of a concept or term.  Example: “Artificial intelligence can be defined as machines exhibiting human-like cognitive functions.” 
  • Comparative Claims : Comparative claims assert that one thing is better or worse than another in certain respects.  Example: “Online education is more cost-effective than traditional classroom learning.” 
  • Evaluation Claims : Evaluation claims assess the quality, significance, or effectiveness of something based on specific criteria.  Example: “The new healthcare policy is more effective in providing affordable healthcare to all citizens.” 

Understanding these argument claims can help writers construct more persuasive and well-supported arguments tailored to the specific nature of the claim.  

If you’re wondering how to start an argumentative essay, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you with the argumentative essay format and writing process.

  • Choose a Topic: Select a topic that you are passionate about or interested in. Ensure that the topic is debatable and has two or more sides.
  • Define Your Position: Clearly state your stance on the issue. Consider opposing viewpoints and be ready to counter them.
  • Conduct Research: Gather relevant information from credible sources, such as books, articles, and academic journals. Take notes on key points and supporting evidence.
  • Create a Thesis Statement: Develop a concise and clear thesis statement that outlines your main argument. Convey your position on the issue and provide a roadmap for the essay.
  • Outline Your Argumentative Essay: Organize your ideas logically by creating an outline. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis.
  • Write the Introduction: Start with a hook to grab the reader’s attention (a quote, a question, a surprising fact). Provide background information on the topic. Present your thesis statement at the end of the introduction.
  • Develop Body Paragraphs: Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates to the thesis. Support your points with evidence and examples. Address counterarguments and refute them to strengthen your position. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs.
  • Address Counterarguments: Acknowledge and respond to opposing viewpoints. Anticipate objections and provide evidence to counter them.
  • Write the Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your argumentative essay. Reinforce the significance of your argument. End with a call to action, a prediction, or a thought-provoking statement.
  • Revise, Edit, and Share: Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Check for grammatical and spelling errors. Share your essay with peers, friends, or instructors for constructive feedback.
  • Finalize Your Argumentative Essay: Make final edits based on feedback received. Ensure that your essay follows the required formatting and citation style.

Struggling to start your argumentative essay? Paperpal can help – try now!   

Argumentative essay writing tips

Here are eight strategies to craft a compelling argumentative essay: 

  • Choose a Clear and Controversial Topic : Select a topic that sparks debate and has opposing viewpoints. A clear and controversial issue provides a solid foundation for a strong argument. 
  • Conduct Thorough Research : Gather relevant information from reputable sources to support your argument. Use a variety of sources, such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and expert opinions, to strengthen your position. 
  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement : Clearly articulate your main argument in a concise thesis statement. Your thesis should convey your stance on the issue and provide a roadmap for the reader to follow your argument. 
  • Develop a Logical Structure : Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point of evidence that contributes to your overall argument. Ensure a logical flow from one point to the next. 
  • Provide Strong Evidence : Support your claims with solid evidence. Use facts, statistics, examples, and expert opinions to support your arguments. Be sure to cite your sources appropriately to maintain credibility. 
  • Address Counterarguments : Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and counterarguments. Addressing and refuting alternative perspectives strengthens your essay and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issue. Be mindful of maintaining a respectful tone even when discussing opposing views. 
  • Use Persuasive Language : Employ persuasive language to make your points effectively. Avoid emotional appeals without supporting evidence and strive for a respectful and professional tone. 
  • Craft a Compelling Conclusion : Summarize your main points, restate your thesis, and leave a lasting impression in your conclusion. Encourage readers to consider the implications of your argument and potentially take action. 

how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper

Good argumentative essay example

Let’s consider a sample of argumentative essay on how social media enhances connectivity:

In the digital age, social media has emerged as a powerful tool that transcends geographical boundaries, connecting individuals from diverse backgrounds and providing a platform for an array of voices to be heard. While critics argue that social media fosters division and amplifies negativity, it is essential to recognize the positive aspects of this digital revolution and how it enhances connectivity by providing a platform for diverse voices to flourish. One of the primary benefits of social media is its ability to facilitate instant communication and connection across the globe. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram break down geographical barriers, enabling people to establish and maintain relationships regardless of physical location and fostering a sense of global community. Furthermore, social media has transformed how people stay connected with friends and family. Whether separated by miles or time zones, social media ensures that relationships remain dynamic and relevant, contributing to a more interconnected world. Moreover, social media has played a pivotal role in giving voice to social justice movements and marginalized communities. Movements such as #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and #ClimateStrike have gained momentum through social media, allowing individuals to share their stories and advocate for change on a global scale. This digital activism can shape public opinion and hold institutions accountable. Social media platforms provide a dynamic space for open dialogue and discourse. Users can engage in discussions, share information, and challenge each other’s perspectives, fostering a culture of critical thinking. This open exchange of ideas contributes to a more informed and enlightened society where individuals can broaden their horizons and develop a nuanced understanding of complex issues. While criticisms of social media abound, it is crucial to recognize its positive impact on connectivity and the amplification of diverse voices. Social media transcends physical and cultural barriers, connecting people across the globe and providing a platform for marginalized voices to be heard. By fostering open dialogue and facilitating the exchange of ideas, social media contributes to a more interconnected and empowered society. Embracing the positive aspects of social media allows us to harness its potential for positive change and collective growth.
  • Clearly Define Your Thesis Statement:   Your thesis statement is the core of your argumentative essay. Clearly articulate your main argument or position on the issue. Avoid vague or general statements.  
  • Provide Strong Supporting Evidence:   Back up your thesis with solid evidence from reliable sources and examples. This can include facts, statistics, expert opinions, anecdotes, or real-life examples. Make sure your evidence is relevant to your argument, as it impacts the overall persuasiveness of your thesis.  
  • Anticipate Counterarguments and Address Them:   Acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints to strengthen credibility. This also shows that you engage critically with the topic rather than presenting a one-sided argument. 

How to Write an Argumentative Essay with Paperpal?

Writing a winning argumentative essay not only showcases your ability to critically analyze a topic but also demonstrates your skill in persuasively presenting your stance backed by evidence. Achieving this level of writing excellence can be time-consuming. This is where Paperpal, your AI academic writing assistant, steps in to revolutionize the way you approach argumentative essays. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Paperpal to write your essay: 

  • Sign Up or Log In: Begin by creating an account or logging into .  
  • Navigate to Paperpal Copilot: Once logged in, proceed to the Templates section from the side navigation bar.  
  • Generate an essay outline: Under Templates, click on the ‘Outline’ tab and choose ‘Essay’ from the options and provide your topic to generate an outline.  
  • Develop your essay: Use this structured outline as a guide to flesh out your essay. If you encounter any roadblocks, click on Brainstorm and get subject-specific assistance, ensuring you stay on track. 
  • Refine your writing: To elevate the academic tone of your essay, select a paragraph and use the ‘Make Academic’ feature under the ‘Rewrite’ tab, ensuring your argumentative essay resonates with an academic audience. 
  • Final Touches: Make your argumentative essay submission ready with Paperpal’s language, grammar, consistency and plagiarism checks, and improve your chances of acceptance.  

Paperpal not only simplifies the essay writing process but also ensures your argumentative essay is persuasive, well-structured, and academically rigorous. Sign up today and transform how you write argumentative essays. 

The length of an argumentative essay can vary, but it typically falls within the range of 1,000 to 2,500 words. However, the specific requirements may depend on the guidelines provided.

You might write an argumentative essay when:  1. You want to convince others of the validity of your position.  2. There is a controversial or debatable issue that requires discussion.  3. You need to present evidence and logical reasoning to support your claims.  4. You want to explore and critically analyze different perspectives on a topic. 

Argumentative Essay:  Purpose : An argumentative essay aims to persuade the reader to accept or agree with a specific point of view or argument.  Structure : It follows a clear structure with an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs presenting arguments and evidence, counterarguments and refutations, and a conclusion.  Tone : The tone is formal and relies on logical reasoning, evidence, and critical analysis.    Narrative/Descriptive Essay:  Purpose : These aim to tell a story or describe an experience, while a descriptive essay focuses on creating a vivid picture of a person, place, or thing.  Structure : They may have a more flexible structure. They often include an engaging introduction, a well-developed body that builds the story or description, and a conclusion.  Tone : The tone is more personal and expressive to evoke emotions or provide sensory details. 

  • Gladd, J. (2020). Tips for Writing Academic Persuasive Essays.  Write What Matters . 
  • Nimehchisalem, V. (2018). Pyramid of argumentation: Towards an integrated model for teaching and assessing ESL writing.  Language & Communication ,  5 (2), 185-200. 
  • Press, B. (2022).  Argumentative Essays: A Step-by-Step Guide . Broadview Press. 
  • Rieke, R. D., Sillars, M. O., & Peterson, T. R. (2005).  Argumentation and critical decision making . Pearson/Allyn & Bacon. 

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How to Create an Outline for an Argumentative Paper

Last Updated: May 11, 2023

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. This article has been viewed 230,213 times.

Having difficulty starting that argumentative paper? Creating an outline can be a useful strategy for organizing your thoughts. An outline will provide you with an overview of the order and logic that an effective argument must follow.

Creating the Outline and Proper Labeling

Step 1 Begin with Roman numeral I.

  • Label subheadings with capitalized letters (A, B, C, etc.). Secondary subheadings begin with lowercase numerals (i., ii., iii., etc.) and tertiary subheadings begin with lowercase letters (a., b., c., etc.).

Step 2 Introductory Paragraph:

  • The very first sentence can be anything from a question or an observation, as long as it gets the reader’s attention. The following sentences must then narrow the topic down to a very specific point: the thesis.
  • As you narrow the topic down, you must of course mention the primary text which your paper is concerned with. If necessary, you may also mention a secondary source that you feel is important to your central argument.

Step 3 Body paragraphs:

  • In a standard 5 paragraph essay, you will have 3 body paragraphs to develop your argument. Each body paragraph must explore a distinct idea that supports your thesis and include evidence from the text and or secondary sources.
  • For a fully developed argumentative essay, you may include counter-arguments to your thesis and subsequent refutations.

Step 4 Conclusion:

  • Do not simply restate the thesis. Your conclusion should return to the thesis with a deeper understanding as a result of the arguments and evidence of the body paragraphs.


Step 1 Start with the Thesis.

  • An effective thesis should attempt to elicit a strong response from the reader. A reader should not finish the introductory paragraph and think, “So what?”
  • Be prepared to change your thesis as often as possible. As you generate new ideas and make new logical connections, the scope of your paper will likely change and as a result so should your thesis.

Step 2 Brainstorm.

  • A sound argumentative essay will have a hierarchy of ideas that follows a logical progression. When grouping your ideas, keep in mind how each group relates to the others.

Sample Outlines

how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Maintain a sense of continuity in your headings and subheadings. If you begin your first heading with a verb do the same for subsequent ones. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Be very mindful of your sources. Keep track of all the quotations that you will be using with book tabs and highlights. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember that the outline is primarily an organizational tool. When writing your essay you will often develop new ideas that are not in the outline. Allow yourself to explore these new ideas if you feel that it will enhance the strength of your argument. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0

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Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative Essay Outline

Cathy A.

Learn How to Write an Argumentative Essay Outline

10 min read

Published on: Mar 10, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

argumentative essay outline

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It's the night before the essay is due, and you haven't even started. Your mind is blank, and you have no idea what words will persuade your teacher. 

The good news is that some tips and tricks can make the process of writing an argumentative essay much easier.

In this blog, we'll break down the components of an argumentative essay and provide helpful tips and examples along the way. By the end, you should have all the guidelines to create a winning essay that will persuade your readers.

Let's take a closer look at all these steps.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay Outline?

An argumentative essay outline is a plan through which the writer works and organizes the raw data. An outline provides a track to follow for your papers and essays. 

The outline helps you stick to the critical things making sure that you did not miss important information in the content. 

Outlining might confuse you if you have never developed one before. However, once you know how to create one, it will be a lot easier to draft a perfect argumentative essay. 

An argumentative essay consists of several equally important parts. These sections individually state the topic, arguments, evidence and supporting statements, etc. 

The significant parts of an argumentative essay outline are:

  • Introduction 
  • Body Paragraphs
  • Conclusion 

Creating each section systematically is a fundamental requirement of an outline. Learn how to make each part of the outline professionally in the following area. 

Argumentative Essay Introduction

Just like any other academic writing, you need a foundation on which to build your essay. An introduction is the foundation of your essay. 

A proper and perfect essay introduction will make your paper flawless and vice-versa. 

An introduction of an argumentative essay includes a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. 

A hook is an opening statement of the essay’s introduction. It serves the purpose of grabbing the reader’s attention toward the content. 

A hook can be a quotation, anecdote, question, funny/sarcastic statement, fact, statistic, etc.

For example, the major cause of obesity in the United States is fast food. 

  • Background Information

Here you present some background information about the topic. The background information should answer the following questions:

  • What is the issue you are going to talk about?
  • Who is your audience?
  • Where is the selected issue prevalent?
  • Why is the issue important to be discussed?
  • Thesis Statement 

It is the last sentence of your introduction that is the focal point of your essay. It introduces the readers to the topic’s main argument. Then, it states the writer’s position and stands in the essay. 

Support your thesis statement in the body paragraphs of an essay to persuade the audience. 

Argumentative Essay Body Paragraphs

After the introductory paragraphs are written, the next part is the body of the argumentative essay. 

This part of the essay is essential to be structured well as it contains all the claims and pieces of evidence. 

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For essays like an argumentative essays, it is imperative to make your claim in writing. A claim, or the core argument, is the basis of your entire essay. If you want your essay to be right in quality, make sure that the claims made are strong. 

You can support your claim with strong evidence. 

The purpose of making a claim is to define the:

  • Support your request and the basic argument

In the main body, present your claim in the topic sentence . And let the audience know what the specific paragraph is about. However, also show your point of view.

Making a claim in an argumentative essay is not enough. Making people believe your stance is what the objective of the writer is. 

For this purpose, you need to support your argument with evidence and supporting facts. 

You have to clear your position as a writer by providing relevant stuff showing your claims’ validity and accuracy. 

The reality of your claim entirely depends on the credibility and reliability of the facts you provide. 

There are five types of evidence that are used to prove the preliminary thesis statement:

  • Real-life examples
  • Authorities
  • Hypothetical situations 
  • Include an Opponent’s Argument 

While collecting information for your essay, students often ignore the opposing arguments. 

When writing an argumentative essay, a writer shouldn’t just talk about his claim and support it with evidence. 

After providing evidence for your claim, identify and include opposing views and counter-arguments and debunk them. 

There is always another side to the argument. Use evidence to disprove these opposing sides and arguments. 

Argumentative Essay Conclusion

The last part of the writing process of the outline is the conclusion . Now that you have adequately structured the introduction and the body paragraphs, it’s time to conclude your essay. 

The power of a conclusion is often underestimated. If the ending is vague, abrupt, and not good, your whole essay will be a waste. 

The following things conclude an argumentative essay:

  • Restating your thesis statement.
  • Summarizing basic arguments.
  • Recommending a course of action to the readers. 

Make sure that the length of the conclusion is the same as the introduction. Short and precise conclusions are effective. 

In conclusion, a writer should never introduce new ideas and extra information. 

A precise and direct conclusion will increase the quality of your essay to extremes. 

For essays like these, personal knowledge is not enough. You always have to research the essay topic and subject chosen to make healthy and valid points. Gather facts and accurate information to make your essay effective and credible. 

Types of Arguments

When it comes to constructing an argument for your essay, there are several types of arguments you can use. These include 

Rogerian Argument

The Rogerian argument is based on the assumption that two sides of an issue can both be right. 

This type of argument encourages the writer to look at both sides of the issue.

Rogerian Argumentative Essay Outline Template

Toulmin argument.

The Toulmin argument is one of the most popular types of arguments used in essay writing.

This type of argument follows a specific structure. It begins with an introduction, then presents evidence and draws conclusions based on that evidence. 

Toulmin Argumentative Essay Outline Template

Classical argument.

A classical argument is a traditional approach to constructing an argument. 

This structure involves setting up your opinion, presenting opposing arguments, and refuting those arguments. After that, you can reiterate your point of view in a conclusion.

Classical Argumentative Essay Outline Template

Check out this amazing informative video to learn more!

Argumentative Essay Outline Examples

The outline used to write an argumentative essay can also be used for persuasive essay writing . A few outline examples of an argumentative essay outline are given below: 

Argumentative Essay Outline PDF

Argumentative Essay Outline Example

Conclusion Argumentative Essay Outline

Vaccine Argumentative Essay Outline

Abortion Argumentative Essay Outline

Research Argumentative Essay Outline

Argumentative Essay Outline College

Argumentative Essay Outline Sample

Argumentative Essay Outline AP Lang

MLA Argumentative Essay Outline

5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay Outline

Summing it up, your whole argumentative essay depends on the outline you make for it. So the outline for your essay should be detailed and direct to make your essay persuasive and readable. 

Are you searching for the best essay writing service to tackle your academic challenges? Look no further!

Our argumentative essay writing service is specifically designed to provide you with well-researched, compellingly written essays that stand out. With a team of experienced writers and a commitment to quality, we ensure each essay is tailored to meet your individual needs.

But that's not all - we also offer an innovative AI essay generator . This cutting-edge tool uses the latest AI technology to help streamline your essay writing process, making it faster, easier, and more efficient. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 4 parts of an argumentative essay.

The four main parts of an argumentative essay are: 

  • Introduction 
  • Thesis statement 
  • Main body paragraphs 
  • Conclusion 

What are good topics to write an argumentative essay?

Here are some good argumentative essay topics. 

  • Should self-driving cars be legal? 
  • Should video games be a sport? 
  • All students must wear a uniform in high school. 
  • Is the cost of college too high? 
  • Is globalization a good thing? 

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how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper

Argumentative Essay – Outline, Form, and Examples

Daniel Bal

What is an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay requires the writer to investigate a specific topic by collecting and evaluating evidence to establish a position on the subject matter.

When preparing to compose a good argumentative essay, utilize the following steps:

Step 1: Select a topic.

Step 2: Identify a position.

Step 3: Locate appropriate resources.

Step 4: Identify evidence supporting the position. ( NOTE: If there is little evidence in support of the claim, consider re-examining the main argument.)

Steps to write an argumentative essay

When gathering evidence, use credible sources . To determine the credibility of the source, consider authority, currency, accuracy, and objectivity:

Who is the author ? Are they an expert in the field? Has a reputable publisher published the work?

How current is the information in the source? Does the currency of the source matter? Does the age of the source impact the content? Is there newer information that disproves the source’s information?

Can other sources verify the accuracy of the information? Does the information contradict that found in other commonly accepted sources?

Is there any evidence of bias, or is the source objective ? Is the research sponsored by an organization that may skew the information?

The following are typically recognized as providing appropriate, credible research material:

Peer-reviewed journals/research papers

Government agencies

Professional organizations

Library databases

Reference books

Credible sources

Writers should avoid using the following sources:

Social media posts

Out-of-date materials

Step 5: Utilize the research to determine a thesis statement that identifies the topic, position, and support(s).

Step 6: Use the evidence to construct an outline, detailing the main supports and relevant evidence.

Steps to write an argumentative essay

Argumentative essay outline

After gathering all of the necessary research, the next step in composing an argumentative essay focuses on organizing the information through the use of an outline:


Attention Grabber/Hook

Background Information: Include any background information pertinent to the topic that the reader needs to know to understand the argument.

Thesis: State the position in connection to the main topic and identify the supports that will help prove the argument.

Topic sentence

Identify evidence in support of the claim in the topic sentence

Explain how the evidence supports the argument

Evidence 3 (Continue as needed)

Support 2 (Continue as needed)

Restate thesis

Review main supports

Concluding statement

Invite the audience to take a specific action.

Identify the overall importance of the topic and position.

Argumentative essay outline

How to write an argumentative essay

Regardless of the writer’s topic or point of view, an argumentative essay should include an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and works cited.

Background information

Body Paragraphs

Analysis of evidence

Rephrased thesis

Review of main ideas

Call to action

Works Cited

Components of an argumentative essay

Argumentative essay introduction

The introduction sets the tone for the entire paper and introduces the argument. In general, the first paragraph(s) should attract the reader’s attention, provide relevant context, and conclude with a thesis statement.

To attract the reader's attention , start with an introductory device. There are several attention-grabbing techniques, the most common of which consist of the following:

The writer can emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or indicating that the subject is influential.

Pertinent statistics give the paper an air of authority.

There are many reasons for a stimulating statement to surprise a reader. Sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is shocking; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the subject and focus of what follows.

Provide the reader with relevant context and background information necessary to understand the topic.

Conclude with a thesis statement that identifies the overall purpose of the essay (topic and position). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Avoid the following when writing the introduction to argumentative writing:

Starting with dictionary definitions is too overdone and unappealing.

Do not make an announcement of the topic like “In this paper I will…” or “The purpose of this essay is to….”

Evidence supporting or developing the thesis should be in the body paragraphs, not the introduction.

Beginning the essay with general or absolute statements such as “throughout history...” or “as human beings we always...” or similar statements suggest the writer knows all of history or that all people behave or think in the same way.

Argumentative essay thesis

The thesis statement is the single, specific claim the writer sets out to prove and is typically positioned as the last sentence of the introduction . It is the controlling idea of the entire argument that identifies the topic, position, and reasoning.

When constructing a thesis for an argumentative paper, make sure it contains a side of the argument, not simply a topic. An argumentative thesis identifies the writer’s position on a given topic. If a position cannot be taken, then it is not argumentative thesis:

Topic: Capital punishment is practiced in many states.

Thesis: Capital punishment should be illegal.

While not always required, the thesis statement can include the supports the writer will use to prove the main claim. Therefore, a thesis statement can be structured as follows:


No Supports: College athletes (TOPIC) should be financially compensated (POSITION).

Supports: College athletes (TOPIC) should be financially compensated (POSITION) because they sacrifice their minds and bodies (SUPPORT 1), cannot hold

Argumentative essay body paragraphs

Body paragraphs can be of varying lengths, but they must present a coherent argument unified under a single topic. They are rarely ever longer than one page, double-spaced; usually they are much shorter.

Lengthy paragraphs indicate a lack of structure. Identify the main ideas of a lengthy paragraph to determine if they make more sense as separate topics in separate paragraphs.

Shorter paragraphs usually indicate a lack of substance; there is not enough evidence or analysis to prove the argument. Develop the ideas more or integrate the information into another paragraph.

The structure of an argumentative paragraph should include a topic sentence, evidence, and a transition.

The topic sentence is the thesis of the paragraph that identifies the arguable point in support of the main argument. The reader should know exactly what the writer is trying to prove within the paragraph by reading the first sentence.

The supporting evidence and analysis provide information to support the claim. There should be a balance between the evidence (facts, quotations, summary of events/plot, etc.) and analysis (interpretation of evidence). If the paragraph is evidence-heavy, there is not much of an argument; if it is analysis-heavy, there is not enough evidence in support of the claim.

The transition can be at the beginning or the end of a paragraph. However, it is much easier to combine the transition with the concluding observation to help the paragraphs flow into one another. Transitions in academic writing should tell the reader where you were, where you are going, and relate to the thesis.

Some essays may benefit from the inclusion of rebuttals to potential counterarguments of the writer’s position.

Argumentative essay conclusion

The conclusion should make readers glad they read the paper. It can suggest broader implications that will not only interest readers but also enrich their understanding in some way. There are three aspects to follow when constructing the conclusion: rephrase the thesis, synthesize information, and call the reader to action.

Rephrased the thesis in the first sentence of the conclusion. It must be in different words; do not simply write it verbatim.

Synthesize the argument by showing how the paper's main points support the argument.

Propose a course of action or a solution to an issue. This can redirect the reader's thought process to apply the ideas to their life or to see the broader implications of the topic.

Avoid the following when constructing the conclusion:

Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as "in conclusion," "in summary," or "in closing;" although these phrases can work in speeches, they come across as trite in writing

Introducing a new idea or subtopic in the conclusion

Making sentimental, emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest of the paper

Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc.) that should be in the body of the paper

Argumentative essay examples

Examples of argumentative essays vary depending upon the type:

Academic essays differ based upon the topic and position. These essays follow a more traditional structure and are typically assigned in high school or college. Examples of academic argumentative essay topics include the following:

Advantages or disadvantages of social media

Animal testing

Art education

Benefit or detriment of homework

Capital punishment

Class warfare


School uniforms

Universal healthcare

Violence in video games

Argumentative literary essays are typically more informal and do not follow the same structure as an academic essay. The following are popular examples of argumentative literary essays:

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Death of the Moth” by Virginia Woolf

“Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell

“Thoughts for the Times on War and Death” by Sigmund Freud

“Does the Truth Matter? Science, Pseudoscience, and Civilization” by Carl Sagan

“Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay – Guide & Examples

Published by Carmen Troy at August 16th, 2021 , Revised On July 26, 2023

“An argument essay  presents an original argument for a given  thesis statement . In an argumentative essay, the author takes a clear stand on the topic and justifies their position with supporting evidence material.”

While there are many  types of essays , an argumentative essay is hands down the most popular type of essay at the college and university level.

When Should you Write an Argumentative Essay

You could be asked to produce an argumentative essay in a composition class or as a course assignment. In most cases, the essay brief will prompt you to argue for one of two positions.

An argumentative essay title includes keywords such as “argument”, “assert”, “claim”, and usually takes the form of a question.

The title of an argumentative essay can be either open or two-sided. Here are examples of argumentative titles so you know when to write an argumentative essay.

Open Argumentative Essay Title

What was the most outstanding achievement of Manchester United FC under Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson CBE?

Two-sided Argumentative Essay Title

Has distance learning had a positive or negative impact on education?

Writing an Argumentative Essay for College or University Assignment

Most  essay assignments  at the college and university level involve some sort of argumentation. For example, literary analysis and rhetorical analysis also build up arguments about the text.

Even when the essay prompt does not tell you to write an argumentative essay, you should remember that the goal of academic writing in most cases is to express an argument and back it with evidence. This means that your default approach to essay writing should be to make evidence-based arguments unless you are told otherwise.

Examples of Argumentative Essay Titles

The following essay titles suggest that the essays in response should be argumentative in nature.

You will be able to develop an exact position as you dig deep to  collect data  and improve your knowledge. Once you have taken a defined stance, you will need to express the essay’s main argument and convince the reader to agree to your position by presenting analysis, evidence, and evaluation.

Discuss  the effects of climate change on the human population.

  • The above title does not merely ask you to state all the effects of climate change you can think of.
  • It would be best if you instead built a focused argument about the overall effects of climate change on the human population, stated the significance of your argument, and backed it up by providing evidence from authentic academic sources.

Evaluate  the efficacy of anti-racism measures put in place at workplaces in the UK.

  • Just providing a selection of statistics about anti-racism measures will not be sufficient.
  • Present your argument about what measures have proved to be the most effective or least effective.

Assess  the impact of the conquest of Constantinople in the 15 th  century on world history.

  • Don’t just assess a few random details of the battle of Constantinople.
  • Present your argument about the specific impact of the conquest of Constantinople on the power dynamics of the world.

How to Approach an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay should be based on rational thinking. The approach of the author should be objective in nature. Rather than basing your argument on emotions, you should rely on logic and evidence.

While there are many approaches to writing an argumentative essay, the two most common methods that would enable you to write a first-class piece are: The  Rogerian  method and the  Toulmin  method.

Toulmin Argument Building Model

The  Toulmin   method involves four key steps to build an argument. The same strategy can be applied throughout the essay where necessary.

  • Make a  claim
  • Present your evidence to support the claim
  • Provide the warrant which explains the evidence to support the claim
  • State the potential refutation to  the claim, which involves establishing the limits of the argument to demonstrate that you took into consideration the alternates.

The Toulmin model is a popular argument-building strategy in academic essays. While using specific terms (refutations, warrants, claim) is not necessary, you should show a clear link between your claim and the grounds of your claim in an argumentative essay.

For example , if you are making an argument about the efficacy of anti-racism measures put in place at workplaces in the UK, then you should follow these four steps:

  • Enlighten that anti-racism training programs are not bringing about the desired results, and it would be better to invest the resources in other approaches.
  • Back your claim with evidence from authentic academic sources. The evidence could take the form of numbers, statistics, and quotations.
  • Explain how the data shows the inefficacy of the current training and educational programs.
  • Expect objections to your argument based on counter data that might indicate why your argument is unsound, and so provide justifications accordingly.

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Rogerian Argument Building Model

The  Rogerian  model of building an argument also involves four steps:

  • Start by indicating what the counter-argument gets right and why people might agree to this argument.
  • State the problems with the counter-argument.
  • Present your argument and demonstrate how it solves the problem—showing why your position is stronger than the opposition will enable you to convince the reader.
  • Suggest a possible middle-ground – what components of your argument would advocates of the opposing claim can adopt?

The Rogerian model is an interesting way to reach a compromise between two sides of an argument. It is advised to approach an argumentative essay with this method when people strongly disagree on the issue under discussion.

Also read: How to write a summative essay

For example , if you had to make an argument about the positive effects of distance learning on the quality of education, then you might:

  • Recognize that distance learning has helped mature students upgrade their qualifications.
  • Claim that many critics view distance learning as more unreliable than it really is.
  • Argue that distance learning programs can enable many students worldwide to upgrade their skills without leaving the comfort of their homes.
  • Suggest critical engagement with distance education providers as a possible task for opponents who doubt its effectiveness.

When writing an argumentative essay, you can use elements of both models. It is not necessary to stick to one of these two methods, but it would be helpful to do so to  structure  your argument appropriately.

However, regardless of the argument-building model you choose, your essay structure will include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

How to Introduce an Argument in an Essay?

Like other essay types, an argumentative essay also begins with an introduction. This section includes a hook to grab the reader’s attention, background information to set up the main argument, a thesis statement, and a summary of the essay structure (for more extended essays).

Here is a how an  introduction paragraph  of an argumentative essay arguing for the positive effects of distance learning may look like:

Argumentative Essay Introduction Example

Example: For many people looking to change or advance their professional careers, choosing if distance learning is the right choice is a question of critical importance. Distance education programs rely on information technology and online teaching tools to provide education to students who are not present in the classroom setting due to their personal commitments and limitations. Over the last several years, distance learning has emerged as one of the most popular education trends. It has provided opportunities to many non-traditional students to receive a high-quality education.

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The Body of your Argumentative Essay

This is where you present the details to support your arguments. The  main body  of your argumentative essay should present analysis, evidence, and interpretation to persuade readers to agree with your viewpoint.

For a high school essay that typically follows the standard five-paragraph format, the body comprises three to four paragraphs. However, there will be many more paragraphs in a university-level longer essay, and so the body can be divided into dedicated sections with headings.

Each paragraph starts with a  topic  sentence that must support the central argument. Avoid presenting any irrelevant information here.

Here is an example of a paragraph taken from the main body of an argumentative essay on the positive effects of distance learning on education.

Argumentative Essay Main Body Paragraph Example

Example: Distance learning is one of the most economical and viable forms of education available to adult students who are juggling many responsibilities due to financial and time constraints in their life. The burden of responsibilities prevents adult students from studying in a foreign country or another city. Distance learning enables them to overcome these challenges and complete their education. Learning in a distant mode, they can also mitigate the economic, social, psychological, and cultural difficulties. Distance learning students often achieve better results when compared with on-campus students because the pursuit of knowledge is undertaken for its own sake rather than as an obligation.

How to Conclude your Argument?

Your argumentative essay should end with a conclusion that provides a summary of the points discussed in the main body.

Refrain from presenting any new information here. The conclusion of an argumentative essay is made up of a concise summary or synthesis of the arguments made in the main body, the significance and relevance of your argument, and the strengths and weaknesses of your argument.

Argumentative Essay Conclusion Example

Example: The distance learning programs offered by various universities worldwide have had a very positive effect on the world of education. Occasional pitfalls aside, this teaching method has enabled underprivileged students and those with personal limitations to receive a high-quality education. Its value is evident in numerous applications. Digital education offers accessibility and flexibility to students, so the popularity of distance education has been rising in recent years. Educators should take advantage of this. The limitations of distance education such as lack of motivation for students, absence of physical interaction, and employers’ reluctance to embrace distance learning has been documented extensively by opponents. Still, this new method of teaching is here to say.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between an argumentative essay and an expository essay.

An argumentative essay is arguably the most popular type of essay in academic writing. It involves independent research and presenting an original argument about the topic in discussion in the form of a thesis statement . The claim made in the thesis statement must be supported by evidence and analysis.

An expository essay aims to explain an idea, topic, or process clearly and concisely. It does not express an original argument but is somewhat objective in nature. Expository essays are almost always less extensive as compared to argumentative essays.

Do I need to cite sources in an argumentative essay?

All essays written for college and university-level assignments should include in-text citations and a list of references . You should use citations in an appropriate referencing style whenever you quote or paraphrase any information from another academic source. The in-text citations must match the items in the list of references or bibliography at the end of your essay.

It would be best to use the referencing style or citation style according to your institution’s instructions. Harvard referencing is the most popular style of academic referencing in the UK.

When should I write an argumentative essay?

Most essays at university are argumentative. Unless told otherwise, you should aim to build an argument in an essay you have been assigned.

Argumentative essays include keywords like ‘discuss’, ‘claim’, ‘evaluate’, ‘argue’, so look out for these keywords and instructions in the essay title.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay: 101 Guide [+ Examples]

An argumentative essay is a genre of academic writing that investigates different sides of a particular issue. Its central purpose is to inform the readers rather than expressively persuade them. Thus, it is crucial to differentiate between argumentative and persuasive essays.

While composing an argumentative essay, the students have to demonstrate their research and analytical skills. The secret of a successful paper lies behind strong arguments and counterarguments. So, the writer should focus on facts and data rather than personal values and beliefs.

Besides, a good argumentative essay should be structured appropriately:

  • The introduction and conclusion have to create a frame for the entire essay.
  • The body paragraphs are supposed to cover the essential points.
  • Supporting evidence should make a paper more professional and reputable.

Are you still wondering what an argumentative essay is and how to write it? Check out the sections below prepared by our experts . Here, you can find the most valuable info, helpful tips, and useful examples.

📜 Classic Strategy

📋 toulmin strategy, 🗣️ rogerian strategy, ✒️ fill in the blanks, 🔍 edit and proofread, 🔗 references, 📌 argumentative essay in a nutshell.

Are you trying to figure out what an argumentative essay is? It’s a type of academic paper that covers both sides of a given issue. An author can decide whether they aim to present both sides equally or support one side more dynamically.

One of the mistakes among students is the confusion of argumentative and persuasive essays . Do you want to figure out the differences? Take a look at the following table.

Before writing an argument essay, it would be helpful to choose an appropriate model to rely on. There are three strategies to consider: Classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian.

Look at the following sections and choose the most suitable one for you.

Are you wondering how to write an argumentative essay? Consider using the classical approach. It is the most popular way of composing an argumentative paper.

Under the classical strategy, the author has to follow these rules:

  • research the issue;
  • present both sides;
  • express own opinion;
  • prove the reader the validity of the conclusion.

It is up to the audience to decide whether your position is right or wrong. Yet, you should try to convince the readers of the effectiveness of your opinion.

Usually, the classical argument paper is structured in the following way:

  • Introduction . Use the hook to catch the readers’ attention. State the problem and explain why your topic is relatable to the audience.
  • General background. Introduce the general info and several facts about your issue.
  • Thesis statement . State your position clearly and concisely.
  • The central argument. Provide valid evidence and appropriate examples to support your position. Refer only to reliable sources.
  • Rebuttal . Include a counter paragraph in your essay, presenting the opposing arguments. Provide specific examples to make the reader understand your position. Also, explain to the audience why the counterclaims are incorrect.
  • Conclusion . Synthesize your arguments and counterarguments. Give the readers a question for further investigation of your problem. To make your essay more impressive, compose a memorable concluding sentence.

Toulmin strategy is the most suitable for the discussion of controversial issues. This model aims to find common ground through clear logic and valid evidence. Besides, the Toulmin strategy eliminates unnecessary things and limits the points to agree upon.

An argumentative essay written by the Toulmin model includes the following elements:

  • Claim . A viewpoint that the author aims to prove.
  • Evidence . Supportive facts from reliable resources that highlight the significance of the claim.
  • Warrant . An element that connects the claim and that evidence.
  • Backing . Additional reasoning that underlines the warrant’s validity.
  • Rebuttal . Counterarguments that contradict the author’s position.
  • Qualifier . An additional element (usually, a word or a short phrase) that narrows the claim’s capacity. Several examples of qualifiers: “typically,” “usually,” “occasionally,” etc.
  • Exceptions . Specific limitations that indicate the cases where that claim may not be valid.

Like the Toulmin approach, Rogerian strategy attempts to find common ground between two sides of one issue. However, the technique is slightly different.

The Rogerian model is often used in highly controversial debates when the parties do not accept each other’s position. Thus, the given strategy focuses on finding the agreement by proving the validity of the opposing arguments.

Below, you can find the primary outline for the Rogerian argumentative essay:

  • Introduce the problem. Present the issue clearly and explain why it is worth the readers’ attention.
  • Summarize and analyze the counterarguments. Take into consideration all the possible counterpoints and look at them from different perspectives. Discuss the cases in which the opposing claims could be valid. Demonstrate your open-mindedness. This will make the opposite party more loyal to you.
  • Present your position. After discussing the counterpoints, state your opinion. Convince the audience about the validity of your points.
  • Prove the advantages of your position. Explain to the opposite party how the acceptance and adoption of your points will benefit them.

🧐 How to Write an Argumentative Essay

Before working on your essay, carefully read the assignment. Make sure you understand all the instructor’s requirements and the purpose of the paper.

  • Pay enough attention to the task. Did your professor assign you a topic? Or do you need to choose it yourself ? Make sure you have an idea that will turn into an outstanding essay.
  • Select the strategy you are going to apply. An argumentative essay format will depend on the model you choose to compose your paper. Analyze the issue you will arise and decide what strategy is the most suitable. Is it the Classical model, the Toulmin, or the Rogerian one?

After that, start composing your argumentative essay. Check out the following sections. We have a lot of insightful info to share with you!

📚 Research the Topic

The first step of writing an argumentative paper is an in-depth investigation of the topic. To validate your arguments, you have to refer to credible resources. The essay will look more professional if you use reliable sources in it.

How to research for an argumentative essay.

To research like a professional , do the following:

  • Use only credible sources. You can refer to the books, research articles, materials from academic databases, or Google Scholar. Webpages registered as governmental or educational institutions (.gov, .edu.) and widely-known news websites (New York Times, BBC, CNBC) are also considered appropriate. Avoid using blog posts, outdated materials, and any other data from unreliable sources. You may get into huge trouble, taking information from random websites, since it may be invalid.
  • Pay attention to the publishing date . You may be required to use the sources released no later than five years ago. Yet, it is not always the case, especially when you’re dealing with historical documents. Thus, double-check your instructions regarding recommended sources.
  • Keep your topic in mind. Concentrate on what you are writing about and select the sources for your exact issue. Avoid sources that provide too general information and look for more limited ones. If your idea is World War II’s economic consequences, the history book from ancient times to modern days will not be the best option.
  • Become an expert. Take enough time to investigate the issue you are writing about. Read numerous articles, compare and contrast the scientists’ opinions. Prove your reader that you are a reliable person who selected the best sources.

📝 Outline Your Essay

The majority of students tend to underestimate the power of outlining. Don’t do this! An argumentative essay outline is a helpful tool for planning, structuring, and composing.

Firstly , a well-developed outline helps the writer to put all their thoughts in an appropriate order. None of the essential points will be lost if the student plans the essay before writing.

Secondly , it lets the writer figure out what evidence suits what argument most. Before writing, draft your essay first. Put examples, facts, etc. in the right parts of the paper. Then, write the entire text.

Thirdly , an outline provides a perfect opportunity to change the essay’s parts without rewriting the paper. Are you unsure of specific details? Not a problem. Change them in the outline without ruining the text.

There are essential elements that your outline should contain. Check out the following section to see them.


How to start an argumentative essay? First and foremost, include an argumentative essay introduction in your outline.

This part should grab the readers’ attention from the first words. Thus, put enough effort into composing a compelling hook . What can it be? An impressive statistic or an exciting fact? Be creative – decide yourself! But make sure that your intro is catchy enough.

After the hook, introduce your topic’s general background . Prove the readers the significance of your issue and gradually come to the thesis statement .

The concept of studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular in both developed and developing countries. Students around the globe strive to explore the world and broaden their minds, and studying in a foreign country is an excellent opportunity to do so. Such experience may be extremely beneficial because meeting new people and discovering foreign cultures help students to gain valuable knowledge and see the world from a new perspective. However, while presenting significant opportunities for personal growth, it may also bring about some challenges.

Thesis Statement

A thesis is an essential part of your argumentative essay. It should state your position regarding the issue clearly and concisely. Avoid general statements, vague words, and be as specific and possible. Your thesis statement should guide the readers throughout the main points of the paper.

The location of the thesis in the essay plays a crucial role. The most appropriate place for it is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.

Although students face difficulties such as loneliness while studying abroad, it is a worthy experience to introduce them to new knowledge, people, and culture and promote their independence.

Body Paragraphs

The body of your paper is supposed to develop your position, provide valid evidence and examples. Each paragraph has to focus only on one idea. This will ensure the logical structure of your argumentative essay.

A body paragraph should start from the topic sentence and end with the concluding sentence . Such a frame around every section will make your readers stay concentrated on your ideas and get your opinion.

  • The topic sentence is the first sentence of the passage. It should reflect its point and correspond to the thesis statement.
  • The concluding sentence aims to wrap up the author’s thoughts. Thus, make sure that the last sentence of a paragraph is insightful enough.

Each body paragraph should include an argument (or a counterargument) with supporting evidence. Get your proof from credible sources and ensure that it directly corresponds to the point.

An example of a topic sentence :

The benefits of education abroad are almost innumerable, prominent examples being gaining new knowledge, making friends with people who have different mindsets, and discovering new cultures.

An example of a concluding sentence:

Participants of student exchange programs usually return more driven and eager to develop both themselves and their country.

A conclusion plays a critical role in understanding the entire paper. It summarizes the body and leaves the final impression. Besides, it may push the readers on further investigation of the issue.

  • To make your argumentative essay conclusion powerful, it is not enough just to summarize the arguments. It has to synthesize your ideas and show the connection between them. In other words, your points should be summarized and analyzed.
  • Moreover, a conclusion refers to the thesis statement . A mere restatement of the central idea is not the most successful way of finishing your paper. You should try to develop it to demonstrate the reason you’ve written the previous paragraphs.

One more tip:

  • Give the audience an incentive to explore the topic more in-depth. Insert the questions for further investigation at the end of your essay. It would play a significant role in making an impressive conclusion.

To sum up, studying abroad is beneficial as it helps a person evolve and perceive a world from new perspectives. It is an opportunity for a participant to explore the world, meet new people, gain valuable knowledge and experience, and broaden their horizons. Education abroad might pose problems like homesickness, loneliness, and trouble with getting accustomed to a new environment. However, all of them can be easily overcome if a student is flexible and eager to become autonomous and independent.

The list of references is a crucial part of any argumentative essay. It should contain all the sources the writer uses in the paper.

Before organizing your reference list , double-check your argumentative essay format. Is it written in MLA, APA, or maybe in Chicago style? How many references does the professor expect you to include? What kind of sources are you required to use?

After figuring out these issues, move to the format requirements of the writing style you use for your paper. The most popular ones are APA (7th edition), MLA, and ChicagoAD (author-date) styles. Below, you can find the examples of a reference for the same book in different formatting styles.

Did you develop a good outline? Congratulations! You are almost done with the essay. Now, you need to fill in the blanks and create a final version of your paper. Here is where you need to demonstrate a high level of your writing skills.

  • Make sure your paper has no logical fallacies. Information from an untrustworthy source, a hasty generalization, or a false conclusion may put your reliability as an author under threat. So double-check all the data you include in your essay. Moreover, make sure all your statements are well-developed and supported by valid evidence.
  • Check your argumentative essay structure . All the arguments should refer to the thesis statement and must be presented in the logical sequence. The supporting evidence and examples have to be inserted in the text logically, according to the arguments.
  • Pay enough attention to the citations. References and in-text citations are incredibly tricky. Always check every detail according to your essay format. If you are unsure of specific issues, refer to a citation guide and make your paper free of formatting mistakes.
  • Ensure the coherence of your argumentative essay. Often, the paper’s material seems raw only because it is presented without a logical connection. To ensure a smooth connection between the ideas, use transitions between the paragraphs and linking words inside them. Insert them in the text to connect the points. As a result, you will have a coherent essay with the logical flow of the arguments.

A list of linking words for an argumentative essay.

The final step of your writing process is editing and proofreading. Although it is not that energy and time consuming, it still plays a critical role in the work’s success.

While writing your argumentative paper, plan your time accordingly. This will provide you with an opportunity to polish your essay before submitting it. And take a look at our checklist and always use it to improve your papers:

  • NO first and second person. Use only the third person in your argumentative essay. It is a general requirement for any kind of academic paper.
  • NO slang. The word choice is an essential part of the essay writing process. Ensure you use only formal vocabulary and avoid using informal language (jargon, slang, etc.).
  • NO unchecked words. Sometimes, words can raise questions and lead to misunderstandings. If you are unsure whether the term is used appropriately, double-check its meaning or replace it with another.
  • NO plagiarism. While proofreading, make sure your citations are either properly paraphrased or taken in quotation marks. You can change the sentence structure to avoid plagiarism.
  • NO minor mistakes. Grammar, spelling, punctuation play a crucial role. Want to make your paper look professional? Make sure it is free of minor mistakes then.

Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should student-athletes benefit from sports?  
  • Do celebrities really have influence on people behavior?  
  • Will decriminalization of drugs increase drug menace?  
  • Does social and environmental reporting promote organizations’ financial success? 
  • Should online learning be promoted?  
  • Can space exploration resolve human problems?  
  • Is success really the outcome of hard work? 
  • Is there discrimination against women in sports?   
  • Will banning tobacco sales promote public health?  
  • Is euthanasia a clemency?  
  • Should college education be free and accessible for every student?  
  • Should football be banned for being too dangerous?  
  • Is it time to change social norms?  
  • Should public servants’ strikes be prohibited?  
  • Does media create a negative image of ageing and older people?  
  • Is capitalism the best economic system?  
  • Can children under 18 make an appropriate decision on getting tattoo ?  
  • Should net neutrality be protected?  
  • Can an improper use of social media provoke a family crisis?  
  • Is it right to use animals in biomedical research ?  
  • Does the climate change affect our indoor environment? 
  • Are children’s crimes a result of poor parenting?  
  • Should health care be universal? 
  • Does the increased use of technology hurt students’ efficiency? 
  • Is transformative education a key to the system modernization?  
  • Why should patients have access to truthful information?  
  • How does language barrier affect health care access?  
  • Would allowing adoption by same-sex couples benefit the country’s child welfare system? 
  • Is spanking children a proper way to improve their behavior?  
  • Does gun control law lowers crime rates?  
  • Will ban on spamming improve users’ internet experience?  
  • Should behavior be made illegal because it’s immoral?  
  • Is globalization really a progress?  
  • Does aid to developing countries bring more harm than good?  
  • Can parents improve children mental health by restricting internet use ?  
  • Is trusting our senses the best way to get the truth?  
  • Why parents should not have the right to choose their children based on genetics.  
  • Is college education really worth it? 
  • Will wearing a body camera by police officer enhance public trust?    
  • Immigration : a benefit or a threat?  
  • Is it a duty of adult children to take care of their elderly parents?  
  • Should abortions be legal? 
  • Are agents an integral part of professional sports?  
  • Will ban of cellphones while driving decrease the car accident rates? 
  • Should marijuana be legal for medical use?  
  • Is veganism diet universally beneficial?  
  • Should museums return artefacts?  
  • Is water birth beneficial for women’s health?  
  • Will paying people to stay healthy benefit the nation in the long-term perspective?  
  • Is obesity a disease or a choice?  

It is up to you to decide how many parts to include in your essay. However, the 5 paragraph structure is the most appropriate model for an argumentative paper. So, write an introduction, a conclusion, and three body paragraphs.

The pronoun “you” is acceptable for informal writing. Yet, in academic papers, avoid using the second person. The same situation is with the first person. Generally, academic papers require the use of the third person.

A hook aims to grab the readers’ attention. Thus, you could start your essay with an interesting fact about your issue. Another way to create a catchy hook is to prove the audience the relatability of your topic. Make the readers want to explore your essay by demonstrating the significance of your issue.

Yes, you can. A question might become a compelling hook. Just make sure that it is profound, thought-provocative, and concise. A too broad or complicated question will only confuse your readers.

A title is an essential part of the essay since it causes the first impression. While selecting a heading, take into consideration the following points:

1. The title must be catchy.

2. It has to be not too long (5-12 words).

3. The title has to reflect the topic of the paper.

4. It should not be too complicated: the simpler – the better.

Thank you for visiting our page! We hope the information was helpful and insightful. Do you have friends who seek help with writing an argumentative essay? Share our article with them. And don’t forget to leave your comments!

  • Sample Argument Essays: Mesa Community College
  • Argument: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Tips on How to Write an Argumentative Essay: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • Tips for Organizing an Argumentative Essay: Judith L., Beumer Writing Center, Valparaiso University
  • Argumentative Essay: Oya Ozagac, Bogazici University, Online Writing Lab
  • Argumentative Essays: Purdue Online Writing Lab, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University
  • How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step: Virginia Kearney, Owlcation
  • Counterargument: Gordon Harvey for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Basic Steps in the Research Process: North Hennepin Community College, Minnesota
  • How to Recognize Plagiarism, Overview: School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington
  • 15 Steps to Good Research: Georgetown University Library
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8.7: Tips for Writing Academic Persuasive Essays

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The previous chapters in this section offer an overview of what it means to formulate an argument in an academic situation. The purpose of this chapter is to offer more concrete, actionable tips for drafting an academic persuasive essay. Keep in mind that preparing to draft a persuasive essay relies on the strategies for any other thesis-driven essay, covered by the section in this textbook, The Writing Process. The following chapters can be read in concert with this one:

  • Critical Reading and other research strategies helps writers identify the exigence (issue) that demands a response, as well as what kinds of research to use.
  • Generate Ideas covers prewriting models (such as brainstorming techniques) that allow students to make interesting connections and develop comprehensive thesis statements. These connections and main points will allow a writer to outline their core argument.
  • Organizing is important for understanding why an argument essay needs a detailed plan, before the drafting stage. For an argument essay, start with a basic outline that identifies the claim, reasoning, and evidence, but be prepared to develop more detailed outlines that include counterarguments and rebuttals, warrants, additional backing, etc., as needed.
  • Drafting introduces students to basic compositional strategies that they must be familiar with before beginning an argument essay. This current chapter offers more details about what kinds of paragraphs to practice in an argument essay, but it assumes the writer is familiar with basic strategies such as coherence and cohesion.

Classical structure of an argument essay

Academic persuasive essays tend to follow what’s known as the “classical” structure, based on techniques that derive from ancient Roman and Medieval rhetoricians. John D. Ramage, et. al outline this structure in Writing Arguments :

This very detailed table can be simplified. Most academic persuasive essays include the following basic elements:

  • Introduction that explains why the situation is important and presents your argument (aka the claim or thesis).
  • Reasons the thesis is correct or at least reasonable.
  • Evidence that supports each reason, often occurring right after the reason the evidence supports.
  • Acknowledgement of objections.
  • Response to objections.

Keep in mind that the structure above is just a conventional starting point. The previous chapters of this section suggest how different kinds of arguments (Classical/Aristotelian, Toulmin, Rogerian) involve slightly different approaches, and your course, instructor, and specific assignment prompt may include its own specific instructions on how to complete the assignment. There are many different variations. At the same time, however, most academic argumentative/persuasive essays expect you to practice the techniques mentioned below. These tips overlap with the elements of argumentation, covered in that chapter, but they offer more explicit examples for how they might look in paragraph form, beginning with the introduction to your essay.

Persuasive introductions should move from context to thesis

Since one of the main goals of a persuasive essay introduction is to forecast the broader argument, it’s important to keep in mind that the legibility of the argument depends on the ability of the writer to provide sufficient information to the reader. If a basic high school essay moves from general topic to specific argument (the funnel technique), a more sophisticated academic persuasive essay is more likely to move from context to thesis.

The great stylist of clear writing, Joseph W. Williams, suggests that one of the key rhetorical moves a writer can make in a persuasive introduction is to not only provide enough background information (the context), but to frame that information in terms of a problem or issue, what the section on Reading and Writing Rhetorically terms the exigence . The ability to present a clearly defined problem and then the thesis as a solution creates a motivating introduction. The reader is more likely to be gripped by it, because we naturally want to see problems solved.

Consider these two persuasive introductions, both of which end with an argumentative thesis statement:

A. In America we often hold to the belief that our country is steadily progressing. topic This is a place where dreams come true. With enough hard work, we tell ourselves (and our children), we can do anything. I argue that, when progress is more carefully defined, our current period is actually one of decline. claim

B . Two years ago my dad developed Type 2 diabetes, and the doctors explained to him that it was due in large part to his heavy consumption of sugar. For him, the primary form of sugar consumption was soda. hook His experience is echoed by millions of Americans today. According to the most recent research, “Sugary drink portion sizes have risen dramatically over the past forty years, and children and adults are drinking more soft drinks than ever,” while two out of three adults in the United States are now considered either overweight or obese. This statistic correlates with reduced life expectancy by many years. Studies have shown that those who are overweight in this generation will live a lot fewer years than those who are already elderly. And those consumers who don’t become overweight remain at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes (like my dad), known as one of the most serious global health concerns (“Sugary Drinks and Obesity Fact Sheet”). problem In response to this problem, some political journalists, such as Alexandra Le Tellier, argue that sodas should be banned. On the opposite end of the political spectrum, politically conservative journalists such as Ernest Istook argue that absolutely nothing should be done because that would interfere with consumer freedom. debate I suggest something in between: a “soda tax,” which would balance concerns over the public welfare with concerns over consumer freedom. claim

Example B feels richer, more dramatic, and much more targeted not only because it’s longer, but because it’s structured in a “motivating” way. Here’s an outline of that structure:

  • Hook: It opens with a brief hook that illustrates an emerging issue. This concrete, personal anecdote grips the reader’s attention.
  • Problem: The anecdote is connected with the emerging issue, phrased as a problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Debate: The writer briefly alludes to a debate over how to respond to the problem.
  • Claim: The introduction ends by hinting at how the writer intends to address the problem, and it’s phrased conversationally, as part of an ongoing dialogue.

Not every persuasive introduction needs all of these elements. Not all introductions will have an obvious problem. Sometimes a “problem,” or the exigence, will be as subtle as an ambiguity in a text that needs to be cleared up (as in literary analysis essays). Other times it will indeed be an obvious problem, such as in a problem-solution argument essay.

In most cases, however, a clear introduction will proceed from context to thesis . The most attention-grabbing and motivating introductions will also include things like hooks and problem-oriented issues.

Here’s a very simple and streamlined template that can serve as rudimentary scaffolding for a persuasive introduction, inspired by the excellent book, They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing : Definition: Term

In discussions of __________, an emerging issue is _____________________. issue When addressing this issue, some experts suggest ________________. debate In my view, however, _______________________________. claim

Each aspect of the template will need to be developed, but it can serve as training wheels for how to craft a nicely structured context-to-thesis introduction, including things like an issue, debate, and claim. You can try filling in the blanks below, and then export your attempt as a document.

Define key terms, as needed

Much of an academic persuasive essay is dedicated to supporting the claim. A traditional thesis-driven essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion, and the support constitutes much of the body. In a persuasive essay, most of the support is dedicated to reasoning and evidence (more on that below). However, depending on what your claim does, a careful writer may dedicate the beginning (or other parts of the essay body) to defining key terms.

Suppose I wish to construct an argument that enters the debate over euthanasia. When researching the issue, I notice that much of the debate circles around the notion of rights, specifically what a “legal right” actually means. Clearly defining that term will help reduce some of the confusion and clarify my own argument. In Vancouver Island University’s resource “ Defining key terms ,” Ian Johnston offers this example for how to define “legal right” for an academic reader:

Before discussing the notion of a right to die, we need to clarify precisely what the term legal right means. In common language, the term “right” tends often to mean something good, something people ought to have (e.g., a right to a good home, a right to a meaningful job, and so on). In law, however, the term has a much more specific meaning. It refers to something to which people are legally entitled. Thus, a “legal” right also confers a legal obligation on someone or some institution to make sure the right is conferred. For instance, in Canada, children of a certain age have a right to a free public education. This right confers on society the obligation to provide that education, and society cannot refuse without breaking the law. Hence, when we use the term right to die in a legal sense, we are describing something to which a citizen is legally entitled, and we are insisting that someone in society has an obligation to provide the services which will confer that right on anyone who wants it.

As the example above shows, academics often dedicate space to providing nuanced and technical definitions that correct common misconceptions. Johnston’s definition relies on research, but it’s not always necessary to use research to define your terms. Here are some tips for crafting definitions in persuasive essays, from “Defining key terms”:

  • Fit the descriptive detail in the definition to the knowledge of the intended audience. The definition of, say, AIDS for a general readership will be different from the definition for a group of doctors (the latter will be much more technical). It often helps to distinguish between common sense or popular definitions and more technical ones.
  • Make sure definitions are full and complete; do not rush them unduly. And do not assume that just because the term is quite common that everyone knows just what it means (e.g., alcoholism ). If you are using the term in a very specific sense, then let the reader know what that is. The amount of detail you include in a definition should cover what is essential for the reader to know, in order to follow the argument. By the same token, do not overload the definition, providing too much detail or using far too technical a language for those who will be reading the essay.
  • It’s unhelpful to simply quote the google or definition of a word. Dictionaries contain a few or several definitions for important terms, and the correct definition is informed by the context in which it’s being employed. It’s up to the writer to explain that context and how the word is usually understood within it.
  • You do not always need to research a definition. Depending on the writing situation and audience, you may be able to develop your own understanding of certain terms.

Use P-E-A-S or M-E-A-L to support your claim

The heart of a persuasive essay is a claim supported by reasoning and evidence. Thus, much of the essay body is often devoted to the supporting reasons, which in turn are proved by evidence. One of the formulas commonly taught in K-12 and even college writing programs is known as PEAS, which overlaps strongly with the MEAL formula introduced by the chapter, “ Basic Integration “:

Point : State the reasoning as a single point: “One reason why a soda tax would be effective is that…” or “One way an individual can control their happiness is by…”

Evidence : After stating the supporting reason, prove that reason with related evidence. There can be more than one piece of evidence. “According to …” or “In the article, ‘…,’ the author shows that …”

Analysis : There a different levels of analysis. At the most basic level, a writer should clearly explain how the evidence proves the point, in their own words: “In other words…,” “What this data shows is that…” Sometimes the “A” part of PEAS becomes simple paraphrasing. Higher-level analysis will use more sophisticated techniques such as Toulmin’s warrants to explore deeper terrain. For more tips on how to discuss and analyze, refer to the previous chapter’s section, “ Analyze and discuss the evidence .”

Summary/So what? : Tie together all of the components (PEA) succinctly, before transitioning to the next idea. If necessary, remind the reader how the evidence and reasoning relates to the broader claim (the thesis argument).

PEAS and MEAL are very similar; in fact they are identical except for how they refer to the first and last part. In theory, it shouldn’t matter which acronym you choose. Both versions are effective because they translate the basic structure of a supporting reason (reasoning and evidence) into paragraph form.

Here’s an example of a PEAS paragraph in an academic persuasive essay that argues for a soda tax:

A soda tax would also provide more revenue for the federal government, thereby reducing its debt. point Despite Ernest Istook’s concerns about eroding American freedom, the United States has long supported the ability of government to leverage taxes in order to both curb unhealthy lifestyles and add revenue. According to Peter Ubel’s “Would the Founding Fathers Approve of a Sugar Tax?”, in 1791 the US government was heavily in debt and needed stable revenue. In response, the federal government taxed what most people viewed as a “sin” at that time: alcohol. This single tax increased government revenue by at least 20% on average, and in some years more than 40% . The effect was that only the people who really wanted alcohol purchased it, and those who could no longer afford it were getting rid of what they already viewed as a bad habit (Ubel). evidence Just as alcohol (and later, cigarettes) was viewed as a superfluous “sin” in the Early Republic, so today do many health experts and an increasing amount of Americans view sugar as extremely unhealthy, even addictive. If our society accepts taxes on other consumer sins as a way to improve government revenue, a tax on sugar is entirely consistent. analysis We could apply this to the soda tax and try to do something like this to help knock out two problems at once: help people lose their addiction towards soda and help reduce our government’s debt. summary/so what?

The paragraph above was written by a student who was taught the PEAS formula. However, we can see versions of this formula in professional writing. Here’s a more sophisticated example of PEAS, this time from a non-academic article. In Nicholas Carr’s extremely popular article, “ Is Google Making Us Stupid? “, he argues that Google is altering how we think. To prove that broader claim, Carr offers a variety of reasons and evidence. Here’s part of his reasoning:

Thanks to the ubiquity of text on the Internet, not to mention the popularity of text-messaging on cell phones, we may well be reading more today than we did in the 1970s or 1980s, when television was our medium of choice. But it’s a different kind of reading, and behind it lies a different kind of thinking—perhaps even a new sense of the self. point “We are not only what we read,” says Maryanne Wolf, a developmental psychologist at Tufts University and the author of Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain . “We are how we read.” Wolf worries that the style of reading promoted by the Net, a style that puts “efficiency” and “immediacy” above all else, may be weakening our capacity for the kind of deep reading that emerged when an earlier technology, the printing press, made long and complex works of prose commonplace. When we read online, she says, we tend to become “mere decoders of information.” evidence Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged. analysis

This excerpt only contains the first three elements, PEA, and the analysis part is very brief (it’s more like paraphrase), but it shows how professional writers often employ some version of the formula. It tends to appear in persuasive texts written by experienced writers because it reinforces writing techniques mentioned elsewhere in this textbook. A block of text structured according to PEA will practice coherence, because opening with a point (P) forecasts the main idea of that section. Embedding the evidence (E) within a topic sentence and follow-up commentary or analysis (A) is part of the “quote sandwich” strategy we cover in the section on “Writing With Sources.”

Use “they say / i say” strategies for Counterarguments and rebuttals

Another element that’s unique to persuasive essays is embedding a counterargument. Sometimes called naysayers or opposing positions, counterarguments are points of view that challenge our own.

Why embed a naysayer?

Recall above how a helpful strategy for beginning a persuasive essay (the introduction) is to briefly mention a debate—what some writing textbooks call “joining the conversation.” Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein’s They Say / I Say explains why engaging other points of view is so crucial:

Not long ago we attended a talk at an academic conference where the speaker’s central claim seemed to be that a certain sociologist—call him Dr. X—had done very good work in a number of areas of the discipline. The speaker proceeded to illustrate his thesis by referring extensively and in great detail to various books and articles by Dr. X and by quoting long pas-sages from them. The speaker was obviously both learned and impassioned, but as we listened to his talk we found ourselves somewhat puzzled: the argument—that Dr. X’s work was very important—was clear enough, but why did the speaker need to make it in the first place? Did anyone dispute it? Were there commentators in the field who had argued against X’s work or challenged its value? Was the speaker’s interpretation of what X had done somehow novel or revolutionary? Since the speaker gave no hint of an answer to any of these questions, we could only wonder why he was going on and on about X. It was only after the speaker finished and took questions from the audience that we got a clue: in response to one questioner, he referred to several critics who had vigorously questioned Dr. X’s ideas and convinced many sociologists that Dr. X’s work was unsound.

When writing for an academic audience, one of the most important moves a writer can make is to demonstrate how their ideas compare to others. It serves as part of the context. Your essay might be offering a highly original solution to a certain problem you’ve researched the entire semester, but the reader will only understand that if existing arguments are presented in your draft. Or, on the other hand, you might be synthesizing or connecting a variety of opinions in order to arrive at a more comprehensive solution. That’s also fine, but the creativity of your synthesis and its unique contribution to existing research will only be known if those other voices are included.

Aristotelian argumentation embeds counterarguments in order to refute them. Rogerian arguments present oppositional stances in order to synthesize and integrate them. No matter what your strategy is, the essay should be conversational.

Notice how Ana Mari Cauce opens her essay on free speech in higher education, “ Messy but Essential “:

Over the past year or two, issues surrounding the exercise of free speech and expression have come to the forefront at colleges around the country. The common narrative about free speech issues that we so often read goes something like this: today’s college students — overprotected and coddled by parents, poorly educated in high school and exposed to primarily left-leaning faculty — have become soft “snowflakes” who are easily offended by mere words and the slightest of insults, unable or unwilling to tolerate opinions that veer away from some politically correct orthodoxy and unable to engage in hard-hitting debate. counterargument

This is false in so many ways, and even insulting when you consider the reality of students’ experiences today. claim

The introduction to her article is essentially a counteragument (which serves as her introductory context) followed by a response. Embedding naysayers like this can appear anywhere in an essay, not just the introduction. Notice, furthermore, how Cauce’s naysayer isn’t gleaned from any research she did. It’s just a general, trendy naysayer, something one might hear nowadays, in the ether. It shows she’s attuned to an ongoing conversation, but it doesn’t require her to cite anything specific. As the previous chapter on using rhetorical appeals in arguments explained, this kind of attunement with an emerging problem (or exigence) is known as the appeal to kairos . A compelling, engaging introduction will demonstrate that the argument “kairotically” addresses a pressing concern.

Below is a brief overview of what counterarguments are and how you might respond to them in your arguments. This section was developed by Robin Jeffrey, in “ Counterargument and Response “:

Common Types of counterarguments

  • Could someone disagree with your claim? If so, why? Explain this opposing perspective in your own argument, and then respond to it.
  • Could someone draw a different conclusion from any of the facts or examples you present? If so, what is that different conclusion? Explain this different conclusion and then respond to it.
  • Could a reader question any of your assumptions or claims? If so, which ones would they question? Explain and then respond.
  • Could a reader offer a different explanation of an issue? If so, what might their explanation be? Describe this different explanation, and then respond to it.
  • Is there any evidence out there that could weaken your position? If so, what is it? Cite and discuss this evidence and then respond to it.

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, that does not necessarily mean that you have a weak argument. It means, ideally and as long as your argument is logical and valid, that you have a counterargument. Good arguments can and do have counterarguments; it is important to discuss them. But you must also discuss and then respond to those counterarguments.

Responding to counterarguments

You do not need to attempt to do all of these things as a way to respond; instead, choose the response strategy that makes the most sense to you, for the counterargument that you have.

  • If you agree with some of the counterargument perspectives, you can concede some of their points. (“I do agree that ….”, “Some of the points made by ____ are valid…..”) You could then challenge the importance/usefulness of those points. “However, this information does not apply to our topic because…”
  • If the counterargument perspective is one that contains different evidence than you have in your own argument, you can explain why a reader should not accept the evidence that the counterarguer presents.
  • If the counterargument perspective is one that contains a different interpretation of evidence than you have in your own argument, you can explain why a reader should not accept the interpretation of the evidence that that your opponent (counterarguer) presents.
  • If the counterargument is an acknowledgement of evidence that threatens to weaken your argument, you must explain why and how that evidence does not, in fact invalidate your claim.

It is important to use transitional phrases in your paper to alert readers when you’re about to present an counterargument. It’s usually best to put this phrase at the beginning of a paragraph such as:

  • Researchers have challenged these claims with…
  • Critics argue that this view…
  • Some readers may point to…
  • A perspective that challenges the idea that . . .

Transitional phrases will again be useful to highlight your shift from counterargument to response:

  • Indeed, some of those points are valid. However, . . .
  • While I agree that . . . , it is more important to consider . . .
  • These are all compelling points. Still, other information suggests that . .
  • While I understand . . . , I cannot accept the evidence because . . .

Further reading

To read more about the importance of counterarguments in academic writing, read Steven D. Krause’s “ On the Other Hand: The Role of Antithetical Writing in First Year Composition Courses .”

When concluding, address the “so what?” challenge

As Joseph W. Williams mentions in his chapter on concluding persuasive essays in Style ,

a good introduction motivates your readers to keep reading, introduces your key themes, and states your main point … [but] a good conclusion serves a different end: as the last thing your reader reads, it should bring together your point, its significance, and its implications for thinking further about the ideas your explored.

At the very least, a good persuasive conclusion will

  • Summarize the main points
  • Address the So what? or Now what? challenge.

When summarizing the main points of longer essays, Williams suggests it’s fine to use “metadiscourse,” such as, “I have argued that.” If the essay is short enough, however, such metadiscourses may not be necessary, since the reader will already have those ideas fresh in their mind.

After summarizing your essay’s main points, imagine a friendly reader thinking,

“OK, I’m persuaded and entertained by everything you’ve laid out in your essay. But remind me what’s so important about these ideas? What are the implications? What kind of impact do you expect your ideas to have? Do you expect something to change?”

It’s sometimes appropriate to offer brief action points, based on the implications of your essay. When addressing the “So what?” challenge, however, it’s important to first consider whether your essay is primarily targeted towards changing the way people think or act . Do you expect the audience to do something, based on what you’ve argued in your essay? Or, do you expect the audience to think differently? Traditional academic essays tend to propose changes in how the reader thinks more than acts, but your essay may do both.

Finally, Williams suggests that it’s sometimes appropriate to end a persuasive essay with an anecdote, illustrative fact, or key quote that emphasizes the significance of the argument. We can see a good example of this in Carr’s article, “ Is Google Making Us Stupid? ” Here are the introduction and conclusion, side-by-side: Definition: Term

[Introduction] “Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave?” So the supercomputer HAL pleads with the implacable astronaut Dave Bowman in a famous and weirdly poignant scene toward the end of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey . Bowman, having nearly been sent to a deep-space death by the malfunctioning machine, is calmly, coldly disconnecting the memory circuits that control its artificial “ brain. “Dave, my mind is going,” HAL says, forlornly. “I can feel it. I can feel it.”

I can feel it, too. Over the past few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory. …

[Conclusion] I’m haunted by that scene in 2001 . What makes it so poignant, and so weird, is the computer’s emotional response to the disassembly of its mind: its despair as one circuit after another goes dark, its childlike pleading with the astronaut—“I can feel it. I can feel it. I’m afraid”—and its final reversion to what can only be called a state of innocence. HAL’s outpouring of feeling contrasts with the emotionlessness that characterizes the human figures in the film, who go about their business with an almost robotic efficiency. Their thoughts and actions feel scripted, as if they’re following the steps of an algorithm. In the world of 2001 , people have become so machinelike that the most human character turns out to be a machine. That’s the essence of Kubrick’s dark prophecy: as we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence.

Instead of merely rehashing all of the article’s main points, Carr returns to the same movie scene from 2001 that he opened with. The final lines interpret the scene according to the argument he just dedicated the entire essay to presenting.

The entire essay should use rhetorical appeals strategically

The chapter “ Persuasive Appeals ” introduces students to logos, pathos, ethos, and kairos. Becoming familiar with each of those persuasive appeals can add much to an essay. It also reinforces the idea that writing argumentative essays is not a straightforward process of jotting down proofs. It’s not a computer algorithm.

  • Logos (appeals to evidence and reasoning) is the foundational appeal of an argument essay. Clearly identifying the claim, then supporting that claim with reasoning and evidence will appeal to the reader’s logos demands. As the previous chapter on argumentation mentions, however, what constitutes solid evidence will vary depending on the audience. Make sure your evidence is indeed convincing to your intended reader.
  • Pathos (appeals to emotion) are a crucial component and should permeate should every section of the essay. Personal anecdotes are an effective way to illustrate important ideas, and they connect with the reader at an emotional level. Personal examples also cultivate voice .
  • Ethos (appeals to character, image, and values) is essential to gaining the reader’s trust and assent. The tone of your essay (snarky, sincere, ironic, sarcastic, empathetic) is immensely important for its overall effect, and it helps build the reader’s image of you. A careful attention to high-quality research reinforces a sincere and empathetic tone. When supporting certain claims and sub-claims, it’s also important to identify implied beliefs (warrants) that your reader is most likely to agree with, and to undermine beliefs that might seem repugnant.
  • Kairos (appeals to timeliness) impresses the reader with your attunement to the situation. This should be practiced especially in the introduction, but it can appear throughout the essay as you engage with research and other voices that have recently weighed in on the topic.

All of these appeals are already happening, whether or not they’re recognized. If they are missed, the audience will often use them against you, judging your essay as not being personable enough (pathos), or not in touch with commonly accepted values (ethos), or out of touch with what’s going on (kairos). These non-logical appeals aren’t irrational. They are crucial components to writing that matters.

Argument Outline Exercise

To get started on your argument essay, practice adopting from of the outlines from this Persuasive Essay Outline worksheet .

Kiel Verki Esploran Paperon

Kiel Verki Esploran Paperon 

  • Redakcia Teamo de Smodin
  • Ĝisdatigita: Eble 17, 2024

Plej multaj studentoj malamas verki esplorajn artikolojn. La procezo ofte povas sentiĝi longa, teda, kaj foje tute enuiga. Tamen, ĉi tiuj taskoj estas esencaj por la akademia vojaĝo de studento. Ĉu vi volas lerni kiel verki esploran artikolon, kiu kaptas la profundon de la temo kaj konservas la intereson de la leganto? Se jes, ĉi tiu gvidilo estas por vi.

Hodiaŭ, ni montros al vi kiel kunmeti bone organizitan esploran paperon por helpi vin fari la gradon. Vi povas transformi ajnan temon en konvinkan esploran paperon kun pripensema aliro al via esplorado kaj persvada argumento.

En ĉi tiu gvidilo, ni provizos sep simplajn sed praktikajn konsiletojn por helpi senmistifiki la procezon kaj gvidi vin sur via vojo. Ni ankaŭ klarigos kiel AI-iloj povas akceli la esploradon kaj skriban procezon por ke vi povu koncentriĝi pri kritika pensado.

Antaŭ la fino de ĉi tiu artikolo, vi havos klaran vojmapon por trakti ĉi tiujn eseojn. Vi ankaŭ lernos kiel trakti ilin rapide kaj efike. Kun tempo kaj sindediĉo, vi baldaŭ regos la arton de esplorpapera verkado.

Preta por komenci?

Kio Estas Esplora Papero?

Esplora artikolo estas ampleksa eseo, kiu donas detalan analizon, interpreton aŭ argumenton bazitan sur via propra sendependa esplorado. En pli altnivelaj akademiaj agordoj, ĝi preterpasas simplan resumon kaj inkluzivas profundan enketon pri la temo aŭ temoj.

La esprimo "esplorpapero" estas larĝa esprimo kiu povas esti aplikita al multaj malsamaj formoj de akademia skribo. La celo estas kombini viajn pensojn kun la trovoj de kolega reviziita scienca literaturo.

Kiam via eseo estas farita, vi devus esti provizinta vian leganton per nova perspektivo aŭ defii ekzistantajn trovojn. Ĉi tio pruvas vian majstradon de la temo kaj kontribuas al daŭraj sciencaj debatoj.

7 Konsiletoj por Skribi Esploran Paperon

Ofte, komenci estas la plej malfacila parto de esplora artikolo. Dum la procezo povas ŝajni malkuraĝiga, malkonstrui ĝin en regeblajn paŝojn povas faciligi ĝin administri. La jenaj estas sep konsiletoj por eltiri viajn ideojn el via kapo kaj sur la paĝon.

1. Komprenu Vian Taskon

Ĝi povas soni simple, sed la unua paŝo por verki sukcesan esploran artikolon estas legi la taskon. Sidiĝu, prenu kelkajn momentojn de via tempo kaj trarigardu la instrukciojn por ke vi plene komprenu vian taskon.

Misinterpreti la taskon povas ne nur kaŭzi gravan malŝparon de tempo sed ankaŭ influi vian noton. Ne gravas kiom pacienca via instruisto aŭ profesoro povas esti, ignori bazajn instrukciojn ofte estas nepardonebla.

Se vi legas la instrukciojn kaj ankoraŭ estas konfuzita, petu klarigon antaŭ ol komenci skribi. Se tio estas neebla, vi povas uzi ilojn kiel La AI-babilejo de Smodin helpi. Smodin povas helpi reliefigi kritikajn postulojn, kiujn vi povas preteratenti.

Ĉi tiu komenca investo certigas, ke ĉiuj viaj estontaj klopodoj estos koncentritaj kaj efikaj. Memoru, pensi estas same grava kiel efektive skribi la eseon, kaj ĝi ankaŭ povas pavimi la ondon por pli glata skribprocezo.

2. Kolektu Esplormaterialojn

Nun venas la amuza parto: fari la esploron. Dum vi kolektas esplormaterialojn, ĉiam uzu kredindajn fontojn, kiel akademiajn ĵurnalojn aŭ recenzitajn artikolojn. Uzu nur serĉilojn, kiuj filtras por akredititaj fontoj kaj akademiaj datumbazoj, por ke vi povu certigi, ke via informo estas fidinda.

Por optimumigi vian tempon, vi devas lerni regi la arton de skimming. Se fonto ŝajnas grava kaj valora, konservu ĝin kaj reviziu ĝin poste. La lasta afero, kiun vi volas fari, estas malŝpari tempon pri materialo, kiu ne faros ĝin en la finan paperon.

Por akceli la procezon eĉ pli, konsideru uzi La AI-resumigilo de Smodin . Ĉi tiu ilo povas helpi resumi grandajn tekstojn, elstarigante ŝlosilajn informojn rilatajn al via temo. Sisteme kolektante kaj arkivante esplormaterialojn frue en la skribprocezo, vi konstruas fortan fundamenton por via tezo.

3. Skribu Vian Tezon

Krei solidan tezdeklaron estas la plej grava afero, kiun vi povas fari por alporti strukturon kaj fokuson al via esplora papero. Via tezo devus esprimi la ĉefan punkton de via argumento per unu aŭ du simplaj frazoj. Memoru, kiam vi kreas vian tezon, vi fiksas la tonon kaj direkton por la tuta papero.

Kompreneble, vi ne povas simple eltiri venkan tezon el la aero. Komencu cerbumante eblajn tezajn ideojn bazitajn sur via prepara esplorado. Kaj ne tropripensu aferojn; foje, la plej rektaj ideoj ofte estas la plej bonaj.

Vi volas tezon sufiĉe specifan por esti regebla en la amplekso de via artikolo sed sufiĉe larĝa por permesi unikan diskuton. Via tezo devus defii ekzistantajn atendojn kaj provizi la leganton per freŝaj komprenoj pri la temo. Uzu vian tezon por kapti la leganton en la komenca alineo kaj konservi ilin engaĝitaj ĝis la lasta vorto.

4. Skribu Vian Skizon

Skizo estas ofte preteratentita sed esenca ilo por organizi viajn pensojn kaj strukturi vian paperon. Multaj studentoj preterlasas la skizon ĉar ĝi sentas kiel fari duoblan laboron, sed forta skizo ŝparos al vi laboron longtempe.

Jen kiel efike strukturi vian skizon.

  • Enkonduko: Listigu vian tezdeklaron kaj skizu la ĉefajn demandojn, kiujn via eseo respondos.
  • Literatura Recenzo: Skizu ​​la ŝlosilan literaturon, kiun vi planas diskuti kaj klarigu kiel ĝi rilatos al via tezo.
  • Metodiko: Klarigu la esplormetodojn, kiujn vi uzos por kolekti kaj analizi la informojn.
  • Diskuto: Planu kiel vi interpretos la rezultojn kaj iliajn implicojn por via tezo.
  • konkludo: Resumu la supran enhavon por plene klarigi vian tezon.

Por plie simpligi ĉi tiun procezon, konsideru uzi La Esplorverkisto de Smodin. Ĉi tiu ilo ofertas funkcion, kiu permesas vin generi kaj ĝustigi skizon laŭ via plaĉo laŭ la komenca enigo, kiun vi provizas. Vi povas ĝustigi ĉi tiun skizon por pli bone konveni viajn esplorajn rezultojn kaj certigi, ke via artikolo restas bone organizita kaj fokusita.

5. Skribu Malneton

Post kiam via skizo estas en loko, vi povas komenci la skriban procezon. Memoru, kiam vi skribas malneton, ĝi ne intencas esti perfekta. Anstataŭe, uzu ĝin kiel labordokumenton, kie vi povas eksperimenti kaj reordigi viajn argumentojn kaj pruvojn.

Ne tro zorgu pri gramatiko, stilo aŭ sintakso dum vi verkas vian malneton. Koncentru viajn ideojn sur paperon kaj forigu viajn tezargumentojn. Vi ĉiam povas rafini kaj rearanĝi la enhavon la venontan fojon.

Sekvu la bazan strukturon de via skizo sed kun la libereco esplori malsamajn manierojn esprimi viajn pensojn. Eseverkisto de Smodin ofertas potencan solvon por tiuj, kiuj luktas kun komenci aŭ strukturi siajn skizojn.

Post kiam vi aprobas la skizon, Smodin povas generi eseon bazitan sur viaj komencaj enigaĵoj. Ĉi tiu funkcio povas helpi vin rapide krei ampleksan skizon, kiun vi povas poste revizii kaj rafini. Vi eĉ povas uzi la potencon de AI por krei plurajn malnetojn el kiuj elekti.

6. Aldonu aŭ Subtrahi Subtenajn Indikojn

Unufoje vi havas malneton, sed antaŭ ol vi komencas la finan revizion, estas tempo fari iom da purigado. En ĉi tiu fazo, vi devas revizii ĉiujn viajn subtenajn pruvojn. Vi volas certigi, ke estas nenio superflua kaj ke vi ne preteratentis iujn decidajn detalojn.

Multaj studentoj luktas por kalkuli la bezonatan vorton por eseo kaj recurri al plenigo de sia skribaĵo per superfluaj deklaroj. Anstataŭ aldoni nenecesan enhavon, fokusu vastigi vian analizon por doni pli profundajn komprenojn.

Bona eseo, sendepende de la temo aŭ formato, devas esti simpligita. Ĝi devus transdoni klarajn, konvinkajn, trafajn informojn apogante vian tezon. Se vi trovas ke iuj informoj ne faras tion, konsideru ĝustigi viajn fontojn.

Inkluzivi diversajn fontojn, inkluzive de studoj, datumoj kaj citaĵoj de akademiuloj aŭ aliaj spertuloj. Memoru, vi ne nur plifortigas vian argumenton sed pruvas la profundon de via esplorado.

Se vi volas ampleksajn komentojn pri via eseo sen iri al skribcentro aŭ ĝeni vian profesoron, uzu Smodin. La AI Babilejo povas rigardi vian skizon kaj proponi sugestojn por plibonigo.

7. Reviziu, Citu kaj Submeti

La finaj etapoj de ellaborado de esplora artikolo implikas revizion, citaĵon kaj finan revizion. Vi devas certigi, ke via papero estas polurita, profesie prezentita kaj sen plagiato. Kompreneble, integri la AI-ilojn de Smodin povas signife plifaciligi ĉi tiun procezon kaj plibonigi la kvaliton de via fina submetaĵo.

Komencu uzante la Reskribilon de Smodin. Ĉi tiu funkcio funkciigita de AI povas helpi reformigi kaj rafini vian skizon por plibonigi ĝeneralan legeblecon. Se specifa sekcio de via eseo simple "ne sonas ĝuste", la AI povas sugesti alternativajn frazstrukturojn kaj vortelektojn.

Ĝusta citaĵo estas nepra por ĉiuj akademiaj artikoloj. Feliĉe, dankon al La Esplora Papero de Smodin app, ĉi tiu iam teda procezo estas pli facila ol iam ajn. La AI certigas, ke ĉiuj fontoj estas precize cititaj laŭ la bezonata stilgvidilo (APA, MLA, Ĉikago, ktp.).

Kontrolilo de Plagiato:

Ĉiuj studentoj devas rimarki, ke hazarda plagiato povas okazi. Tial uzi a Plagia Kontrolilo skani vian eseon antaŭ ol vi sendas ĝin ĉiam utilas. La Plagiata Kontrolilo de Smodin povas reliefigi zorgajn areojn, por ke vi povu ĝustigi laŭe.

Fina Submetiĝo

Post reviziado, reformo kaj certigado de ĉiuj citaĵoj estas en ordo, uzu La AI-Enhavo-Detektilo de Smodin doni al via papero lastan recenzon. Ĉi tiu ilo povas helpi vin analizi la ĝeneralan kvaliton kaj legeblecon de via papero, por ke vi povu fari iujn ajn finajn ĝustigojn aŭ plibonigojn.

Majstrado de Esploraj Paperoj

Majstrado de la arto de la esplora artikolo ne povas esti troigita, ĉu vi estas en mezlernejoj, kolegioj aŭ postbakalaŭraj studoj. Vi povas memfide prepari vian esploran paperon por sendado utiligante la AI-ilojn listigitajn supre.

Esploraj artikoloj helpas rafini viajn kapablojn pensi kritike kaj skribi persvade. La kapabloj, kiujn vi disvolvas ĉi tie, servos al vi multe preter la muroj de la klasĉambro. Komuniki kompleksajn ideojn klare kaj efike estas unu el la plej potencaj iloj, kiujn vi povas posedi.

Kun la progresoj de AI-iloj kiel smodin , verki esploran artikolon fariĝis pli alirebla ol iam antaŭe. Ĉi tiuj teknologioj plifaciligas la procezon de organizado, skribo kaj reviziado de via laboro. Skribu kun konfido, sciante, ke via plej bona laboro ankoraŭ venos!


  1. How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step By Step

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  2. Sample Research Argumentative Essay

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  3. How to Create an Outline for an Argumentative Paper: 7 Steps

    how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper

  4. 10+ Argumentative Essay Outline Templates

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  5. Argumentative Essay Outline Format [12 Best Examples]

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  6. 37 Outstanding Essay Outline Templates (Argumentative, Narrative

    how to write an outline for an argumentative research paper


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  5. How to write outline for research paper in 10 minutes using 🧠🖊️✨

  6. Tips for writing your Research Papers ✍🏻


  1. Structure & Outline

    The outline of an argumentative essay should include an introduction with thesis statement, 3 main body paragraphs with supporting evidence and opposing viewpoints with evidence to disprove, along with an conclusion. The example below is just a basic outline and structure. Outline: I. Introduction: tells what you are going to write about. Basic ...

  2. Argumentative Essay Outline

    The most common structure to craft an argumentative essay is as follows: 1. Argumentative Essay Introduction. The introductory paragraph introduces the main argument and provides a brief background of the argumentative essay topic you chose. Essay introductions act as a roadmap for the entire essay.

  3. How to Write an Argumentative Essay

    Make a claim. Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim. Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim) Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives. The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays.

  4. How to Write an Argumentative Essay

    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write an argumentative essay: 1. Introduction. Begin with a compelling sentence or question to grab the reader's attention. Provide context for the issue, including relevant facts, statistics, or historical background.

  5. How to Write an Essay Outline

    Expository essay outline. Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages. Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press. Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

  6. How to Write an Argumentative Research Paper (with Pictures)

    X Research source. Clustering Write a brief explanation (phrase or short sentence) of the subject of your argumentative essay on the center of a piece of paper and circle it. Then draw three or more lines extending from the circle. Write a corresponding idea at the end of each of these lines.

  7. How to write an effective outline for an argumentative essay

    How to write an outline for an argumentative essay. 1. Identify the topic. The initial step in crafting a compelling outline for your argumentative essay is to carefully choose your topic. Your choice of topic should be precise and engaging, setting the stage for the reader's expectations.


    4. Write a rough draft. Now at last you are ready to start writing your paper. Start with a short introduction paragraph and then use your outline to draft the body and conclusion. Don't forget to begin each paragraph in the body with a topic sentence that conveys the main argument of that paragraph.

  9. How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

    When you're writing a persuasive essay, you need more than just an opinion to make your voice heard. Even the strongest stance won't be compelling if it's not structured properly and reinforced with solid reasoning and evidence. Learn what elements every argumentative essay should include and how to structure it depending on your audience in this easy step-by-step guide.

  10. What is an Argumentative Essay? How to Write It (With Examples)

    An argumentative essay presents a specific claim or argument and supports it with evidence and reasoning. Here's an outline for an argumentative essay, along with examples for each section: 3. 1. Introduction: Hook: Start with a compelling statement, question, or anecdote to grab the reader's attention.

  11. How to Create a Structured Research Paper Outline

    A research paper outline is a useful tool to aid in the writing process, providing a structure to follow with all information to be included in the paper clearly organized. A quality outline can make writing your research paper more efficient by helping to: Organize your thoughts; Understand the flow of information and how ideas are related

  12. How to Create a Powerful Argumentative Essay Outline

    Argumentative Essay Outline Section 3: Counterarguments and Rebuttal. When writing an argument essay, you're writing in support of one side of an argument. This, of course, means there's another side, and readers might disagree with your point of view. In order to strengthen your own argument and demonstrate that you've looked at all ...

  13. How to Create an Outline for an Argumentative Paper: 7 Steps

    As you generate new ideas and make new logical connections, the scope of your paper will likely change and as a result so should your thesis. 2. Brainstorm. List anything that you believe is related to the argument, including quotes from primary and secondary sources. 3.

  14. 10+ Argumentative Essay Outline Templates & Formats

    The outline used to write an argumentative essay can also be used for persuasive essay writing. A few outline examples of an argumentative essay outline are given below: Argumentative Essay Outline PDF. Argumentative Essay Outline Example. Conclusion Argumentative Essay Outline. Vaccine Argumentative Essay Outline.

  15. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    Harvard College Writing Center 5 Asking Analytical Questions When you write an essay for a course you are taking, you are being asked not only to create a product (the essay) but, more importantly, to go through a process of thinking more deeply about a question or problem related to the course. By writing about a

  16. Argumentative Essay

    When preparing to compose a good argumentative essay, utilize the following steps: Step 1: Select a topic. Step 2: Identify a position. Step 3: Locate appropriate resources. Step 4: Identify evidence supporting the position.(NOTE: If there is little evidence in support of the claim, consider re-examining the main argument.)Steps to write an argumentative essay

  17. PDF Writing Guide: How To Write An Argumentative Essay

    How to Write an Argumentative Essay 6 Alexander College Writing & Learning Centres STEP 5 - WRITE YOUR ESSAY —You have an outline of your essay and you have a thesis statement your organizing idea o Your next job is to convince your readers that your thesis is correct by presenting arguments and evidence in support of your thesis statement.

  18. How to Write an Argumentative Essay

    The Toulmin method involves four key steps to build an argument. The same strategy can be applied throughout the essay where necessary. Make a claim. Present your evidence to support the claim. Provide the warrant which explains the evidence to support the claim.

  19. How to Write an Argumentative Essay: 101 Guide [+ Examples]

    Secondly, it lets the writer figure out what evidence suits what argument most. Before writing, draft your essay first. Put examples, facts, etc. in the right parts of the paper. Then, write the entire text. Thirdly, an outline provides a perfect opportunity to change the essay's parts without rewriting the paper.

  20. 8.7: Tips for Writing Academic Persuasive Essays

    Organizing is important for understanding why an argument essay needs a detailed plan, before the drafting stage. For an argument essay, start with a basic outline that identifies the claim, reasoning, and evidence, but be prepared to develop more detailed outlines that include counterarguments and rebuttals, warrants, additional backing, etc ...

  21. How to Write a Research Paper

    Today, we'll show you how to assemble a well-organized research paper to help you make the grade. You can transform any topic into a compelling research paper with a thoughtful approach to your research and a persuasive argument. In this guide, we'll provide seven simple but practical tips to help demystify the process and guide you on your ...

  22. Writing Workshop Quiz

    Writing Workshop Quiz

  23. How to Write an Argumentative Essay (Examples Included)

    Developing an argument requires a significant understanding of the subject matter from all angles. Let's take a look at the steps to writing an argumentative essay: 1. Choose appropriate argumentative essay topics. Although topics for an argumentative essay are highly diverse, they are based on a controversial stance.

  24. Report Writing Format with Templates and Sample Report

    Keep in mind that good report writing depends on first writing a report outline to start organizing the content in the best way possible. A standard report format goes a little something like this: Title: A clear and concise report title. Table of Contents: A page dedicated to the contents of your report.

  25. How to Write a Research Paper

    By the time your essay is done, you should have provided your reader with a new perspective or challenged existing findings. This demonstrates your mastery of the subject and contributes to ongoing scholarly debates. 7 Tips for Writing a Research Paper. Often, getting started is the most challenging part of a research paper.