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Fillable Form Employee Assignment of Wages

The Wage Assignment is between an assignor and assignee. The document must clearly state that the assignor agrees to transfer and assign all salary, wages, bonuses, and commissions to the assignee in the repayment of a debt. This assignment shall continue until all liabilities and obligations have been paid.

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What Is a Wage Assignment?

How wage assignment works.

  • Why Are Wage Assignments Voluntary?

Wage Garnishment

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Wage Assignment: What It Means, How It Works

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Wage assignment is the act of taking money directly from an employee's paycheck in order to pay back a debt obligation. Such an automatic withholding plan may be used to pay back a variety of debt obligations, including back taxes, defaulted student loan debt, and both child and spousal support payments.

Key Takeaways

  • A wage assignment takes funds directly from an employee's paycheck to pay back a debt.
  • How wage assignments are regulated varies by state, with some states even allowing for voluntary child support agreements.
  • A wage garnishment is an involuntary deduction and requires a court order.

Wage assignments are typically incurred for debts that have gone unpaid for a prolonged period of time. Employees may sometimes opt for a voluntary wage assignment to pay for things like union dues or to contribute to a retirement fund.

A wage assignment is processed as part of an employer's payroll procedure. The employee's paycheck is decreased by the amount of the assignment and noted on their pay stub.

A wage assignment is often a lender's last resort to receive repayment from a borrower who has previously failed to pay a debt obligation.

Wage assignments are a valuable tool for collecting unpaid debts, but unfortunately, they may be associated with abusive lending practices . If you're struggling with your debt, one of the best debt relief companies or credit counseling agencies may be able to help you get back on track before a wage assignment is incurred.

What Makes Wage Assignments Voluntary?

In a voluntary wage assignment, a worker essentially asks their employer to withhold a portion of their paycheck and send it to a creditor to pay off a debt. Loan agreements may sometimes include a voluntary wage assignment clause in their terms should the borrower default on their loan.

Payday lenders often include voluntary wage assignments into their loan agreements to better their chances of being repaid. Laws regarding wage assignments vary by state.

For example, in West Virginia, wage assignments are capped at 25% of a worker's take-home earnings, the employee and the employer must sign the agreement, and agreements must be renewed annually. Under Illinois law, a lender cannot resort to wage assignment until a debt is 40 days in default. The wage assignment cannot continue for more than three years, and the worker can stop the wage assignment at any time.

Involuntary wage deductions, known as wage garnishments , require a court order and are most likely to be employed to collect spousal and child support payments that have been ordered by a court. Wage garnishments may also be used to collect unpaid court fines or student loans that have been defaulted on.

Several states allow individuals to sign up for voluntary child support agreements. In such a case, both parents must agree to a plan. Once that happens, a voluntary wage assignment may begin. If a child support or welfare agency is involved, they would have to approve any plan.

How Long Can I Have a Wage Assignment?

Since wage assignments are voluntary, the length of time that you use one can vary. Some loans include a wage assignment agreement, so you'll have to check the language of your loan to determine your obligation. Each state also has its own regulations regarding wage assignments.

How Much of My Income Can Go to Wage Assignments?

Every state has its own regulations, but typically 15–25% of your disposable income can be designated for wage assignments.

Is Wage Garnishment the Same as Wage Assignment?

While they are similar, wage garnishment and assignment are not the same. Wage garnishment is an involuntary paycheck deduction, typically ordered to repay child support, student loans, tax debt, or bankruptcy. A wage assignment is voluntary and may be used to repay a consumer debt.

Wage assignments may be a useful tool to help you pay down a debt. Wage assignments are voluntary but they may be hidden in the fine print of some loan products, so read everything carefully before signing. Check the regulations in your state to determine if your wage assignment is revocable.

West Virginia Division of Labor. " Wage Payment and Collection (WPC) Act: Payroll Deductions and Wage Assignments ," Page 3.

Illinois General Assembly. " (740 ILCS 170/) Illinois Wage Assignment Act ."

U.S. Department of Labor. " Fact Sheet #30: The Federal Wage Garnishment Law, Consumer Credit Protection Act's Title III (CCPA) ."

Illinois Legal Aid. " Understanding Wage Assignment ."

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What Is Wage Assignment?

Definition and example of wage assignment, how wage assignment works, wage assignment vs. wage garnishment.

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A wage assignment is when creditors can take money directly from an employee’s paycheck to repay a debt.

Key Takeaways

  • A wage assignment happens when money is taken from your paycheck by a creditor to repay a debt.
  • Unlike a wage garnishment, a wage assignment can take place without a court order, and you have the right to cancel it at any time.
  • Creditors can only take a portion of your earnings. The laws in your state will dictate how much of your take-home pay your lender can take.

A wage assignment is a voluntary agreement to let a lender take a portion of your paycheck each month to repay a debt. This process allows lenders to take a portion of your wages without taking you to court first.

Borrowers may agree to allow a lender to use wage assignments, for example, when they take out payday loans . The wage assignment can begin without a court order, although the laws about how much they can take from your paycheck vary by state.

For example, in West Virginia, wage assignments are only valid for one year and must be renewed annually. Creditors can only deduct up to 25% of an employee’s take-home pay, and the remaining 75% is exempt, including for an employee’s final paycheck.

If you agree to a wage assignment, that means you voluntarily agree to have money taken out of your paycheck each month to repay a debt.

State laws govern how soon a wage assignment can take place and how much of your paycheck a lender can take. For example, in Illinois, you must be at least 40 days behind on your loan payments before your lender can start a wage assignment. Under Illinois law, your creditor can only take up to 15% of your paycheck. The wage assignment is valid for up to three years after you signed the agreement.

Your creditor typically will send a Notice of Intent to Assign Wages by certified mail to you and your employer. From there, the creditor will send a demand letter to your employer with the total amount that’s in default.

You have the right to stop a wage assignment at any time, and you aren’t required to provide a reason why. If you don’t want the deduction, you can send your employer and creditor a written notice that you want to stop the wage assignment. You will still owe the money, but your lender must use other methods to collect the funds.

Research the laws in your state to see what percentage of your income your lender can take and for how long the agreement is valid.

Wage assignment and wage garnishment are often used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same thing. The main difference between the two is that wage assignments are voluntary while wage garnishments are involuntary. Here are some key differences:

Money is taken from your paycheck voluntarily to repay debt A legal procedure where a portion of an employee’s earnings is withheld to repay debt
No court order required A court order usually precedes wage garnishments
You have the right to stop the wage assignment at any time You need to go through a legal process to stop a wage garnishment

Once you agree to a wage assignment, your lender can automatically take money from your paycheck. No court order is required first, but since the wage assignment is voluntary, you have the right to cancel it at any point.

Wage garnishments are the results of court orders, no matter whether you agree to them or not. If you want to reverse a wage garnishment, you typically have to go through a legal process to reverse the court judgment.

You can also stop many wage garnishments by filing for bankruptcy. And creditors aren’t usually allowed to garnish income from Social Security, disability, child support , or alimony. Ultimately, the laws in your state will dictate how much of your income you’re able to keep under a wage garnishment.

Creditors can’t garnish all of the money in your paycheck. Federal law limits the amount that can be garnished to 25% of the debtor’s disposable income. State laws may further limit how much of your income lenders can seize.

Illinois Legal Aid Online. “ Understanding Wage Assignment .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

West Virginia Division of Labor. “ Wage Assignments / Authorized Payroll Deductions .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

U.S. Department of Labor. “ Fact Sheet #30: The Federal Wage Garnishment Law, Consumer Credit Protection Act's Title III (CCPA) .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

Sacramento County Public Law Library. “ Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments in California .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

District Court of Maryland. “ Wage Garnishment .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

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Wage Garnishment & Assignment: 4 must knows for employers

By Julie Farraj

Feb. 15, 2017

wage garnishment employer

Proper management of wage garnishment can be especially crucial to growing businesses because as their hiring increases, they may also be inadvertently increasing their garnishment liability. That’s why it’s important for an employer to remember four things can help appropriately and accurately process wage garnishments while remaining compliant.

1. All garnishments are not the same.

Here’s a basic wage withholding definition: When an employee fails to repay a debt, a wage withholding court order can be issued against the employee’s earnings to satisfy that debt. This court order — also called a wage garnishment — requires the employer to withhold a portion of the employee’s wages and forward them to a third party. Wage garnishment orders also can be issued by government agencies such as the IRS, state tax agencies and the U.S. Department of Education.

Simple, right? A business receives an order about one of its employees and refers it to its payroll department to process by withholding the appropriate wages and forwarding it to the proper recipient.

There are six common types of wage garnishment. They are:

Child support garnishment comprises by far the highest volume of orders employers process, and, while some of the laws are very standardized, the law can vary by state.

Creditor garnishments are debts that occur when a person is delinquent on consumer payments (e.g. credit card debt). The creditor may take the debtor to court and seek a wage withholding order for the outstanding debt.

Bankruptcy orders . Based on research from the American Bankruptcy Institute , 97 percent of all bankruptcies are personal filings rather than business filings.

Student loans may be collected by the U.S. Department of Education, which may contract with collection agencies to enforce and collect the defaulted loans.

Tax levy garnishments can be issued at the federal, state or local level. Each state differs in its requirements and those laws may differ from federal levies.

Wage assignment occurs when an employee voluntarily agrees to have money withheld from his or her wages. Wage assignments are governed by state law and do not involve a court order. Since they are voluntary and the employee specifies the amount to withhold, they do not fall under the requirements of the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act.

It’s important that employers keep in mind the type of debt owed, the party collecting it, and the laws applicable to that debt. Knowing which laws, rules, and regulations apply and keeping current on them when processing wage garnishments can be challenging for employers, and, if done incorrectly, may expose employers to various liabilities and penalties.

In addition, the six types of wage garnishments noted above are the most common wage garnishments; employers may receive other less common types of wage garnishments. It’s the employer’s responsibility to comply with and make sure all orders are processed in a timely manner and correctly whether or not they are familiar.

2. Wage garnishment can affect employee productivity and morale.

Most employers recognize that wage garnishment has a direct impact on employees. However, this impact can extend beyond their paychecks. Processing garnishments is not as straightforward as simply withholding wages from an employee’s paycheck and sending a payment. The process is far from simple and can be complicated by myriad emotions.

Employees often find it humiliating because the courts have intervened and employers have become involved in their private struggles.

Employees in this position may feel that they’re now working for the institutions to which they’re indebted rather than for themselves and their futures. Stress and anxiety are often natural extensions of the garnishment process.

An affected employee’s anxiety could show itself through decreased productivity or a lack of motivation. Employers can help affected employees and potentially decrease future garnishments by providing financial wellness training and counseling, as well as tax education, to help employees manage debt.

3. Wage garnishment can affect an employer’s finances and business efficiency.

Employees aren’t the only ones affected by wage garnishment. Employers expose themselves to financial and legal risk when they incorrectly garnish an employee’s wages, fail to file in a timely way, file a defective response, fail to follow specific requirements when sending payments, or make other missteps with a garnishment. Mishandling a garnishment can lead to a judgment against the employer for the entire amount of the employee’s debt, a lawsuit from the creditor or the employee, or other costs or penalties that the employer didn’t anticipate or budget for.

In the instance of garnishments for child support, employers could potentially feel the impact of laws designed to restrict travel. For instance, the Social Security Act was amended in 1997 with a sub-section that established the denial, revocation, or restriction of U.S. passports if the non-custodial parent has child support arrears of $2,500 or more. Additionally, some state agencies have the authority to deny or revoke drivers’ and professional licenses for past-due child support obligations .

If your business requires employees to travel internationally or employs drivers, these laws could impact an employee’s ability to do his or her job effectively and, by extension, impact the efficiency of your business.

Another current area of focus that could impact employers is in the creditor garnishment arena. Currently, the American Payroll Association is working with the Uniform Law Commission to establish a standardized processing for creditor garnishments through the Uniform Wage Garnishment Act, which proposes to standardize the wage-garnishment process for employers, employees and creditors. Currently, state laws differ significantly in their requirements regarding wage garnishment, from the beginning to the end of the garnishment, and are often outdated. This means businesses that operate in multiple states must identify and abide by these different legal requirements, which can potentially lead to processing errors, confusion, inefficiency and noncompliance.

Companies can help manage these challenges if they become familiar with garnishment laws and guidance from agencies such as the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, develop reliable and timely procedures for garnishment processing and ensure that policies are administered fairly for all employees facing a wage garnishment.

It may be useful to develop tools, resources and strong contacts with agencies, courts and garnishors. Staying close to these agencies may help your business remain aware of major changes to wage garnishment laws.

Consider participating in state and federally initiated pilot projects. These programs are valuable opportunities to positively build relationships, influence initiatives and provide needed feedback. Make sure you have established a way to monitor legislation that could affect garnishment processing.

Other steps an employer can take include participating with committees, attending conferences regarding wage withholding, and leveraging other contacts you’ve developed with the agencies, those imposing wage garnishments, or other employers.

4. Paper processing is the not the only option.

A study by the ADP Research Institute revealed that 7.2 percent of employees had wages garnished in 2013. Keeping pace with the proper and timely processing of wage garnishments is challenging for many businesses.

As wage garnishment volumes and laws intensify, garnishment processors have the option to use electronic funds transfer, or EFT, to save time, increase efficiency, streamline processes and potentially reduce costs.

Currently, virtually every child support state agency has the ability to accept child support payments via EFT, and some have even mandated employers to send payments electronically. Some tax levy agencies, trustees and student loan agencies also are implementing electronic payment capabilities. In addition to business efficiencies, EFT enables greater security of personally identifiable information, such as Social Security numbers.

Minnesota has passed legislation requiring employers to electronically file their response to a state tax garnishment summons with the state tax agency, and Wayne County Court in Michigan is piloting the option of electronic responses.

Electronic income withholding orders are already very popular. These enable states to electronically distribute income withholding orders and employers to electronically accept or reject them.

Clearly, wage garnishment can have a profound effect on the employee who is being garnished, as well as the employer who must implement the garnishment. It’s important for businesses of all sizes to understand the different types of wage garnishment, familiarize themselves with the laws governing them, and learn ways to accurately and efficiently process them.

Using best practices can help streamline an employer’s responsibilities and ease the potential anxiety an employee may feel with this sometimes-necessary workforce issue.

Julie Farraj is vice president of Garnishment Services for ADP Added Value Services. Comment below or email [email protected].

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Wage Assignment: Understanding Types and Real-life Scenarios

Last updated 04/16/2024 by

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Understanding wage assignment

How wage assignment operates, voluntary wage assignment, involuntary wage assignment, legal implications and considerations, regulations and protections, pros and cons of wage assignments.

  • Facilitates debt repayment
  • May prevent further legal actions
  • Structured repayment process
  • Reduction in take-home pay
  • Potential negative impact on credit
  • Legal constraints and limitations

Wage assignment in loan repayment

Wage assignment in child support cases, effects of wage assignment on credit, state-specific wage assignment regulations, florida wage assignment regulations, texas wage assignment limitations, frequently asked questions, is wage assignment the same as wage garnishment, can an employer refuse a wage assignment request from an employee, what legal protections exist for employees regarding wage assignments, can wage assignments be stopped or modified once initiated, do all types of debts qualify for wage assignment, key takeaways.

  • Wage assignment involves deducting money from an employee’s paycheck to repay debts.
  • It can be voluntary or involuntary, with distinct legal implications.
  • State laws govern wage assignments, setting limits on garnishments and durations.
  • Employees and employers should understand their rights and obligations regarding wage assignments.

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Wage Assignment Overview

Usually, a creditor has to go to court to take part of your wages. This is called wage garnishment .

However, if you signed a form agreeing to a wage assignment, a creditor can take your wages without first going to court. You may agree to a wage assignment when you sign a loan contract. This allows your creditor to have money deducted from your wages if you don't pay.

Starting a Wage Assignment

You must be at least 40 days behind on your loan before the creditor can have your employer start taking money out of your paycheck.

First, the creditor must mail you and your employer a Notice of Intent to Assign Wages 20 days before they can make the demand. The notice has to be sent to you by certified or registered mail. You should receive advance warning that money will be deducted from your wages.

The notice must follow a specific form and must include the following information:

  • be sent to you and your employer;
  • be sent by registered or certified mail;
  • inform you the creditor will demand part of your wages from your employer in 20 days;
  • include a copy of the wage assignment; 
  • tell you how much you owe; 
  • include your options to respond to the notice; and
  • include a revocation notice form.

The creditor then must send a demand letter to your employer. The demand must contain the correct amount in default and include a copy of the assignment. If the notice or demand does not follow the requirements of the law, they have no legal effect.

If you do not revoke the wage assignment, then 20 days later (once the loan is 40 days past due), your employer will start paying a portion of your paycheck to the creditor to pay off your debt.

Day One: Loan is past due

Day 20: Creditor sends notice

Day 40: Wage assignment begins.

Amount of a Wage Assignment

The creditor may take from your paycheck whichever amount is less between the following two options:

  • 15% of your total wages, salary, commission, and bonuses for any workweek; or
  • The amount your take-home pay (after taxes and other withholdings) for a week is over $630 (which is 45 times the 2024 state minimum hourly wage ).

That means that you can only have a wage assignment if you take home over $630 per week.

Stopping a Wage Assignment

You can stop a wage assignment at any time for any reason. If you don't want the deduction to happen, write a letter to your employer and creditor stating you are canceling the wage assignment. Remember, you will still owe the money. The creditor can use other methods to collect it. That probably means a court case, which may end with an involuntary wage garnishment.

Length of a Wage Assignment

A wage assignment is good for 3 years from the date you signed the wage assignment. But, if you changed jobs after you signed the wage assignment, the wage assignment is only good for 2 years from the date you signed the wage assignment.   If a creditor tries to collect money from your paycheck after the time period expires, you should talk to a lawyer. You might be able to sue the creditor in court.

Note : Child support and student loans can also result in garnishments without a court case.

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Wage Assignment


What is a Wage Assignment?

A wage assignment refers to a forced payment of a financial obligation via automatic withholding from an employee's pay.

How Does a Wage Assignment Work?

Courts can subject individuals who become delinquent in their obligations to wage assignments. In most cases, wage assignments are ordered when a person is delinquent on child support , spousal support , taxes or loans . If the obligor shows a history of nonpayment, a wage assignment can be used to automatically subtract money owed from his or her payroll without his or her consent. For example, if an individual becomes delinquent on $100 monthly loan payments, a wage assignment automatically deducts the $100 from the person's weekly or monthly paycheck and sends it to the lender .

Why Does a Wage Assignment Matter?

Wage assignments are frequently ordered in connection with delinquent child support payments and merchant credit balances. Though unlawful in certain U.S. states, wage assignments can be a useful, proactive method for recouping long-term unpaid debts .

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