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How to Block and Allocate Hotel Rooms to Guests

Many guests wonder how do hotels assign rooms to guests or how a hotel guest reservation officer or a hotel front desk agent allocates different types of rooms to his guests. Today, we will learn room allocation procedures of a hotel in order to ensure guests needs are met concerning room requests on different room types and at the same time maximum flexibility is maintained. By reading this tutorial, you will get clear overview of hotel room arrangement procedure.

Hotel Room Allocation Procedure

hotel room allocation arrangement procedure

  • Reservations will hand over the next day’s correspondences to the Front Desk . This correspondence will be further checked to ensure all details have been put into Computerized Reservation System or property management software like Opera .
  • It is good practice to print out next day’s arrival list in details like check in and check out date of each guests, room type and block status, gender of the guests, list of VIP guests and their status, special arrangements requested like surprise birthday cake and gift, special instruction from guests like wheelchair for disabled guests or smoking or non smoking room requested etc., guests’ arrival time, previous stay record, special feature or amenity requested etc.
  • All details are checked in the system before the room is allocated.
  • Room allocation should be done mostly based on status of room reservation. For example, a guaranteed or prepaid reservation will always get priority over non granted reservation or reservation for walk in guest .
  • Special requests have to be adhered to when blocking rooms for the guests, by looking into the Guest Profile and History. Such as Non Smoking Rooms should be blocked for guests requesting Non Smoking Rooms. Repeat guests should have the same room as previous stays or to their specific preference if any has been mentioned on earlier visits. Persons travelling together from the same company should have rooms as close to each other as possible unless requested otherwise.
  • Suite/Accessible and any special requests bookings should be blocked by Reservation prior to confirming.
  • Guaranteed Late Check-out rooms would be monitored closely, and Housekeeping should be informed in advance.
  • If any Special Request or Amenities (e.g. Flowers. Fruits, etc.) are to be placed in the room, this should be ordered a day in advance and the departments responsible for placing them in the room informed. An alert should also be set so that room moves are minimal and the respective departments informed to make the respective changes.
  • All Guests who have been guaranteed early Check-ins or who have Pre-Registered bookings should have appropriate rooms blocked for them and should be checked into the system from the day of their reservation (a day before their physical Check-In).
  • General aspects like blocking a King Room for a Honeymoon Couple, a Twin room for two men travelling together or a family (of 4), or room close to the Elevator for Senior Citizens, Single Lady Traveler etc., should be taken into account while blocking rooms. Have good understanding on different hotel room types .
  • Floors or sections would be blocked for Groups, Tours and Conventions, as much as possible.
  • Don’t forget about disabled guest . They don’t only need special care but special arrangement should be made prior to their arrivals like arranging special amenities, giving special care, supplying equipment like wheelchair or hearing aid if needed and available.
  • Special requests like allocating a room near elevator or wish to stay in upstairs or desire to have hill view or sea view room, should always give priority when available.
  • Must be very careful while handling VIP reservation. If there is any system in your software to block heavily so that other reservation or front desk agent cannot allocate the same room to anyone, then apply it. Also make sure you have provided enough time to other departments like housekeeping to place VIP amenities or security department to check security issues carefully.
  • Upgrade and downgrade of room have to be done according to the room availability and policy. Sometimes hotel has to offer room upgrade because of their own fault like wrong check in or check out date record, fault of a room etc.
  • There are some repeat guests who always prefer certain floor or rooms. Based on previous record and if requested then always try to allocate such rooms to them. Read this tutorial: Hotel Guest Demands and Preference

So, if you consider above mentioned points then you should not find room allocation procedures very complicated. As a reservation officer or front desk agent you should be able to arrange rooms perfectly for your guests. For more amazing tutorials and our guides please click here:

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New Approaches to Room Allocation or Which Room Gets Assigned to Which Guest?

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Reservations are still primarily managed manually in most hotels. However, is this approach still appropriate given the current staffing levels and new employee profiles? Is manual room allocation truly the best method to optimize your room plan? What criteria influences these decisions? Or should we consider assigning rooms upon arrival and disregarding guest preferences?

Determining which room is assigned to each reservation has largely remained a completely manual process in the hotel industry. While there are Property Management Systems (PMS) that now automatically allocate reservations within categories, this is based on basic rules and often requires manual adjustments by staff due to changes in occupancy and demand. This can lead to reassigning previously allocated reservations to different rooms. The effort and time that hotels invest in room allocation and the regular shuffling (sometimes referred to as a "Tetris game") can take up several hours per day, especially for larger properties with high occupancy.

Effective room allocation that takes various criteria into account is not only labor-intensive but also results in accommodating guest preferences and profiles, allowing guests to check into the room that suits them upon arrival. For manual room allocation, there are numerous tutorials available, and hotel chains provide additional guidelines to be considered by the front desk team during the assignment process.

Some hotel employees, due to their long-term tenure at the same property, are not only highly skilled at performing this task but also find it fulfilling when they allocate reservations after hours of work, managing to create gaps for additional requests or fulfilling guest preferences.

However, reality presents a slightly different picture. On one hand, there's a shortage of skilled labor, and employees are expected to handle a wider range of tasks. On the other hand, there's a decreasing number of staff members who stay at the same property long enough to know every room and allocate reservations effectively. Manual room allocation and the need to make changes to a confirmed booking add extra (work) costs. These costs are often not accounted for in the hotel industry and are recorded as general front desk activities, which significantly reduce profits and guest-facing time. Reservations are sometimes assigned based on individual employee preferences, and under high pressure, reservations are shifted simply to fill gaps in the room plan as efficiently as possible, regardless of the room's value or category. Free upgrades become necessary in such cases. Optimizing the room plan is an ongoing process, especially during peak occupancy periods.

Why is it so difficult to implement room assignments correctly?

In addition to the multitude of criteria that an employee would need to consider when making assignments, the employee also needs a deep inventory knowledge to carry out a suitable allocation.

Among the additional criteria are, for example: guaranteed versus non-guaranteed bookings, direct bookings versus bookings through third-party channels or specific providers, bookings for families, seniors, guests requiring accessible rooms, adjoining rooms, specific bed configurations, and other guest preferences, repeat guests, check-in and check-out times, etc.

The complexity that comes with effective room allocation is undeniable. Additionally, gaps in the room plan must be minimized, especially since these gaps cannot be automatically sold and could lead to revenue losses, particularly during periods with minimum stay requirements if gaps cannot be sold – for example, over the phone.

While long-serving employees might still find this task meaningful, a closer examination of this workflow raises the question of how feasible and contemporary it is to carry this out with reduced staffing. It's worth considering whether younger generations of employees would value this task in the same way or simply view it as an additional burden to complete without taking into account the aforementioned points.

How can a room plan be optimally utilized?

One approach could be to only assign reservations upon arrival and disregard any preferences or requests. However, this contradicts the goals of any hotelier who aims to meet the needs of their guests and provide them with an unforgettable stay. Moreover, such a strategy is more likely to result in overbooking of room categories, an increased number of complimentary upgrades, and negative guest feedback. Effective demand management also involves considering stay restrictions to minimize gaps in occupancy, and last-minute room assignment is suboptimal in this context.

The fundamental issue lies not only in the lack of skilled personnel, lack of knowledge about the property, or time for allocation but mainly in the fact that room inventory isn't detailed enough in systems to be used as criteria for assignment.

However, who says that room inventory must continue to be managed solely within categories, and how can artificial intelligence be better employed in this case?

Room assignments using artificial intelligence every room assignment involves certain considerations: Should the guest's preference be taken into account to satisfy them, or should short-term revenue be optimized? With a detailed inventory structure and the use of artificial intelligence, an optimal room assignment solution can be created dynamically, adapting to the desired strategy with each new booking situation.

It's comparable to the invention of the washing machine: While you still need to put the laundry in the drum, set the wash program, and press start, from that moment on, you save an immense amount of time, and the result is much better than continuing to wash the laundry by hand.

what is definition of room assignment

The tasks and requirements for hotel employees are constantly changing, much like in many other industries. However, the hospitality sector is a service industry where the primary focus is on providing guests with a service and ensuring a positive stay experience.

The cloud-based technologies available in the hospitality industry not only allow many tasks to be carried out from different locations (remotely), but also enable employees to have more time available for guests. This is achieved by digitizing and ideally automating downstream operational processes.

what is definition of room assignment

An optimized room plan is just one of many operational tasks that can be automated using intelligent technology in the future. Such automation could significantly reduce the current workload while simultaneously efficiently accommodating guest preferences and room plans to maximize revenue for the establishment.

For those interested in learning more about this topic, further details about GauVendi's Inventi-Flow solution can be found directly on their website, along with the option to schedule a non-binding demo session.

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Rooming List

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The stress that comes with planning a domestic and much worse, an international trip with your family, group of friends, or coworkers is unmatched.

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The initial planning stage of where to go, what hotel to stay in, how long will you stay for, what activities do you do, and so on is the most stressful stage since this is where the itinerary for the whole trip is decided on. This is also the deciding factor for how much should each of person going to the trip allocate financially. You may also see material list examples .

When you and your group has decided on where to go for vacation, you immediately start to look for the best activities to do while you all stay there, the best restaurants and food markets to eat in and also what hotels or inns you can stay in for the low. You immediately scour the Internet for the following but more importantly, for cheap hotel, villas, etc., deals since it will be too expensive especially when you have five or more people going on the trip.

rooming list

When traveling with a group, you need to make sure that everyone’s preferences are heard and that a compromise is reached by the end of all the planning period. It should be a priority to have people decided who they are comfortable sharing a bedroom with so that hotel or room arrangement is made prior to the trip in order to book the rooms in advance. You may also see to-do list templates and examples .

Therefore, planning and actually calling in for the reservations for the place you all decide to stay in should be immediately done in order to secure a safe and comfortable place before you head out and enjoy your vacation.

Group Travel Rooming List Example

Group Travel Rooming List Example

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Male Rooming List Example

Male Rooming List Example

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Rooming List Request Form Example

Rooming List Request Form Example

Size: 126 KB

What Is Rooming List?

When you are the organizer for a family, friend trip, or an official business trip, you need to make sure that the place where the participants for the trip has already been booked weeks or even months before the actual trip.

However, you also need to make sure that you assign each participant on a room they prefer and with a roommate/s you know they are comfortable with. One way to make sure that this is all smoothen out prior to the day of the trip is sending in a rooming list   to the hotel or to any establishment where you will all stay in. You may also see list templates in word .

A rooming list is a printed or electronic list or roster of guests and their lodging needs and preferences presented to a hotel prior to a meeting or a trip. It is usually sent out by the organizers and/or their designates to hotels or other housing facilities in order to deliver multiple reservations. It is given to the hotel so that the hotel management can arrange and reserve the rooms within the room block of the list before the attendees arrive on site. You may also like birthday list examples .

A rooming list is usually used when there is an official business trip, seminars, or trainings that require in-house lodging.

The information included on the rooming list are usually gathered through a form the attendees complete prior to the convention. Commonly, a rooming list includes information such as the first name, last name, arrival date, and departure date.

The rooming list is an important document that should be given to the lodging establishment prior to the event because it ensures that each participant has a room to stay in during the entire duration of the event. In addition, it will also serve as a blueprint for the rooms that should be located relevant to each other. You may also check out contact list examples .

Also, since official business trips and events conducted by an organization or company requires proper liquidation of funds, the rooming list can help justify that the exact number of participants included on the budget is also the same number during the day of the event. You might be interested in inventory list examples .

Group Rooming List Example

Group Rooming List Example

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Rooming List Example

Rooming List Example

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Rooming List for Suite Hotels Example

Rooming List for Suite Hotels Example

Size: 191 KB

Important Aspects to Consider When Filling Out a Rooming List

Since a rooming list is an important document that will help with the room assignment during a trip, it must be filled out properly to make sure that the lodging facility clearly understands the listed information so that they can carry out the request without a glitch. You may also see packing list examples .

Before you fill out a rooming list, here are some important aspects you need to consider:

1. Type out all the information to include in list

Handwriting the information to include in the list may be misinterpreted since there are some handwriting that are difficult to read.

This may lead to disorganization of room assignments and cause utter chaos on the day of the event. In order to avoid such issue, it is better to type out the room lists and save it to your computer.You can easily and efficiently send it via professional email to your travel consultant or organizer so that they can arrange the reservations to the lodging facility.

2. Each block is considered as one room

You have to understand that each block reflected on the rooming lists is considered as one room. Therefore, if attendees are to be assigned on the same room, say four people are assigned on the same room, their names and other information should be typed out on separate lines within the same block. You have to do this step until your attendees are all assigned with their roommates and specific rooms. You may also like management skills list and examples .

3. The lodging facility will assign room the same order as reflected on the list

You place the attendees on the rooming list where you want them in relation to where you want them to be on the hotel floor.

For example, if group number one is located on the first room and you want group number three to be the group next door, you assign them as how you want on the rooming list. After that, you should request the hotel or lodging facility to maintain the order, but there’s no guarantee, at least they will still work to maintain the requested order of rooms. You may also check out attendance list examples .

4. For student trips, intersperse chaperone rooms  among student rooms

For student trips, avoid filling out the first and last blocks of the rooming list for chaperones because that way you will end up with having the chaperones on the end of a hallway.

In order to maintain effective supervision, intersperse chaperone rooms among student rooms; meaning you need alternate chaperone and student rooms. You have to remember that the lodging facility will view your rooming list as your desired room arrangement, therefore, you should carefully plan the layout of the rooms. You might be interested in vendor list examples .

5.  All chaperones should be indicated on the list with CHAPERONE

Doing this on your rooming list will make it easier for tour leaders and nighttime security to find your room should an emergency arise. This can be done in such a manner, for example, JOHN DOE – CHAPERONE. Aside from that, lodging facilities will want you to know which rooms have students and which rooms have adults. You may also see how to prepare your email marketing list and profits .

6. Rooming lists should be sent out 45 days prior to the trip

The rooming list will help you make sure that you book the right rooms in advance and that if there are previous reservations before you, you can reorganize the arrangements for the rooms. Therefore, it is extremely important to send the complete rooming list 45 days prior to the departure for the trip. This will finalize the reservations for the said trip. You may also like medication list examples .

Arrival/Departure and Rooming List Form Example

Arrival/Departure and Rooming List Form Example

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Female Rooming List Example

Female Rooming List Example

Size: 122 KB

Tips for Effective Rooming Lists

It is very time-consuming and overwhelming putting together a rooming list especially when you are not really familiar with the entire process.

Here are some useful tips you can use as guide so that you can have an effective and successful rooming list:

1. When the budget can be stretched, opt for flats or double occupancy rooms with 2 beds so that you can save more.

2. If you follow the first tip, look for lodging places that offer a shared living area and kitchenette while having bedrooms with its own bathrooms to ensure maximum privacy for each guest. You may also see price list templates and examples .

3. It is important to reserve enough rooms for the participants but not so many that you still have to pay for unoccupied rooms.

4. You can use previous room allocation if the same lodging facility is being occupied to compare it to number of nights the rooms were actually used. This will help you plan how many rooms to book and for how long. You may also like wedding guest list examples .

5. Assign participants that you know or you can tell that have the same sleeping pattern. Group night owls together and group early sleepers on the same room to make sure everyone is satisfied with their room assignments.

6. You most definitely need to factor in physical challenges into decision-making in determining which rooms to assign for each guest. Some will required to be accommodated on the lower floor or rooms that are close to the elevator. You may also check out grocery list examples .

7. It is apparent that you join together in the same room participants that need special accommodation.

8. Contact the venue regularly to make sure attrition is kept into a minimum. In addition, contact participants regularly to make sure there are no surprises or unhappy participants on the arrival date. You might be interested in how to use your email list to raise more money .

Golf Group Rooming List Form Example

Golf Group Rooming List Form Example

Size: 136 KB

Team Rooming List Example

Team Rooming List Example

Size: 160 KB

A rooming list is an important document that will help you plan out the hotel reservations for your guests and/or participants on business trips, seminar, and trainings. It will help you as the organizer have a better way to communicate what your participants want in terms of their accommodation. This will help you make sure that your attendees can have the most out of their stay during the entire trip. You may also see punch list examples .


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How does a college dorm room work?

After letting the college know you want on-campus housing, the school assigns you a room in a dorm or residence hall. Along with your room assignment, the school lets you know the names of your roommate(s) and the official move-in date. Sometimes assigned roommates may communicate before classes start and coordinate what optional room items (such as a small refrigerator or a microwave) each person plans to bring. After arriving and meeting your roommate(s), you each decide which bed you want. On move-in day, you’ll meet the resident assistant or RA. This person (usually a junior or senior) is there to answer questions about the room, the dorm, and the campus.

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What Happened? Understanding Room Assignments

Please note: most of the content on this page is applicable for room assignments made during the summer for the upcoming fall semester..

room assignment decoding

An explanation for students who don’t get their preferred room assignment.

With the annual summer release of room assignments, University Housing gets a number of phone calls from concerned students, family members, and sometimes even friends, who want to know: (a) why the student didn’t get their top-choice room assignment and (b) what can be done about it.

In an effort to answer some of these questions, we’ve created the following guide for students.

Why Didn’t I Get My Preferred Roommate?

Explanation: when two roommates do not have matching requests, it is possible that they will not be paired together.

Living Learning Community Preference The most frequent item that does not match will be Living Learning Communities. Since LLCs are University Housing’s top assignment priority, students may be assigned to their LLC, even if it means failing to grant a requested roommate. How can you tell if this happened to your request? Check the list of LLC locations below. If either student is placed in these areas, it means that they had an LLC request that broke the roommate pairing.

Roommate Preference At times, we see pairs of students who did not request each other, even though they think they did. In its most benign circumstance, this may happen if someone copied a UWM ID# wrong. However, every year we also see instances in which one roommate who backed out or failed to include the UWM ID#. You can tell if you and your roommate(s) requested each other by returning to your Contract Preference Page in MyHousing. If you see a “confirmed” note next to the UWM ID# of your roommate(s) it indicates that the numbers were properly entered by all parties. If you see “unconfirmed” than the numbers entered did not match up.

Returner Self-Assignment If one of the two roommates participated in Returner Self-Assignment (where the 2022-23 Housing Residents picked their rooms for 2023-24), they may have ended up in a suite that didn’t have space for a new student to be assigned, or a space where a first-year student may not be eligible to live (Sandburg East).

Explanation: this is a rare circumstance but happens every year as we reach the end of available spaces. Because students are assigned in an order determined by random lottery, we will reach a point where every double or triple room has one open spot, but not two. At this point, a roommate pairing will be broken. If this occurs, the assignment system will next try to assign two requested roommates relatively close to each other (often in the same suite, sometimes on the same floor or in the same building). However, because so many spaces are usually taken when we reach this point of assignments, it is not guaranteed.

Explanation: this occurs for a number of reasons. Your roommate may have never completed a University Housing contract, they may have completed a University Housing contract, but AFTER the priority deadline of May 1, or they may have canceled a previously submitted contract. In any of these cases, you would be assigned without them.

Why Didn’t I Get My Preferred Living Learning Community?

Explanation: most of our Living Learning Communities are reserved for students who are admitted to a particular school/college or have a particular major. The most confusing of these is Health Professions, which require students to be admitted to the College of Nursing or College of Health Sciences. Both of those are different than AOC-Nursing or AOC-Health Sciences.

Explanation: a few of our LLCs had more demand than there were available beds. In this case we continue to monitor vacancies and reassign from the waitlist when possible.

Why Didn’t I Get My Preferred Building/Room Type?

Explanation: Certain preferences take priority over others as we go through our lottery process. In order to maximize satisfaction on these priorities, other preferences may not be considered.

Living Learning Community Preference University Housing’s top priority is to assign a student to their preferred LLC. That means we would assign them to their LLC even if it meant not giving them the building or room type they requested.

Roommate Preference University Housing’s second priority is to assign a student with their preferred roommate. That means we would assign them to their preferred roommate even if it meant not giving them the building or room type they requested.

Explanation: Like all housing markets, there’s a balance between supply and demand. For instance: we have far more requests for singles and triples than for doubles. Of all the room types, triples are the smallest offering we have. If we didn’t have your top preference available, we considered second or third options. If none of those were available in the same building, then the student was likely assigned to a different building.

How Can I Tell If I’m In An LLC

The most reliable way to determine is based on your room assignment. General locations of LLCs are listed in the table below (though some suites in the identified floors may not be LLC suites).

So, what can I do now?

First, take a look and explore your newly assigned space. Every building (in fact, every home!) students will have for the rest of their life will have pros and cons. Learning about your new building, and how to maximize your satisfaction are important steps. We’ve got layouts of most buildings and room types available on the University Housing website at www.uwm.edu/housing . If you’re coming for New Student Orientation (or TASO), we offer tours of most buildings and would be happy to show you those spaces. We also offer tours throughout the week. Set up an individual tour by registering on our University Housing Tours site.

Second, if you would like to change part of your assignment in regards to an LLC, email [email protected] . This would allow you to change your LLC preference, which may in turn change your assignment.

Third, if you have a non-LLC room assignment concern and would like to request a room change of your assignment, you can complete a Summer Room Change Process Request Form at https://uwm.edu/housing/secure/assignment-change-request/ . All requests must be submitted by July 7, 2023. This is the form you use if you would like to re-request a roommate who you weren’t paired with, or if you’d like to move to a different building. University Housing cannot guarantee if your request will be granted, but historically, we’ve been able to accommodate more than 50% of requested changes.

Residents With Assignments Starting In January: University Housing does its best to accommodate the preferences you indicate when you sign your online contract, with room assignments made in a randomized order determined by lottery. (LLC requests are made by emailing [email protected], which are then added to the resident preferences before the lottery is run). Due to a very limited supply of available spaces, it is very difficult to match most preferences. Roommate and LLC requests are the most difficult to match, followed by room type. All residents who submit their Spring-only Housing Contract by December 1 have an equal chance in the lottery. If you would like to explore a room change, please discuss it with your RA after you’ve moved in.

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What Is Room Division Management In Hotel?

Why is housekeeping is so important in room division, what is the role of room division manager, what is the room division management.

Running any sort of hotel or related business in the hospitality field requires what seems to be almost constant preparation, supervision, and dedication. In order to facilitate these things smoothly, many such companies will divide parts of the responsibilities into separate lists of duties, with each department overseen by a manager. The Rooms Division is one such department, and its manager plays a critical role in helping to make sure all the interactions from different staff members and clients are conducted in a positive atmosphere.

What about a job description? In short, you can think of Rooms Division management as a job that takes into account all of the major activities that might relate to the assignment or upkeep of any guest rooms in the facility. Any room in a space that caters to guests in the hospitality industry needs to be clean, safe, and comfortable for those who are staying. It is the Rooms Division Manager who is responsible for any of the day-to-day tasks that are designed to make sure all of these goals are met. If you’re interested in a challenging yet rewarding high-level position in hospitality, consider a position in the Rooms Division Management category today.

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What Are the Duties of a Rooms Division Manager?

As we touched on, a major part of what the Rooms Division Manager is responsible for is in how the rooms specifically present themselves to guests. Thus, part of the manager’s goal here is to make sure the general look and feel of the hotel or other business conveys the precise image that the company would like. To this end, the manager for this division may oversee all service levels - parts of the front office, reception area, guest services, reservations, housekeeping, hotel switchboard, or concierge services.

The main focus may be on front-facing services like reception or guest accommodations, but larger hospitality services chains may expect the Rooms Division Manager to ensure that there is compliance among the staff when it comes to meeting housekeeping goals, particular standards that come with making reservations at the hotel in question, or training staff to deal with special guests or different kinds of requests that might come through the department. This may include helping staff in-depth understanding how to deal with foreign clients in a caring and respectful manner, for example.

While the Rooms Division Manager’s primary duties will be around these operations, a person in such a position will probably have some interactions with sales, budgets, security, quality assurance, and more. Therefore, it is imperative that any candidate who might wish to apply for such a position has a wide range of interpersonal skills that can match up with the different requirements (degree requirements and especially degree in hospitality for example) of this job.

What Is the Importance of Room Division Management?

With the hospitality industry growing to meet the demands of traveling vacationers or businesspersons, diverse jobs like Room Division Management are becoming increasingly important. As a person in a management position that has contact with the various heads of staff in some of the duties we mentioned earlier, a Room Division Manager can represent the first point of contact between guests and the business. This is true even if some guests do not meet with the manager directly, as many of the ways in which staff will be trained are subject to the approval of the manager.

Rooms Division Managers play important roles in making sure everything is up to the standards set forth by the hotel, but they may need to be available and ready to solve problems when they arise, too. Guest satisfaction is key for many places in the hospitality industry, and being able to solve problems quickly and efficiently is a vital part of maintaining that satisfaction level. Aesthetics, security, and the hotel budget are just a few of the areas in which this manager might play a role, giving potential candidates some insight into how important this position is in hospitality services.

Which Skills Do I Need To Be a Room Division Manager?

Typically, a Rooms Division Manager will report to the hotel’s general manager . Even so, most businesses in this industry will need the Rooms Division Manager to have some strong leadership skills. They will need to interact with and lead several of the major teams that help the business run smoothly, and part of these duties could be creating or updating various training methods for the staff. In that spirit, excellent communication skills that can provide concise, clear instructions to the rest of the staff are also a major advantage here.

Because there could be a lot of potential for high-stress situations that must be resolved quickly, an ability to work well under pressure and make the best decisions for guest satisfaction in a timely manner are also skills one would need for this position. Being proactive in how one works and delegates duties is also important. Many Rooms Division Managers are taken from previous backgrounds in hospitality, so experience in some other role related to guest service or the front desk is helpful.

There is little doubt that a Rooms Division Manager has a challenging job. In part, they will be a face for the company, and it is one that manages several teams of people in order to keep things going. There are many aspects to consider, but guest satisfaction is one of the most important things to focus on here. If you would like to put your excellent management styles, management concepts and interpersonal or problem-solving skills to the test, Rooms Division may be the perfect place for you to meet your career goals.

If you're interested in learning more about sustainable practices in hotel management and how it can positively impact both guest satisfaction and energy efficiency, check out our article on What Can Hotel Management Do To Save Energy? .

For more insights into the benefits of a career in hotel management, check out our article on Hotel Management: Top 6 Benefits of Being a Hotel Manager .

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Jun 5, 2024

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USACS Now Accepting Applications for Senior Resident Forum To Be Held in Houston, Texas

US Acute Care Solutions (USACS) is thrilled to announce our upcoming Senior Resident Forum, which will take place in Houston, TX, on September 8-10, 2024. This all-expense paid trip is the perfect opportunity for residents to learn and engage with top leaders in emergency, hospitalist, and critical care medicine as they prepare for the beginning of a successful career. The Senior Resident Forum will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, located in the heart of downtown Houston. This modern hotel offers high-end accommodations, on-site dining, deluxe amenities, and the convenience of walkability to explore the lively downtown attractions. During the forum, speakers will cover a wide range of topics pertinent to residents' careers and practices. From clinical efficiency to financial literacy, the goal is to provide residents with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate their professional pathway and create a fulfilling career in medicine. In addition to gaining valuable insights and networking opportunities, attendees will also be invited to a USACS social event, the ideal setting to unwind and meet new colleagues from around the country. USACS is the largest physician-owned acute care group in the country, caring for over 10 million patients annually at more than 400 programs across 26 states. With our expertise and experience, USACS is well-positioned to support physicians in providing excellent care to patients while also enjoying a fulfilling and rewarding career. “This event is one I look forward to every year,” said Amer Aldeen, MD, FACEP, Chief Medical Officer. “I still remember my senior year of residency and the flood of questions running through my mind as I began searching for a career. It can be overwhelming, and this forum is the perfect opportunity for residents to come engage with and learn from our physicians who understand what it’s like to be in their shoes.” If you're a senior resident looking to get ahead in your career search, apply today to join the USACS Senior Resident Forum. Your travel expenses, two-night hotel stay, and all on-site meals are on us. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, network, and grow with USACS' top leaders in acute care.


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Four Rules for Bed Assignment In An Efficient Hospital

Editor’s Note: the following is an excerpt from Dr. Robbin Dick’s forthcoming book on Hospital Capacity Management. Dr. Dick is MEP’s Director of Observation Services. He will be speaking on hospital capacity management and other subjects at MEP’s third annual observation medicine conference,  Observation Care ’15 .

Bed assignment often sets the pulse for the entire hospital, affecting every patient and every department from minute to minute, yet is often poorly managed. 

I have been amazed over the years at how many people desire the position of bed assigner. Nurses, Surgeons, Private internists, Hospitalists, ED providers and even Hospital Administrators at some point in time want to assign beds to patients. They often have no idea, however, how their decisions will affect ED wait times, operating room and cath lab needs, and the flow of non-ED patients throughout the hospital, to name just a few factors that need to be considered. Yet bed assignment has far reaching effects.

Many think that bed assignment is a simple task. In theory it should be. A bed is available and the patient gets assigned. There are certain constraints—sex, semi-private versus private, isolation issues, acuity, telemetry and specialty needs. All need to be taken into account to ensure that each patient goes to the right place and receives the proper care. But good capacity management demands that bed assignment be carefully considered and executed.

Centralize bed assignment authority. All beds need to be assigned by a centralized authority – and no one else. Patients cannot be moved without a reason. Patients cannot be assigned by others. All discharges must quickly and accurately be handed over to environmental services for bed cleaning then immediately handed back to bed assignment.

I can recall an analysis of environmental services staffing on the evening shift. Beds vacated by discharged patients at 5 p.m. weren’t being cleaned until 1 or 2 a.m.  All the data said that there was sufficient staffing. Drilling down we discovered that nursing staff had decided to transfer patients from bed to bed, for multiple reasons, without contacting bed assignment. This was being done so frequently that it consumed 1/3 of the environmental staff that was allocated to clean beds for discharged patients. Thus the need for rule 1.

Use Non-clinical staff to do bed assignment. Set the rules and parameters on when and where patients can go and let them do their job. Nurses tend to look through clinical content to assign just the right bed. This wastes time and energy while producing no better results than non-clinical staff. The main reason clinical staff are involved at all is that there is an idea that bed assignment provides a report to the accepting unit. This is not only inappropriate but dangerous since the true clinical status of a patient can rarely be gleaned from reviewing the chart not to mention that care handoffs need to be done by the current care provider (where they are) and the receiving care provider. Bed assignment simply provides the proper location based on specific patient attributes like sex, isolation, telemetry, acuity and specialty needs.

Provide a mechanism of escalation. When problems arise the bed assignment staff need help. Assistance with inadequate telemetry availability, limits on private room use, prevention of patient movement within the hospital all can have a significant impact on bed assignment and timely patient placement.

Provide priorities and establish mechanisms to maintain them. Priorities for bed assignment need to be linked to the needs of the sickest patients in the organization wherever they may be. Those patients requiring ICU level of care whether in the ED, PACU, Floor or another facility needing to transfer the patient would have the highest priority. It has been demonstrated that patients requiring this level of care have a lower mortality rate and suffer the fewest complications the quicker they are placed in the intensive care unit.

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Room assignment, related dashboards.

Created by the Great Schools Partnership , the GLOSSARY OF EDUCATION REFORM is a comprehensive online resource that describes widely used school-improvement terms, concepts, and strategies for journalists, parents, and community members. | Learn more »


Classroom Management

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. When classroom-management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning. Generally speaking, effective teachers tend to display strong classroom-management skills, while the hallmark of the inexperienced or less effective teacher is a disorderly classroom filled with students who are not working or paying attention.

While a limited or more traditional interpretation of effective classroom management may focus largely on “compliance”—rules and strategies that teachers may use to make sure students are sitting in their seats, following directions, listening attentively, etc.—a more encompassing or updated view of classroom management extends to everything that teachers may do to facilitate or improve student learning, which would include such factors as behavior (a positive attitude, happy facial expressions, encouraging statements, the respectful and fair treatment of students, etc.), environment (for example, a welcoming, well-lit classroom filled with intellectually stimulating learning materials that’s organized to support specific learning activities), expectations (the quality of work that teachers expect students to produce, the ways that teachers expect students to behave toward other students, the agreements that teachers make with students), materials (the types of texts, equipment, and other learning resources that teachers use), or activities (the kinds of learning experiences  that teachers design to engage student interests, passions, and intellectual curiosity). Given that poorly designed lessons, uninteresting learning materials, or unclear expectations, for example, could contribute to greater student disinterest, increased behavioral problems, or unruly and disorganized classes, classroom management cannot be easily separated from all the other decisions that teachers make. In this more encompassing view of classroom management, good teaching and good classroom management become, to some degree, indistinguishable.

In practice, classroom-management techniques may appear deceptively simple, but successfully and seamlessly integrating them into the instruction of students typically requires a variety of sophisticated techniques and a significant amount of skill and experience. While the specific techniques used to manage classrooms and facilitate learning can vary widely in terminology, purpose, and execution, the following representative examples—taken from Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College by Doug Lemov—will provide a brief introduction to a few basic classroom-management techniques (NOTE: While the general strategies described below are widely used by teachers, the specific terms in bold are not):

  • Entry Routine is a technique in which teachers establish a consistent, daily routine that begins as soon as students enter the classroom—preparing learning materials, making seat assignments, passing in homework, or doing a brief physical “warm-up” activity would all be examples of entry routines. This technique can avoid the disorder and squandered time that can characterize the beginning of a class period.
  • Do Now is a brief written activity that students are given as soon as they arrive in the classroom. This technique is intended to get students settled, focused, productive, and prepared for instruction as quickly as possible.
  • Tight Transitions is a technique in which teachers establish transition routines that students learn and can execute quickly and repeatedly without much direction from a teacher. For example, a teacher might say “reading time,” and students will know that they are expected to stop what they are working on, put away their materials, get their books, and begin reading silently on their own. This technique helps to maximize instructional time by reducing the disarray and delay that might accompany transitions between activities.
  • Seat Signals is a technique in which students use nonverbal signals while seated to indicate that they need something, such as a new pencil, a restroom break, or help with a problem. This technique establishes expectations for appropriate communication and helps to minimize disruptions during class.  
  • Props is the act of publicly recognizing and praising students who have done something good, such as answering a difficult question or helping a peer. Props is done by the entire class and is typically a short movement or spoken phrase. The technique is intended to establish a group culture in which learning accomplishments and positive actions are socially valued and rewarded.
  • Nonverbal Intervention is when teachers establish eye contact or make gestures that let students know they are off-task, not paying attention, or misbehaving. The technique helps teachers efficiently and silently manage student behavior without disrupting a lesson.
  • Positive Group Correction is a quick, affirming verbal reminder that lets a group of students know what they should be doing. Related techniques are Anonymous Individual Correction , a verbal reminder that is directed at an anonymous student; Private Individual Correction , a reminder given to an individual student as discretely as possible; and Lightning-Quick Public Correction , a quick, positive reminder that tells an individual student what to do instead of what not to do.
  • Do It Again is used when students do not perform a basic task correctly, and the teacher asks them to do it again the correct way. This technique establishes and reinforces consistent expectations for quality work.

In recent years, classroom management has received an increasing amount of attention from education leaders, reformers, and researchers, who have begun to investigate, analyze, and document the effective strategies used by successful teachers. The growing emphasis on classroom management is based on the general recognition that effective instruction requires effective classroom management, and that strong management skills are the foundation of strong teaching. In addition, there are now more professional-development opportunities related to classroom management being offered to teachers, and there have been discussions about the role of practical teaching techniques in teacher education and certification programs, and about whether such programs have overemphasized education theory at the expense of practical, applied skills that teachers will need in the classroom, such as classroom-management strategies.

While there is widespread agreement in education that effective classroom management is essential to good teaching, there is often debate about which strategies are most effective, or what is the best way to approach the management of a classroom or other learning environment . For example, some educators might argue that effective classroom management begins with student compliance and classroom orderliness, since learning cannot happen when students are not listening, when they are disobeying the teacher, or when they are disrupting other students in the class. In this case, the teacher needs to establish the behavioral and academic expectations for a class and ensure that students comply with those expectations. Other educators, however, would argue that teachers should approach classroom management by actively involving students in the process. For example, some teachers create common classroom expectations and agreements in collaboration with students. In this case, students play a role in developing the expectations, thereby taking “ownership” over the process, and the teacher then helps the students live up to those expectations by reminding them of the previous agreements they made or by asking the class to reflect on their work and behavior as a group in relation to the agreed-upon expectations—i.e., to identify the areas in which the class is doing well and the areas in which it can improve.

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Room Facilities, Type of Rooms, Room Status and Room Status Report.

If you are waiting to work in a hotel or studying the process of a hotel, it will be more helpful to know about the type of rooms and room status. Before learning about the hotel room type, it is more beneficial to know about the things and facilities of a hotel room. It is also easier to study the hotel room type. There are different types of hotel rooms, and facilities vary from hotel to hotel.

Now let’s focus on the things and facilities in a hotel room. Any guest must first open the hotel room door when entering a hotel room. Most hotels today provide guests with the facility to open the door using a smart lock or electronic key card. This makes it possible to open the door much more accessible in less time and maintain the security situation at a higher level after closing the door. In the same way, double-lock facilities are also provided by the hotel to the guests using the room. This makes it possible to close the door of a room more securely from the inside. Due to this double-lock facility, no one else can enter the room. Thus, it is possible to protect the safety and privacy of the guest. Since many hotels have a magic eye on the door, it can be considered another security feature. Even if a person wants to meet the guest in the room by ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door, the guest can look at the person who is in front of the door (outside) using the magic eye on the door, and the guest can open the door only if he/she wants to. Every hotel room has a cupboard where the guest’s belongings can be put.

The hotel provides a laundry facility to guests. For that, a laundry list, including laundry bags and prices for washing different clothes, can be seen in the rooms of many hotels. The room also has a luggage rack to keep guests’ luggage.

Most hotels provide minibar facilities to the guests. A minibar is a small refrigerator inside the guest room. Inside the minibar are small liquor bottles, soft drink bottles, chocolates, peanuts, ice packs, water bottles etc. There is a price list with the prices charged separately for the items in the minibar, and it is kept near the minibar.

Most hotels today are trying to provide TV facilities in the rooms. In addition to the local channels, they also try to offer many foreign television channels. The list belonging to the TV channel is kept near the television so the guest can easily choose which channel to watch. The DVD facility is also being offered as a room facility by the hotel to a guest. Most of the hotels provide WIFI facilities in the room. This has allowed guests to browse the internet.

Many hotels have provided air conditioning or room heating facilities to every room.

Similarly, the hotels provide a telephone facility for all the rooms. To get a comfortable sleep, a perfect-condition bed has been provided, and it is decorated beautifully. Tea/coffee facilities (Tea/coffee/sugar bags are provided) are also offered to guests as a room facility. Many hotels offer a hot water kettle or a heater to heat the water. Two or more bottles of water are also provided to the room daily (Depending on the hotel policy). The hotel also provides room facilities like night lamps, ceiling fans and mirror tables. Many hotels offer a thick curtain and a sheer curtain in the room. A thick curtain does not allow sunlight to enter the room. And sheer curtain prevents the room from being seen in a row. Most rooms have a writing table, a notepad and a pen. If a balcony is connected to the room, it is also provided with a small table and a few chairs to sit comfortably.

Most hotel rooms have shower cubicles or a bathtub in the bathroom, and some rooms have both shower cubicles and bathtubs. Similarly, a commode, a bathroom sink, a mirror and both hot water and cool water are provided as a convenience in most hotels. In addition, bath towels, face towels, hand towels, and bath mats are available in the bathroom of a hotel room. At the same time, shower gel, shampoo conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste are also found in the room’s bathroom. Some hotels also provide hair dryers and hair straighteners. Apart from these facilities, the hotel offers many other room facilities. The facilities offered vary from hotel to hotel.

Type of Rooms

Let’s focus on the Type of Rooms Now. There are different types of rooms in a hotel, and they are provided according to the needs of different kinds of guests.

Single Rooms (SGL).

what is definition of room assignment

Single Rooms are given to a single guest, and the room is provided with a single bed and other facilities to make a guest feel comfortable.

Double room (DBL) .

what is definition of room assignment

These rooms are provided with all facilities to fit two guests with a double bed, i.e. a king-size or queen-size bed.

Twin Room (TWN).

what is definition of room assignment

Twin rooms have two separate beds with all other facilities. Those facilities fit two people.

Triple room (TPL) .

what is definition of room assignment

This room offers three separate beds or one king-size or queen-sized bed with one single bed with facilities suitable for three guests.

Interconnecting Rooms / Family Rooms.

what is definition of room assignment

The size of these rooms is increased by joining two standing rooms together and having a standard door for both rooms in the middle. These rooms are more useful for families with small children because children don’t have to use the corridor to go to other rooms. It is more critical for the safety of the children and gives the feeling that all the services are in one big room for the family. Similarly, apart from families, these rooms can also be provided for other personal requests.

Suite Rooms

what is definition of room assignment

Rooms of this type require a large amount of space compared to other rooms, and the rooms in the hotel are also more expensive. However, the facilities are more than other rooms. Also, different suite rooms can be seen with different facilities. The most popular are the penthouse, presidential, corner, junior, and executive suite. The suite rooms have a kitchen, a small bar, several televisions, more tables and chairs, and refrigerators.

what is definition of room assignment

Located away from the hotel’s main building, it has all the facilities a room should provide. Many guests like to have cabanas for a more private experience. Cabanas range from standard to luxury.

Studio rooms

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This particular room can be used as an office during the day and a bedroom at night. Divan-type beds are used in this room.

Mock-Up Room

what is definition of room assignment

This room was designed as a model room and was created during construction. These rooms designed with all facilities are often used to show to travel agents or investors.

Standard Room (STD).

Standard rooms can have the necessary facilities with one queen-size bed or two double beds. Currently, standard rooms are also divided into different types. For example, super standard rooms and luxury rooms.

Deluxe Room (DLX).

Deluxe rooms have more space than standard rooms, and their facilities are more than standard rooms. For example, most Deluxe rooms have both a bathtub and a shower cubicle room. The room also has more amenities. Delux rooms are available in different forms and names, like super deluxe rooms and luxury deluxe rooms.

Capsule room.

what is definition of room assignment

The busyness of the competitive world is very high, and unique hotels provide these rooms for busy people. Generally, apart from capsule hotels, most of the other hotels do not have capsule room facilities. A capsule room is made only for sleeping in a small space with basic amenities. But nowadays, these rooms are also equipped with television and wifi. It can be said that these rooms are more prevalent in countries like Japan.

Most of the chalets are made of wood and are located next to the hotel’s main building. Therefore, it has all the facilities that rooms should have, and the size and prices are determined based on the facilities provided.

Cottage room

The cottages are away from the main building in the hotel, and 2 or 3 rooms make up one cottage. All the facilities needed for the room are provided separately, and things like the shared cottage bathroom are made to be used in common. These rooms are especially suitable for certain institutions’ annual trips or school trips. Cottages can also be divided into different types, such as family cottages and the luxury cottage is the main among them.

Nowadays, you can see this type of room in many hotels, consisting of 4 beds. Simply put, these rooms are arranged so that four people can stay. In addition, some quad rooms have two double beds or two king-size or queen-size beds, and other facilities are provided. In some cases, these rooms are equipped with two modern-style bunkbeds. Sometimes hotels can offer these rooms with four single beds.

Queen-size Room. These rooms got this name because they have a queen size bed. The most commonly used Queen size bed is 60″ X 80″ (152 X 203.5cm). In addition, Olympic Queen 66″ X 80″ (167 X 203.5cm) and full Queen size bed 54″ X 75″ (134.5 X 190.5cm) are also available. The room’s price depends on the size of the room and the facilities provided. Often these rooms are given to one or two people.

King-size Room .

These rooms got this name because they have a king-size beds. The most commonly used King-size bed is 65″ X 82″ (165.1 X 208.28cm). The room’s price depends on the size of the room and the facilities provided. Often these rooms are given to one or two people.

Hollywood Twin Room .

This room consists of two twin beds, and they are connected to a one-bed head. In some Hollywood Twin Rooms, there are cases where two twin beds are placed next to each other. The room’s price depends on the room’s size and amenities.

Murphy Room.

what is definition of room assignment

this is a special type of room, and it is not often seeing this type of room in every hotel. It got the name Murphy Room because of the Murphy bed used in these rooms. The art spaces website shows that the Murphy bed was first introduced to the world by William Lawrence Murphy around 1900. The speciality of this Murphy bed is that it can be unfolded only when a guest wants to sleep. In other cases, it can be folded. Most of the Murphy beds are fixed to the wall. When Murphy bed is folded, more space can be obtained in the room. There are different types of Murphy beds, and they are arranged in single and double beds. All other facilities are provided as per guest request.

Accessible Room / Disabled Room

what is definition of room assignment

The accessible room is seen in many hotels nowadays. These rooms are set up for people with special needs. These rooms are arranged so that all facilities can be easily accessed. For example, the door pivot lock is set to work below other door logs in the other rooms. The magic eye on the door is also located at the down of the door. The bathroom, the shower, the bed, the writing tables and all the accessories are arranged below so guests with special needs can use them very quickly. The entrance door of these rooms is larger than the door of the other rooms and allows a guest in a wheelchair to enter the room quickly. Most of these rooms are located closer to the elevator and the restaurant. In some hotels, most of the accessible rooms are arranged on the ground floor. In some hotels, you can also see cases where a special butler is provided for this room.

Non-Smoking Room / Smoking Rooms

what is definition of room assignment

In Non-Smoking Rooms, smoking has been completely stopped, and a sticker indicating that it is a Non-Smoking Room has been posted on the main room door. These rooms are provided to non-smoking guests.

Smoking Rooms

Smoking rooms are provided for guests who like to smoke, and facilities for smoking are provided. For example, more cigarette packets, lighters, boxes of matches, and ashtrays are provided in the room.

Dust-free rooms.

“dust-free” rooms are a special type of room, and these rooms are mostly given to guests with severe allergies. However, some people find it challenging to deal with the dust in the air. For such people, these rooms are given if they make a special request.

what is definition of room assignment

These rooms are given different names depending on the facilities provided by the villa. Luxury villa rooms, lake villa rooms, and standard villa rooms are the most popular. Villa rooms are located away from the main hotel building. The villa includes bedrooms, a kitchen, a balcony, and other facilities. Especially this type of room is allocated to water-loving guests. Most of the villas are located close to the swimming pool or lake.

Soundproof rooms

These rooms are made of soundproof material, and things like fibreglass or mineral wool are often used. As a result, such external sound is absorbed, and the room does not receive external sound. Some hotels also use things like soundproof glasses to prevent external noise. Mostly these rooms are taken by guests who want to spend time quietly, and some also use these rooms for sleeping and resting.

Camping rooms

Camping rooms are mainly used by camping guests and can be seen in categories such as standard and luxury. Safari hotels also provide spaces for safari guests, and they are very well set up in the jungle. These rooms are arranged with all facilities.

what is definition of room assignment

Lanai rooms are designed to have the best view in a hotel, which can often be seen in resort hotels. The idea can generally be overviewing hills, gardens, mountains, and sea views, and the price is slightly higher than other rooms. The cost of these rooms, which provide all the facilities very well, is higher because of the view. Nowadays, it is becoming more popular in many hotels.

Room Status.

Room Status is the condition of the rooms in a hotel at that moment. It is helpful for everyone who works in a hotel because they can know the condition of the rooms in the hotel at that moment. In particular, the room attendant in the housekeeping department can explain how many rooms they have to clean and which rooms should be cleaned first. And they can also set their day’s work schedule. The room status gives an idea to the receptionist which rooms can be sold to the guest. Abbreviations introduce the data in the room status report for ease of identification. Examples are VAC, DEP, OCC, and S/O. Now let’s focus on this.

Vacant Room / Ready Room (VAC)

This is to say that the room has been thoroughly cleaned and well prepared so it can be sold to the new guest. It is abbreviated as VAC. But there are cases where only the letter V is used in some hotels. In some other hotels, there are cases where it is also used as R or RD. Wich means Ready rooms. But most of the hotels use the abbreviation VAC for Vacant Room.

Vacant Dirty This makes it clear that even though the room is vacant, it needs to be cleaned more and is still unsuitable for sale. For example, imagine that the night room attendant cleans room no 101, arranges the room well and declares it to the reception as a ready room (for sale). However, the receptionist has allocated room 101 to a guest who has made a reservation to this room at night. Imagine that a guest has not checked in to room no 101 until the morning and is at the vacant level. Even if such a room has been vacant without a guest using it when giving these rooms to a new guest, the room needs to be retouched (dusting and checking the room to ensure all items are working correctly, such as Television, Air conditioning and room amenities). And for the daytime, the room attendant wants to reverse (Open) the curtain in the room and make it proper and attractive. The evening turn-down service needs to be removed, and the bed need to be arranged again. The room attendant needs to refile the new fresh flowers to flower vas. Therefore, these rooms should not be cleaned with more attention than Departure or Occupied rooms. But some work needs to be done. Although the room is called vacant because it is clean without being used by a guest, it is called vacant dirty because the retouching mentioned above must be done. A Vacant Dirty room is abbreviated as V/D.

Arrival Rooms (ARR) If the guest has come to the room, it is known as the arrival room. The receptionist should notify other departments, including the housekeeping department, that the guests have arrived. This is known as ARR as an abbreviation.

Occupied (OCC) Rooms have been sold to the guests, and they have checked-In. In other words, it can be said that a guest is in the room. This is known as OCC as an abbreviation.

Due Out Room

This means that if the guest in the room is waiting for departure, this name will be used to know it. Abbreviated as D/O.

Check Out Room / Departure Room (C/O, DEP).

A guest has checked out from the room, and the room needs to be cleaned by the room attendant. A Check-Out Room / Departure Room cannot be sold until it becomes a Vacant Room / Ready Room.

When guests check out (departure), they should be given an excellent last impression of the hotel. If so, the guest can return to the hotel again in the future. The bellboy will take the guest’s luggage, and the room attendant should check the room of the guest who has checked out. There are mainly two objectives of such checking. One is that something of the guest may be forgotten or left in the room. For example, the guest’s passport may be forgotten in the safety locker. Or maybe other documents. If the room attendant finds such a thing, he/she can inform the receptionist quickly and give those items to the guest before leaving the hotel. This process is known as lost and found, and we will explain with another article about the lost and found procedure.

The other thing is to check if the guest damages the items in the guest’s room. For example, As a mistake or purposely, guests may have damaged the room’s bathroom mirror, television, glass windows etc. Likewise, some items belonging to the hotel may be left in the guest’s bag forgetting things such as the television remote control, decoration pillows, tea cups or mugs, hair dryers etc. If the guest damage hotel properties, the guest must bear the loss. If there is a shortage of items in the room, the guest can be told about it and checked.

While the room attendant is doing this process, the minibar should also be checked, and if the guest has used any items from the minibar, the guest should pay their value. Checking the minibar is done by the room attendant in some hotels, and separate staff members come to control the minibar in some hotels. Apart from this, if there is a bill to be collected from the guest to the hotel, it must be collected before the guest leaves the hotel. The front office cashier or the receptionist does this. The entire guest checkout process can only take a very short time. At the end of everything, a guest relation officer or receptionist should get comments about the hotel stay from the guest. It should be done only if the guest wishes and cannot be forced. Based on the guest’s comment, if there are any deficiencies in the hotel, the hotel can focus on them and provide better service to the guests. We hope to explain more about the guest room check-out procurer in another article.

Sleep out room (S/O).

This is an occupied room and can be termed a case where the guest has not slept in the room at night. For example, maybe guests went to another area with their friends and never returned till the morning. Sometimes guests inform the hotel they will not come to the night.

Day Rooms (D/R) These rooms are available to guests for a few short hours. It can be seen as a changing room at special functions or as a changing room at a wedding.

Free Of Charge (FOC)

The hotel provides these rooms free of charge, and is often given to travel agents, ambassadors, hotel managers, and the board of directors.

Out of Oder (O.O.O)

These rooms cannot be sold and have been used until they are repaired due to maintenance problems or some defect in the room. Rooms with this condition must be repaired very quickly, or the hotel may incur a loss due to being unable to sell the rooms.

Very Important Person (VIP)

A VIP room is referred to as a Very Important Person. A head of state, celebrity, or ambassador visiting the hotel is included in this category. The hotel management hopes that the hotel staff will provide more attention and service to these people by naming them VIPs. But the thing to remember is that it is best to treat every guest who comes to the hotel as very important.

Do Not Disturb (DND).

If mentioned this way, room cleaning or service should not be provided to those rooms until the DND warning is removed. Guests often show this DND during leisure or sleeping time. Therefore, their freedom and comfort should not be compromised. Guests can complain about it if they are hugged for some reason. But if a DND board is hanging on the door for a long time, the room attendant must be informed about it to the floor supervisor.

Stay Over (S/O) The rooms in this way indicate that the guests will stay in the hotel for a few more days. In a certain way, these rooms are known as occupied rooms in some hotels.

No luggage/ No bag (NLO /NL / NB).

This means that even if the guest checks in to the hotel and occupies a room, his bug is not in the room. When there is a situation like this, the room attendant must inform the floor supervisor and the desk attendant about it. The desk attendant will inform other departments also. Because it is problematic for what reason such guests came to the hotel. However, there are cases where such guests have not paid hotel bills and Departure themself without informing anyone.

Late Check Out (LCO)

Checkout time in most hotels is around 12.00 noon or 1.00 pm. But there are times when some guests delay checkout for various reasons. In such cases, the checkout may be delayed by a few hours. The prices charged for late check-out vary according to the hotel’s policy. But there are cases where most hotels will charge the full room rate from the guest after 6:00 pm even if the guest has not checked out. A late checkout can be given only in cases where another guest does not reserve a room for that room or where the reserved guest can be given another room. In cases of fully booked, late checkout is done very rarely.

Room Status Report

The Room Status Report is about the current condition of the rooms after checking with the housekeeping floor supervisor. This means after the room attendant cleans and prepares the rooms, the floor supervisor checks each room is correctly clean and arranged. After that floor supervisor marks each room’s condition in the report. In some hotels, the floor supervisor, from time to time, contacts the housekeeping desk attended and gives the room status about the room. Then the desk attendant makes a master room status report and gives it to the executive housekeeper’s supervision. After that, the report will be delivered to the front office department. For ease of study, the sample room status report is shown below.

what is definition of room assignment

The room attendant should also inform about the number of beds occupied. For the room status report, the room attendant should give the report containing the correct data about their cleaned and prepared rooms. The Front office department should receive the correct room status report from the housekeeping department.

If the room status report provided by the housekeeping department is wrong, the receptionist cannot sell the correct room. For example, imagine that room no 101 is occupied. By mistake, and mentioned as Vacant in the room status report. According to the information received by the reception, since room 101 is vacant, they will sell this room to a new guest. When the newly arrived guests have gone to the 101 room, when the 101 room is opened, they can see that it is an occupied room and there is a guest. Both parties of the guest can complain about the situation.

Similarly, the room status must be mentioned correctly in case of a room change. For example, imagine that the guest in room 102 is on a half-board basis, and they have been transferred to room 105 because they have expressed that they do not want to stay there due to some defect in the room. In this regard, the receptionist must notify the other departments, such as the restaurant and account, about the room change. If not, restaurant staff may think the guest in 105 is newly registered and will bill him for the meals even if the guest is entitled. The restaurant staff can wait until the guest arrives in 102. In the case of bullying, this becomes a problem for Cahire and the accounting department. Therefore, room change must be reported. It is mandatory to mention in the housekeeping status report that there was a room change.

Extending the number of nights in the room. In this case, the room status report should be updated. It is also mandatory for the reception to feel it to other departments.

Things that room attendants should pay attention to daily.

There are several things that room attendants should pay special attention to daily. These facts should also be mentioned in the room attendant report, and this information and facts are also obtained for the room status report.

The room attendant should give immediate attention to the rooms mentioned as early make-up while cleaning and setting up the rooms. Early make-up refers to an occupied guest asking for his room to be set up quickly. If the early make-up board is hung on the room door, those rooms should be cleaned immediately. Due Out rooms are cleaned at the end.

Additionally, if a Do Not Disturb (DND) sign is posted on the guest room door, avoid disturbing those rooms. Do not attempt to provide cleaning service in any way until the board is removed. Most of the guests in DND rooms may be sleeping, or they may be spending free time. Therefore, no hug should be made for their well-being or freedom.

But if such a room (DND) is available, a room attendant can send a DND card to the room under the door of a room with a DND board, asking if the room needs cleaning service or things like extra towels and water bottles. Room attendants should be informed by the floor supervisor about the DND room situation and should also be mentioned in the room attendant status report. In the room status report, you can see the cases mentioned as DND.

If the DND board is not left in the room for more than 24 hours, the floor supervisor should put the second DND card or the Red DND card under the guest room door. Later, if there is no answer from the guest, the floor supervisor should be informed about the situation by the executive housekeeper and duty manager. After that( according to the duty manager’s advice), the receptionist should call the DND room. If the guest doesn’t get an answer, the door needs to be opened by the hotel staff.

Opening the door without the knowledge of a guest is known as the final process. to open the door in this kind of room, should participate some of the hotel staff, such as the security agent, room attendant, floor supervisor, executive housekeeper, receptionist, and duty manager. The floor supervisor or executive housekeeper opens the room door, and others can be called witnesses. A reason to open a DND room is without knowledge of the guest because the guest has not responded to any message from the hotel for more than a day. In some cases, guests can be seen as sick in the room. In the same way, some guests have run away from the hotel without paying using the DND board. This kind of situation should be mentioned in the log books of the departments of all the participants that the door of the room was opened.

If any guest refuses to clean the room, it should be mentioned in the room attendant status report. If a guest refuses to clean a room for more than two days, he must have special permission from the executive housekeeper.

Room attendant, another thing to pay attention to is scanty/light luggage guests. Attention should be paid to the guests who bring less luggage because they can check out without paying the bill. If a guest leaves his luggage in the room and does not use it for a few days, the room attendant should inform the floor supervisor.

In addition to these facts and data, many other things can happen in hotels. The procedures followed vary from hotel to hotel. But most of the common points were explained in this article. Apart from this, please comment below regarding the above topics if you have any other matters.

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Synonyms of assignment

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Thesaurus Definition of assignment

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • responsibility
  • undertaking
  • requirement
  • designation
  • appointment
  • authorization
  • installment
  • installation
  • destination
  • emplacement
  • investiture
  • singling (out)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • dethronement

Synonym Chooser

How does the noun assignment contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of assignment are chore , duty , job , stint , and task . While all these words mean "a piece of work to be done," assignment implies a definite limited task assigned by one in authority.

When is it sensible to use chore instead of assignment ?

While the synonyms chore and assignment are close in meaning, chore implies a minor routine activity necessary for maintaining a household or farm.

When is duty a more appropriate choice than assignment ?

Although the words duty and assignment have much in common, duty implies an obligation to perform or responsibility for performance.

When might job be a better fit than assignment ?

The synonyms job and assignment are sometimes interchangeable, but job applies to a piece of work voluntarily performed; it may sometimes suggest difficulty or importance.

When could stint be used to replace assignment ?

In some situations, the words stint and assignment are roughly equivalent. However, stint implies a carefully allotted or measured quantity of assigned work or service.

When can task be used instead of assignment ?

The meanings of task and assignment largely overlap; however, task implies work imposed by a person in authority or an employer or by circumstance.

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“Assignment.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/assignment. Accessed 6 Jun. 2024.

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what is definition of room assignment

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: June 2024 Architect Licensure Exam (ALE)

what is definition of room assignment

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) releases the room assignments for the June 2024 Architect Licensure Exam (ALE)  a few days before the examination.

This year’s first Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE) will be conducted on June 11 & 13, 2024.

The said licensure exam will be conducted in the following testing centers: NCR, Baguio, Cebu, Davao , Iloilo , Legazpi, Lucena, Pampanga, Rosales, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga.

Room Assignments

Below are room assignments for the June 2024 Architect Licensure Exam (ALE) :

Examinees shall report before 6:30 in the morning on the said date because latecomers will not be admitted.

Things to Bring Examination day

Here are the things to bring during the examination proper:

  • Notice of Admission
  • Official Receipt
  • One (1) piece of metered-stamped window mailing envelope
  • Two (2) or more pencils (No. 2)
  • Ball pens (black ink only)
  • One (1) piece long brown envelope
  • One (1) piece long transparent/plastic envelope (for keeping your valuables and other allowed items)
  • Health Forms (Pursuant to Memorandum No. 68, series of 2020)
  • Negative RT-PCR Test Results, if applicable, or Certificate of Quarantine (Pursuant to Memorandum No. 68, series of 2020)

Dress Code on Examination Day

Here are the specified dress codes from PRC:

  • For male examinees, tucked-in white polo shirt with collar (without any seal, logo, or mark); decent pants or slacks
  • For female examinees, tucked-in white blouse or shirt with collar (without any seal, logo, or mark); decent pants or slacks

Prohibited Items Inside the Exam Rooms:

  • Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded information or formulas
  • Calculators which are programmable or with embedded functions, especially CASIO FX991ES and CASIO FX-991ES plus
  • Apple, Samsung and other smart watches, cellular phones, ear plugs, transmitters, portable computers, Bluetooth and other electronic devices which may be used for communication purposes;
  • Bags of any kind (place your documents inside the transparent/plastic envelope)
  • Other examination aides not stated in this program

All personal belongings of the examinees shall be surrendered to the proctor and shall be placed in a secured space within the examination room.

The rules on the conduct of bodily search, an inspection of personal belongings of the examinees, and the seizure/confiscation of prohibited items during the licensure exam (Annex A of PRC Memorandum Order No. 57, s. 2020) shall be strictly observed.

Exam Coverage

  • History and Theory of Architecture, Principles of Planning, Architecture Practice
  • Utilities Systems, Structural Conceptualization, Building Materials, and Construction
  • Architectural Design and Site Planning
  • Program for June 2024 Architect Licensure Exam (ALE) : from PRC.


Exam Statistics and Passing Rate

Prc regional offices directory.

  • If you have concerns and you need help from the Professional Regulation Commission, you can now access their office address, contact number and email address through this link:  PRC Official Directory

PRC LERIS Account Assistance

If you have technical concerns with the with your LERIS account, including resetting your password, mismatched record edit, and other related concerns, you may email the Licensure Exam Division through the following emails:

Exam Updates

To keep updated on the official results and other updates regarding the conduct of the June 2024 Architect Licensure Exam (ALE),  we advise our visitors to bookmark this page, visit PRC’s official website, follow us on our social media pages:

Facebook Pages:

  • Board Exams PH
  • Board Exams Philippines
  • Criminology PH
  • Fire Officer Exam PH
  • Penology Officer Exam PH
  • Napolcom Updates PH
  • Agriculture PH
  • Civil Service Exam Masterclass
  • Civil Service Exam Philippines

Facebook Groups

  • PRC Board Exam Updates 2024
  • PRC Board Exam Community 2024
  • LET Review 2024 Community
  • Civil Service Exam 2024 Community
  • Civil Service Exam Review Group 2024
  • Civil Service Exam Reviewer 2024
  • Civil Service Exam Reviewers 2024
  • NAPOLCOM Exam 2024 Community
  • Fire Officer Exam 2024 Community
  • Penology Officer Exam 2024 Community
  • Licensure Exam for Agriculturists 2024 Community
  • Criminology Exam 2023 Community

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PTLE RESULTS: June 2024 Physical Therapists Licensure Exam List of Passers

OTLE RESULTS: June 2024 Occupational Therapists Licensure Exam List of Passers

DHLE RESULTS: May 2024 Dental Hygienist Licensure Exam List of Passers, Topnotchers

FOE RESULTS: June 2024 Fire Officer Exam List of Passers

POE RESULTS: June 2024 Penology Officer Exam List of Passers

BCTLE RESULTS: June 2024 Basic Competency for Local Treasury Exam List of Passers

CPALE RESULTS: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam List of Passers

A-F PASSERS: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

G-L PASSERS:: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

M-R PASSERS: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

S-Z PASSERS: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

SLPLE RESULTS: May 2024 Speech-Language Pathologists Licensure Exam List of Passers

TOPNOTCHERS: June 2024 Physical Therapists Licensure Exam (PTLE)

TOPNOTCHERS: June 2024 Occupational Therapists Licensure Exam (OTLE)

TOPNOTCHERS: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

TOPNOTCHERS: May 2024 Speech-Language Pathologists Licensure Exam (SLPLE)

TOPNOTCHERS: March 2024 Civil Service Exam – Professional Level

TOPNOTCHERS: March 2024 Civil Service Exam – Subprofessional Level

TOPNOTCHERS: May 2024 Chemical Engineers Licensure Exam (CHEMENG)

TOPNOTCHERS (Secondary Level): March 2024 Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET)

TOPNOTCHERS (Elementary Level): March 2024 Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET)

TOPNOTCHERS: May 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Exam (PNLE)

TOPNOTCHERS: April 2024 Midwife Licensure Exam (MLE)

TOPNOTCHERS: April 2024 Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Exam (REELE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: June 2024 Physical Therapists Licensure Exam (PTLE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: June 2024 Occupational Therapists Licensure Exam (OTLE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: May 2024 Speech-Language Pathologists Licensure Exam (SLPLE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: May 2024 Chemical Engineers Licensure Exam (CHEMENG)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: March 2024 Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET)

PERFORMANCE SCHOOLS: May 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Exam (PNLE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: April 2024 Midwife Licensure Exam (MLE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: April 2024 Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Exam (REELE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: April 2024 Registered Master Electrician Licensure Exam (RMELE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: April 2024 Civil Engineer Licensure Exam (CELE)

PERFORMANCE OF SCHOOLS: April 2024 Pharmacist Licensure Exam (PHLE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: June 2024 Dentist Licensure Exam (DLE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: June 2024 Fire Officer Examination (FOE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: June 2024 Penology Officer Examination (POE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: June 2024 Basic Competency for Local Treasury Exam (BCLTE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: May 2024 Speech-Language Pathologists Licensure Exam

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: May 2024 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: June 2024 Occupational Therapist Licensure Exam (OTLE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: June 2024 Physical Therapist Licensure Exam (PTLE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: May 2024 Chemical Engineers Licensure Exam (ChemEng-LE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: May 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Exam (PNLE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: April 2024 Midwife Licensure Exam (MLE)

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: April 2024 Registered Master Electrician Licensure Exam (RMELE)




What does room assignments mean?

Definitions for room assignments room as·sign·ments, this dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word room assignments ., how to pronounce room assignments.

Alex US English David US English Mark US English Daniel British Libby British Mia British Karen Australian Hayley Australian Natasha Australian Veena Indian Priya Indian Neerja Indian Zira US English Oliver British Wendy British Fred US English Tessa South African

How to say room assignments in sign language?

Chaldean Numerology

The numerical value of room assignments in Chaldean Numerology is: 3

Pythagorean Numerology

The numerical value of room assignments in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3

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Online Assignment Change/Room Swap Details

We are happy to share that students interested in completing an assignment change or swap will be able to do so online in June. Your opportunity for online assignment change/room swap will occur:

  • Thursday, June 6: Assignment changes for female students
  • Friday, June 7: Assignment changes for male students
  • Friday, June 14: Room swap period for female and male students

Assignment Change Details

An assignment change is when a student is able to select a completely new assignment from spaces that are vacant at that time. Our online assignment change process is a convenient and easy way for you to attempt to change your space and pull in new roommates, if space is available. 

You can find step by step assignment change instructions  here .

Room Swap Details

A room swap is only available to students who find another student interested in swapping assignments.  NOTE: both students must be eligible for the spaces they are interested in swapping into (i.e. upperclass students are ineligible for first-year buildings or students requiring special housing may not be eligible for some spaces). 

You can find step by step room swap instructions  here .

If you have any questions, give us a call at 704-687-7501 or email us at [email protected].

What Part B covers

If you're in a Medicare Advantage Plan or other Medicare plan, your plan may have different rules. But, your plan must give you at least the same coverage as Original Medicare. Some services may only be covered in certain facilities or for patients with certain conditions.

What's covered?

NEW INSULIN BENEFIT!  If you use an insulin pump that's covered under Part B's durable medical equipment benefit, or you get your covered insulin through a Medicare Advantage Plan, your cost for a month's supply of Part B-covered insulin for your pump can't be more than $35. The Part B deductible won't apply. If you get a 3-month supply of Part B-covered insulin, your costs can't be more than $35 for each month's supply. This means you'll generally pay no more than $105 for a 3-month supply of covered insulin. If you have Part B and Medicare Supplement Insurance ( Medigap ) that pays your Part B coinsurance, you plan should cover the $35 (or less) cost for insulin.

Part B covers 2 types of services

  • Medically necessary services: Services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat your medical condition and that meet accepted standards of medical practice.
  • Preventive services :  Health care to prevent illness (like the flu) or detect it at an early stage, when treatment is most likely to work best.

You pay nothing for most preventive services if you get the services from a health care provider who accepts assignment .

Part B covers things like:

  • Clinical research  
  • Ambulance services
  • Durable medical equipment (DME)
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Intensive outpatient program services (starting January 1, 2024)
  • Limited outpatient prescription drugs

2 ways to find out if Medicare covers what you need

  • Talk to your doctor or other health care provider about why you need certain services or supplies. Ask if Medicare will cover them. You may need something that's usually covered but your provider thinks that Medicare won't cover it in your situation. If so, you'll have to  read and sign a notice . The notice says that you may have to pay for the item, service, or supply.
  • Find out if Medicare covers your item, service, or supply .

Medicare coverage is based on 3 main factors 

  • Federal and state laws.
  • National coverage decisions made by Medicare about whether something is covered.
  • Local coverage decisions made by companies in each state that process claims for Medicare. These companies decide whether something is medically necessary and should be covered in their area.

What does 'Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey' mean? Tour the house where it all began

what is definition of room assignment

The staff at Oxmoor Farm wants to welcome you into the 233-year-old home the same way that five generations of the Bullitt family might have.

Guests are offered a cocktail from the family’s serving set, a pour of bourbon from the house's private line, and even a comfy seat on their furniture. It’s an unusual approach for an 18th-century home tour, but unlike some of its still-standing peers in Louisville, this hidden gem operated as a private residence into the early 21st century. This is a home, not a museum.

The historic estate is offering a new bourbon experience highlighting the Bullitt family’s influence over Kentucky’s spirits industry. The Bullitts — not to be confused with Diageo’s Bulleit Bourbon — never had a revered family mash-bill and there’s never been any evidence a still operated on their land.

They were attorneys, not distillers.

Even so, they’re responsible for four precious words in the industry that appear on bar and retail shelves worldwide: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.

The Bullitt family was more known for the work it did in the insurance industry, explained Tim Knittel, a bourbon industry consultant with Distilled Living, who’s helped create the experiential tour. Researchers have been going through the Bullitt family's papers for more than 20 years, but only recently recognized the family's bourbon legacy.

“The work they did for the distilling industry completely changed everything,” Knittel explained. “This is the home of protecting bourbon whiskey, and what we’ve found in the last few months is incredibly exciting.”

Standing in the room where Kentucky bourbon began

Two weeks before the tours formally began on June 11, I took the ever-crowded Shelbyville Road to Oxmoor Lane and drove a half mile along the west side of Oxmoor Center to a driveway that led to an arguably forgotten slice of Louisville. It’s so close to the mall you can still hear traffic and undeveloped enough that a doe darted in front of my car as I approached the house.

The Bullitt homestead was originally 1,000 acres and so far out in the countryside, it wasn’t included in the city’s earliest directories. The area has steadily developed since the mall opened in 1971, but the remaining 80 acres are protected through a preservation easement with the Kentucky Heritage Council.

The tour begins in the back gardens. The original six-room house from 1791 still exists within the center of the modern estate. An addition was built onto the front of the house in 1829, and wings were added to both sides in the early 1900s. Knittel gestured to the original home’s chimney, which was constructed with bricks from celebrated stone mason, builder, and, yes famed distiller, Evan Williams.

The five generations of Bullitts ran in the same circles as some of the most influential people of their eras. As we migrated inside, Knittel explained that Oxmoor was a meeting place for the original authors of the Kentucky Constitution and that the home's first owner, Alexander Bullitt, helped write it.

“You're standing in the space where some of the work was done to create Kentucky,” Knittel said.

As we stepped out of the modest house and into the 1829 addition, Knittel jumped ahead a generation and told the story of how in 1862 a group of marauders dressed in both Union and Confederate uniforms stormed the front of the house. One of them put a gun to Alexander's son, William Christian Bullitt's, head and said that if he didn't surrender the family’s horses to them, they’d put a bullet in his head.

William Christian, essentially, told them to pull the trigger.

“The leader of the marauders pulled the gun away from his head and saved him in that moment,” Knittel recounted. “And if he had not done that right here in 1862, and the trigger had been pulled, we may not have bourbon as we know it today.”

Why? Because of everything William Christian's family line contributed to bourbon after the fact.

We’ll get to that in a second, though. After a story like that, Knittel suggested we pause for a drink.

Suing the United States government over American Prohibition

Rosser Lomax, the mastermind behind the estate’s cocktail program, led me into the dining room, where he served a light refreshing punch with black tea, bourbon, lemon, and spices. This would have been something the Bullitts might have offered guests in the 19th century, he explained. Lomax drew on family records and historical context to build the cocktail menu.

While we sipped, Lomax and I chatted a bit about the definition and evolution of bourbon in the 1800s, which helped set the stage for the next conversation about legislation.

Glass in hand, we walked into the early 20th-century part of the home.

At the turn of the century, a group of rogue whiskey makers known as rectifiers were putting additives in spirits. Some were harmless, like prune juice, but others like arsenic could be deadly. The Bottled in Bond Act passed in 1897, and William Christian’s son, Thomas Walker Bullitt, was instrumental in creating that law, Knittel explained. This established a set of standards for bourbon and other aged spirits. He also likely contributed to the creation of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, which prohibited the sale of misbranded food and drugs.

Then came the Taft Decision of 1909, when President William Howard Taft had to determine whether flavored spirits qualified as whiskey. This is where the term "straight whiskey" originates. The decision states that if whiskey had any additives besides water, it would be called “blended whiskey.” There's a letter in Bullitt family records from Taft congratulating William Marshall Bullitt, Thomas Walker's son, on his contributions to that outcome.

From there, Taft appointed William Marshall to Solicitor General. This is humorous, because just seven years later, William Marshall sued the federal government on behalf of Kentucky’s distillers, during the onset of American Prohibition. Kentucky distillers had paid taxes on their whiskey barrels, and now they couldn’t sell them.

That didn’t work, of course. Prohibition ended up devastating Kentucky’s bourbon industry.

“He actually helped distillers in Kentucky navigate the lead-up to prohibition,” Knittel said of William Marshall. “Once we understood there was no getting around it, he helped preserve the industry across Prohibition, and then help them reopen.”

Another amusing thing I learned on this tour was Oxmoor Farm was one of the last places in Kentucky during American Prohibition where you could have a completely legal drink of fine bourbon. When the Bullitt family realized the dry spell was about to transpire, they bought enough bourbon from Kentucky distilleries to bottle their own label “Oxmoor Kentucky Whiskey Private Stock.”

Under those laws, they couldn’t sell it or even transport it, but they could drink it and share it.

And in a very full-circle way, this nods to how the estate is interacting with the bourbon industry in the modern world.

This house still has secrets to tell

The final stop on the tour was a small bar located in a stunning neoclassical-style library. The ceilings were carved from Italian plaster and floors were designed to look like the Palace of Versailles . This space was once home to 250 first editions of books, including Issac Newton’s "Principia Mathematica," with the author’s handwritten notes in the margins, and a copy of the "Theory of Relativity" that Albert Einstein signed for Marshall Bullitt in 1939.

Those were donated to the University of Louisville’s rare books collections in the mid-20th century.

In the library, Lomax offered me a pour of Oxmoor Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Volume III, sourced from two modern Kentucky bourbon distilleries. They call it Volume III because decades after American Prohibition, the family bottled a second line sometime in the 1960s. The intention is to produce other volumes as well, through Oxmoor Bourbon Company, which is a for-profit business owned by the nonprofit Oxmoor Farm Foundation that oversees the property. The proceeds from the company go toward supporting the historic mission of the foundation.

And while my hosts welcomed informal conversation throughout the experience, now that the official tour was over, Lomax, Knittel and Shirley Harmon, the curator and historian at Oxmoor Farm, and I had a chance to talk more freely.

Harmon explained the property only stopped being a home because the final Bullitt to inherit it, Tommy, never had any biological children. He died in 1991 and willed the property to a trust. His wife continued to live in the house until she passed in 2005.

“He wanted it to be able to be used in some way to educate Kentuckians,” Harmon said.

Over the past two decades, the foundation has explored a variety of ways to do that.

The Bullitt family enslaved people from 1792 to 1862, and researchers have been working with several of their descendants as well as archeologists to tell that story through different programming. Once the archaeological digs are complete, they intend to create exhibits on the formerly enslaved people’s dwellings that still stand on the grounds. Three descendants are serving on the advisory committee for that project.

The house formally opened for historical tours in 2019, and launched a concert series known as "Evenings of Note."

And the foundation is still uncovering more about the property and the family every day. The Bullitt family papers are one of the largest collections at the Filson Historical Society , spanning 185 cubic feet. When Harmon first began working with the papers in 1999, bourbon was in a lull. She wasn’t watching for that connection, and now that she’s searching for it she’s seeing so many links, she didn’t see before.

The Bullitt family's is intricately intertwined with three centuries of Kentucky history. And the house still has plenty of secrets to share.

“I always tell people to think back to the (18th century) room you first walked into, and now you're standing in this very opulent, Gilded Age room,” Harmon said. “We've walked through three centuries of American history, and we have not left this house. We're under the same roof.”

Features columnist Maggie Menderski writes about what makes Louisville, Southern Indiana and Kentucky unique, wonderful, and occasionally, a little weird. Sometimes she writes about bourbon, too. If you've got something in your family, your town or even your closet that fits that description — she wants to hear from you. Say hello at [email protected]. Follow along on Instagram @MaggieMenderski.

Want to go?

WHAT: Oxmoor Bourbon Company's Origins Tour and Tasting

WHERE: Oxmoor Farm, 720 Oxmoor Lane, Louisville

COST : $42, plus fees and taxes

RESERVATIONS: Oxmoor Farm is currently accepting tour reservations for June, July and August. Tours are by appointment. To book visit oxmoorbourbon.com .


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