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Operational Planning: How to Make an Operations Plan


The operations of your business can be defined as the sum of all the daily activities that you and your team execute to create products or services and engage with your customers, among other critical business functions. While organizing these moving parts might sound difficult, it can be easily done by writing a business operational plan. But before we learn how to make one, let’s first understand what’s the relationship between strategic and operational planning.

Operational Planning vs. Strategic Planning

Operational planning and strategic planning are complementary to each other. This is because strategic plans define the business strategy and the long-term goals for your organization, while operational plans define the steps required to achieve them.

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Operational Plan Template

Use this free Operational Plan Template for Word to manage your projects better.

What Is a Strategic Plan?

A strategic plan is a business document that describes the business goals of a company as well as the high-level actions that will be taken to achieve them over a time period of 1-3 years.

What Is an Operational Plan?

Operational plans map the daily, weekly or monthly business operations that’ll be executed by the department to complete the goals you’ve previously defined in your strategic plan. Operational plans go deeper into explaining your business operations as they explain roles and responsibilities, timelines and the scope of work.

Operational plans work best when an entire department buys in, assigning due dates for tasks, measuring goals for success, reporting on issues and collaborating effectively. They work even better when there’s a platform like ProjectManager , which facilitates communication across departments to ensure that the machine is running smoothly as each team reaches its benchmark. Get started with ProjectManager for free today.

Gantt chart with operational plan

What Is Operational Planning?

Operational planning is the process of turning strategic plans into action plans, which simply means breaking down high-level strategic goals and activities into smaller, actionable steps. The main goal of operational planning is to coordinate different departments and layers of management to ensure the whole organization works towards the same objective, which is achieving the goals set forth in the strategic plan .

How to Make an Operational Plan

There’s no single approach to follow when making an operation plan for your business. However, there’s one golden rule in operations management : your strategic and operational plans must be aligned. Based on that principle, here are seven steps to make an operational plan.

  • Map business processes and workflows: What steps need to be taken at the operations level to accomplish long-term strategic goals?
  • Set operational-level goals: Describe what operational-level goals contribute to the achievement of larger strategic goals.
  • Determine the operational timeline: Is there any time frame for the achievement of the operational plan?
  • Define your resource requirements: Estimate what resources are needed for the execution of the operational plan.
  • Estimate the operational budget: Based on your resource requirements, estimate costs and define an operational budget.
  • Set a hiring plan: Are there any skills gaps that need to be filled in your organization?
  • Set key performance indicators: Define metrics and performance tracking procedures to measure your team’s performance.

Free Operational Plan Template

Leverage everything you’ve learned today with our template. This free operational plan template for Word will help you define your budget, timeline, KPIs and more. It’s the perfect first step in organizing and improving your operations. Download it today.

ProjectManager's free operational plan template for Word.

What Should be Included in an Operational Plan?

Your operational plan should describe your business operations as accurately as possible so that internal teams know how the company works and how they can help achieve the larger strategic objectives. Here’s a list of some of the key elements that you’ll need to consider when writing an operational plan.

Executive Summary

An executive summary is a brief document that summarizes the content of larger documents like business plans, strategic plans or operation plans. Their main purpose is to provide a quick overview for busy stakeholders.

Operational Budget

An operational budget is an estimation of the expected operating costs and revenues for a given time period. As with other types of budget, the operational budget defines the amount of money that’s available to acquire raw materials, equipment or anything else that’s needed for business operations.

It’s important to limit your spending to stay below your operational budget, otherwise, your company could run out of resources to execute its normal activities. You can use our free operating budget template for Excel to track your operating costs.

Operational Objectives

It’s essential to align your operational objectives with your strategic objectives. For example, if one of your strategic objectives is to increase sales by 25 percent over the next three years, one possible operational objective would be to hire new sales employees. You should always grab your strategic plan objectives and turn them into one or multiple action items .

Processes & Workflows

Explain the various business processes, workflows and tasks that need to be executed to achieve your operational objectives. Make sure to explain what resources are needed, such as raw materials, equipment or human resources.

Operational Timeline

It’s important to establish a timeline for your operational plan. In most cases, your operational plan will have the same length as your strategic plan, but in some scenarios, you might create multiple operational plans for specific purposes. Not all operational plans are equal, so the length of your operational timeline will depend on the duration of your projects , workflows and processes.

Hiring Plan

Find any skills gap there might be in your team. You might need to hire a couple of individuals or even create new departments in order to execute your business processes .

Quality Assurance and Control

Most companies implement quality assurance and control procedures for a variety of reasons such as customer safety and regulatory compliance. In addition, quality assurance issues can cost your business millions, so establishing quality management protocols is a key step in operational planning.

Key Performance Indicators

It’s important to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the productivity of your business operations. You can define as many KPIs as needed for all your business processes. For example, you can define KPIs for marketing, sales, product development and other key departments in your company. This can include product launch deadlines, number of manufactured goods, number of customer service cases closed, number of 5-star reviews received, number of customers acquired, revenue increased by a certain percentage and so on.

Risks, Assumptions and Constraints

Note any potential risks, assumptions and time or resource constraints that might affect your business operations.

What Are the Benefits of Operational Planning?

Every plan has a massive effect on all team members involved, and those can be to your company’s benefit or to their detriment. If it’s to their detriment, it’s best to find out as soon as possible so you can modify your operational plan and pivot with ease.

But that’s the whole point of operational planning: you get to see the effect of your operations on the business’s bottom line in real time, or at every benchmark, so you know exactly when to pivot. And with a plan that’s as custom to each department as an operational plan, you know exactly where things go wrong and why.

How ProjectManager Can Help with Operational Planning

Creating and implementing a high-quality operational plan is the best way to ensure that your organization starts out a project on the right foot. ProjectManager has award-winning project management tools to help you craft and execute such a plan.

Gantt charts are essential to create and monitor operational plans effectively. ProjectManager helps you access your Gantt chart online so you can add benchmarks for operational performance reviews. You can also create tasks along with dependencies to make the operation a surefire success.

business operations data on a Gantt chart

Whether you’re a team of IT system administrators, marketing experts, or engineers, ProjectManager includes robust planning and reporting tools. Plan in sprints, assign due dates, collaborate with team members and track everything with just the click of a button. Plus, we have numerous ready-made project reports that can be generated instantly, including status reports, variance reports, timesheet reports and more.

business operations reporting

Related Operations Management Content

  • Operational Strategy: A Quick Guide
  • Operations Management: Key Functions, Roles and Skills
  • Operational Efficiency: A Quick Guide
  • Using Operational Excellence to Be More Productive

Operational planning isn’t done in a silo, and it doesn’t work without the full weight of the team backing it up. Ensure that your department is successful at each benchmark. ProjectManager is an award-winning pm software dedicated to helping businesses smooth out their operational plans for a better year ahead. Sign up for our free 30-day trial today.

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Learn how to do operational planning the right way

Julia Martins contributor headshot

Some of this planning will be developed yearly—things like your yearly objectives and key results, for example, will naturally grow as time goes on. But to make sure you’re staying on track and executing against your long-term goals, you need an operational plan. 

What is operational planning?

Operational planning is the process of turning your strategic plan into a detailed map that outlines exactly what action your team will take on a weekly, or sometimes even daily, basis. An operational plan will include action items and milestones that each team or department needs to complete in order to execute your strategic plan. 

During the operational planning process, outline each team or person’s responsibilities for the next quarter, six months, or fiscal year. The level of detail and timeline you select for your operational plan should depend on how quickly your organization typically moves—if you’re a fast-paced team with an accelerated roadmap, consider creating an operational plan for the next quarter or half year. But if your organization tends to think more long-term, create an operational plan for the entire fiscal year.

Operational planning vs. strategic planning

A strategic plan is a business-level plan of your long-term strategy for the next three to five years. An operational plan is smaller in both scope and timeline. The goal of operational planning is to outline the daily actions you need to take to hit your strategic goals. 

Unlike a strategic plan, an operational plan should also focus on implementation . What daily and weekly actions does your team need to take in order to accomplish your longer-term strategic plan? What specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) do you need to track on a regular basis in order to ensure that your team is progressing towards your objectives? These details should be captured in your operational plan.

Who should create an operational plan?

To capture exactly who is doing what by when, an operational plan needs to be very detailed. For this reason, create an operational plan at a smaller scale than your strategic plan—both in terms of timeline and scope. Instead of trying to create an operational plan for your entire company, create one at the department or team level. At a larger company, you could even create an operational plan for a specific initiative—similar to a detailed work plan .

For example, create an operational plan to explain the daily tasks your IT department needs to do in order to support the company. Your IT department’s operational plan might include how frequently IT team members will check the IT requests project inbox , budgeting details for the program, how the IT team will onboard and equip new employees, and how frequently the team will meet. 

There are three levels to who should create an operational plan:

Scope: Your operational plan will capture the who, what, and when of each activity. It should be laser-focused on a team or initiative.

Timeline: Depending on how fast your organization moves, your operational plan should span a quarter, six months, or a fiscal year. 

Stakeholders: Make sure the people involved in operational planning are close to the work, so they can accurately project and predict what work should be included in the plan.

The benefits of operational planning

A strategic plan is a great way to proactively align your team around a shared purpose. By defining long-term goals, you can outline exactly where you want to go.

An operational plan helps you hit your strategic goals. According to our research, only 26% of knowledge workers have a very clear understanding of how their individual work relates to company goals. By creating a detail-oriented operational plan, you can define exactly what short-term goals you need to achieve in order to be on track towards your long-term objectives. It can help you think through the actions you’re currently taking or need to take in order to execute against your goals. 

In particular, an operational plan:

Clarifies exactly what your team will be doing on a weekly and daily basis.

Provides a comprehensive guide of the day-to-day operations your team members need to take in order to accomplish your long-term goals.

Sets a benchmark for daily expectations, so you can avoid getting off track.

5 steps to making an operational plan

During the operational planning process, you're not creating new plans or developing new goals. Rather, to create an operational plan, assess everything your team is currently working on and everything you need to do on a daily or weekly basis to hit your strategic goals. Here’s how:

1. Start with a strategic plan

If you haven’t already, create a strategic plan first. You need a long-term vision and goals before you can break down the day-to-day details. There are four steps to creating a strategic plan:

Determine your position

Develop your strategy

Build your strategic plan

Share, monitor, and manage your strategic plan

To learn more, read our article on strategic planning .

2. Narrow down your scope

In order to create a detail-oriented operational plan, you need to narrow the scope to a team, department, or focus area. The scope of your operational plan will depend on the size of your company.

For example, imagine you’re breaking down your strategic plan into action plans for various company departments. Your marketing team spans multiple functions—for example, design , product marketing, social media, content creation, and web promotion. To capture specific, daily functions within each team, you should create an operational action plan for each smaller team. 

3. Identify key stakeholders

Before creating an operational plan, decide who will be involved in the operational planning process. The team members creating the operational plan should be relatively close to the actions the plan describes. 

To continue our example, the design team’s operational plan should be created by the head of the design team and the team leads (depending on the size of the team). Once they’ve created their operational plan, the team should share the plan with the head of marketing for final approval.

4. Create the plan

Your operational plan explains the actions your team will take to achieve your goals within a set time frame. To create an operational plan, outline:

Your team’s objectives

The deliverables that will be achieved by the operational plan

Any desired outcomes or quality standards

Staffing and resource requirements , including your operating budget

How you will monitor and report on progress

If you’re struggling to figure out all the details that should be included in your operational plan, ask yourself the following questions: 

What do we need to accomplish? This information should come from your strategic plan or yearly goals.

What daily tasks do we need to complete in order to hit our goals? These can be daily tasks you’re currently doing or new work that needs to be kicked off.

Who are the people responsible for those tasks? Make sure each task has one owner so there’s no confusion about who to go to for questions or updates.

What are our metrics for success? If you haven’t already, make sure your goals follow the SMART framework . 

To continue our example, here’s the framework the design team might use to create their operational plan:

Part of the strategic plan for the marketing team is to increase share of voice in the market—which means more eyes on marketing materials and increased engagement with potential customers. To support these goals, the design team will: 

Create additional promotional materials for the social team

Revamp the website home page to attract more potential customers

To accomplish these two goals in the next year, the design team will:

Hire two new team members to focus on social media engagement

Partner with the web development team within the marketing department to create an interactive home page

To track and report on their progress, the design team will use Asana as their central source of truth for key performance metrics, including:

What designs they are creating

The level of engagement they’re getting on social media

The progress of the website update

This is just the framework the design team would use to create their operational plan. Bring this plan to life within a work management tool like Asana to share clarity on all of the work the team needs to do to hit their goals. With work management, every task can be tracked in real-time from inception to completion.

5. Share and update your operational plan

Once you’ve created the plan, share it with key stakeholders so they understand your team’s most important goals and the daily tasks it will take to get there. Manage your plan and updates in a shared tool that captures real-time progress, like Asana .

Like any element of project planning, things will inevitably change. Actively monitor your operational plan and report on progress so key stakeholders and team members can stay updated on how you’re tracking against your goals. Report on progress monthly through written status updates . 

Get started with operational planning

An operational plan can help you ensure you’re making progress on long-term goals. But in order for this plan to be effective, make sure you’re tracking your work in a centrally-accessible tool. Siloed information and goals don’t help anyone—instead, track your action items and goals in a work management tool.

Related resources

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Grant management: A nonprofit’s guide

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How Asana uses work management to optimize resource planning

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How Asana uses work management for organizational planning

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10+ Operational Planning Examples to Fulfill your Strategic Goals

By Danesh Ramuthi , Oct 25, 2023

Operational Planning Examples

An operational plan is a comprehensive, action-driven document that maps out how daily activities within an organization fuel the journey towards achieving strategic objectives.

Essentially acting as the nexus between high-level strategy and practical execution, this plan ensures that every department, from human resources to specific departments, operates in synchrony, aligning their day-to-day activities with the broader strategic goals.

By streamlining processes, it fosters cohesive efforts amongst diverse cross-functional teams, ensuring that both individual team members and entire departments work together harmoniously towards the company goals.

Ready to sculpt your organization’s future? Start your journey with venngage business plan maker and leverage their expertly crafted operational plan templates . 

Click to jump ahead: 

Why is an operational plan important?

10 operational plan examples, what should an operational plan include, how to write an operational plan.

  • Strategic plan vs operational plan: What is the difference? 

In summary 

An operational plan is crucial because it serves as a bridge between a company’s high-level strategic planning and its day-to-day activities, ensuring that the business operations align with the strategic goals. 

While a strategic plan provides a long-term vision, outlining the company’s objectives and goals to gain competitive advantages in the business environment, the operational plan outlines the specific actions, key elements and resource allocation required to achieve those objectives. 

For example, while the strategic plan might set a goal for revenue growth over the fiscal year, the operational plan provides a detailed roadmap, breaking down major projects, assigning responsibilities to individual team members or specific departments and setting key performance indicators to monitor progress and ensure the entire organization works together effectively.

Operational planning, in essence, transforms the strategic objectives into actionable plans, ensuring that the entire team, from department heads to diverse cross-functional teams, is aligned and works in tandem to support revenue growth, increase productivity, and achieve the desired outcomes. 

Operational plans, through a well-structured operational planning process, also provide a clear understanding of the day-to-day activities, allowing team members to know their roles, leading to better collaboration and synergy. 

Moreover, by having clear operational plan examples or templates, businesses can ensure realistic expectations, manage their operating budget effectively and track progress through key performance metrics, thus ensuring that the company stays on course to realize its long-term vision.

Operational plans play a pivotal role in the business landscape, bridging the gap between strategic vision and tangible actions. They translate the overarching goals of an organization into detailed procedures, ensuring that daily operations are in line with the desired strategic outcomes. 

In the section below, I will explore a few operational plan examples, shedding light on their structure and importance.

Business operational plan example

A business operational plan is a comprehensive document that elucidates the specific day-to-day activities of a company. It presents a detailed overview of the company’s organizational structure, management team, products or services and the underlying marketing and sales strategies. 

For businesses, irrespective of their size, an operational plan can prove invaluable. By laying down the business goals and objectives, it acts as a blueprint, guiding entrepreneurs through the creation and implementation of strategies and action plans. The planning process also incorporates mechanisms to track progress and performance. 

Additionally, for startups or companies looking to scale, a meticulously crafted operational plan can be pivotal in securing funds from potential investors and lenders.

Business Operational Plan Template

Layered on this are details about the company’s organizational structure, its products or services and its marketing and sales strategies. 

The document also delineates the roles and responsibilities of each team member, especially the management and key personnel. Given the dynamic nature of the business environment, it is imperative to revisit and update the operational plan regularly.

Related: 15+ Business Plan Templates for Strategic Planning

Simple operational plan example

A simple operational plan, often used by startups or smaller enterprises, emphasizes the basics, ensuring that the fundamental aspects of the business operations are captured succinctly. While it might not delve into the intricacies of every operation, it provides an overview of day-to-day activities, highlighting the goals and objectives the business aims to achieve in the short term.

Green Sage Simple Clean Yellow Operational Plan

In essence, this plan revolves around core elements like the company’s main objectives for the fiscal year, key responsibilities assigned to individual team members and basic resource allocation. A straightforward market analysis might also be included, offering insights into customer needs and competitive advantages the business hopes to leverage.

Simple Clean Yellow Operational Plan

Though simple, this operational plan example remains pivotal for the organization. It provides a roadmap, guiding team members through their daily responsibilities while ensuring that everyone is working together towards shared goals. It becomes especially essential for diverse cross-functional teams, where clarity of roles can lead to increased productivity.

Colorful Shape Simple Operational Plan

Modern operational plan example

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the emphasis on efficiency and innovative processes is paramount. The modern operational plan example caters precisely to this demand. Ideal for organizations aiming to streamline processes and highlight workflow, this type of operational plan emphasizes a more dynamic approach to planning. 

Modern Clean Orange Operational Plan

It not only reflects the evolving nature of business operations but also provides a modern backdrop for content, ensuring that the presentation resonates with the current trends and technological advancements. The use of modern tools and platforms within this plan enables diverse cross-functional teams to work together seamlessly, ensuring that day-to-day activities are synchronized with the company’s long-term vision.

Clean Modern Shape Operational Plan

Furthermore, such an operational plan helps the entire organization stay agile, adapting rapidly to changes in the business environment and ensuring alignment with strategic goals.

Minimalist operational plan example

The minimalist operational plan example champions simplicity and clarity. By focusing on clear and concise business strategies, it eliminates any potential ambiguity, ensuring that team members and stakeholders have an unclouded understanding of the company’s objectives and goals. 

Simple Minimalist Operational Plan

The minimalist design not only promotes easy comprehension but also aligns with the modern trend of decluttering, ensuring that only the most vital components of the operational planning process are highlighted. 

This approach leaves no room for confusion, streamlining the planning process and making sure that individual team members and departments are aligned with the business’s key objectives. 

White Clean Lines Minimalist Operational Plan

Moreover, the flexibility offered by a minimalist design allows businesses to craft an operational plan template that is not only functional but also accurately reflects their brand image and core values, ensuring cohesion across all aspects of the business strategy.

Blue And Orange Minimalist Modern Operational Plan

Clean operational plan example

The clean operational plan example stands as a testament to this principle. Ideal for businesses that prioritize clarity and directness, this format seeks to convey goals and strategies without overwhelming stakeholders. 

While maintaining a neat and organized layout, it ensures that tasks are managed effectively, helping team members grasp their roles and responsibilities without getting lost in excessive details.

Pink Retro Clean Operational Plan

One of the primary advantages of a clean operational plan is its ability to eliminate distractions and focus solely on the critical aspects of operational planning. 

Such a design aids in making sure that diverse cross-functional teams can work together harmoniously ensuring that day-to-day activities align seamlessly with the company’s long-term vision. 

The simplicity of the clean operational plan not only supports revenue growth by ensuring efficiency but also reinforces the company’s strategic goals, making it an excellent tool in the arsenal of businesses that believe in clear communication and precise execution.  

An effective operational plan acts as a roadmap, directing how resources should be allocated and tasks should be performed to meet the company’s objectives. Here’s what a comprehensive operational plan should encompass:

  • Goals and objectives : Whether short-term or long-term, the operational plan should define clear goals and objectives that align with the company’s strategic plan. This gives direction to the entire organization, ensuring everyone is working towards a common aim.
  • Clear responsibilities for team members : It’s essential that team members understand their roles within the operational plan. By outlining who is responsible for what, the plan ensures that there are no overlaps or gaps in duties and that everyone has clarity on their day-to-day activities.
  • Assigned tasks: Alongside responsibilities, specific tasks need to be allocated to individual team members or specific departments. This granularity in assignment ensures that every aspect of the operational plan is covered.
  • Timeline: This provides a clear schedule for when each task or objective should start and finish. A well-defined timeline assists in monitoring progress and ensures that the plan stays on track.
  • Budget and resources : Every operational plan needs to factor in the budget and resources available. This includes everything from the operating budget to human resources, ensuring that the business has everything it needs to execute the plan effectively.

Read Also: 6 Steps to Create a Strategic HR Plan [With Templates]

As businesses evolve, it’s essential to have a comprehensive and adaptive operational plan in place to navigate the complexities of the business environment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft an effective operational plan:

Step 1: Define your goals and objectives

Begin with a clear understanding of your strategic goals and objectives. This will act as a foundation for your operational plan. Ensure that these goals are in alignment with your company’s strategic plan and provide both short-term and long-term visions for the business.

Step 2: Determine roles and responsibilities

Identify the key stakeholders, department heads and team members who will play pivotal roles in executing the plan. Assign responsibilities to ensure that everyone knows their part in the planning process and day-to-day activities.

Step 3: Develop a timeline and milestones

Establish a clear timeline that breaks down the operational planning process. Include key milestones to track progress and ensure the plan remains on target.

Step 4: Allocate budget and resources

Determine the resources required to achieve your goals and objectives. This includes estimating the operating budget, identifying human resources needs and other resource allocations, ensuring you have everything in place to support revenue growth and other business needs.

Step 5: Outline day-to-day operations

Detail the day activities that are integral to the business operations. This will provide clarity on how different tasks and functions work together, ensuring efficiency across diverse cross-functional teams.

Step 6: Monitor and measure performance

Integrate key performance metrics and indicators to regularly monitor progress. Using both leading and lagging indicators will provide a comprehensive view of how well the operational plan is being executed and where improvements can be made.

Step 7: Review and adjust regularly

The business environment is dynamic and as such, your operational plan should be adaptable. Regularly review the plan, comparing actual outcomes with desired outcomes and adjust as necessary to account for changes in the business environment or company goals.

Step 8: Document and communicate

Create an operational plan document, potentially using operational plan examples or an operational plan template for guidance. Ensure that the entire team, from individual team members to the entire organization, is informed and aligned with the plan.

Related: 7 Best Business Plan Software for 2023

Strategic plan vs operational plan: What is the difference?

When running an organization, both strategic and operational planning play pivotal roles in ensuring success. However, each has a distinct purpose, time horizon and scope. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between these two essential business plans:

  • Strategic plan : This plan sets the course for the organization’s future. It embodies the long-term vision and mission, detailing the objectives necessary to achieve it. The essence is how everyone, from C-suite executives to individual team members, collaborates towards realizing this vision.
  • Operational plan : This is the roadmap for the day-to-day activities of the organization. While the strategic plan looks at the bigger picture, the operational plan hones in on the tactics and execution. It is crafted to support organizational goals with a focus on short-term activities specific to departments or functions.

Time horizon :

  • Strategic plan : Long-term in nature, usually spanning three to five years.
  • Operational plan : Concentrates on the short-term, with plans laid out yearly, quarterly, or even monthly.

Modification and updates :

  • Strategic plan : This evolves over longer intervals, typically three to five years. There might be minor adjustments year over year based on changing business needs and the external business environment.
  • Operational plan : Due to its short-term focus, it requires frequent assessments. Plans might be adjusted yearly, quarterly or even monthly to ensure alignment with the strategic objectives and current business environment.

Created by :

  • Strategic plan : Crafted by the upper echelons of management – think CEO, CFO and other C-suite members.
  • Operational plan : These plans come to life through mid-level management and department heads, ensuring alignment with the broader strategic vision while catering to specific departmental needs.
  • Strategic plan : Broad in its outlook, it takes into account external factors like market trends, competition, customer needs and technological innovations.
  • Operational plan : This narrows down the focus to the internal workings of the organization. It revolves around technology in use, key performance indicators, budgeting, projects, tasks and the allocation of responsibilities among team members.

As we’ve traversed through the importance of operational planning to various operational plan examples, it becomes evident that having a detailed and efficient operational plan is pivotal. 

From the business-centric to the minimalist approach, every operational plan serves as the backbone, guiding team members and ensuring that day-to-day activities align with the long-term vision and strategic goals.

By knowing what should be included in these plans and how to craft them, businesses can navigate the complexities of their operational environment with greater confidence.

For those looking to refine their planning process or start from scratch, the world of digital tools has made it significantly easier. Venngage offers business plan maker and operational plan templates designed to simplify the process. 

Whether you need to create an operational plan or draft a business strategy, their intuitive platform can guide you every step of the way.


Operational Plan: Everything You Need To Know (2024 Guide)

Download our free Operational Strategy Template Download this template

The old way of planning no longer works in complex and unpredictable business environments, and companies are struggling to find their feet on shaky ground. As we’ve seen with many of our customers and strategies in Cascade, organizations can no longer count on executing three or even five-year strategic plans.

The new reality forces companies and their operations teams to adapt their operational plans more frequently and within shorter time frames if they want to reap benefits faster than their competitors. Organizations need to work on their strategic instinct and fast adaptability to enhance their operational efficiency .  

And that requires big changes—including building a flexible operational plan, supported by the right tools and systems that help you achieve real-time centralized observability and empower a strategic response to external disruptions.

Read this article to build a bulletproof operational plan that includes all the key elements necessary to overcome unpredictable business chaos. You’ll also get free templates that will help you rapidly adapt and align your teams.

✨Bonus: We’ve included pro tips from business leaders in our network to help you identify gaps in your strategy execution and build resilient business operations.

Free Template Download our free Operational Strategy Template Download this template

What Is An Operational Plan?

An operational plan is action and detail-oriented; it needs to focus on short-term strategy execution and outline an organization's day-to-day operations. If your operations strategy is a promise, your operational plan is the action plan for how you will deliver on it every day, week, and month.

Put simply, an operational plan helps you bridge the gap between business strategy and on-the-ground execution and ensures that the organization is on track to achieve its long-term goals.

Benefits of operational planning

  • Clear definition of relationships between cross-functional teams in different departments and responsibilities for each to eliminate duplicated efforts.
  • Tighter alignment between corporate or business unit strategic plans and on-the-ground execution, helping the organization meet its business targets.
  • Strong operating system that enables the company to quickly adapt, deliver operations goals, and monitor performance.

Operational planning vs. strategic planning

Operational planning deals with the day-to-day details and short-term goals, while strategic planning focuses on the big picture and long-term direction of an organization.

To put it in simpler terms, operational planning is about the "how" of daily tasks, while strategic planning defines the "what" and "why" for future success.

📚Recommended reading: Strategic vs. Operational Planning

Kickstart Your Operational Planning Process: Lay The Foundation

The quality of your operational plan will depend on your input. A successful operational planning initiative will consider these aspects:

  • Who will be involved? Identify and include employees, customers, and the management team in the planning process to gain valuable insights from the front lines, ensuring better strategy and execution buy-in.
  • What are your internal capabilities? Assess internal capabilities by conducting an internal analysis , including resource requirements, operating budget, and talent skills. Talent management and employee engagement are just a few of the many challenges that COOs will have on their operations agenda.
  • What environment are you operating in? Conduct an external analysis (e.g., PESTLE or Porter’s 5 Forces ) to inform your approach and identify optimization opportunities and risks, keeping you agile in a changing market.
  • Is it aligned with your organization’s strategy? Ensure alignment of your operational plan with your organization’s strategic plan to actively support the company's long-term vision and contribute to key business metrics.
👉🏻 Once you’ve gathered this information, you can develop an operational plan to help you execute business strategies.

Key Elements Of Your Operational Plan

Enough chit-chat; it’s time to put your operational plan together. We've built this based on our proven and tested approach, used by over +45,000 Cascade users.

See how Cascade Strategy Execution Platform enhances operational efficiency by reducing duplication and aligning teams toward common goals. It effectively eliminates waste resulting from misalignment, fostering smoother operations and improved performance.

Here’s a recap of the five key elements your plan must consider:

Choose key metrics aligned with the company goals

Selecting your operational plan's key metrics isn't a mere exercise in tracking numbers; it's about laser-focused alignment with your business needs and objectives. These metrics are the tangible indicators of your organization's efficiency and performance. They serve as the compass, guiding your daily decisions and actions toward achieving concrete results.

By precisely aligning these metrics with your company's core objectives, you ensure that every initiative and action within your operational plan directly contributes to achieving tangible results.

An aligned operational plan makes it easier to:

  • Communicate roles and responsibilities to all employees so they know how their efforts contribute to overall business success.
  • Identify and address operational bottlenecks and inefficiencies that could derail strategy execution.
  • Motivate and engage employees to work toward strategic objectives and deliver on business outcomes.
Remember that the role of operations is to close the gap between your organization's strategic goals and what is being done on a daily basis to make them happen.

👉🏻 How Cascade can help:

With Cascade’s Metrics Library , you can bring your operating and financial business-level goals together with your strategy under one single roof. This makes reporting & governance easy, accurate, and less time-consuming by connecting your business data to your key business initiatives.

cascade metrics library

Through Cascade’s integrations , you can consolidate your metrics in one place, importing your data directly from business systems, data lakes, BI tools, or even spreadsheets.

Define the focus areas of your operational plan

The focus areas of your operational plan are the key areas of the business that the plan will address.

This will depend on your business plan. Think about how the business operates and how it succeeds. Do you need to pursue short-term cost reductions while simultaneously pursuing longer-term growth and transformation initiatives? Your operational plans must be built on these strategic priorities.

For example, you can prioritize your focus areas based on the most relevant business strategies or by specific departments. Some examples of focus areas could be:

  • Administration
  • Human Resources

💡Tips to help define the focus areas of your operational plan:

  • Identify the business's key challenges and opportunities.
  • Consider the business's overall long-term strategy and key metrics and how the operational plan's focus areas can support these objectives.
  • Bring other people on board to help you identify what needs to be addressed by the operations plan.

Create strategic objectives for your operational plan

Strategic objectives are specific goals aligned with the operation’s strategy and focus areas. They represent what you want to achieve in each focus area and will serve as the building blocks of your plan, ensuring that it’s focused and actionable.

Some examples of strategic objectives:

  • Reduce costs by 10% within the next year by implementing more efficient processes and streamlining the supply chain over the next year.
  • Launch three new products in the next fiscal year to expand your product lines and increase revenue.
  • Increase customer satisfaction scores by 5% within the next six months.

💡Tips for defining strategic objectives include:

  • Ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Consistently align objectives with your operational plan's focus areas and the company's goals.
  • Don’t be afraid to get input from other people about your objectives.

Identify and prioritize projects

It’s time to identify and prioritize the projects that need to be executed. Remember, projects are action plans to help you achieve your strategic objectives.

Project planning should include thinking about time frames, task assignments, and deliverables (and prioritizing).

Here are some examples of project ideas:

  • Localize sourcing for critical semi-finished materials.
  • Streamline the supply chain to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • Find and develop an alternative logistics channel.
  • Implement a new customer service training program to improve customer satisfaction scores.
  • Implement a new technology that will enable end-to-end supply chain visibility.

💡Tips for defining and prioritizing projects:

  • Identify the specific actions and activities needed to achieve each strategic objective.
  • Prioritize the projects based on their importance, feasibility, and potential impact on the business.
  • Involve stakeholders in defining and prioritizing the projects to ensure their needs and concerns are heard.

Identify and track key performance indicators (KPIs)

Finally, you’ll need to know if your operational plan and day-to-day activities result in outcomes.

Set KPIs for key initiatives and strategic objectives to measure success, ensure alignment, and identify performance gaps in your operational plan.

Some examples of operations KPIs are:

  • Inventory costs
  • Costs of goods sold
  • Revenue growth
  • Employee retention rate
  • Customer satisfaction score

💡Tips for defining and tracking KPIs:

  • Align KPIs with your strategic objectives and focus areas so that you can track the plan's progress against these specific goals.
  • Add both lagging and leading indicators .
  • Instead of using multiple disconnected spreadsheets and project management tools, consider live dashboards or reporting systems to track the KPIs and monitor progress over time.

👉🏻 How Cascade can help build your plan:

Cascade’s planner feature enables you to build your operational plan with structure and ease by breaking down the complexity from high-level initiatives to executable outcomes. Define your key elements (focus areas, objectives, projects, and KPIs), and share the plan with your teams. You’ll get full visibility of the plan’s progress in real-time, allowing you to identify gaps, quickly update the plan, and communicate the change with your team with a single click.

cascade planner view example

👉🏻 If you don’t want to start building the plan from scratch, use our free Operational Plan Template pre-filled with examples of focus areas, objectives, projects, and KPIs that you can customize to meet your organization’s needs.

Operational Plan Examples & Templates

Here are five operational plan examples to help you create plans for your teams. You can use one master operational plan or set up an operational plan for each department.

Master Operational Plan Example

operational plan free template

This Operational Plan Template will help you close the gap between business goals and day-to-day operations. You'll be able to set goals and KPIs for your top priorities and work with the operations team to deliver operational excellence and business results.

HR Plan Example

This HR Operational Plan Template can be used to meet staffing requirements, manage human capital and align human resources activities with your strategy. HR managers in any industry can create a clear operational plan that can be constantly monitored, adapted, and improved.

IT Plan Example

If you’re in the IT team, try out this IT Plan Template to get your IT operational planning up and running fast. It comes prefilled with focus areas and KPIs relevant to IT operations; you can easily customize workflows and deliverables to your needs.

Marketing Plan Example

This Marketing Plan Template can help you efficiently understand and plan your digital marketing operations using best practices. Use it to quickly set up priorities and get your social media and marketing teams moving on tasks that will make an impact.

Finance Plan Example

This finance-focused template is ideal if you want to get on top of your finance operations plan. Use it to allocate and distribute financial resources across your organization and get real-time updates through your dashboard and reports—which are great tools to create a visually compelling financial summary that clearly shows your key metrics.

💡Pro Tip: To ensure successful execution, it's crucial to align not just your master operational plan with your overarching strategic plan, but also all the operational department plans.

With the Alignment Maps feature, you’ll be able to visualize how your top-level business strategy breaks down into functional and operational plans. This empowers COOs and CFOs to consolidate their operational plans in one place, creating tighter alignment between the finance and operations teams and improving cross-collaboration to build more resilient operations.

alignment map view in cascade

Want to dig deeper? Use the Relationships feature to see the relationships between connected objectives from your plans and understand how your different department goals contribute to the core business metrics and goals. This view will allow you to clearly map dependencies, blockers, and risks that may lie along your journey.

relationships view in cascade

5 Tips For An Effective Operational Plan And Its Execution

1. don’t underestimate the power of transparent communication.

Regularly communicate the operational plan and progress to all relevant stakeholders to build the necessary buy-in and support. Your employees must know your goals and the roadmap, and team members should understand their role in its execution. This business transparency will help everyone row in the same direction.

“Clarity regarding strategy is one of the key drivers of autonomous execution. If people understand what you’re working toward and have guardrails in place, they can be empowered to make their own decisions and don’t need everything to be ‘run up the chain’ to get approved. This allows you to move fast and at scale.” — Sam Sterling , Chief Strategy Officer, Akqa

2. Keep moving forward and adopt a growth mindset

Keep the momentum going and ensure that the plan is executed effectively. Regular monitoring and reviews can help identify and address any challenges or obstacles that may arise.

Schedule regular reviews and check-ins and provide the necessary support to ensure projects are on track and moving forward.

“I think adopting a growth mindset is super important. This means having the confidence to fail fast, try something new and empower people to do that.” — Ken Miller , General Manager, Azure Intelligent Cloud at Microsoft

With the Team Updates functionality, every team member can post updates on key measures, actions, and objectives. This will give you real-time visibility into performance and help you identify possible risks before it’s too late—without having to schedule extra meetings or nag your team members for updates.

3. Make strategic moves and change fast when you need to

Your operational plan should be flexible, adaptable, and open to adjustments. This means keeping an eye on progress, making corrections if needed, and being willing to adapt the plan to changing circumstances or new opportunities. As McKinsey suggests, you can consider creating a team that will be able to collect data, link analysis with action, and offer quick responses to rapid changes.

“Traditionally, companies would have taken that piece of paper and gone out and said: we're going to execute it, start to finish. Then get into the formulation of the strategy, what we need to hit, and what the end product result will be like. But what we do know is that’s never the case. Along the way, you're going to have bumps, and inevitably, you’ll need to change from that original picture.” — Annie Lucchitti , Marketing Manager, Unilever

4. Empower your operations team and boost efficiency

Effective operational planning requires the engagement and empowerment of your team. Involve stakeholders in the planning process and provide them with the necessary resources. Give them context and an opportunity to set goals and prioritize initiatives. This will help you boost engagement and hold them accountable for progress.

“I think it just works at every single level. Are people allowed to be themselves at work? Personally, are they at peace? Are they happy? Productivity happens when people have the right skills, but also when they are engaged and happy. If one of those fails a bit, productivity will start decreasing.” — Joan Torrents , Global Sourcing Manager, TESCO.

5. If it isn’t measured, it isn’t managed

Don’t underestimate the importance of tracking and measuring progress against the operational plan's goals and objectives. Set milestones, enforce KPIs, and stay on top of progress. Doing this will help you stay on course, empower you to act quickly, and provide valuable insights into what is going wrong.

“Data is a foundational element in the strategy definition phase as well as in the strategy execution phase as it helps create a baseline, identify key priorities, set goals, and measure progress.” — Erica Santoni , Principal, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Intuit

Use Cascade’s Dashboards to monitor your day-to-day progress on key metrics and critical business and strategic information in real-time.

example of an operations strategy dashboard in cascade

Compile the information in powerful reports and executive summaries in seconds with pre-built templates. Share them with your key stakeholders —internal and external— and invite them to collaborate on your strategy together.

Execute Your Operational Plan With Cascade 🚀

What good is an operational plan if no one executes it? If your organization wants to operate at a higher level, static tools like Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoints, Google Docs, and/or project management tools aren’t the solution.

❌They aren’t designed for adaptive strategy and planning.

❌They often lead to siloing and hinder effective cross-collaboration.

❌They make it challenging to measure progress and slow down decision-making.

With Cascade as your central operating system, you can stop running business operations blindfolded and embrace rapid, coordinated, and data-driven decision-making.

Get your Operational Plan Template to get started with a dynamic plan that will lead to actual outcomes for your business and see faster results from your strategy.

Or take Cascade for a spin! Start today for free or book a 1:1 product tour with Cascade’s in-house strategy expert.

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Creating efficient and effective operational plans

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Your team is only as effective as the plan they follow.

If you outline vague and impossible goals, provide inefficient resources, and leave assignments up to interpretation, you set them up for failure. And even a well-defined project plan is insufficient if you haven’t accounted for overarching company goals. Because success doesn’t come down to a single project — it’s something every employee works toward.

Operational plans are comprehensive enough to cover all the bases. They fill in any gaps to ensure teams know how to effectively action an employer’s strategic plan.

What’s an operational plan?

Operational plans are documents that define the more day-to-day details — like projects, timelines, and key performance indicators (KPIs) — necessary to achieve an employer’s strategic plan. Department managers often create operational plans for their team, referencing upper management’s strategic planning to connect everyday initiatives with the company’s broader goals and forecasted trajectory.

Conversely, top-level leaders typically outline strategic plans, focusing on long-term and company-wide objectives. They might define projected company growth over five years and how to accommodate it or potential future target audiences.

Operational plans then break down these high-level strategies into day-to-day goals a department or team must complete. This brings higher-level thinking down to earth so that, day after day, employees can slowly action more vague and idealistic long-term goals.

4 benefits of operational planning

Operational plans keep teams on track and make broader objectives more understandable and achievable. They also offer the following four benefits.

1. Improved productivity

It would be impossible to track employee performance without measuring progress toward an objective. Operational planning provides the ability to set objectives for departments to meet, giving you an overview of where your team wastes time, what you can improve to streamline processes, and more.

Any saved time always results in higher productivity levels. When you clearly define action items, timelines, and KPIs for team goals, you reduce miscommunications and conflicts — both of which waste everyone’s time. And if you house planning documents somewhere central, teammates know where to go for task-specific information to waste less time asking questions and searching for information.

2. Better resource management

A key part of operational planning is figuring out the resources your team needs to complete goals — both in the short and long run. Allocating these resources effectively can make or break a project’s outcome. If you don’t employ enough teammates to complete an app development project, you might extend the client’s deadline expectations, and they could drop out altogether. And if you choose cheap but unreliable vendors, you might experience supply delays down the road.

Operational plans prompt you to look critically at your assets and consider how to spread them out to meet every strategic deliverable. Consider the activities you must complete, who you need to work on these initiatives, and how much funding your department requires.

3. Team direction

Employees who don’t know what to work on and how to do so efficiently might waste time on the wrong tasks and using ineffective processes. Operational planning gives your team daily and more forward-thinking direction. You’ll both clarify their duties and deadlines as well as the most efficient and effective processes for completing them.

4. Increased accountability

Tying everyday work into broader company goals can make employees feel more connected to the company’s mission and accountable for doing great work that contributes to it. And since you’ve clearly outlined responsibilities and optimal ways of working, there’s no ambiguity regarding their tasks, which might also increase their accountability levels.

Key components of an operational plan

Remember that operational plans are most effective when used to complete larger strategic objectives. As such, here are a few key components every document should have:

  • Objectives: You’ll define smaller-scale objectives your team must complete, all of which directly tie into grander ones described in the strategic plan. If a general strategic target is to increase sales, a potential operational planning objective might be to design a 12-month marketing strategy.
  • A budget: Because strategic planning typically focuses on increasing a company’s overall revenue, you’ll want to create project budgets that are resourceful and show that, in the end, your project makes the company money. Create a budget that’s a bit flexible to account for hiccups and delays.
  • Timeline: Often, all department-specific operational plans will follow the same timeline as the strategic plan, with smaller project plans spanning shorter timelines. But if strategic goals are very grand and long-term, you might create several operational plans that start and stop after each other until you’ve covered every strategic goal.
  • KPIs: Define as many success indicators as necessary to keep your team motivated and easily track progress. This might be website visits, high customer ratings, or completed product launch deadlines.
  • A summary: Finally, summarize the plan’s content, highlighting how it connects to strategic planning goals. Be as concise as possible, providing teammates and external stakeholders with a brief overview they can refer to.

How to create an operational plan: 5 steps

Here’s a five-step guide to creating an effective operational plan. Work with other departmental leaders and, if possible, strategic planning professionals to ensure this plan aligns with team capabilities and the company’s long-term vision.

1. Review the strategic plan

Start by thoroughly reviewing the strategic plan, as you’ll need information like key objectives and timelines to create yours. You might document answers to the following questions to ensure your plan aligns with this one:

  • What key objectives does the company hope to achieve, and in what time frame?
  • Where does the plan explicitly mention work our team would complete?
  • What resources does the plan mention are available?
  • What revenue goals does this document define?

2. Define your team’s goals

With this research in mind, list the more specific projects and tasks your team must complete to help upper management follow through with their strategy. If you’re a marketing department lead and a strategic goal is to increase revenue by 10%, you might define several marketing campaigns your team will undertake and how they’ll assist the company in achieving this monetary goal.

Your operational plan likely follows the strategic one’s timeline, but even if you decide to create several that add up to cover the entire strategic plan, clearly outline an overall timeline as well as those for unique projects within the plan.

3. Introduce KPIs

For every deliverable, define a couple ways to track progress and determine success. These should be relevant to strategic goals but more specific. For instance, if a broad company goal is to gain more website traffic, you’ll define more targeted KPIs related to this, like bounce and click rate improvements.

4. Create an executive summary

Summarize your operational plan’s content, defining the strategic goals your team is helping to achieve and how. Use a sentence or two to briefly touch on every section of your plan, remaining as concise as possible.

5. Formulate a hiring plan

Because both strategic and operational plans span long time frames and work toward complex objectives, you’ll likely need to hire employees as you action these plans to complete items. Work with the HR team to discuss your department’s hiring needs. They can then create a hiring plan with top-level management to ensure you have the employee resources you require.

Let Roadmunk by Tempo support your operational planning

Once strategic and operational plans are set, team leads need to define more specific project roadmaps. Roadmunk by Tempo lets you create a visual representation of high and low-level goals, timelines, and milestones. Then, use Timesheets by Tempo to find ways to work more efficiently and track employee progress toward accomplishing important company objectives.

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Operational Planning: How to Make an Operational Plan

June 6, 2022 - 10 min read

Yuvika Iyer

Having a strategic plan is essential to any company, but it’s not enough. To ensure that the broader organizational goals are within reach, you need an operational plan for day-to-day work. 

Using templates to manage your operation plan can help simplify your complex processes and save you time. You know how a shopping list helps you remember what to buy at the store? Templates are like that for your work. And Wrike has many templates ready to go for different kinds of jobs. 

For example, you can use the retail trade template to see what step comes next when adding something new for customers to buy. Then there’s the business operations template , which helps you and your team keep track of your business plan without getting wires crossed. And when you need to manage bills, you can use the invoice tracking template . All these templates are great tools for keeping an operational plan ticking over.

In this blog post, we’ll explain what an operational plan is, show you how to create one without feeling overwhelmed, and provide you with an example of an operational plan. We’ll also share our prebuilt templates to get you up and running quickly.

What is an operational plan?

An operational plan is a document that outlines the key objectives and goals of an organization and how to reach them.

The document includes short-term or long-term goals in a clear way so that team members know their responsibilities and have a clear understanding of what needs to be done.

Crafting an operational plan keeps teams on track while guiding them in making crucial decisions about the company's long-term strategy.

Operational planning vs strategic planning

Though related to each other, these two planning strategies differ in their focus.

Operational planning is the process of the day-to-day work to execute your strategy. It ensures you have all the resources and staff necessary to get work done efficiently.

On the other hand, strategic planning is about looking ahead into the future, identifying the upcoming pipeline, and figuring out how you can prepare for it.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, nearly 7 million Americans are self-employed, with an additional 10 million employed by small businesses. 

If you're working at a large corporation, chances are your company will have some form of strategic goals in place. However, if you're one of the millions who work remotely and independently, your success will rely on operational planning instead.

What are the key elements of an operational plan?

The success of operational planning largely depends on setting realistic expectations for all teams.

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Here are the key elements of a functional operational plan:

  • Clearly define the ultimate vision or objective for the plan
  • Review and break down the smaller goals for the operating budget, team, and resources required to put the plan into action
  • Assign budgets, team members, key stakeholders, and resources
  • Monitor progress with consistent reports
  • Refine the operational plan and be ready to pivot if needed

Ensure all teams understand the parameters of success. Doing this shows how their work contributes to wider company goals and ensures better decision-making for the business operation.

How to create an operational planning process

Think of an operational plan as a key component in a team puzzle. It provides employees with a manual on how to operate the company.

It should be created in tandem with other foundational documents like an organizational mission statement, vision document, or business strategy. Daily, it can help answer questions such as:

  • Who should be working on what?
  • How can we mitigate those risks?
  • How will resources be assigned for different tasks?
  • Are there any internal and external risks facing the business?

To create a successful operational plan, it's important to define goals clearly. Here are several steps that will help you develop a functional operating plan:

Start with the strategic plan

Before defining an operational goal, make sure your strategic objectives are in place and relevant.

Prioritize the most critical activities first

Once these goals have been decided on, prioritize the most critical activities required to achieve these aims.

Stop diluting team efforts and let them focus on the most important goals first. Doing this means everyone works on a smaller set of tasks, instead of spreading themselves thin in multiple areas. It also helps in optimizing available resources.


Use predictive indicators

For a robust operational plan, consider using key performance metrics or indicators that can help you determine project progress and lend visibility to team activities. 

While lagging indicators look backward, leading indicators look to the future. Think of the plan as a car — the rear-view mirror would be a lagging indicator, while the windshield would be the leading indicator.

A leading indicator could be a new product, higher customer satisfaction levels, or new markets. Examples of lagging indicators include the number of people who attended an event or the monthly operating expenses for specific departments. 

Instead of lagging indicators, use leading indicators. Lagging metrics will show that your efforts are falling short only after you execute the operations.

Leading KPIs include predictive measures that allow early identification of problems before they become critical and impact business performance negatively.


Get team buy-in

The key to defining appropriate KPIs is involving the whole team in the process. Meet to discuss the business goals and figure out what measurements are right for the team instead of working independently or outsourcing them.

Ensure consistent communication

Communication is key. By understanding your company's metrics and what they mean, you'll be able to work together more effectively with colleagues to reach common goals.


Operational plan example

Let’s say that a company plans to increase production volume by 50% at the end of a fiscal year.

When the company goal is clear, the team will make a strategic plan with three main components: marketing, sales, and operations.

This can be further broken down into an operational plan, which will assign resources, teams, budgets, and timelines for different departments such as manufacturing, sourcing, accounts, finance, and logistics to achieve the increase in production. Such a plan should include a financial summary and financial projections as well.

Operational plan template

Think about the example above. The goals and parties involved are clear as part of the operational plan. At the same time, to remain on track, the plan requires continuous analysis and reviews. An operational plan template can be extremely helpful to achieve that.

An operational template can be a simple document that is reused for different plans by the same organization. However, it is also possible and extremely helpful to make use of project management software tools to create one.

For instance, Gantt charts can serve exactly that purpose. Using a Gantt chart as an operational plan template, it is possible to create and manage plans, track changes and edit project-related activities in real time. The chart allows clear visibility for timelines, tasks, responsibilities, and team members.

Operational planning advantages and disadvantages

Most businesses utilize an operational plan to keep track of their daily tasks. 

The plan outlines the day-to-day activities for running the organization — teams, managers, and employees are then able to visualize their contribution, which is crucial for reaching company goals.

But every process has two sides. Let’s review the operational planning advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

Operational planning advantages

Clarifies organizational goals.

An operational plan helps managers and department heads define their daily tasks, responsibilities, and activities in detail.

It also illustrates how individual team members contribute to the overall company or department goals. Without a clearly defined plan, managers and employees have no way to measure their daily tasks against predefined outcomes.

Boosts team productivity

Business owners are always looking for ways to increase productivity, which in turn translates into higher profits. One of the best and easiest ways to boost efficiency is through an operational plan.

Employees are more productive when they know their daily objectives and responsibilities. Conversely, if they're unsure of what is required of them, chances are their productivity will suffer. 

An operational plan provides this vital information to employees in each department and across the company as a whole.

Enhance organizational profitability

Having a plan helps in keeping projects and teams on track.

When operations are managed properly, teams are able to consistently increase revenue and develop new products.

Innovation pays off. A BCG survey points out that 60% of companies that are committed to innovation report steadily increasing revenues year after year. With an operational plan in place, teams are able to innovate better and faster.

Improves competitive advantages

Competitive advantages are made up of multiple levels and components.

Coordinating the different parts with an operational plan will make your workflows run more smoothly. This allows you to deliver high-quality deliverables on time, creating an outstanding customer experience and keeping you ahead of the competition.

Operational planning disadvantages

Possibility of human error.

Human error is a common problem in manufacturing that can often occur when transitioning from production to sale.

Operations management teams will need to coordinate effectively with diverse cross-functional teams such as finance, accounting, engineering, and human resources. In doing so, each team will have a clear understanding of the end goals of each department.

Interdependency amongst parts

One of the main disadvantages of implementing an operations planning process is that its success depends on coordination across parts.

Plans end up failing due to one part not working, which can have an adverse impact on the subsequent process. Disruptions in one process can end up affecting the entire process, making the entire operational plan useless.

Using Wrike for operational planning

Boost your organization’s efficiency by ensuring every project starts off on the right foot. Wrike’s award-winning project management tools can help you create and execute operational plans with various prebuilt templates . 

Establish your plan, monitor progress, and be prepared to pivot if necessary. With Wrike, you can share real-time data, making all milestones crystal clear for your team and helping them stay updated and on track.

These templates keep processes running smoothly so you can focus on doing your work well. Want to try them out? They’re just a click away.  

Choose the most suitable template and start a free two-week trial of Wrike today!

Yuvika Iyer

Yuvika Iyer

Yuvika is a freelance writer who specializes in recruitment and resume writing.

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Work Skills You Need on Your Resume in 2021

Navigating the highly competitive job market can be brutal. In a recent Jobvite survey, nearly three in four respondents said they believe finding a job has become much harder following the pandemic.  It’s clearer now more than ever how important it is for your resume to stand out. In fact, nearly 24% of hiring managers spend 30 seconds or less reviewing a resume to determine whether a candidate is qualified for a position or not. You quite literally have seconds to catch their attention before your resume ends up in the recycling bin with the rest of the candidates that didn’t make the cut. So, how exactly do you set yourself apart and stand out from the crowd? Highlighting your work skills on your resume is the best place to start. We did some digging and pulled together some work skills examples in various categories to inspire you to revitalize your resume.  Important social work skills for the workplace What are social work skills? Social skills, otherwise known as interpersonal skills, are essential in helping us communicate with one another in the workplace. These skills allow us to build relationships, interact, and communicate with those around us in a meaningful and effective way. This includes verbal and nonverbal cues.  Social work skills are essential in every job. Whether you work on a team, are in a client-facing role, or are an individual contributor reporting to a direct manager, solid social skills will help you succeed in your position.  Let’s take a look at some of the most important social work skills for the workplace:  1. Empathy One of the best ways to interact well with others is to put yourself in their shoes and understand how they feel. Empathetic people can understand how others are feeling and can identify with those feelings in some way.  Having empathy is a vital trait, especially for those who hold leadership positions. Being empathetic isn’t something you can force, and it doesn’t happen overnight if it doesn’t come naturally to you. This skill takes a conscious effort to build and will help you forge and maintain stronger workplace relationships. 2. Active listening Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation with a colleague and felt like they weren’t paying attention to a single word you were saying? Or have you ever been chatting with a coworker and felt like they heard you and gave you their utmost attention? The latter is known as active listening.  Active listening involves giving someone your full, undivided attention and it allows you to build trust and strong relationships with your colleagues and clients. Active listening requires practice, but it is a skill that can be acquired with proper training and effort. 3. Emotional intelligence At a high level, emotional intelligence refers to recognizing and being aware of the emotions of both yourself and other people. Those with high emotional intelligence are known for being self-aware and can practice self-regulation, particularly in stressful and potentially overwhelming situations at work. Emotional intelligence is critical in the workplace because it contributes to strong, long-term relationships and can help you manage and appropriately tailor your reactions.  4. Conflict resolution According to recent research, 65% of workers experienced conflict with another coworker. Conflict is inevitable in the workplace, which means developing a solid set of conflict resolution skills can help you manage and navigate these situations efficiently.  Conflict resolution is the ability to address the root cause of disagreements and devise a solution that works for all parties involved. You can use various techniques to help resolve conflicts, so it’s essential to learn and understand how to address different disputes. 5. Written communication Social skills refer to how we communicate with one another, which means written skills are a must. Some forms of written communication include emails, instant messages, documents, reports, slide decks, and your resume. Using appropriate grammar, proper spelling, and following formatting guidelines will allow you to communicate effectively with others. 6. Nonverbal communication When it comes to communication, it’s easy to think about what we are saying, but we don’t always focus on how we are saying it. Nonverbal skills can dramatically impact the way your message is received.  Your body language, eye contact, facial expressions, and tone can completely change the message you are trying to deliver to your coworkers. It’s important to be aware of these subtle cues so that you can make sure your message isn’t misconstrued or misinterpreted.  Work-related skills for virtual environments You might not be working with your colleagues side-by-side in the same office. In addition to the skills we discussed above, remote work requires some different skills and disciplines.  Below are a few competencies that you’ll definitely want to have when collaborating in virtual work environments:  Self-motivation: There’s a big difference between in-person office environments and virtual workplace settings. At the office, your manager can simply stop by your desk or quickly check in to see how things are going. While your supervisor can technically do the same via email or instant message, you ultimately don’t have anyone looking over your shoulder 24/7 at your home office (unless you have pets, children, or spouses nearby!). That means self-motivation and knowing how to hold yourself accountable to get your work done are vital to helping you thrive in a virtual role. Adaptability: Adaptability is beneficial in any setting, but it’s a particularly beneficial skill in virtual environments. Whether you’re working with a distributed team and constantly trying to navigate time zones or your presentation gets interrupted due to an unreliable internet connection, adaptability is an important skill to help you navigate the unexpected and ever-changing conditions you may find yourself running up against. Digital and technical knowledge: In virtual environments, employees work remotely and generally rely on several tools to collaborate and tackle their to-do lists. Between project management software, instant messaging, video conferencing, document sharing, and email, there are many different technologies to navigate daily. If you’re working in a virtual environment, it’s essential to feel comfortable using these platforms if you want to keep up with the pace of your work. It’s also worth mentioning that, while you still may be able to reach the IT help desk, you may not receive assistance as quickly as you would in an office setting. That means you might have to do some troubleshooting and problem-solving on your own. What teamwork skills are important for 2021? Teamwork makes the dream work, right?  Teamwork skills are a subset of skills that enable us to work well with groups of people (meaning, our teams) to achieve a shared goal or outcome. In 2021 and beyond, as we see a shift toward hybrid work models, honing in on your teamwork skills can help you land your dream gig. Here are the teamwork skills that are important to develop for 2021 and beyond: 1. Reliability Being reliable is arguably the most crucial teamwork skill. Those who are reliable can be depended on and trusted to do their part time and time again. They show a certain level of commitment to their work and colleagues, meet deadlines (or even get work in early), and follow through on any action or task they say they will do.  You want to be a reliable teammate so your colleagues and your employer will have faith in you. And the more trustworthy you are, the more responsibility you will be trusted with over time, which may boost your career growth in the long run. It’s even more important to showcase your reliability in a virtual workplace environment through clear and frequent communication. 2. Accountability Accountability goes hand-in-hand with reliability. But beyond being reliable, accountability is all about taking responsibility for one’s work — even when that includes mistakes or failures.  There’s no room for the blame game or pointing fingers on teams that work well with one another, which means you have to hold yourself accountable and take fault when necessary. Your teammates will likely think more of you if you’re willing to admit you’re wrong, as opposed to constantly shifting blame or pointing fingers when issues arise. 3. Respectfulness A little bit of respect goes a long way, especially at work. According to Indeed, respectfulness in the workplace reduces stress, increases productivity and collaboration, improves employee satisfaction, and creates a fair environment. You need to respect your team members, manager, and clients to do your best work together.  Acts of respect include acknowledging others and calling them by name, encouraging and exchanging opinions and ideas without judgment, giving credit where it’s due, and listening to and understanding your teammates. 4. Collaboration There is no successful teamwork without collaboration. Collaboration is working together with one or more people on a project or toward a shared goal.  When employees can work together and collaborate successfully, they can share ideas and come up with practical solutions to complex problems. Brainstorming, open discussions, workshops, and knowledge sharing sessions are all examples of collaboration that lead to great teamwork.  5. Persuasion Have you ever worked with a teammate who insists on working their way, even if the rest of the team agrees to pursue another route? How do you keep making progress on your project or goal if one team member isn’t on the same page? That’s where your skills of persuasion come in handy.  Sometimes you might have to persuade a team member to see another point of view and change their mind to benefit the rest of the group. But persuasive skills are more than just getting someone to change their mind and see your perspective — it’s about doing so in an empathetic and respectful way in order to maintain a healthy working relationship. 6. Constructive feedback for improvement You should be able to offer your teammate constructive feedback to help them improve and vice versa. Exchanging feedback not only benefits individuals and the team as a whole but also adds value to your organization by creating an opportunity for constant growth.  Giving feedback requires offering suggestions for improvement in a positive way, while receiving feedback requires listening with an open mind and a willingness to change.  Work skills that work on any resume Sure, there are specialized skills for different roles and industries. Engineers add their programming skills to their resume, project managers add project management certifications and relevant skills, and HR professionals add the performance management and HRIS systems they’ve previously used. While there are specialized skills you’ll want to emphasize on your resume based on your industry and role (and trust us, those are important), there are also some work skills that are relevant on any resume. These include:  Creativity: Creativity is an essential component of innovation and complex problem-solving. In its most basic form, creativity requires thinking about a problem or task differently and using your imagination to form and test new ideas. Problem-solving: All employers value problem-solving abilities because they want to hire people who can break down problems and develop effective solutions. To showcase your problem-solving skills, you might possess a range of qualities such as analysis, evaluation, decision-making, and communication. Time management: No employer wants to hire someone who doesn’t make good use of their time and will have a hard time getting their work done. Your future employer wants to know that you’ll be able to meet deadlines, effectively use your workday to get tasks accomplished, and handle your workload without a lot of babysitting. Examples of specific time management responsibilities include goal setting, prioritizing tasks, meeting deadlines, and minimizing or eliminating distractions for optimal focus. Leadership: Showcasing how you’ve demonstrated leadership in your previous roles can demonstrate to your future potential employer what type of employee you are. Being an effective leader can increase your advancement opportunities within your organization. Use specific examples of successful leadership on your resume for the most significant impact.  So how do you showcase these skills on your resume? Now that you know what work skills for resumes employers want to see, you’re bound to have this question: Where do you put them? Keep in mind that the goal of your resume is to prove that you’re a qualified, no-brainer fit for the role you’re applying for. That’s why your smartest move is to tailor your resume to a specific job. Take a fine-tooth comb to the job description and identify words or skills that are repeated or emphasized. Those are traits that you should be incorporating in your own resume (provided you honestly possess them, of course). The most important skills should go as close to the top of your document as possible, because remember, hiring managers are only skimming for a few seconds. As for where you can work these skills in, you have a number of options, including:  Your professional summary at the top of your document A dedicated key skills section where you can bullet out your most relevant abilities Your past positions, where you can demonstrate how you applied your skills in previous jobs Finally, remember that many of your work skills and social work skills — from communication and time management to problem-solving and active listening — will be on display throughout the hiring process and your interviews.  So, it should go without saying, but show up on time, respond to messages promptly and respectfully, and treat everybody respectfully. After all, when it comes to your work skills, employers want you to show — and not just tell.

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manage operational plan assignment

Operational planning: 5 steps to create a better business operational plan

Learn how to conduct operational planning to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and unlock peak productivity in all your company’s teams.

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Webflow Enterprise gives your teams the power to build, ship, and manage sites collaboratively at scale.

manage operational plan assignment

Operational planning enhances collaboration and streamlines workflows to unlock peak efficiency.

Transforming a strategic vision into business success demands meticulous planning. It requires navigating unexpected obstacles, coordinating team activities with long-term goals, and implementing practical steps to realize organizational objectives.

Organizational planning plays a pivotal role in this context by translating high-level strategies into actionable day-to-day tasks.

But an operational plan is more than a structured to-do list — it’s a comprehensive framework that outlines roles, responsibilities, and timelines. By breaking down grand strategies into executable actions, operational planning ensures cohesive teamwork and transforms ambiguous business strategies into achievable realities.

What’s operational planning?

Operational planning is how companies organize day-to-day tasks to align with broader strategic goals. It’s a road map guiding teams through operational decisions about daily operations, ensuring every task contributes to the company’s long-term and high-level objectives. This typically involves setting short-term objectives, defining key activities, and establishing clear timelines.

In practice, operational planning often blends traditional and innovative methods to maximize efficiency. Conventional strategies like Gantt charts and flowcharts help leaders visualize data , tasks, and timelines to make complex projects more manageable. And digital tools like enterprise project management software introduce automation, real-time collaboration, and data analytics into the mix. These platforms enable agile plan adjustments and offer insights through predictive analytics.

By integrating these mixed methodologies, operational planning helps enterprises build a system that’s efficient and responsive to evolving business needs. It bridges the gap between meticulous organization and the agility needed in a fast-paced business environment.

Benefits of operational planning

Operational planning offers a structured approach to decision-making, but its advantages extend beyond planning. Here’s why it’s a crucial tool for achieving organizational goals.

Clarifies goals

Operational planning turns abstract ideas into concrete objectives. It encourages setting explicit goals with definitive timelines. This clarity benefits leadership and the entire team, ensuring everyone understands what needs doing, who’s doing it, and by when.

Enhances productivity

An operational plan enhances productivity by establishing timelines, outlining objectives, and allocating resources. This structure helps team members prioritize their work and manage their time efficiently because they have clear deadlines to guide them.

By defining precise objectives, the plan ensures every team member understands their specific tasks and expected outcomes, preventing unnecessary work and deviations from the plan. And knowing what resources are available helps team members prepare realistically for their taskwork.

Improves efficiency

A well-crafted operational plan boosts efficiency by optimizing workflows and streamlining organizational processes . By mapping out immediate and long-term objectives, the plan establishes a clear blueprint for task execution. As team members better understand their roles, task sequence, and the rationale behind each, they can execute them more seamlessly. This clarity and structure are also invaluable for onboarding new team members and allow them to integrate and understand the workflow with less friction.

Strategic planning vs. operational planning

Both plan types are distinct yet essential components of an organization’s overall planning process. Let’s break down the primary differences:

  • A strategic plan defines your company’s “what,” outlines your business’s direction, and sets broad, long-term objectives. It’s a high-level overview that articulates your mission statement, establishes key business objectives, and outlines strategies for achieving them. This plan typically spans several years into the future and aligns the company’s efforts with its overarching vision.
  • An operational plan focuses on the “how” by detailing how to execute the strategies and goals laid out in the strategic plan. This is where you get into the specifics — setting milestones, crafting a detailed road map, and establishing short-term, incremental goals that steer your company toward achieving strategic objectives. And at this point, you’ll focus on more immediate factors, like dealing with daily management and task implementation, that are necessary to achieve strategic organizational goals.

Types of operational plans

Departmental goals and needs vary significantly, and tailored operational plans ensure you optimally manage each area. While a sales department might need a plan focused on customer engagement and retention, an IT department might emphasize technology upgrades and cybersecurity . Combining various plan types — like a couple of those that follow — ensures optimal management and effectiveness in each area, aligning departmental activities with broader objectives.

Project operation plans

Project operation plans are indispensable documents for breaking projects into actionable milestones and assigning teams to relevant tasks. A well-developed project plan organizes tasks and anticipates resource requirements such as personnel, infrastructure, and time. By identifying these requirements early on, project operation plans provide planning foresight that helps avoid resource shortages and last-minute scrambles to ensure projects progress smoothly and stay on track.

Say you’re designing a website . Your project operation plan will outline key steps, such as user research , wireframing , user testing , and launch. Each step would have assigned teams, deadlines, and specific objectives, like establishing focus groups by a certain date and finalizing prototypes. The project manager would monitor progress to ensure resource availability and timeline adherence.

Enterprise operation plans

Enterprise operation plans translate broader strategic goals into smaller, manageable milestones. They involve assigning responsibility for these milestones to department directors to ensure accountability for each plan segment.

When creating an enterprise operational plan, it’s vital to identify resource gaps, dependencies, and other potential obstacles to ensure seamless execution. This lets you set realistic, achievable milestones and achieve smooth interdepartmental coordination. Involving directors from the start is also crucial because their insights can reveal critical aspects you might otherwise overlook.

Consider a web design agency planning to expand their service offerings to include mobile app development over the next year. The enterprise operational plan might include milestones such as hiring app developers, training current staff in responsive mobile design , and marketing these new services to potential leads. You might also ask the development head to oversee recruitment and training and involve the marketing director in developing strategies to promote the new services.

IT operation plans

IT departments confront unique challenges due to rapid cybersecurity threats and their critical role in every business sector. Unlike other departments focusing on sales and marketing, IT departments must ensure the organization’s technological structure is robust, secure, and current.

IT operation plans typically outline how the department will adapt to business changes, like scaling up for new hires, migrating from a legacy system to a new one, and safeguarding the organization against evolving cybersecurity threats.

If you’re preparing for a major server infrastructure upgrade, for instance, an IT operation plan will outline steps like evaluating current server and hosting capacities, selecting new hardware and infrastructure, and scheduling website migration to new servers. The plan would include specific timelines — such as completing server evaluations by the end of the first quarter and starting the migration in the second quarter — to ensure minimal downtime and a smooth transition for all hosted websites.

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Discover how the right CMS can allow teams to efficiently scale rich, complex content – all without writing code.

Key elements of an operational plan

No matter the type you’re creating, most operational plans include the following core traits.

Operational plans should be clear and to the point. While comprehensive coverage is important, elaborating too much risks misinterpretation and becoming bogged down in the details. Focus on concise, direct explanations and allow the details to unfold during project execution.

Team buy-in is essential for success. Instead of leaving the executive team to dictate the plan exclusively, involve team members in its creation. A collaborative approach helps garner buy-in and fosters feelings of ownership and responsibility toward the plan’s objectives. This involvement translates to increased motivation and commitment because team members feel more likely to invest effort in a plan they helped shape.


Consistency in operational plans is crucial for their effectiveness and for establishing organizational trust. It involves applying the same standards and procedures uniformly across all departments and teams. By consistently applying rules and policies, you ensure every organizational element operates under the same guidelines, enhancing fairness and reducing confusion. Consistent execution of your operational plan also streamlines progress and success tracking because the criteria and methods used for each remain uniform.

Specify the processes and methodologies each department should use. If the design team uses an agile, iterative process , for instance, implement similar practices in other departments like IT. This standardization enables smoother collaboration and operational harmony.

Key performance indicators

Every operational plan needs well-defined key performance indicators (KPIs) from the outset. These should include:

  • Leading indicators provide early insights into your strategy’s effectiveness by signaling shifts and trends ahead of their full realization. By monitoring these indicators, you can gauge your strategy’s immediate impact and proactively adjust your approach. Indicator examples include customer satisfaction levels, changes in market share, and fluctuations in sales figures.
  • Lagging indicators reflect the outcomes of your operational efforts by providing historical data on your plan’s efficacy after execution. Key lagging indicators include metrics like the time taken to complete projects, support ticket volumes, and total expenses incurred. Analyzing these metrics also helps identify improvement areas, like optimizing resource allocation, enhancing customer support processes, and streamlining operational workflows.


Acknowledge any assumptions and constraints within your plan, such as technological limitations, tight deadlines, and regulatory requirements. Being upfront about these factors is essential for setting realistic expectations and guiding effective task execution. And it ensures everyone involved understands the framework they’re operating in.

Say you’re building an agency website in the European Union (EU). A critical constraint would be compliance with data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You must keep this constraint in mind as you develop your operational plan because it affects the technology and processes used for data handling and shapes your website’s design and functionality. For instance, you’ll likely need to integrate clear consent mechanisms for data collection, prominent user data management tools into the website’s layout, and GDPR-compliant technologies for data processing and storage.

The 5 steps of the operational planning process

Enterprises develop operational plans through five strategic steps, each essential for shaping an actionable and effective strategy. Let’s explore what this planning process looks like.

1. Set goals

Establish specific, immediate business goals that align with your strategic plan. This might include launching a redesigned website, increasing online sales by a specific percentage, or reducing digital marketing expenses.

Make these goals ambitious yet adaptable, allowing for flexible responses to unexpected challenges. This step lays the foundation for your operational strategy and aligns every subsequent action toward these well-defined objectives.

2. Allocate resources

After establishing your goals, evaluate your capacity to achieve them. Analyze your current resources and identify what additional expertise, technology, and budget you require. This step isn’t just about highlighting what’s missing — it’s about strategizing how to scale your business to accommodate these needs.

3. Define KPIs

Select KPIs that align closely with your operational goals and ensure they reflect key aspects of your strategy. These KPIs should include leading indicators, like website traffic and user engagement rates for predictive analytics, and lagging indicators, such as satisfaction scores post-launch, to evaluate past performance. Consistently apply these KPIs throughout your project to monitor progress and keep the team focused on core objectives.

Consider using digital analytic platforms like Google Analytics to track KPIs. These tools offer detailed insights into traffic and user behavior. And you can set up dashboards to visually represent these metrics to help spot trends and patterns without combing through data.

Suppose you notice rising bounce rates on a specific webpage — this might indicate user disinterest or navigational issues. In response, you might pivot to revise the page’s copy, restructure its visual hierarchy , or simplify the navigation structure to make it more engaging and user-friendly.

4. Prescribe processes

Develop clear and detailed plans for how your teams should execute tasks. This clarity guides them through each stage, reducing confusion, ensuring consistency, and enhancing productivity.

To communicate these procedures to your team, use tools like flowcharts. They simplify and clarify each operational plan phase and help ensure everyone understands their responsibilities.

For large-scale projects, consider using project management software like Asana, Trello, or Jira. These platforms offer features like task assignment, deadline tracking, and real-time communication, and they provide a centralized platform for monitoring progress and maintaining team alignment.

5. Determine milestones

Create a road map that outlines clear, measurable goals and specific objectives. This map transforms your operational plan into achievable targets, helping teams visualize where they’re headed and the benchmarks they need to hit. Host regular meetings when outlining your milestones — this consistent evaluation ensures everyone moves forward in sync, maintaining the necessary momentum to achieve the plan’s goals.

In a web development project, for example, these evaluations might reveal if certain phases, like design or development, have too few or surplus resources. Identifying these imbalances lets you efficiently reallocate resources to ensure each department has what it needs to meet its milestones effectively and on schedule.

Get started with Webflow

Operational planning thrives on agility, and Webflow has the tools you need to effectively navigate this dynamic environment. With Webflow, you can build flexible websites that keep pace with your operational goals and integrate with analytics and targeting tools for informed operational decision-making .

Learn how Webflow Enterprise can be a part of your operational strategy, and harness a visual-first design platform that lets you create and adapt web content in real time.

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Painless operational planning

Turning strategy into an operational plan isn't about doing more things right – it's about doing more of the right things. In contrast to strategic planning, the goal of an operational plan is to see how you'll execute on your strategy month by month, week by week. And since you work in a vacuum, this means you'll need to coordinate people, time, and budgets across teams (and maybe across departments, too).

An actionable operational plan answers questions like: 

  • What milestones do we need to hit?
  • Who will work on what?
  • Where might we run into bottlenecks and how can we avoid them?
  • How will we define success?
  • What early indicators will tell us we're on the right track? 

Once you have an actionable plan drafted, be sure to gather and incorporate feedback from the core team involved, as well as stakeholders. Don't get discouraged if you go through a few iterations before landing on a plan everyone can get on board with. (They don't call operational planning a "process" for nothing!)

Ready to dig in? Let's do this. 

Top 6 plays for better operational planning

Whether you're planning for the quarter or for the fiscal year, operational planning is a team sport. This collection of plays is designed to help you collaborate and agree on goals, priorities, roles, and risks. 

graph with plotted points and bars

Goals, Signals, and Measures

Starting with your high-level objective in mind, you'll define a specific goal. Then you'll brainstorm signals you can listen for in the short-term that'll let you know you're making progress (think KPIs) and agree on how you'll measure success. Run this play at the beginning of the planning process. 

diagram of a network of people contributing to a shared goal

Roles and Responsibilities

Gather your core team to establish who is responsible for what on a day-to-day basis. This play is very effective for uncovering skill gaps or redundancies. (Efficient resourcing for the win!)

Prioritization Matrix

Real talk: you can't just implement your operational plan. You'll also need to support requests coming in from across the organization. Run this play with leads from adjacent teams to determine the right balance. 

Capacity Planning

Resource management is tricky. Does your plan require more time than you have? Will the right people be available when you need them? Use this play to take the guesswork out of estimating and prioritizing. 

Dependency Mapping

Use our handy template to visualize the web of dependencies lurking within your plan and develop your approach to managing them. You'll think through the various systems your plan will affect, risks, and how to create a feedback loop with stakeholders.

four sliding scales with markers placed at various points along each one

Trade-off Sliders

Take the frustration out of decision-making by agreeing on what you need to optimize for at all costs, and where you can be flexible. This sets your team up to make every-day decisions autonomously and keep implementation chuggin' right along. 

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Leadership team health monitor.

Delivering a great operational plan requires a healthy team of planners. Use the Health Monitor to self-assess against eight attributes common amongst high-performing teams, then track your progress over time. 

Gather your operational planning team for an honest discussion about how you're working together.

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Manage Operational Plan Assignment (pdf)

Added on   2020-05-28

About This Document

Legislative and Regulatory. Policies and Procedures are related to the Operational Plan. Role of Operational Plan. Development of Operational Plan.  Human Resources discussions. Human Resource Requirements. Performance Indicators of the Business. Balanced Scorecard of e-commerce Strategy. Proposal to the Operational Manager. Human Resource Planning .  The assignment deals with the business of BBQ Fun which engages the business of manufacturing products.

   Added on  2020-05-28

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Important Questions Which Answer How to Manage Operational Plan

1. Define the term operational plan? Provide better examples that imply enhanced methods to be a successful team.

2. Concerning the operational plan, analyze the significance of the strategic plan.

3. Enlist the methods in which the consultation process could be conducted.

4. Give an account of criticism conducted in the consultation process.

5. Deliver any two relevant factors of KPI.

6. With regards to your position and perspective draft a KPI. Also, draft an operational goal that you think is relevant to the circumstances or provide a short note on the task for which you are writing the KPI.

7. Define the contingency plan.

8. Explain each step to be followed in developing a contingency plan.

9. Enlist the factors which should be included in the contingency plan.

10. Explain the steps to write a successful and effective business proposal in your own words.

11. Explain the reason why it is vital to acquire specialist advice while writing a proposal.

12. Make it clear, what info and evidences you include in the business proposal while drafting it. Provide better examples to signify when the new data should be introduced via various methods.

13. Provide a flowchart that depicts the process of approval consigned by the relevant parties in your organization. Also, illustrate the way you could make it certain whether the team was enlightened the reason for the approval.

14. Provide a SMART target for your job.

15. Provide a list and description of the important zones, utilities, or functions that should be focused on the Human Resources of an organization.

16. Illustrate the term supplier relationship.

17. Explain the significance of Total Quality Management and Just In Time on supplier relationships of an organization.

18. Define internal suppliers.

19. Explain the reason why the idea of the relationship cost is very significant while handling customer relations and interaction with suppliers.

20. Provide the factors which have the potential to influence the supplier choice made by the organizations.

21. Discuss the process of installing a quality monitoring system.

22. Explain why it is imperative to consider the influences like measurement changes, adequate performance threshold, and the correct level of quality while analyzing the performance-related information.

23. Deliver the importance of analyzing the discrepancy in the actual to budget financial performance.

24. Consider the situation of dissimilarity in production you have identified in the production line in your office concerning the quality. Depict the flowchart which is used by your organization to recognize the relevant issues in the quality. Also, discuss the consequences of refusing the estimated variation in strategy.

25. It was observed that there was a gap occurred between the actual and expected level of performances. Help your team by providing some valid recommendations by explaining every step in the process very meticulously.

26. Explain why the principle negotiation is considered more effective than hard and soft negotiation.

27. Put in plain words on how the firms maintain sustainability in the negotiation practices.

28. Enlist and support the performance-related documentation which should be needed by you for the application of an operational plan.

29. Please provide the significance of recording operation plan performance with regarding to the operational procedures.

1. The term Operational Plan signifies a strategy that is formulated by the factor sustaining inside the organization that describes the steps which should have been taken to sustain the tactical objectives together with the campaigns of higher authority. If taken an instance, the factors that are responsible for the success of the firm are the employees in the organization (Gokhman 1975). Communication among the employees and management is a very significant factor. The coordinated teamwork will enable the members of the organization in efficiently communicating with each other as well as sharing and identifying various unique ideas that ensure the effective participation of a member in the group. The operation plan should be of very short and to the point since the entire procedure relies on the previously set disposition and the strategies.

2. The strategic and operational planning is connected with the factors like decision making and several other procedures that are deliberated against to back each other and spread awareness to bring out the efficient and operational management of the strategies. Thereby attain the target of augmented performance in business whether it is a profit or non-profit organization. If the strategic plan is well organized and executed, it would provide the company with a very clear far-sightedness, positive course and other targets for the operational plans of the organization and its implementation, and also it is very clear that the operational planning would transform the whole target into smaller day to day implementable targets that will eventually increase the efficiency and production of the form.

  • Conducting proper discussions with the employees in concerned workshops in which the members are chosen arbitrarily to enhance the communication in the organization.
  • Conducting One to one interview which consists of a person who has provided the details regarding appropriate standard clusters of queries against each employee in the organization (Brown and Atkins 1985).
  • Providing the employees of the company the facility to utilize the office or eve the project site which is not generally open for them.

4. The company should seek for the recommendations and advice of the employees before arriving at a decision. Every opinion and the recommendation of the employees should be taken seriously in the official discussions and should be entertained further to provide relevant suggestions (Norouzian and Farahani 2012). These relevant opinions of the employees will aid the organization in making relevant decisions and improve the relationship among the management and other workers.

5. The KPI of an organization should signify the target and intentions of the organization. The company which has intentions to achieve the target of being the most beneficial one in the operative market should maintain the KPI value that is estimated to be profit plus concerning the monetary measures. Generally, KPIs are implemented for durable periods. The generated KPI should be very significant to the attainment of the organization and have measurable and quantifiable (Yao and Li 2014).

6. While conducting the processes of the business in an organization several factors should be kept accurate and operational to attain it's objective and target. Critical achievement factors are to be considered in these circumstances meticulously. Instead of focusing on a large target altogether the company management should concentrate on achieving small and day to day targets. However, if the critical achievement factors are missing and if the targets are not being achieved daily there is a very small probability in attaining success (Brethower 1998).

7. The Contingency plans are the imperative backups that are drafted to cope with the difference in the targeted outcome with that of the real target. The main idea of drafting the contingency plan is to manage the risk since an unexpected risk has the potential to affect productivity in a very tremendous way. Mostly the governments and the organized companies rely on contingency plans and funds to deal with the threats (Payne 1999). For example, think of a situation that some employees in an organization are traveling together in an airplane that happens to crash and thereby killing its travelers. If a company has no any contingency plans regarding this situation, it would have to face the critical condition of the drain in the human resources because of this accident.

  • Start the process of generating contingency plan by setting up a contingency planning team.
  • Note down every process followed in each department on a catalog.
  • Prepare a meeting with the team leaders of each department and note down their opinion for the proposed plan.
  • Make a thorough analysis of the opinions and recommendations provided by the team leaders and check whether it plugs a negative impact on the processes of a company (Lewis 2012).
  • Noting down a prioritized list of the activities the organization is intending to perform.
  • Design the plan for contingency in a very optimistic way.
  • Make a thorough and fine revision of the drafted contingency plan again.
  • Make a trial of the contingency plan.

9. An appropriate contingency plan is the one that provides relief and acts like the shock absorbers for the organizations when a negative circumstance arises to stop the downfall or demise of the organization (De Silva 2013). Some of the quality-oriented strategies of the company also comprise of the contingency plans which are not merely applicable for the sole stratagem but to a whole subdivision or a department.

  • Analyze the requirements- The procedure begins with acquiring an understanding of the consumer's requirements.
  • In the next stage a better empathy and understanding of the targeted market and its customers in an efficient way (Floyd 2000).
  • In the third stage a very relevant Methodology is outlined.
  • In the following stage, the assessment of the required solution along with the management team is done.
  • Plan to surpass the rivals.
  • Trafting an appropriate proposal
  • Revise the drafted proposal and look for any hidden errors and make some finishing touches by checking whether all the requirements are fulfilled.

11. The modern corporate business environment is very harsh and aggressive. The decision of drafting and recording the proposal could also decide the demise and success of the company. If the companies sought the aid from any service providing company in drafting the plans for the business the process will become very simplified and it becomes very easy to present the relevant figures and data which will provide emphasis on all the required areas. (Kapp 2004). The sort of services sought will decide the fate of the company in its success and attainment of all the set targets in the decided plans of business.

12. In a fitting and suitable plan and some of the major undertakings, there should be some significant features that keep the set targets and objectives in a synchronization. When the foresightedness of the company outcome is given as a written document, the management team should put some extra effort into sustaining the prolonged viability in the business of the organization (Whalen 1986). When an appropriate business plan is ready, the team should conduct a test or mock drill of it to evaluate whether there is a presence of any crucial issues which may lead to the exhaustion of the revenue.

planning in manage operational

On the way to safeguard that my team had recognized and apprehended the approval very well I will perform a primary research in which a small sample of the employees would be interviewed. In the interview, the employees would be provided with the questions about their grasp on the set of objectives. The questions would be like What is the primary target of the approval, Does the approval seem to be advantageous for the company, its associates and its employees. The direct questionnaire method would be used in this interview in which the participants would be provided with a certain set of survey questions.

Measurable- The set goals must be measurable. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to assess the progress and hence determine its success or failure.

Result-oriented- A special effort would be provided on my presentation skills, which would be a result of increased involvement and contribution in the group discussions in the workplace. Time Specified- here should be very clear and strict deadline which would provide at least a minimum of one-week time and in extreme cases only would be extending to a period of one month.

15. An appropriate code of conduct which would reflect the anticipations of the firm and other guidelines to be followed to maintain proper office conduct (Collings 2012).

Payment and compensation of the employees which is a very crucial strategy in Human Resource management.

Differences in the interest policies which would tackle and overcome the conditions in which an employee’s interest and opinion are in contradiction to the interests of the institute (Lansbury and Niland 1994).

Job evaluation, which us a very organized and demanding process and subject all the processes in the business for quality analysis.

16. The term Supplier relation management signifies a very complete and thorough approach to handle the communication of the organization with other firms that provide the required goods and services. Maintaining healthy purchasing practices is a very crucial section of success in business. Many other dimensions also make an influence on the basic principles of buying, such as sorting out suppliers providing high-quality products (Fast 2012).

17. TQM- Any institute operating in a competitive market, spends a lot of revenue in buying raw materials and other subsidiary services. The quality delivered by the suppliers would significantly impact the total price of the product (Khan, 2008).

JIT- It is the philosophy or the principle followed in the process of manufacturing which the organizations constantly follow to reduce the wastage. It is imperative that the receiving of raw materials and the release of the manufactured process should be done very punctually. This attitude would help up in building a good relationship between the company and the suppliers.

18. A supplying agent which works under the same company as a part of it is considered or termed as internal suppliers. The internal supplier could either provide the company with the goods or services according to their designation. Although they work inside the company, they may possess more potential than a standard supplier. Not only the supply of raw materials but also the supply of tools and machine parts for the daily operations also come under this division (Feldmann and Olhager 2008).

19. If taken the instant of cost relationship, the total details regarding the quality and cost assured by the suppliers should be acquired before entering into a bond or contract with them (Hauser, Simester and Wernerfelt 1996). The analysis of this factor would provide the higher authorities and the management team the fact whether it is practicable to enter or continue in the relationship. Since a considerable and high amount is being paid to the suppliers they should provide quality materials that should be crosschecked regularly. The management should verify whether it is worth to enter in a contract with a certain supplier.

  • Knack and proficiency in providing the firm with quality products with provided specifications.
  • Actual attributes and quality of the service or goods.
  • The endurance of the supplied material.
  • The reliability of the supplier and his products.
  • The practices followed by the supplier in the quality analysis.
  • Proficiency of the supplier in technicality and management.
  • Ability to deliver very unique products with a brilliant concept of design (Casaburi and Minerva).
  • The market reputation and the financial ability of the supplier.
  • The compatibility of the company with the products of the new supplier.
  • Availability of the replacement and spare parts.
  • Period of warranty and insurance provided by the supplier on its products.

factors in Manage Operational Plan.JPG

Source: (KR consulting 2015)

22. Time- This factor would specify a clear deadline for the assigned. A proper deadline would aid the team to complete the task efficiently in a time-bound manner.

The ceiling of the performance- The limit for the performances will make the expectation of the firm clear to its employees. This will reduce the confusion and make the associated people like various suppliers and the employees in an expected manner (Newsome 1992).

Variation in the measurement- This factor also provides transparency in the policies of the company and the variations made to enhance the processes and performances of the company.

Quality parameter- A clear and strict stricture for the degree of quality makes it clear the below-par products are not appreciated and are bound to be rejected (Tanimoto, Hagishima and Sagara 2008).

23. The major advantage of calculating an appropriate estimate of the differences in the actual budget concerning the targeted budget would help in assessing the performance of the company and the unusual expenditures. This calculation would enable the company to focus on the processes which are lacking behind and divert the company towards the direction of success. The obtained figures would help the company to avoid the hidden risks and back itself by using previously planned strategies (Ball, 2009). The major objective of the annual financial statement review is to draft the intended strategies along with the action plans for the betterment of the business.

action plans in Manage Operational

Source: (Žiogelytė 2014)

If the company denies to calculate and acknowledge the difference, it would have to suffer various risks and concerns in the market and would suffer to maintain its relevant existence in the market. The major issues which the company may have to face are the misappropriation in the production which roughly means that production has not met the decided parameter both qualitative and quantitative.

25. The management of the company must recognize the present process in the organization and by proper observation and examination, find the factors which have caused a gap in the expected performance.

The organization should be well prepared to cover the gap caused by the means of alternative methods like motivating, promotions, appraisal in the performance, and appropriate training (DEBOER 1968).

All the alternative solutions should be contemplated and a suitable one that is most appropriate should be chosen.

Some more strategies should be formulated to advance in the course of development and achieving new targets and the way to attain them.

Applying the strategy: Make a repeated analysis and review of the results and determine whether the gap could be covered or not (Kelley 2008).

  • The principal negotiation isolates the concerned individuals from the main issue and thus it is a very user-friendly and stress-free process.
  • Unlike the hard and soft negotiation, it majorly concentrates on the subject and interest rather than the figures and positions. Which makes it easy for the management to retain the efficient employees of the company (Atkin and Rinehart 2006).
  • This approach would reveal may potential opportunities in the market and make it possible for the company to utilize it for the benefit of all.
  • The principal negotiation clarifies the significant objective parameters which would eventually aid the organization in achieving the individual along with the team targets (Maynard 2010)

27. If considered the process of negotiation in an organization, the factor of consistency i.e. the so-called consistency principle signifies the strong psychological obligation to sustain with the expectations and the conditions provided in the contract. This eventually helps to maintain trust, sustainability, and balance in the business processes. It also impacts the overall behavior, approach, ideology, and preferences of the company (TAYLOR 2009).

28. For a general administration of the performance the responsibility for the present and forthcoming execution targets would be of the employees.

Improvement plan: The officials managing at the first level of the hierarchy and the processes are responsible for every document contained in the Project Improvement Plan.

Assessing the performance: Whenever the Project Evaluation Procedure starts, the quality supervisors are held responsible for recording every data.

Agreement of Performance: Performance agreement has a crucial part to play in the analysis of the efficiency of the business plan.

Performance Improvement plan: All the relevant data and records are kept in the performance and accomplishment files, which are later dispensed after the use.

29. The comprehensive recording and documentation of the plan would provide complete specification and details regarding it. By following this principle the need for further alterations could be avoided and any sort of errors could be avoided from the operational plan. This would help in augmenting the company performance and the security of the sensual data. The major benefit of the documentation is that it could avoid unwanted changes and fraudulent activities during which the execution phase. The process of documentation would make the performance of the firm very sharp and efficient.

Project Consider the condition that you have bee appointed as an employee to develop a new subdivision for the Training and Development of Administrative and Sales Team in a private staffing organization. Because of the increasing requirement and claims they have started two further offices, of which one is located in Melbourne and another one in Adelaide. This sudden and unprecedented expansion had escorted the company in a situation of a very tight budget for the current financial year. Your task is to keep the financial statement of the organization to its least possible limit.

The premediated target that the company has demanded to focus on is the 8% increase in the overall sales by the end of 2019.

In the outlet, 5 employees manage the queries and abstract request for information relevant to the sales of both products with permanent and temporary character.

To find the hidden opportunities and to locate other leads in the market ten responsible recruitment personnel are being appointed there.

The Excel Personnel is a well-established family business that follows the ideology of focusing on customer satisfaction through customer relationship management and hence attaining and sustaining new customers for the products of the organization.

If considered the quality and excellence factor of the institute, it had successfully managed to sustain their experienced employees. As contemplated the data of the previous six months, many new clients have opted for other recruiting companies. The company's Board of directors had developed an awareness and training program for its employees to control the downward trend in their business because of the increased drain of their customers.

  • The aims, objectives, strategies, and suggestions may show the tendency to vary in the due course of the project.
  • While executing and implementing new plans, it is very common that the officials would have to adopt different targets, ideologies, and suggestions. Make a very detailed study of the variations occurring while the business in the organization progress. These variations could be expected by the officials constantly while a strategy is being executed. Whenever a new strategy or a plan is introduced into the business process a change is bound to happen, which would require the authority to adopt a different operational plan.
  • As this is the primary plan for the business operation, the use of concise and relevant points are more viable.

In this task, you have to draft an operational plan. The major deliverable of the manage operational plan report listed below.

1. Provide the operational goals and the mode through which they are associated with the strategic plan lucidly in this manage operational plan report. The major operative target of the above-provided case is to provide the employees with effective training along with technical growth which would enable the workers to carry out the tasks efficiently with augmented performance which would also contribute to their personal growth by various guidance programs. The programs to enhance the results from the employees by the means of various training and awareness programs, which also enhance them at the personal level should be adopted by the management very seriously since it has the potential to impact the revenue of company considerably and provide long-lasting benefits to the people associated with it. It should be noted that the performance of the employees is very significant in the survival of the company. Presence of even a little number of dedicated and skilled employees has the potential to push the company to an innovative height and guarantee the endured performance of the company. The process of managing the performance of the staff could also be observed as an official sub-scheme of employee progress training program which intends to enhance the productivity and efficiency of the workers by focusing on the individualistic and personal growth. Carrying out very efficient training for the employees would provide a very crucial and potent advantage to the organization. For example, an appropriate training program would generate a section of skilled and efficient labors who may even replace the existing lesser efficient workers and would dedicate themselves to the betterment of the organization.

2. List of resources and funds to attain the targets

  • The organization would require to implement an effective human resource and a team of experienced workers to bring into line the objectives. This would enable the workforce of the organization to attain the intended objective and target of the guidance program. The management should initiate this program by training the new employees of the organization.
  • A group of well-versed professionals would be needed to handle and manage the training program of the employees.
  • Several analysis tools would be required to assess the progress of the undergoing training process by the organization. Besides this, the professionals should know the most modern evaluation techniques and could utilize it to its maximum for attaining the expected result (Hoechle and Schmid, 2006).
  • The organization could also make the use of some evaluation and incentive tools for this purpose.
  • Some basic tools required by the firm in this respect would be a classroom of required size, an illustration or presentation board, and other small technical and mechanical tools like papers, relevant documents to training and development of the human resources.

3. Recognize the appropriate official that you may consider relevant concerning the expected operational goals and provide the consequential action plans to attain the operational target of the company as mentioned in the manage operational plan report.

In this circumstance, I ought to take guidelines from an efficient and experienced Human Resource Manager and the person in charge of the Human Resource Management Department. They would be very capable enough to provide me the information regarding each employee who will be subjected to the training program and other employees who have the potential to perform very well after participating in this program. Above all, I would have to seek advice from the board of managers on the behalf of authorizing the training agenda and granting the permit to carry out the training program on the premises of the organization. In the series of progression, I would also seek the certification of the finance department and its chief to get the required revenue to perform each stage in the program of training.

4. Recognition of relevant methods of communication that would be suggested by you to sustain the smooth conduction of the consultation process. Also, provide the reason for your choice.

The required guidelines would be delivered through different modes and methods of communication a) Oral Communication- The employees who are selected to undergo the training program would be notified by the verbal methods like phone calls or and the more so by direct conversations. b) The method of mails could also be utilized for notifying the employees or even the notifications could be provided via the website of the company about the processes of training which would be conducted on the premises of the organization to enhance the development of their skills. c) Some customized brochures would be provided to the employees providing all the relevant pieces of information.

5. Point out and explain the recommended processes of feedback which should be executed as the case study provided in this manage operational plan report.

The organization could go along with a specific type of process in collecting the feedback of the program whether it is relevant and effective for the future of the organization. This process would aid the company in identifying the level to which the sales of the organization have raised and to ascertain whether the company has achieved the expected objectives and targets because of this program. a)Questionnaire- In this process, a certain number of questions could be organized to prepare a questionnaire that would be thereafter circulated among the employees who have been selected for the process of training. The questionnaires would be attended by the participants and would be submitted to the team who is handling the training program. A thorough analysis of the answers provided in the questionnaire should be conducted that would throw light on the efficiency of the current program. b) Sales analysis – A detailed analysis of the organization’s sales would have been conducted and its trend should be analyzed whether it is positive or negative. If the trend seems to be positive then it would signify that the training program was successful.

6. Suggest the list of KPIs to calculate the level of organizational performance with relevance to the provided training. (Provide at least 2 KPIs)

  • Permeation rate and relevance of the training program- This parameter would aid the organization in calculating the percentage of employees who have finished the course (which includes the questionnaire and other activities) with that of the total number of employees in the institute.
  • The average number of staff turning p in the training program- This figure would provide the information regarding the appearance and the involvement of the employees in the program.
  • Amount sent on each employee for training- By calculating this aspect the organization could assess the amount of money spent on each employee by dividing the whole sum by the number of employees who have participated in the training program.
  • Percentage of time spent in the training program by the employees by considering their whole working hours.
  • The disbursement on the training program done by the institute which includes the salary and wages given to the employees.
  • Funding capacity of the whole training process- This criterion would provide an estimate of the expenditure commenced on the total training program.

7. Prepare no less than 2 contingency plans if the staff of both the departments fails to meet the KPI Simply relying on the performance of the employees would some times result in a below-par result for the company. For example, the environment of the company attracts a lot of investors towards its business processes and working techniques. The increase in the level of sales and the development of the company concerning the previously set targets should be considered as a crucial parameter to assess the level of success. There should be an indicator, which would provide very significant information about future ventures and its opportunities. A significant amount of data could be comprised of like its previous financial statements, present debtors and amount of loans, the present overall asset of the company, etc.

8. Draft a business proposal relevant to this manage operational plan report

  • Basic of a proposal – The major motive of the plan should be to make available the training program to the employees and thus augment the abilities and proficiencies so that they could be made qualified and efficient to provide improved and advanced performance to their companies. This would make the company achieve its projected target and thus beat their rivals by dominating the market.
  • Problem statement- The majority of the fresh customers of the company have moved to other companies seeking for better service in the last 6 months. The management of the country has noticed this negative trend and is very concerned about it. To raise out of these negative conditions, the company should conduct a training session among their departments about the modern modes of customer services and other required skills.
  • The proposed solution - The suggested solution in this circumstance would be making the best training available to the employees on behalf of the enterprise. This training should be focused on making the employees well versed in delivering high-quality performance to its customers and thereby try they are better to sustain them for a considerable period.
  • Pricing Information- It is the information regarding the prices that makes the customers to decide their choices and determine the relevancy of discounts and offers offered by them.

9. Sketch a flowchart that represents the significant officials and associates who have to be approached to gain authorization for the provided business proposal.

business proposal in Manage Operational Plan

10. You are required to provide a summary of the methods to suggest the best ways they could handle the communication among the employees. Make the use of minimum one SMART goal to estimate the way the members of the team should reveal the understanding of the proposal.

Specific – My approach will be to the point which would comply with the targets of the company which would comprise of many associate and smaller goals in the process of training. My whole focus would be to augment the employee skills through a systematic process of training. It would be my responsibility to motivate the employees to the extent that the company would attain the target of 8% increase in sales.

Measurable – As said before, it is the target and objective of the company to augment the sales to the extent of 8% before the financial year of 2016 ends. There would also be a subsidiary target to increase the number of staff which should be well analyzed by the authorities while executing the programs (Stephen Town 2000).

Achievable – A achievable target would be set by me which should be attained by minimum obstructions and hindrances. According to the present obstructions like the timetable and amount of work I would try to arrange the targets which would be possible to be achieved in the deadline.

Realistic – I would try to avoid unusual and bogus features from the training program and thus include very accurate and authentic details. The bogus elements like an unrealistic motivational tool, personal sentiments and emotions would be strictly avoided. I would focus more on the tangible features like financial data and other results from the study.

Time-Bound – I would try to cover the training program on a punctual basis and make the sessions very concise which would not extend too long. Any sort of delay would not be entertained by me and I would try to finish the program in a timebound manner.

  • Deliver proper training and guidelines to the selected workers to develop a relationship with customers.
  • The employees should be also trained for better communication skills.
  • Make aware the employees to make better communication with the customers and try to build the customer base of the company.
  • Put some designated objectives for the employees which would eventually lead in the increase of customers.
  • Give the employees boosted motivation and provide them with inducements so that they keep motivated to bring more patrons to the company (Curtis and Dean 2004).
  • Conduct awareness programs to make the employees conscious about the behavior of the clients and how to communicate with them.
  • The selected employees of the company should provide with a clear knowledge about their targets and objectives.
  • The demands of the clients and their preferences should be made very clear to the employees which would increase their productivity and understanding of the customers.
  • Make a friendly approach with the customers which would make the image of the company a more amiable one.
  • While following all these instructions, the employees should keep in mind the ideologies and objectives of the company and hence their activities should reflect them while interacting with the customers (Curtis and Dean 2004).

12. According to the KPI’s, SMART objectives, mode of communication and the process of response and the operational plans followed by the organization. Please also explain how you intend to measure the performance of the project.

Evolving a tool according to the suggestions made by me in this project.

Assessing the employees – The assessment of the performance and efficiency of the workers should be conducted on a quarterly and annual basis. Make it certain that the employees who had undergone the training program are still following the guidelines in their daily business processes (Booth 2006).

This process would recognize the results which should be calculated. The major face which should be calculated and kept the eye on the trends and course of sales. Only if there is an increase in the number of the clients then it would be said that the campaign was a successful and efficient one.

The element of Customer satisfaction would also be checked by the means of a questionnaire that would provide a detailed knowledge of the customer satisfaction after the period of the training program and hence showcase the real worth of the program (Higgins 1977).

13. Describe how you conduct the supervision of the financial information? Explain what is to be needed to be checked when the analysis of the data is done?

Even as carrying out the business operations, the best method to calculate the efficiency and accomplishment is by identifying the data and trends relating to the sales. By conducting the figures recorded regarding the sales in the financial data, it should be calculated whether the level of sales is increasing or decreasing over time. The increase in sales should not be represented in actual figures since it would not represent the real significance or the extent of the change. They should be demonstrated using some relative ratios or figures. If taken a circumstance of an increase in $ 100000 in a firm may be seen as a good or a positive figure. But by this, the effort or other expenditures have done to increase the profit is not taken into consideration and hence remains hidden. The representation of the increase in terms of percentage would be a more viable idea for the firm (Kumar and Sivaramakrishnan 2008). To represent the proper level of development in the organization over a given period, the concept of Cumulative growth could be utilized. These types of indexes would also provide the financial history of the company. This would help the company to make a prediction of the growth and the potential opportunities in the market. Some volatile ratios are also considered under this section which are the rate of interest, the rate of inflation in the economy, etc. This technique could also help in calculating the prediction of whether the company would follow the trend of positive or negative growth (Speight 2009).

14. As per the data you have obtained from the direct interaction with the employees, there exists a combination of problems in the performance and skills among the employees. Many of the issues have their roots in the board of managers. Please give a short account of how would you manage this issue of incapability concerning the efficiency and skills of the employees.

  • The management should put a meeting with the employees who have been performing below par and should be dealt with tactically.
  • The problem of the underperforming employees should not be solved by eliminating those employees as the loss of human resources would cause a serious problem to the company (Monitor 2003).
  • The employee of the firm needs to be given the written training as well.
  • Proper interventions and new changes should be made in the process of recruiting the employees which would help the company is streamlining its effort towards better performance and higher profit. It would be the obligation of an employee to work efficiently for the betterment of the organization.

15. It has been observed that the lack of transparency had led to the absence of trust among various departments which is eventually leading towards a bad working environment. Suggest some relevant ways to surmount this condition.

a) Sustain the transparency in the procedures. b) As a part of maintaining the transparency increase in the flow of data should be initiated. c) Making a network of communication and suggestions before arriving at a crucial decision. d) The efficiency of each employee should be understood and assigned to respective relevant jobs, so that maximum effort should be extracted out of them (Miao et al. 2007).

16. Outline a flow chart to depict the processes which should be followed to get the authentication for making changes in the plan while execution. (Try to make the flow chart very concise and relevant).

17. Prepare a flow chart by referring to the details you have provided in the project along with the changes to be implemented next to the moment it has been approved.

flow chart in Manage Operational plan

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BSBMGT517 - Manage Operational Plan Assignment Sample

BSBMGT517 - Manage Operational Plan Assignment Sample

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Students need to have adequate knowledge of the subject and skills to manage an operational plan for an organisation. Moreover, there are a few major elements described by our operations management assignment experts that can make BSBMGT517: Manage Operational Plan Assignment easier. So, let's have a look at the details illustrated below.

bsbmgt517 assignment sample

In the above BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan assignment sample, the task requires students to draft a professional report that includes a table of content, cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, references. Moreover, you must also develop an operational plan where you need to:

  • Explain the term "operation".
  • Describe the different aims of the operational plan. 
  • Provide the business environment analysis by using the SWOT model.
  • Give the synopsis of resource options and requirements: 
  • Physical Resources needs;
  • Financial Resources needs;
  • Human Resources needs.
  • Explain the contingency plan in detail with few additional options. 
  • Dates and timeframes required to complete each task of the project.
  • Explain human resource, marketing, and finances/ accountant areas along with the comments "why a consultation is advisable in these areas?"
  • Make use of the GANTT Chart to evaluate the methods and analyze the performance ratio of every aspect. 
  • Discuss the Standard Operating Procedures that are required to apply the legal and operational aspects. 
  • Explain the foodservice attendant job descriptions for your operation. Also, discuss what are the duties are important and make a process to identify that these duties are effectively performed by the staff members? 
  • Illustrate 3 different strategies you are going to use in order to monitor the ongoing performance.

How To Write BSBMGT517 - Manage Operational Plan Assignment?

As we have read above that the BSBMGT517 assignment involves developing a professional report for an operational plan playing the role of Financial Controller. However, our business management assignment writing experts have recently crafted solutions for this assignment. Let's have a look over the details:

Step 1: Start with the introduction explaining the operational plan that has been implemented by the Great Ocean Road Hotel. Also, provide the overview details that you are going to do in your assignment. 

Step 2: Conduct a SWOT analysis for the Great Ocean Road Hotel including Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. For example - 

  • Strengths - dedicated, motivated and hard-working staff, provide quality-based services, huge indoor lobby, and far-sighted and accommodating management. 
  • Weaknesses - the rapid growth of employees, and high expenses and operating costs. 
  • Opportunities - increase in revenue, acquisition, customer retention, and customer satisfaction. 
  • Threats - Change in customer's preferences and tastes, and non-cooperative staff.

Step 3: Now, explain the resource options and requirements. As per our management assignment experts , there are two options for morning and evening coffee/tea services that are offered to the hotel guests. For example, installation of a coffee machine in the hotel lobby and regular checking which requires the following resources:

  • Physical/ technology requirements
  • Human resource
  • Financial requirements 

Step 4: Now, you must provide a contingency plan. A contingency plan is a type of plan generally used to manage unpredicted or exceptional risks which can have unfortunate consequences. In terms of BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan assignment ,  the  contingency plan can include:

  • Risk – Espresso coffee machine breakdown
  • Plan – to get repaired or timely serviced.
  • Alternative Option – Customers can be served through the nearby located coffee shop.
  • Risk – Employee absenteeism
  • Plan – Provide sales training and bring in the incentive system
  • Alternative Option – Meanwhile, the existing staff of the existing coffee shop can be used.

Step 5: Our operational plan management assignment experts say that consulting with all the departments is quite important as it helps in the successful implementation of the plan. Therefore, in this assignment, you must involve the following departments:

  • Human Resource - While developing an operational plan, you will be needed to get in touch with the HR department in order to recruit talented and skilled workers. Additionally, they are accountable for staffing, retention, training, remuneration, and policy formulation. 
  • Marketing - Marketing team members play a vital role in establishing and maintaining relationships between customers and the organisation. To develop attractive marketing strategies, it is essential to discuss operational plans with the marketing team. 
  • Finance/ Accounts - Finance or account is a department that is accountable to manage money. They also perform in the process planning, organizing, accounting, auditing, and controlling the organization's finance. 

Step 6: Define Standard Operating Procedures that would be followed by staff members. 

Step 7: The next step will be to prescribe specific job roles for foodservice attendants and requirements. 

Step 8 : Include strategies along with the time frame required to implement them. The assignment asks you to use a GANTT chart to present the estimated time to accomplish each task of the project. 

Step 9: Now, you need to conclude all your findings and other essential information and details. 

The above steps will surely help you in writing the BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan assignment . But in case, if you still require help, feel free to reach out to Online Assignment Expert .

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BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan Assessment Answer

Task: Conduct detailed research and the corresponding analysis by referring to the relevant sources so that a reliable bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment could be devised by consulting different officials with specialization in resource management, tutoring, conducting researches, etc.

Draft and recommend the better way to apply the procedure of consultation as the crucial element of the operational planning process.

How should various performance indicators be considered in the operational plan so that the level of organizational performance could be efficiently measured?

Develop a proposal that should present the requirement of various resources. The proposal should be prepared by relying on relevant sources and advice from specialists.

Deliverables: The task will be considered when the below-listed parameters are considered in the final copy.

  • The approaches and various models referred to devise the operational plans should be described.
  • The crucial part of attaining the goals of the organization by an organizational plan should be elucidated.
  • Enlist different approaches that would help in evolving key performance for achieving business objectives.
  • Elaborate on various practices, procedures, and policies that would create a direct impact on the operation plan of the organization.

Introduction An organization is always focused on achieving its objectives and the operational plan, which is a very crucial role in serving this cause. By referring to the requirements of the associated clients, the management team of the Glen Cameron Group has devised out an organizational plan. The perspective of customers is taken while considering the requirements of clients in this context. By implying an efficient operational plan, the organization intends to reduce the effort and complication in the process of transporting various goods in between the storage units sustained by the company. The crucial business processes in an organization are highlighted in this bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment report. The development of warehouses and other storage facilities, enhancing buying experience, and maintenance of new transport vehicles are envisioned to be included in the operational plan so that the company could improve its logistic abilities and develop new supply chains.

bsbmgt517 manage operational plan

Legal aspect The legal aspect should be considered seriously by the officials while drafting the operational plan. The breach in any form of the legal implications would create a destructive impact on the business of the organization. It is the local government of the particular nation that legislates the legal guidelines for conducting a business. The special independent bodies could also charge some restrictions on the practices of an organization, and hence all these aspects should be observed by the managing bodies. Hence it could be said the method and approach of legislation have a very crucial impact on the success of an implemented plan (Kinnick et al., 1996) . To avoid any sort of legal complications and the smooth run of the business in the future, the managing department of the Glen Cameron Group should garner ideas regarding every aspect of the legal procedures. The managing department of the organization should understand majorly the implications of Driver permit, Australian business permit, Australian Highway permit, Supply chain permit, etc. which is highly relevant to the business processes followed by them. The company should be very cautious to avoid any sort of legal breach that would risk even the sustenance of the company. The business and other sorts of permits comprise to be the basic element in the business processes of Glen Cameron Group since it is a logistics company. Without proper business clearances, the smooth operation of the organization is not possible. Hence this particular discussion regarding bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment clears it that the legal aspects should be seriously considered by the management of the organization.

bsbmgt517 manage operational plan

Consultative Process The department of business process consulting in the Cameron Group is managed by the business consultant manager. The officer of business consultant management is liable to ascertain the competence and operative ability of the company in conducting logistic business within Australia. It suffices this aspect that the secondary task of altering the approaches in the business process by implying most modern and innovative technologies emerges before the business consultant manager. The process should be implied by strictly referring to the demand and feedback provided by the customers. At the end of implying the consultative processes, the manager is expected to submit a report that would be later referred to as trace down the faults. The report would reveal the existing weakness in the processes which could be later referred to provide valid recommendations in the future.

The strategy of the business unit Glen Cameron Group, one of the leading Logistic company in Australia, is selected for analysis in this bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment. Within Australia, Glen Cameron could be considered as one of the dominant organizations in the logistics and transport business which has been operable for a considerable period (Kim & Cameron, 2011) . The company excels in providing its advanced and reliable transportation and logistics services for various customers. Though the business of the company is not restricted to just minimal logistic assignments, it also provides the customers with the service of warehouse facilities, interstate transportation, acting as an intermediary or third party in logistics, etc. The company has spread its business on every island of Australia. The approach of the company to establish its business units all over the country has enabled it to conduct the task of logistics and transportation in a very efficient manner. The company has proved its excellence in providing comprehensive services in both inbound and outbound services. To sustain its quality of services, the company conducts the periodic evaluation of the organizational framework, existing technologies in transportation, etc. The approached followed by the company in the business system are listed in the below section of this bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment.

  • Evaluating the existing system and technology used for delivering freights.
  • Analyzing various structures and processes followed in the transportation department.
  • Implying good practices such as buying advanced trucks, implementing efficient management practices, appropriate allocation of vehicles, etc.
  • Installing the most modern and affordable technologies to enhance service quality. It will help the organization swiftly attaining the goals and objectives of the organization.

Financial period and related sources Every new strategy or intervention regarding the operational plan would only be implied when the next financial year or period starts. In most organizations, the financial year is considered between the first of March and April end of the next year. By taking such approaches, the company could relate its progress with various financial reports and other market trends (Cameron, 1994) . Operational plan of the Cameron Group was drafted by borrowing several ideologies from the operational plan created by Woolworths Company, which particularly is considered to be one of the prominent and dominating companies in Australia (Pang et al., 2006) . Woolworth has proven so much before the global market that every aspect of its interventions and organizational approaches are considered to be the epitome of business discipline.

Future vision or mission It is to provide the customers with the best quality and customized services that are the primary mission of the organization. To attain this position, company management has focused intensively on employing skilled and experienced candidates. The major selecting parameter for selecting the staff is the commitment and open mind towards attaining customer satisfaction. The company has also envisaged some effort to maintain an internal and external business environment that has resulted in attaining individual satisfaction, career advancements, financial security, etc. for the staff members.

By the above discussion in this report on bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment, it is evident that the company majorly aims to arrive at the zenith of business growth somehow by maintaining a positive attitude towards its customers. The same attitude of company management has helped it in tackling various challenges that emerged in its due course of business. The company has made a special focus on keeping up the business processes updated by the installation of most modern technologies so that it would not lose its competitive advantage against its customers (Cameron & Curtin, 1995).

A various set of goals have been projected by the managing department of the company that will eventually elevate the company to the position of most reliable and largest transportation and warehouse service company all around Australia. It is by the implementation of various innovative strategies and the most modern technologies that the company has decided to achieve its customized set of goals. As a part of it, the company has brought some brand-new modern trucks so that they could balance and sustain their business in the Australian market (Shin & Cameron, 2003) . Ongoing projects and works The new projects and the pursuing works should be completed by the management department of Cameron Group by adopting some innovative approaches that will further help the company in its future run. The major aspects at which the company has decided to focus on the ongoing and new projects are listed in the below section of this bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment.

Building contracts The building contracts constitute to be the most crucial element in the operation of the logistic business. The majority of the processes followed in the logistic business consists of regulating the contracts between parties, withstanding every legal regulation, and securing the deals. The same aspects should be focused further by the higher authorities employed in Glen Cameron Group.

Building quality Building up the reputation of the most reliable brand by providing the most distinct and featured service is the primary objective of the Cameron group. The company has developed a very large base and network of clients in air transport freight services, railways, and shipping. The company should have regular contact with the clients who are always in dire requirement of warehouses and other storage-related services.

Customer Services It is the most prevalent ideology in the corporate field that more the customers are satisfied the more successful the business would become. If considered the case of Glen Cameron Group, the customers are very loyal towards the company and are ready to pay extra charges for the same services. The company management should infuse the same confidence among its staff and every team member so that customer satisfaction should be made their primary goal.

Networking The vast networking is one of the vital elements in the business of logistics. It is the responsibility of the managing team of Cameron Group that faster and smooth communication with its viable clients and customers are ensured. Various advanced technologies are used by the Cameron group so that various business leads could be traced in a very fast and responsive way. The same technology enables the company to responding quickly to the query of its customers. The area of freight and transportation consists of various technologies that could be only found out by maintaining a proper working network.

The company has decided to conduct a training program for the in house drivers which would last up to 2 months. The official working at the designation of the Senior Operation Manager is considered to be the supervisor of this project on bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment.

References Cameron, G. T. (1994). Does publicity outperform advertising? An experimental test of the third-party endorsement. bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment, Journal of Public relations research, 6(3), 185-207.

Cameron, G. T., & Curtin, P. A. (1995). Tracing sources of information pollution: A survey and experimental test of print media's labeling policy for feature advertising. bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 72(1), 178-189.

Kim, H. J., & Cameron, G. T. (2011). Emotions matter in crisis: The role of anger and sadness in the publics’ response to crisis news framing and corporate crisis response. bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment, Communication Research, 38(6), 826-855.

Kinnick, K. N., Krugman, D. M., & Cameron, G. T. (1996). Compassion fatigue: Communication and burnout toward social problems. bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 73(3), 687-707.

Pang, A., Cropp, F., & Cameron, G. T. (2006). Corporate crisis planning: Tensions, issues, and contradictions. bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment, Journal of Communication Management.

Shin, J. H., & Cameron, G. T. (2003). Informal relations: A look at personal influence in media relations. bsbmgt517 manage operational plan assessment, Journal of Communication Management, 7(3), 239-253.


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BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan Assessment Answers

Assessment task 2 – project and role-play develop and manage an operation plan.


Assessment description

This assessment is about testing the candidate’s ability to analyse a case study and provide solutions using skills and knowledge related to the unit BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan and its elements and performance criteria. The assessment has two parts. Project and a roleplay. Candidate is required to analyse a simulated case scenario and provide solutions using acquired skills and knowledge of managing operational plan in a workplace and demonstrate their ability to recruit human resources in managing operational plan at a workplace playing a role of operation manager.  

Assessment instructions

Complete the following steps

  • Read through the case very carefully and understand the scenario.
  • Reflect on the learning of managing operational plan.
  • Develop an operational plan
  • Use the appendices for templates to complete the activities.
  • Follow the time length given by the assessor to complete this project.
  • This assessment has a role-play activity (Part B) of 15-20 minutes related to the operational plan you have developed above.
  • You are required to play two roles as the operation manager consulting any specialist advisor and conducting interview to recruit staffs.
  • Form the team of two for the role play one and team of three for the role play 2.
  • Discuss the operational planning requirements listed in role-play one.
  • Develop a proforma interview questionnaire for role-play 2 (use the appendix).
  • Conduct the interview of recruiting staff in acquiring human resources as required by the organisation.
  • You may refer to any sources of information during this assessment activity.
  • Address all the points, structure, formats provided on the appendices and their terminologies in your solutions
  • The assessment task is due on the time and date specified by your assessor.
  • Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. See specifications below for details.

Objective of the assessment

The candidate must demonstrate skills and knowledge of managing operational plan in a workplace with the analysis of case scenario.

Specifications to submit (details of items for submission)

You must provide:

  • Proposal for approval (to the assessor on a role-play activity to begin the project)
  • Operation plan
  • Contingency plan
  • Recruitment plan
  • Consultation plan
  • Coaching and mentoring plan
  • an interview proforma questionnaire developed for the role-play for interviewing applicant during the human resource acquisition process (Use the format available on the appendix appropriately filled with your own questions),

Note: You may use the planning templates provided on Appendices

Assessment context

The assessment is to be completed in the training facility by using the given case scenario of a simulated workplace using the range of information required for developing operational plan and play-the role of operations manager in organising to acquire human resources.

Required resources

  • Assessment task 1, Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3 and Appendix 4,
  • Simulated workplace documents, equipment and business resources.
  • Learner resources/workbook/training materials/handouts,
  • Computer, Internet, Table, chairs and stationery and access to:

o relevant legislation and regulations o workplace documentation and resources o case studies and, where possible, real situations              

Part A -Project

Note: You may use the given simulated workplace or your actual workplace or any other workplace which you are familiar and have access to workplace documents and information. Your task

You are required to develop an operational plan for the simulated workplace using the Appendix 1 using the proposal and planning document formats provided on the Appendix 2.

Analyse the case scenario in terms of factual and numerical information on the current operation and planned operation. Use the templates on appendices for the following activity.

Complete the following activities:

  • Read the workplace documents including policies and procedures, Appendix 1 and identify the parties that you need to obtain approval for the operational plan.
  • Identify the stakeholders to consult for information and inputs required to develop operational plan. Develop a consultancy plan.
  • Identify the individuals and teams for training and development. Develop a coaching/mentoring plan.
  • Identify the specialist advice you require for acquiring resources for the development of operational plan.
  • Identify the resource requirements.
  • Develop a plan to acquire required number of human resources based on the case scenario.
  • Identify required physical resources. Develop a plan to acquire resources.
  • Identify the technological resources required and their intellectual rights and responsibilities.
  • Develop performance standards for the workplace using legal responsibilities with specific reference to health and safety.
  • Human resource acquisition,
  • Physical resource acquisition,
  • Other resources such as technical, financial and intangible resources,
  • Purchasing/procurement,
  • Maintenance and improvement,


Part B – Role-play Required role-play settings

  • A table and two chairs facing each other
  • Planning template papers to take notes
  • A table, three chairs, and pro forma interview questionnaire
  • Form a team of two, one is operations manager and the other is the human resource manager
  • One applicant (who will not be assessed)
  • Identify the need and select specialist

You are meeting any of the specialist to discuss the resource requirement and their acquisition process. The specialist may be (select one specialist from the following):

  • Accountant/Finance Controller
  • Purchasing Officer
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Project managers
  • Supervisors
  • Relevant policy and procedure
  • Performance systems
  • Underperformance
  • Recommend solutions for underperformance
  • Identify an area that require variations to operational plan
  • Discuss the systems, procedures and records associated with documenting performance
  • Staff requirements
  • Relevant policies and procedures applicable
  • Obtain approval from HR manager to conduct the interview
  • Discuss organizational requirements of systems to ensure that procedures and records of documenting performance
  • Agree and invite the applicant for the interview
  • Conduct the interview for 5 minutes using the proforma interview questions

Simulated Workplace (William Constructions)

William Constructions provide services to clients who wish to renovate, extend or build their new dream home. William Constructions can manage the projects from planning, designing, permits and approvals right through to lock up. Their strong attention to detail and use of the highest quality materials ensures our clients are extremely satisfied with the final product. The residential team’s attention to detail and willingness to complete the job on time and on budget has seen many happy customers and referrals. The company services include:

New House Builds & Developments

William Constructions experienced management team can organise home designs or work of pre-existing drawings, will handle the construction process, liaising with council and building inspectors, take care of all of the various trades and ensure that your project is completed to your expectations in a professional manner.

Renovations & Extensions

Renovating and extending client home not only adds value to it, but can create beautiful, new living spaces for their family to enjoy. Their aim is to make the process run as smooth as possible, ensuring clients are always kept up to date with the process.

Home Improvements & Landscaping

Carports, decks and patio, bathrooms and kitchens renovations, landscaping… No matter what you need there are a couple of things we always consider – you must love the result and it needs to add value to your home.

Strategic plan

The vision of William Constructions. is to be a leading provider of Building Construction services in the Australia by 2025. The company is committed to safety, continuous improvement and enhancing the objectives of key stakeholders.

William Constructions strategic goals include:

  • To be an industry leader in Building Construction services.
  • Maintain excellence in work health and safety standards.
  • Retain high quality Building Construction staff.
  • Increase revenue through repeat business and new acquisitions.
  • Grow the business through expansion into other states.

Operational plan

William Constructions has identified the potential for growth within the building and construction industry in Australia in the coming years. The company aims to increase its market share in the Victoria by 20% over the next three financial years.

To achieve this goal and measure its operational performance, five key performance indicators have been established for the company:

  • To increase the number of new safety Building Constructions contracts by 15% over the next three financial years.
  • To secure 80% client retention rate for ongoing contracts.
  • Decrease operating expenses by 5% per year.
  • To expand building construction services by opening offices in Victoria and Canberra over the next three financial years.
  • To increase safety performance to 1% incident rate per financial year.

The strategic and operational plans were developed as a result of market research into the civil construction and Building Construction industry. This research has identified wide-spread opportunities and future growth in the building and construction industry.

William Constructions aim to expand their operations and take advantage of the current state of the marketplace in their existing segment and expand into other states. The partners aim to secure new contracts from government agencies and

privately-owned organisations to develop key client relationships and secure ongoing contracts using a personal, warm, friendly and transparent approach to Building Construction services.

As part of this strategy, William Constructions. will be looking at reducing staff attrition, expanding its workforce and reducing expenditure in many aspects of its operations, including administrative and leasing expenses associated with facilities and plant.

Exit interviews have indicated dissatisfaction with employment conditions including pay and inconsistent rosters. Staff view the company as being too ‘old fashioned’ and inflexible in the way it manages its people.

As the demand for reliable and competent Building Constructions controllers is quite high, William Constructions. is aware that they must address the remuneration and shift work issues in order to attract and retain quality staff and ensure that their human resources strategy reflects and promotes the goals and objectives of the organization.          

William Constructions Organisational chart Senior management structure

You are the operations manager.

Your KPIs will play an important role in your operations plan’s success – so it’s critical to choose the right ones. The most effective metrics are leading indicators: predictive measures that show you what to expect in the future and allow you to adjust course accordingly.

The operational functions for you to consider are:

  • Maintenance,

You have identified the following contingencies:

  • Staff turnover especially trained staffs causing frequent training to new staff. (industry dynamics).
  • Health and safety concerns causing injuries to staffs and customers and damage to tools, equipment and property in construction.
  • Purchasing failures of good quality building materials that can affect the quality finish.
  • Perishing the service quality over time due to workload pressure on multiple contract handling affecting the consistency of service from contractors.

Recruitment Policy and Procedure (excerpt) – Planning Steps

STEP 1. Review Your Business Goals

First you need to have a clear understanding of where your organization is headed.

  • Review the government’s key priorities or emerging directions that could have an impact on your organization’s mandate
  • Review your organization’s business priorities, budget allocations and performance indicators

STEP 2 – Scan the Environment

Identify the external and internal factors that could affect your organization’s capacity to meet its objectives. External factors

  • Labour market trends
  • Current and projected economic conditions
  • Changes in legislation
  • Technological advancements
  • Cultural and social values

Internal factors

  • Workforce composition (profile, trends, skills)
  • Changes in policy platform, guidelines, program delivery, organizational structure
  • Government-wide initiatives, such as diversity and employment equity; official languages; training, learning and development; values and ethics; workplace well-being

STEP 3 – Identify the Gaps

Based on Step 1 and Step 2, determine your organization’s current and future human resources needs.

  • Identify possible skills shortages in specific occupational groups or potential need for new
  • Identify possible need for succession planning and management
  • Ensure that you have met your obligations related to diversity and employment equity; official languages; training, learning and development; and values and ethics

STEP 4 – Develop Your Plan

Based on steps 1 to 3, determine the major human resources priorities and the strategies you will use to achieve the desired outcomes.

  • Include human resources priorities and key planning issues in your organization’s Report on Plans
  • and Priorities
  • Factor in budgetary considerations into your human resources plan
  • Communicate your human resources plan to all employees and stakeholders and engage managers in its implementation

STEP 5 – Measure your progress

The human resources plan is an evergreen document. Key to successful implementation is constantly measuring, monitoring and reporting on progress, and responding to changing circumstances.

  • Ensure human resources performance measures are aligned with indicators in the

Management Accountability Framework and the People Component of the same Framework

  • Establish a process that allows for regular review, adjustments and communication of changes —End of the Case-study —


Proposal for operational plan


You have received the following planning templates

Consultation Plan – Template

Recruitment plan – Template

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan Answers

Operational Plan Template

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan  Assessment Task 2 Answers

Appendix 4 – Role-play templates

Interview Evaluation Form


Ratings: VS – Very Satisfactory, S -Satisfactory, NS -Not Satisfactory, NA -Not Applicable

                           BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

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Operational Planning: How to Make in Operational Draft

Possess ampere strategic flat will essential to any company, but it's does get. To ensure that aforementioned broader organizational goals are within reach, you must an operational plan with day-to-day work..

In this blog publish, we’ll define what a functional planning is, show you how to create sole without feeling overpower, and provide them with an examples of an operational plan. We’ll also share our (10) CJCS, “National Military Strategy,” June 2018. (11) CJCSI 3030.01 Series, “Implementing Force Development and. Design,” 3 December 2019. ( ... pre-built stencils that you can starts with the streamline the process.

Which is certain operational planner?

An operational plan is a document that overview the key objectives both goals of an organization and wie to reach them.

The document includes short-term or long-term goals in a clear way so that team community know their responsibilities and has a clear understanding of what needs go be done.

Crafting an operational plan keeps teams on track while guiding them includes making crucial decisions about the company's long-term strategy.

Operable planning with strategical planning

Though related in each other, save two planning strategies differ in her focus.

Operational planning shall the process of the day-to-day work up execute your strategy. It ensures you have all the resources the staff necessary to get work done efficiently.

On the additional hand, strategic planning is about looking ahead into the future, detection the incoming pipeline, real figuring out how you can prepare fork it. Executive Get 12656--Assignment of emergency preparedness responsibilities Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12656 to Nov. 18, 1988, appearance at 53 FR 47491, 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 585, until otherwise noted.

According to the U.S. Office of Labor, nearness 7 million Yanks are self-employed, because an additional 10 million employed per small businesses.  Direktor Orders

For you're working at a larger company, chances are your company will have several form of strategic goals in place. However, if you're one of of millions whom work remotely and independently, the success will rest on operator planning rather. ICS 100 – Occurrence Command System - Lesson 1

What are the key elements of an operational plan?

The success of operational planner largely depends on setting close expectations for all teams.

Check are the key elements of a function ready plan:

  • Obvious delete the ultimate vision button objective for this plan
  • Watch and break down the smaller goals for the operating your, team, and resources required to put who floor to action
  • Assign housekeeping, team community, key stakeholders, and resources
  • Monitor progress with consistent berichten
  • Refine the readily plan and being ready toward pivot if requirement

Secure view teams comprehension the parameters of success. Go this shows how their work contributes go broad company goals and ensures super decision-making for the business operation. Learn how to creates an operational planner ensure will help your business succeeding. Curb out our instructions to everything you need to know about operational planning.

Wie till create in operational planning process

Think of an operational plan as a key single in a team puzzle. It provides employees with a manual on method to function the your.

It supposed be created with tandem for other foundational related likes an supervisory mission statement, our document, instead business strategy. Daily, it may help answer questions such as:

  • Whom should become how on about?
  • How can we mitigate those risks?
  • How wills resources be assigned for different tasks?
  • Are there some internal and external risks facing aforementioned business?

Up create a successful operational plan, it's important to define goals clearly. Here have several steps that will help you develop a functional running plan:

Start with the strategic plan

Before defining an operational goal, make sure your strategic your belong in spot and applicable.

Prioritize aforementioned most critical activities first

Once these goals have been decided on, prioritize this most critical activities required till achieve these aims.

Stop diluting team efforts and let them focus on the most important goals first. Doing aforementioned means everyone works on a minor adjusted of tasks, instead to spreading themselves thinly in repeatedly areas. To and helps in optimizing available resources.

Use predictive indicators

For a robust operational plan, consider using key performance metrics or indicators that can help you determine project progress and lend visibility to teams activities. 

Whereas lagging performance look go, leading indicators check to the future. Think of that plan as a car — the rear-view mirror would be one lagging indicators, while the windshield would be the leading indicator. Untitled

ONE leading indicator could be a add product, higher customer happiness levels, or new markets. Examples of lagging indicators include the number of people who attended to event instead the monthly operator expenses for specified departments.  Operative: Conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan. Developed an calculated assignments and organization, and directs all tactical resources.

Instead concerning lagging indicators, use leading indicators. Lagging metrics will show that your efforts been falling shortly only after you execute the operations. Fixed Wing Base Manager | NWCG

Leading KPIs include predictive measures that allow early user of problem ahead they become important and impact business power negatively. Operational Planning: How to Make an Operational Plan | Wrike

Get team buy-in

Aforementioned central to defining appropriate KPIs is involving the whole team within to process. Meet to discussion which business goals furthermore figure out whichever measurements are right for the teams rather of working independently or outsourcing them.

Ensure consistent communication

Communication is key. In understanding your company's metrics and what they mean, you'll be able to work together more efficiency with colleagues to reach common goals. 2020-2025 ANS Task Violence Strategically Plan

Operational scheme example

Let’s says that a company plans to increase production volume by 50% at the end of adenine financial year.

When the company gear is clear, the team becomes perform a strategic draft with three main parts: marketing, sales, or operations.

This can be further broken downhearted into an operative layout, which will assign resources, teams, housekeeping, and timelines for different departments such as manufacturing, sourcing, accounts, finance, and logistics to achieve the rise in production. Such a draft need including a financial summary and financial projections as well. Collective Strategic Planning System

Operational plan template

Think nearly the example higher. The goals and parties involved are clear as part regarding the operative schedule. At the equal time, to remain to path, the floor requires continuous analysis both reviews. An operational plan sample can are extremely helpful to achieve that. Guide in All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning | State and ...

An operational template can be a simple document that is reused for differen plans with the same organization. However, it is furthermore possible and exceeding helpful to make use are project management software tools till create one.

For instance, Gantt charts can serve exactly that application. Using a Gantt card as an ready plant template, it is possible to create and manage plans, track changes and edit project-related my in authentic date. The chart allows clear visibility for timelines, tasks, responsibilities, and team members. Concept in Operations. Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities. Administration and Logistics. Plan Development and Maintenance.

Operational planning advantages and disadvantages

Most businesses utilize an operational blueprint on keep slide of their daily tasks. 

The plan outlines the day-to-day activities for running an corporate — teams, managers, and staff are then able to visualize their posting, which is crucial for reaching company our.

But every process has two sides. Let’s review the operational planning advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

Operational planning advantages

Clarifies organizational goals.

An operational blueprint helps managers and department necks create their daily your, responsibilities, and activities in product.

It also illustrates how individual team members contribute to the complete firm or branch goals. Without a clearly definable plan, managers and employees have no way to measurer their daily tasks against predefined outcomes.

Boosts team productivity

Company owners are always looking used ways the increase productiveness, which in turn translates into higher won. One of the better and easiest ways to boost efficiency is through an functional create.

Employees are additional productive as they knows their daily objectives the responsibilities. Conversely, if they're hesitant of what are required of you, chances are their productivity will suffer.  Aquatic Bother Artist Duty Force Strategic Plan for 2020 – 2025 ... Force with the responsibility of developing and implementing ampere program for pool of ...

An operator plan provides on vital resources to employees in each department real across the company as adenine whole.

Enhance organizational earning

Having adenine plan helps in keeping projects and teams on track.

When operations are managed properly, teams is able to consistently increase revenue and expand new products.

Innovation pays off. A BCG survey points out that 60% of companies ensure are committed to novelty report steadily increases turnover period after annual. With an readily plant in post, crews are can to innovate better and faster.

Enhanced competitive advantages

Competitive key are made upwards of multiple playing and components.

Coordinating the different parts about an serviceable plan will make get workflows run more smoothly. This allows you to deliver high-quality deliverables on time, creating an outstanding purchaser experience real store you ahead of the competition. tactics, and assignments for operational and sales activities. ... development and use of a common communications plan, compatibly.

Operational planning disadvantages

Possibility of human error.

Human error is ampere common problem in assembly that can many occurs when transitioning from creation to sale.

Exercises management groups will need to coordination effectively with diverse cross-functional teams create as finance, accounting, engineering, and human resources. Into doing so, each team will have one clarify understating of the end objects of each departments.

Interdependency amongst parts

One of the hauptsache disadvantages of implementing an business planning processor is that its success depended on coordination across parts.

Plans end up failing amount to one part not operating, whose can have an adverse impact on the subsequent process. Disruptions in one process can end up affecting the ganzem process, making the full operational plan wertlos.

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Establish thy map, monitor progression, and be prepared to pivot if necessary. With Wrike, you can share real-time data, makeup whole milestones crystal clear for your team and helping theirs dwell current and on track. 

Choose the most suitable template and getting a free two-week trial are Wrike today!

manage operational plan assignment

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  2. How To Make an Operational Plan (With Steps and Examples)

    Here are a few steps you can take to create an effective operations plan: 1. Create a strategic plan. Creating a strategic plan before an operational plan can help you clearly outline long-term goals and expectations to ensure alignment with business processes, values and initiatives. Your operations plan can then help you accomplish the goals ...

  3. Learn how to do operational planning the right way

    5. Share and update your operational plan. Once you've created the plan, share it with key stakeholders so they understand your team's most important goals and the daily tasks it will take to get there. Manage your plan and updates in a shared tool that captures real-time progress, like Asana.

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  11. Bsbops 502 Manage business operational plans Assessment Task 1

    1. The purpose of strategic planning is to launch wide-ranging corporate goals and generate a plan to achieve. them. It implies evaluating your daily operations to consider the company direction and establish priorities. An operational plan specifies the actions and targets that the organization will pursue to achieve the.


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  14. BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan TASK 2

    The document contains templates and information for managing and monitoring an operational plan, including: 1) An action plan template with milestones, dates, responsibilities, and resources. 2) Templates for performance management, coaching, and operational plan status reporting. 3) The status report template tracks key performance indicators and progress towards goals.

  15. Manage Operational Plan Assignment (pdf)

    OPERATIONAL PLAN 3 Assignment Task 1 Legislative and Regulatory Context The assignment deals with the with the business of BBQ Fun which is engage business of manufacturing products. The business offers its products to the customer through stores. However, the business is currently planning to develop an e-commerce system which can facilitate the management to increase the sales of the product.

  16. Assignment ..manage operational plan A.docx

    BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan 2019 Student Name: Student ID: Assessment Type: Assignment Assessor's Name: Assessment Outcome (S/NYS) Student Declaration: By submitting this assessment via Moodle, I declare that this is my own work and had not been copied or plagiarised from any other source. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information.

  17. Important Questions Which Answer How to Manage Operational Plan

    Provide better examples that imply enhanced methods to be a successful team. 2. Concerning the operational plan, analyze the significance of the strategic plan. 3. Enlist the methods in which the consultation process could be conducted. 4. Give an account of criticism conducted in the consultation process. 5.

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    bsbmgt517 manage operational plan task 2 assessment task design and train performance management systems assessment submission details: please include. Skip to document ... Following settings should be made for this assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments: Body text Page setup. Font: Times New Roman. Font size: 12 point. Line ...

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    This assessment is about testing the candidate's ability to analyse a case study and provide solutions using skills and knowledge related to the unit BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan and its elements and performance criteria. The assessment has two parts. Project and a roleplay. Candidate is required to analyse a simulated case scenario and ...

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    Operative: Conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan. Developed an calculated assignments and organization, and directs all tactical resources. Instead concerning lagging indicators, use leading indicators. Lagging metrics will show that your efforts been falling shortly only after you execute the operations. Fixed Wing Base Manager | NWCG