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 C&R Projects specialise in delivering high quality, luxury accommodation and homes that are both effortlessly practical and beautifully designed.

C&R Mechanical Company

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Children’s Hospital New Patient Tower

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Deli Star Food and Discovery Center

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Nestle Compressed Air Central Plant

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Anheuser Busch 350 Seltzer Process

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Children’s Hospital Level 5&8 Renovation

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Tony’s Restaurant

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Anheuser Busch Brewing Process Control Center

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BJC Information Services – New Primary Data Center

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Central Presbyterian Church

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Christian Hospital Northeast – AHU Replacement

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Church of Latter Day Saints – Mormon Temple

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Citi Mortgage

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Maryland Walk

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Maryville University – Gander Hall

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Mercy Data Center

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Pfizer – Building JJ Expansion

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Ranken Jordan

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St. Louis College of Pharmacy

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St. Louis University – School of Law

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St. Louis University Health Sciences Education Union

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St. Luke’s Ambulatory & Outpatient Care

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Washington University – School of Law

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Westfield – West County Mall

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Air Products

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Ameren Rush Island

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Boeing Building 66 Mezzanine

Boeing – building 106.

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Centene IT Renaissance Data Center

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Centene Office Building

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Central Institute for the Deaf

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Clayton on the Park

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Contemporary Art Museum

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Donald Danforth Science Center

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Duke Realty, Project Lou

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Ferguson-Florissant School District

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Hilton Rooftop Bar

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Kerry Sweets Foods

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Mastercard Data Center Chilled Water Plant

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NGA-NDC West Data Center

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Pattonville School District

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Schneider Electric Technical Learning Center

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SJMMC – Surgery & Central Sterilization

c&r projects

SLU O’Donnell Art Museum

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St. Louis Public Schools – Cote Brilliant

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St. Louis Zoo – Penguin & Puffin House

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

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Tarlton Corporation Headquarters

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Thomson Reuters Data Center – Power & Cooling Optimization

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Westar Aerospace

Quick links.

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  • Fabrication
  • Building Automation

C&R Mechanical Company

12825 pennridge drive bridgeton, missouri 63044, our location.

c&r construction logo

Indian Creek Trail

Indian Creek Trail phase 3 project was the final link to connect historic downtown Corydon to Hayswood Park…


Franklin Bridge

This project was a bridge replacement plan for the City of New Albany Flood Control Department…

Bicentennial Park

Bicentennial Park

Bicentennial Park is in the heart of downtown Corydon, IN.  This project was a vision of the Town of Corydon…

fresh pavement

Harrison County Asphalt Paving

It’s no secret that Harrison County has some of the best-maintained roads around…

tee bridge

Tee Road Culvert Repair

C&R Construction installed two new concrete structures carrying Tee Road over Brush Heap Creek…

sewer inlet

Indiana University Sitework

C&R Construction worked with Indiana University on a site work project for housing expansion…

“Their principals take pride in their work and strive to make sure their clients are satisfied. It is a pleasure to do business with such a fine local company.” – Shireman Construction

  • Asphalt Materials

c&r projects

Experience Matters

We’ve been helping brands grow for 65 years, and our clients recognize our passion for excellence and actionable insights., our guiding principles.

We’re talented researchers from a variety of professional backgrounds, and our success is supported by thre fundamental principles:

Great Research.

Deep Perspective.

Committed Client Service.

c&r projects

By the Numbers

Facts we’re proud of, 600+ studies/year.

qual quant multi-phase

Senior Level Attention

on every single project

of innovation

From focus groups and beyond. We haven’t stopped looking for ways to help our clients.

Average tenure at C+R

versus the three year industry average

c&r projects

Impactful insights.

Every project that comes through our doors gets senior-level attention every step of the way; which delivers the insights that drive intelligent and informed decision-making by our clients. It’s why clients return when it’s time for the next project.

No black boxes.

Not here. Ever. We understand our clients’ research needs are unique, and create solutions that reflect those needs. We offer an array of scalable methods, techniques and approaches. Quant? Qual? A mixed method approach or something in between – whatever it is – we’ll customize it to meet your business objective.

Constant innovation.

We’re constantly evolving our methods and keeping stride as the consumer landscape changes. Our ‘whatever it takes’ culture drives our passion to innovate and take on complex strategic projects. We welcome them.

clients first.

We’ve been described as friends, easy-to-do business with, and incredibly reliable. That’s because we’re a dedicated group of people known for great customer-service, unsurpassed responsiveness, remarkable dependability. Think of us as an extension of your insights team.

Perspective honed by experience.

Our diverse group of researchers come with years of experience in a broad array of categories, segments and verticals. We bring deep perspective to your business and target audiences – Multicultural, Hispanics, LGBTQ+, Shoppers, B2B, Generations, Youth & Family, and more.

We’re sized just right.

Not too big Nimble enough to fully customize the project to your needs and give it the attention it deserves.

Not too small Big enough that we have all the tools and techniques at our disposal to handle your most complex projects.

c&r projects

What sets us apart

Working with us is different.

  • deep category, segment, and vertical expertise
  • we are truly an integrated qual and quant insights agency
  • we innovate by mixing methods and developing new tools, techniques, and processes
  • our culture and commitment to excellence
  • we operate as an extension of your insights team for a worry-free experience
  • we’re a women-owned business
  • we have no sales team, no sales quotas; we’re focused on building relationships

Our History

C+r’s dynamic history.

From our inception, over 60 years ago, we’ve continued our goal of helping brands grow through our brand pillars of providing great research, deep perspective, and committed client services. Throughout our years in business, we continue to partner, create, and adapt our solutions and methods to stay in pace with the market research industry and the world. In doing so, we’ve built a vast toolbox to provide our clients with the most actionable insights to meet their evolving business goals.

This timeline is not a comprehensive list of our accomplishments ; we’ve also innovated throughout the years to expand our offerings in areas such as:

  • Tools that capture in-the-moment behavior
  • A suite of agile solutions
  • An ecommerce toolbox (usability research, passive digital metering, facial coding, eye tracking)
  • Hispanic Acculturation Model
  • System 1 methods
  • Tools to capture quantitative empathy (videos, etc.)

c&r projects

Focus Groups

Dr. Saul Ben-Zeev—pioneered focus groups from an academic setting to the corporate world and founded Creative Research.

c&r projects

Occasion-Based Segmentation

Stephen Turner, a founding partner of C&R, is cited as the “father” of occasion-based segmentation, which is the basis of need state work.

c&r projects

Creative Research

Creative Research buys Fieldwork, Inc., focus group interviewing facilities.

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Response Research

Launched a quantitative research arm, Response Research.

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C&R Research Services, Inc.

Creative Research and Response Research merged to form C&R Research Services, Inc.

c&r projects

First to market multimedia computerized research called CRIMSON.

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Youth & Family

C&R’s Youth & Family division is created, powered by the newly created Kidzeyes panel – the only COPPA-Compliant panel of kids 6-13 years of age.

c&r projects

C&R’s LatinoEyes division is created to serve the growing US Hispanic population; Established a proprietary Acculturation model.

c&r projects

TeensEyes panel is created as our Kidzeyes panelists became teens.

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Client Proprietary Panel

Created the first client proprietary panel and built our first online qualitative bulletin board in 2005.

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C&R Research certified as a Women Owned Enterprise. First published YouthBeat, our syndicated youth + family services.

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Launched our ShopperEyes division dedicated to understanding the shopper mindset.

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C+R Research

Rebranded as C+R Research.

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ParentSpeak – Our Interactive online community and panel of parents (moms and dads) of children ages 0-18 is launched.

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Online Qualitative

C+R’s online qualitative division is created.

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C+R’s Multicultural division, CultureBeat is created to focus on Hispanic, Black/African-American, Asian American and LGBTQ+ consumers.

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Strategy Workshops

Added Strategy Workshops to our toolbox, including ideation and activation workshops.

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Communities & Panels

After 20+ years of building communities and panels for our clients, we formally established a dedicated division.

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Sentinel is created – our formal data quality processes to ensure highest quality data.

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Happy Anniversary to Us!

Celebrated 60 years in market research!

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A&U Now

Launched A+U NOW – our “quick turn” A&U study designed for the CPG industry.

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Illuminator Shopper Panel

C+R’s Illuminator Shopper Panel (powered by Prodege) is launched with sample targeting by receipts, location or digital – marrying actual behavior with attitudes.

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Shopper Journey

We introduced our new path-to-purchase/shopper journey model, iPHD which merges the physical and digital worlds, creating fully integrated human experiences for the shopper and consumer.

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take the next step

Let’s discuss your upcoming project, i do want to say that this project again demonstrates why i have come to rely on c+r and recommend you so highly. when i get a report from you it’s complete, well-thought, and always client-ready. i really appreciate the partnership i have with you., it was always a pleasure working with the team at c+r. i really appreciated your expertise and true partnership on every project., truly appreciate the strength of the partnership we have created with you. thank you for being a consistent and reliable resource., the report goes  beyond answering the questions ; it shows  deep understanding of the needs of the client  while ensuring the  integrity of the design .  thank you, thanks for  one of the best reports i’ve received …. the  quality of insights + deck writing > my expectations . the quality of voiceover/share out and process throughout has been my  best experience to date .   c+r shows up as a team-always on time, supportive of one another, and provides quality insights vs basic stuff., …we  appreciate our open partnership  and the constructive way we are building our relationship – we are  enthusiastic when we think about future projects together , you  offer your knowledge in a way that  never making anyone feel like they should have known “that” about the audience, treat it as an  opportunity to educate in a friendly way ., i’m  really proud  of this team and so  appreciate the partnership  we’ve created. you’ve both done a  fantastic job  helping us start off this journey and i look forward to continuing to build our learning with you all  , search this site.

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School Construction, Hartford School Projects and Seven Hills

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School Construction

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C&R offers construction management services, development and property management.

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C&R Development Co. provides project management services for construction and renovations of educational facilities.

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Services at Bradley International Airport

Learn more about our services provided to Bradley International Airport.

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Recent Projects

Take a look at a wide variety of construction projects C&R Development Co. has recently completed.


Our project staffs are experienced construction professionals with in-depth construction expertise in managing the renovations, and expansions of existing, occupied schools.

Core values:.

Unwavering Integrity & Respect We Win When Everyone Wins One Company...Once Voice...One Team Make Something Better Today

C & R Development Company, Inc.

One Financial Plaza, Suite 109A Hartford, CT 06106

P: (860) 653-7744 E:  [email protected]

Repeat Crafter Me

Crafts, DIY projects, FREE crochet patterns, crock pot recipes and more!

Banana C2C Crochet Square

May 19, 2024

c&r projects

It’s Banana time! The Banana is the 7th fruit in our fruit C2C series!

This graph is 11 x 12 pixel squares and has a finished size of about 7.5 x 8 inches.

I’ve been posting a series of fruit themed corner-to-corner crochet squares! These C2C pieces are small and doable. They can be started and finished in a day or two. Not all the fruits will fit in the same pixel graph. They are close in size, but not exactly the same.

c&r projects

If you missed the Cherry Square, you can get the tutorial HERE If you missed the Orange Square, you can get the tutorial HERE If you missed the Pear Square, you can get the tutorial HERE If you missed the Grapes Square, you can get the tutorial HERE If you missed the Watermelon Square, you can get the tutorial HERE If you missed the Lemon Square, you can get the tutorial HERE

I am using Red Heart Super Saver Yarn for the fruit squares and the colors I have chosen will be repeating throughout all of them. I will have more updates on yarn (BIG announcement on Tuesday!)

c&r projects

If you are new to the Corner-to-Corner (C2C) Crochet technique, let me explain a little bit about it. You can take a pixel graph and turn it into a crocheted piece. By starting in one corner of the graph (the lower right hand is most common place to start), you will crochet crochet diagonally in rows until you get to the other corner. One pixel square = a chain 2 + 3 HDC stitches. Please note that I am using HDC (half double crochet) stitches for the C2C instead of DC (double crochet).

Below is a Corner-to-Corner Video Tutorial that might help:

Materials: Red Heart Super Saver 0316 – Soft White Red Heart Super Saver 0234 – Saffron Red Heart Super Saver 0360 – Cafe Latte Shop all these colors HERE on Yarnspirations.com – Size H Crochet Hook – Tapestry Needle – Banana Pixel Graph

c&r projects

>>> Download a FREE Banana Printable PDF of the Graph + Written Color Changes + Color Blocks Instructions HERE <<<

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← Row 1 [RS]: (Soft White) (1 square)

→ Row 2 [WS]: (Soft White) x 2 (2 squares)

← Row 3 [RS]: (Soft White) x 3 (3 squares)

→ Row 4 [WS]: (Soft White) x 4 (4 squares)

← Row 5 [RS]: (Soft White) x 5 (5 squares)

→ Row 6 [WS]: (Soft White) x 6 (6 squares)

← Row 7 [RS]: (Soft White), (Saffron) x 5, (Soft White) (7 squares)

→ Row 8 [WS]: (Soft White), (Saffron) x 6, (Soft White) (8 squares)

← Row 9 [RS]: (Soft White), (Saffron) x 7, (Soft White) (9 squares)

→ Row 10 [WS]: (Soft White), (Saffron) x 7, (Cafe Latte), (Soft White) (10 squares)

← Row 11 [RS]: (Soft White), (Cafe Latte) x 2, (Saffron), (Soft White) x 3, (Saffron) x 3, (Soft White) (11 squares)

Corner: Start decreasing on WS

→ Row 12 [WS]: (Soft White), (Cafe Latte), (Saffron), (Soft White) x 8 (11 squares)

Corner: Start decreasing on RS

← Row 13 [RS]: (Soft White) x 10 (10 squares)

→ Row 14 [WS]: (Soft White) x 9 (9 squares)

← Row 15 [RS]: (Soft White) x 8 (8 squares)

→ Row 16 [WS]: (Soft White) x 7 (7 squares)

← Row 17 [RS]: (Soft White) x 6 (6 squares)

→ Row 18 [WS]: (Soft White) x 5 (5 squares)

← Row 19 [RS]: (Soft White) x 4 (4 squares)

→ Row 20 [WS]: (Soft White) x 3 (3 squares)

← Row 21 [RS]: (Soft White) x 2 (2 squares)

→ Row 22 [WS]: (Soft White) (1 square)

Total: (Soft White) x 98, (Saffron) x 30, (Cafe Latte) x 4

I’ve had a lot of questions about what the backside of a corner-to-corner crochet project looks like. It’s a mirror image of the front! Pictures of the front and back below.

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Let’s stay connected! Subscribe to my NEWSLETTER for free patterns straight to your inbox! Repeat Crafter Me Facebook Repeat Crafter Me Instagram Repeat Crafter Me Pinterest Repeat Crafter Me YOUTUBE


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Banana C2C Crochet Square

Lemon C2C Crochet Square

Watermelon C2C Crochet Square

Watermelon C2C Crochet Square

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Delivering practical solutions to enable a sustainable and safe built environment in which life and work can thrive.

To find out more about how we manage the built environment, explore our case studies.

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Ventilation air flow assessment to reduce infection

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Management of complex building maintenance

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Strategic Asset Management


What makes us different

RCRProjects is an experienced and knowledgeable team of technical consultants, engineers and specialist project managers focusing on the built environment. We are trusted by our clients to provide independent support, expert advice and technical solutions ensuring the built assets for our clients are managed effectively and efficiently whilst providing a safe working environment.

RCRProjects is a family business with a solid reputation based on over 35 years of industry experience. Founded in 2017, the business is led by Roy Robinson along with his two sons, Matt and Tom, to allow the company to offer a full range of engineering, technical and project management skills and provide practical and robust solutions for the management of the built asset.

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We tailor our services to fit your requirements, budget and strategic goals

Over many years of practice our team of consultants, project managers & engineers have developed a range of services from which we can deliver a bespoke response to fit your building management requirements:

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Technical Management & Guidance

Expertise to support the performance and improvement of your built environment

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Strategic Review & Advice

Optimise assets, cost and resourcing throughout your built environment

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Regulatory & Compliance Auditing

Improve business intelligence through audit of your processes and systems

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Energy & Sustainability Management

Improvement and reduction of the environmental impact of your business

RCRProjects are proud to be members of many industry accreditation schemes benchmarking our commitment to quality, professionalism, and ethical practices in the sector, including the following professional industry bodies:

  • The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management
  • Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
  • The Institute of Asset Management
  • Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering
  • The Institution of Engineering and Technology
  • Institute of Acoustics
  • The Engineering Council
  • The Institute of Physics

Through these memberships RCRProjects also has access to a network of buildings and facilities management experts enabling us to extend our core resources and share best practices.

At any point in a project or estate lifecycle RCRProjects can provide innovative, effective & efficient ways to manage the built environment to benefit the end user, and drive efficiency and sustainability.

Email us or call on 01296 914493

Suite 5, Floor 2 Market House Market Square Aylesbury HP20 1TN

[email protected]

01296 914493

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24 Hour Supported Living, Home Care, Residential Habilitation. We provide care, support, teaching and training to children and adults who have Intellectual Disabilities to help them become as independent as they can. We also provide home care to the elderly and those with physical disabilities. We accept Medicaid reimbursement, private insurance, private payment, and Veterans benefits. …

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Moscow: The Latest Architecture and News

University of idaho central credit union arena / opsis architecture.

University of Idaho Central Credit Union Arena / Opsis Architecture - Exterior Photography, University, Facade

  • Architects: Opsis Architecture
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  66186 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:   C.R. Laurence , Cosentino , Draper , Kalwall® , StructureCraft , +40 Tremco , Vitro® , Sherwin-Williams , 9Wood , ASI Global Partitions , Armstrong , Bemo , Blum , Boise Cascade , Carlisle SynTec , Claridgge , Connor Sports Wood Athletic , Cornell , Dow Subgrade , Fórmica , Gearboss by Wenger , Hafele , Henry Company , Hilti , Hussey , Johns Manville , Key Resin Company , MARAZZI , Mecho Systems , Mohawk Group , Oldcastle APG , PSiSC , Polyshorb , Potlatch Deltic , QB Corp , SCAFCO , Sansin , Schindler , Scranton Products , Sierra Pacific Windows , Spalding , TIGER , Tile Tech Pavers , Tri-Pro Cedar Products , Würth -40
  • Professionals: Hoffman Construction , Hastings & Chivetta , KPFF Consulting Engineers , Parametrix , StructureCraft , +1
  • Read more »

Terekhovo Metro Station / Buromoscow

Terekhovo Metro Station / Buromoscow - Interior Photography,           Metro Station, Facade, Door

  • Architects: Buromoscow

Supermetall Offices / YoYo Bureau

Supermetall Offices / YoYo Bureau - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, Beam, Facade

  • Architects: YoYo Bureau
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2000 m²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:   Delo design , Faldi , Sixinch , Zrobim

Vavilova Apartment / Le Atelier

Vavilova Apartment / Le Atelier - Interior Photography, Decoration & Ornament, Kitchen, Door, Table, Chair

  • Architects: Le Atelier
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  130 m²
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:   Investwood , Louis Poulsen , Unika Moblar

“Architecture is a Captivating Journey Through the Revived World of Drawing” In Conversation with Sergei Tchoban

“Architecture is a Captivating Journey Through the Revived World of Drawing” In Conversation with Sergei Tchoban - Featured Image

Sergei Tchoban (b. 1962, Saint Petersburg , Russia) graduated from the Repin Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at the Russian Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg in 1986. He started his practicing career in Russia but left for Germany in 1991, becoming a managing partner of nps tchoban voss in Berlin in 1995. Since 2006, he also heads SPEECH, one of the leading architectural offices in Moscow . Apart from building his successful career of a practicing architect, he is a collector of architectural drawings, publisher, and museum owner.

GES 2 House of Culture / Renzo Piano Building Workshop

GES 2 House of Culture / Renzo Piano Building Workshop  - Exterior Photography, Cultural Center, Facade

  • Architects: Renzo Piano Building Workshop
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  20000 m²
  • Professionals: Metropolis , Faros , SK-Orion AV , M.Desvigne , Peverelli

Ordynka Apartments / Al Studio

Ordynka Apartments / Al Studio - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Facade

  • Architects: Al Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  18300 m²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Professionals: Alphabet City & Novascape

KCAP Architects Unveils First 15-Minute City in Moscow

KCAP Architects Unveils First 15-Minute City in Moscow - Featured Image

KCAP Architects and Planners have unveiled the ZIL-South masterplan , a new residential district in Moscow built on the basis of a 15-minute city . The masterplan will be built on the largest brownfield area of the former ZIL industrial zone, and will feature more than 100 hectares of commercial and residential landmarks, public spaces, parks, landscapes, and interconnect routes alongside the Moskva River, all inspired by the area's pre-industrial past.

KCAP Architects Unveils First 15-Minute City in Moscow - Image 1 of 4

SANAA to Design Extension of Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

SANAA to Design Extension of Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art - Featured Image

The Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow , Russia has announced the construction of the Hexagon pavilion by SANAA (Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates). The major architectural project will increase the museum’s physical footprint through the reconstruction of the Hexagon pavilion adjacent to its current home in Gorky Park, and will include a new public courtyard, exhibition spaces, and café, all designed around the "organics of presence, loyalty to the principles of sustainable consumption, and the creation of an accessible environment".

SANAA to Design Extension of Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art - Image 1 of 4

UNStudio Designs Community-Oriented Residential Development in Moscow

UNStudio Designs Community-Oriented Residential Development in Moscow  - Featured Image

UNStudio revealed its competition-winning design for K31 Courtyard, a residential complex in Moscow that fosters community-building in the context of a rapidly changing city. The proposal features a stepped podium and two towers and reinterprets Moscow’s typical courtyard block, aiming to create a new neighbourhood through various housing typologies, amenities, and outdoor spaces.

UNStudio Designs Community-Oriented Residential Development in Moscow  - Image 1 of 4

Bauman Loft / Nefa Architects

Bauman Loft / Nefa Architects - Interior Photography, Renovation, Kitchen, Facade, Countertop, Table, Chair, Sink

  • Architects: Nefa Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  53 m²
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:   Delo design , Ikea , VitrA

Endless Bookstore / Architectural buro A2M

Endless Bookstore / Architectural buro A2M - Interior Photography, Store, Door, Facade, Arch

  • Architects: Architectural buro A2M
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  300 m²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:   Alfa-design , ERCO light , KingWOOD Company , Magis , Moroso , +3 Orgplex , Sixinch , Stameska Studio -3

LIPMAN ARCHITECTS to Design Garage Museum's 2022 Summer Cinema

LIPMAN ARCHITECTS to Design Garage Museum's 2022 Summer Cinema - Featured Image

The Garage Museum of Contemporary Art has announced the winning design for the 2022 summer cinema. Selected from 118 applications, the proposal created by Moscow-based practice LIPMAN ARCHITECTS (Dmitry Limpan, Angelina Yashkevich, Maria Oganian) features gabion walls filled with plastic water bottles, inviting conversation around topics such as material recycling and the environmental impact of temporary architecture.

LIPMAN ARCHITECTS to Design Garage Museum's 2022 Summer Cinema - Image 1 of 4

Office Space Krunit / KPLN Architectural Bureau

Office Space Krunit / KPLN Architectural Bureau - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade

  • Architects: KPLN Architectural Bureau
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  13800 m²

The New Kremlin Museum Nestles a Contemporary Design Within a Historic Monument

The New Kremlin Museum Nestles a Contemporary Design Within a Historic Monument - Featured Image

The new Kremlin museum set within the UNESCO protected museum ensemble in Red Square nestles a contemporary structure within the vast courtyard of a 19th-century building. Designed by Moscow-based practices NOWADAYS office and Meganom , the project will house the vast Armory collection, of which only 30% is currently available to the public with the Kremlin walls. The refurbishment of the historic Middle Trading Rows building, together with the new extension, complement each other, creating a diverse and complex museum experience.

The New Kremlin Museum Nestles a Contemporary Design Within a Historic Monument - Image 1 of 4

Caméo Moscow Villas / Architectural Bureau WALL

Caméo Moscow Villas / Architectural Bureau WALL - Exterior Photography, Houses, Courtyard, Facade

  • Architects: Architectural Bureau WALL
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  7473 m²
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:   Franken-Schotter
  • Professionals: Arteza , IRON , OPSN

Bar "Bell" / rogojnikov&sorokin

Bar "Bell" / rogojnikov&sorokin - Interior Photography, Restaurant & Bar Interiors, Beam, Arch, Chair, Table

  • Architects: rogojnikov&sorokin
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  224 m²

Record Company Office / Two Interior Design Studio

Record Company Office / Two Interior Design Studio - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Bedroom, Door, Table, Lighting, Chair

  • Architects: Two Interior Design Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  150 m²

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