You will find everything you're looking for to survive in the Vault.

How to put dwellers to the right room

How to put dwellers to the right room

  • Strength : Power Generator, Nuclear Generator.
  • Perception : Water Treatment, Water Purification.
  • Endurance : Storage Room, Nuka-Cola Bottler. Staffing the storage rooms doesn't seem to have any effect on the vault, but may effect staffed dwellers happiness.
  • Charisma : Living Quarters, Radio Studio. Very important for baby making and drawing new vault dwellers from the outside world.
  • Intelligence : Medbay, Science Lab. Used to make Stimpaks and RadAways. Extremely important.
  • Agility : Diner, Garden.
  • Luck : Dwellers with high Luck are more successful at rushing rooms and potentially getting Caps bonuses whenever collecting resources.

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Task Finder

assign 10 dwellers in the right room

Try to complete as many objectives as possible for big CAPS rewards and other surprises that assist in building up your Vault. Here is a listing of some of the objectives and their rewards...

assign 10 dwellers in the right room

Assign Two Dwellers to the Right Room
Collect 50 Water
Collect 2,000 Water
Equip 1 Dweller with an Outfit
Collect 5 Weapons
150 CAPS
Raise the Endurance of 5 Dwellers
Send 1 Dweller to the Wasteland
Send 3 Dwellers to the Wasteland
100 CAPS
Collect 2,000 Food
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 9 Dwellers
220 CAPS
Successfully Rush 1 Room
Have 10 Male & Female couples dance
in the Living Quarters
200 CAPS
Raise any SPECIAL Stat of 10 Dwellers
Upgrade 2 Rooms
200 CAPS
Upgrade  5 Rooms 1 LUNCHBOX
Raise Happiness of 10 Dwellers to 100%
Collect 100 Food
Succesfully Extinguish 1 Vault Fire

Succesfully Extinguish 1 Vault Fire

200 CAPS
Sell 2 Weapons or Outfits
Collect 50 Food
Collect 100 Power
Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit
Raise the happiness of 1 Dweller to 100%
Equip 8 Dwellers with a Weapon
200 CAPS
Collect 6 Weapons
165 CAPS
Mere 3 pairs of rooms together
150 CAPS
Deliver 10 baby dwellers 1 LUNCHBOX

Up Next: Incidents

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Is there a faster way of completing an objective asking for a dweller with a specific attribute?

In Fallout: Shelter, you sometimes get objectives with conditions that are already satisfied, such as:

Assign X dwellers to the right room

This objective is detailed in this question , and appears to be a hopeless case. I recently got the above one (which I removed, since I wasn't ready for a growth of X+ people), but immediately after I got rid of it, I got the following:

Have 1 Bald Dweller in the Vault

I already have two bald dwellers, but the objective doesn't trigger. I've tried sending one of them out to the wasteland and recalling, without success.

Waiting for a random bald dweller to show up could take a very long time, and isn't reliable. Another way would be to breed one, but I'm not sure if I can affect the hair of coming babies in any way (do boys inherit baldness from their father?).

Is there any clever way to complete this objective in reasonable time (through some trickery and/or breeding)?

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Community's user avatar

  • 1 The first one can be completed with dwellers you have that might have good stats for another room and be moved to them. For example, you got a high perception and agility dweller in a water room, move it to a fast food or garden and it should work. I think the dweller needs 3 or 4+ of the stats for it to trigger. –  Jonathan Drapeau Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 11:59
  • Build a Barber Shop? –  OrangeDog Commented May 9, 2016 at 19:06

5 Answers 5

Yeah, Fallout Shelter objectives can sometimes be weird or frustrating but depending on the reward you can decide it's worth the trouble or dismiss it (if you haven't dismissed anything else that day).

How I completed several Assign X dwellers to the right room objectives was to send dwellers exploring the wasteland and when they come back you assign them to the right room or retrain a dweller on another skill . If it has 3 S and 2 A, you retrain his Agility and put him in the Diner.

This can take a lot of time but like I said, it all depends on the objective's reward. The second objective: Have 1 Bald Dweller in the Vault can take even more time but you can start by making a lot of kids. You need the people for your Vault anyway... I'm making around 10 people a day. Today, 2 of them were bald. So it's just chance. If you have radios, there's also the chance that a new dweller is bald...

Remember the fact that Fallout Shelter it's not really the type of game were you start and play for hours... there are objectives or actions that can take hours or days in real life so you just adapt to this gameplay. It's a bit like a Tamagotchi :)

spauny's user avatar

  • Good answer, even if the answer to the question in the title is "no". Accepting this until someone confirms a reliable method. –  Svj0hn Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 7:52

You MAY get baldness in offspring by breeding a bald guy, and as you suggested, which will speed up gaining the objective, if it is the case.

Hair types do not appear to be "just random", and the same is likely to be true of other cosmetic attributes (and definitely seems true even of SPECIAL attributes).

I've several boys with the same hair as their dads. So baldness also should be, too. On checking, two males in my vault are bald and share the last same name; and no men who share the same name have one bald, one not, so it does seem mainly inheritable.

[EDIT: On further checking, this seems FALSE. I'm doing further tests, so the baldest guy in my vault is now at 100% happiness forever, permanently posted to the barracks and having a veritable harem of every non-related woman in the vault sent to him on a regular basis. So far, stats suggest "not heritable, my earlier results were a fluke." But, am testing further to be sure. The bald guy's not complaining.]

Dewi Morgan's user avatar

  • 4 This seems more befitting of a comment than an answer, since it doesn't really provide a full answer to the question. –  user114997 Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 19:14
  • 3 This might not be worded perfectly, but I think this is an acceptable answer. It directly addresses the question of how to quickly get a bald dweller. –  two bugs Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 20:05
  • 1 It does seem to answer the question. I will try this method and accept it if it works. –  Svj0hn Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 20:05
  • 1 No problem. In fact, now that I think about it, I have also royally screwed up, having made a bit of an embarrassment of myself here. –  user114997 Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 20:13
  • 1 Hmm, I tried breeding my bald guy a few times. He had three sons, all of which had full heads of hair. So it would seem I was either really unlucky, or this isn't a reliable method at all. Either way, it certainly not 100%. –  Svj0hn Commented Aug 18, 2015 at 8:04

If the mother is irradiated while pregnant, you'll get a beautiful bald baby. Thanks to this guy for figuring it out:

mirelurk cakes's user avatar

  • I cannot even open that link, can someone test this? How would you reliably make her irradiated while pregnant? –  Svj0hn Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 7:50
  • Send her out, get max rads, return and make her pregnant before the rads get cured. Don't know if the above hypothesis is true thou. –  SkyHiRider Commented Sep 14, 2015 at 13:37

Baldness is inherited through the female. Try breeding the daughter of a bald man. Her son might be bald. 50% chance IRL

Jms's user avatar

Looks like a bug or cheat...

I've had task "Have 5 Bald Dwellers in the Vault", but I only had two of them. If you send one of them to explore wasteland, then recall immediately it counts him up again. In other words, game counts the same dweller each time he enters the vault.

kan's user avatar

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assign 10 dwellers in the right room

Fallout Shelter Side Objective Guide

Fallout Shelter Side Quest Guide

Assign 2 Dwellers In The Right Room – This is one of the first quests you will get and it is pretty easy. You will need to assign a Dweller to the right room. When you get this you should have one that has high Perception and one that has high Agility. Put the Agility Dweller in the Diner and the Perception Dweller in the Water Treatment area to beat this one.

Successfully Rush 1 Room – Just rush a room successfully to beat this quest. You get a lunch box for this one so be sure to complete it!

Level Up One Dweller – After a bit of time you will see “level” pop up above a Dweller’s head. When this happens, click the Dweller to level them up. Another free Lunch box mission.

Collect 50 Food – This one just takes time. If you want it to go quicker then rush the Dinner and upgrade it.

Equip A Dweller With An Outfit – Hopefully you got a outfit from a Lunch box or got a Dweller with something on. If you have an outfit click on a Dweller and put it on them. If you already have one on someone, take it off and put it on someone else to for the extra Lunch box.

Sell One Weapon Or Outfit – I normally sell a BB gun or something weak here just to get it out of the way. Go into you pip boy menu and click the storage tab to sell things. Sell something weak to beat this objective.

Collect 100 Food – Takes time, rush to make it go faster.

Send One Dweller To The Wasteland – Find a Dweller with some endurance and equip them with weapons and armor. Drag them out to the Wasteland and they can explore and find loot. For the quest you just need to send one out there. If you don’t want them to stay just recall them so you don’t lose them.

Deliver 1 Baby Dweller – To do this you will need to get one of your female Dwellers pregnant. Put a male and female in the living quarters and if they are happy enough they will make a baby. Charisma will help speed up this part of the progress. Once the Dweller is pregnant you will have to wait around 4 hours for the kid to be born and to beat the quest.

Collect 100 Power – Another objective that will just take time. Build more power stations or rush the ones you have to speed this up.

Reach 100% Happiness With One Dweller – This one is a bit tricky early one because you don’t have much in the way of entertainment. The best way to do this is to look at your Dwellers and find who has the most Charisma and is close to 100%. Find a Male and Female and put them in the living quarters together and they should dance to increase their happiness, they might even make a baby.

Put Out 3 Vault Fires – You can do this one by rushing areas and hoping a fire occurs. Make sure you have maximum people in the area and equip them with guns in case its Rad Roaches instead.

Fallout Shelter Objective Guide

Collect 100 Water – You know the drill at this point, rush if want to finish it quicker.

Equip 2 Dwellers With Weapons – If you have two weapons you can do this one. Just equip them in two Dweller’s hands, removed them and reequip them if you have to.

Have 6 Baby Dwellers – This one will take quite a bit of time because of how log it takes to have a baby. The quickest way to do this is to get every woman in your vault pregnant at around the same time. This can be tedious but it will help to beast this objective. Be sure to have enough food and water for the new kids when they come out!

Have 5 Male And Female Couples Dance In The Living Quarters – For this one you just need to place a male and female Dweller in the living area and wait. Once they start talking they will eventually dance and then have a baby, if you want another baby. If you don’t want a baby then just drag the Dweller out when they dance and put them back in.

Collect 4 Weapons – You can collect weapons from the Wasteland or from Lunchboxes. The wasteland takes longer but is if free.

Collect 1000 Caps – Another one that just takes time. You can either sell items you don’t use or rush things to make this go by faster.

Raise any SPECIAL Stat Of 7 Dwellers

Raise any SPECIAL Stat Of 7 Dwellers – You will need to have certain rooms build in order to do this. The first one you can get to is the weight room at 24 Dwellers. This takes quite a bit of time to do unless you have multiple rooms and Dwellers going at the same time. I normally have two of the rooms with one Dweller inside, two if I have extra. Just plan on this taking you a few hours minimum. You need to do this to 7 SEPARATE Dwellers.

Send 6 Dwellers To The Wasteland – This one seems tricky but is actually easy. Pick a Dweller and send them out to the Wasteland. Once the objective marker goes up, recall the Dweller and bring them back. Do this over and over with the same Dweller to make this go quick! You also get a Lunchbox for this.

Kill 23 Creatures In The Wasteland – This will just happen as your Dweller travels the Wasteland. Make sure they the Dweller has a strong weapon to deal with any enemies. Should take a little less than an hour or so to get over 20 kills. Also be sure to bring some Medkits and Radaway so they don’t die out there.

Collect 4 Weapons – To collect weapons and outfits you need to get them from the Wasteland or from Lunchboxes.

Collect 5 Outfits – Same as above.

Raise The Perception Of 3 Dwellers – You will need to Weapon Station to do this. I had two Weapon Stations connected to each other, then put 3 Dwellers in and waited for them to get upgraded.

Kill 35 Creatures In The Wasteland – Get the Dweller with the most Endurance and send them out to the Wasteland with your best gun and some Med kits. Doing this one will get you a Lunchbox so be sure to do it!

Level Up 6 Dwellers – Easy, just takes time. Click a Dweller when they level to level them up.

Level The SPECIAL Of 12 Dwellers – I actually DON’T raise my Dweller’s SPECIAL unless I have one of these objectives. If you have already leveled up a Dweller’s SPECIAL before they won’t count for this objective. I normally send my new Dwellers into my SPECIAL rooms when one of these pops up. For 12 I actually built a few new rooms and upgraded them, for the Lunchbox of course.

Get 420 Caps – Rushing rooms, selling equipment and opening Lunchboxes will get this one done.

Deliver 16 Baby Dwellers – This is a pretty time consuming one. Thankfully I had enough females to get them all pregnant at the same time but you will need to wait for 4ish hours for them to come out. This is one you may want to consider canceling.

Collect 21 Weapons – This one can be done by having people hunt in the Wasteland or by opening Lunchboxes. This quest will get you an extra Lunchbox so it is worth doing. I had to have 2 guys in the Wasteland for 20+ hours to get this one done.

That will end the Fallout Shelter Side Objective Guide . I am updating this as I go so check back soon for more updates.

Other Fallout Shelter Guides

Photo of Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane

One comment.

I’d mention, that objectives “Equip 2+ outfit/weapon” requires different items. I mean, you cant equip 1 dweller with a gun, unequip it and give to second one. You need to have 2 (3,4,etc) guns/costumes to fullfill mission

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4. Fallout Shelter Objectives

This page summarises the types of Objectives I was given, how easy I found them, and tips for completing them. You need to complete 100 Objectives for the Overachieve Much? achievement.

Completed 100 objectives

Overachieve much?

If you receive an Objective that you think you cannot complete, or that will be too time-consuming, you can skip one per day and receive a new one. I will note below the Objective types that I think should be skipped. Each type of Objective I list can be completed multiple times, but the requirement will increase. For example, you may receive an Objective early on to "Assign 2 Dwellers to the right room". If you successfully complete this Objective, you may receive it again later, but this time it will require you to "Assign 4 Dwellers to the right room".

Assigning Dwellers to the right room

This is a relatively easy objective type. You need to find a Dweller with a high level in a particular SPECIAL stat, then assign it to work a room that uses that stat. For example, you could assign a Dweller with a high Strength stat to work a power generating room. You can also assign Dwellers who are already working the right room to another room (I usually use Living Quarters or Storage rooms for this), then assign them back to the right room.

"Collecting" Objectives

You may receive Objectives to gather an amount of the three main resources (Power, Food, and Water) or Stimpaks. These are generally easy objectives to complete over time without you really thinking about it. Once you have built up your Vault, you should always be collecting the three resources, and usually Stimpaks as well: just remember to activate the rooms so that you actually collect the resources once they're produced. Some of these objectives require you to collect an amount of the resource in a short period of time (usually one minute). To meet this Objective type, ensure that you have fully staffed each room for that resource with Dwellers who have high levels of the SPECIAL stat needed in that room, or consider building an additional room for that resource. You can also Rush rooms to generate the resource more quickly. Having Dwellers with high Luck stats will improve your chances of Rushing the room successfully.

You can find more detailed information on collecting Caps in the Hints and Tips page. Briefly, the best sources of Caps are on Quests (either from looting bodies and containers, or completing the Quest objectives), or exploring the Wasteland with Dwellers. You can also get Caps in the Vault by completing Objectives, getting the Daily Report, levelling up or training the SPECIAL stats of Dwellers, or successfully Rushing rooms. Sometimes, the Objective will specify where the Caps must be earned (e.g., in the Vault or on Quests): only Caps collecting in that situation will count towards the Objective.

Weapons, Outfits and Junk

The easiest way to acquire lots of Weapons, Outfits and Junk is to have Dwellers exploring the Wasteland. As noted in the main walkthrough, you should always have some Dwellers exploring the Wasteland in the mid- and late-game. Once you have a number of high level Dwellers, you should be able to leave them to explore until they reach their limit and automatically return (three days in real world time). You may need to upgrade your storage to be able to actually collect all the items they bring back, but once you do these Objectives will be easy to complete. Sometimes the Objective will specify that the items must be Rare: again, you will acquire these from exploring the Wasteland, but also look for Quests with Rare items as rewards to help you complete these Objectives.

Improving Dwellers

Level Up Dwellers

As noted earlier in the walkthrough, your Dwellers will gain XP from every task they complete, and can level up until they reach Level 50. The easiest way to level them up is to set them to exploring the Wasteland, but I also found my Dwellers assigned to produce Stimpaks and Radaway levelled up quite quickly. Note that successful Rushes grant extra XP any resource room, and can be used to speed this Objective along.

Train Dwellers

There are Objectives for improving specific SPECIAL stats, as well as more general ones that simply require you to raise any SPECIAL stat for a number of Dwellers. As you follow the main walkthrough, you should build each of the different training rooms. If the Objective requires a specific stat to be raised, make sure you have the maximum number of Dwellers training in the room for that SPECIAL stat; otherwise, simply having Dwellers in any training room will work. Make sure you remember to check back frequently to "collect" each level increase for your Dwellers!

Raise Dweller Happiness to 100%

You can make Dwellers happy by assigning them to work a room that matches their highest SPECIAL stat. Make sure your Dwellers have full health and do not have any radiation damage. You should also ensure your Vault has adequate supplies of Power, Food and Water. If your Dwellers are still not at 100% Happiness, try to matchmake them and let them have a baby with another Dweller. This may also work towards other types of Objectives: see "Other Dweller Objectives" below.

"Killing" Objectives

Kill Creatures in the Wasteland

Like collecting items, this will come naturally as your Dwellers level up and survive longer while exploring the Wasteland. Make sure they have strong weapons equipped to increase their chances of killing creatures they encounter: The longer your Dwellers spend exploring, the tougher the creatures they meet will be. If your Dweller's weapon is too weak, they won't be able to kill the more powerful creatures in the Wasteland, and you won't progress on this Objective type as quickly.

Kill Creatures without a Weapon

If you skip any type of Objective, let it be this one: it's quite fiddly to pull off, and there are far easier Objectives to complete for the achievement. This Objective type will ask you to kill a certain amount of a creature or Raider without a weapon. Note that you can use a weapon to weaken the opponent, but the killing blow must be dealt by an unarmed Dweller. You'll need to be quick to select your Dweller/s and unequip their weapons before the Creature or Raider's health reaches zero. You can attempt it on Quests where you encounter the required enemy type, or during Incidents in your Vault. The former can be easier, as there are generally fewer creatures to fight and also Dwellers to disarm.

Other Dweller Objectives

Baby Dwellers

There are multiple Objective types that reward you increasing your Vault Population with children. This may be for having couples dance together in Living Quarters, having pregnant Dwellers, or delivering baby Dwellers. For the first type, simply assign male-female pairs to Living Quarters (they must be unrelated to each other) and they will eventually dance together and ultimately have a baby. Having Dwellers with high Charisma, and/or equipping them with Outfits that increase Charisma, will speed this up. For the second type, you must have a certain number of female Dwellers who are pregnant. Note that this does not have to be at the same time: each pregnant Dweller you get after being given the Objective will immediately count towards the total. Finally, remember to check back three hours later to actually deliver the baby, which will progress the final type of Objective.

Bald Dwellers

This can be a very easy Objective type if you already have the required number of bald Dwellers in your Vault. If not, you can try to get one by having a baby or recruiting from the Radio or a Quest. Alternatively, if you have the Barbershop built, you can customise any of your Dwellers to be bald. If you are well short of the target number and can't afford a Barbershop, it might be easier to skip this Objective type.

Equipping Dwellers

Some Objectives require you to equip a certain number of Dwellers with either Weapons or Outfits. You can simply unequip, then requip Dwellers if you have been following the Walkthrough and ensuring that all your Dwellers are equipped with a Weapon and Outfit. This is usually a very easy Objective to complete.

Wasteland Dwellers

There is an Objective type that asks you to send a certain number of Dwellers to the Wasteland (to explore). This is another very easy type, as you don't even have to let them leave: you can immediately cancel their exploration and it will still count.

Another Objective type requires your Dwellers to make friends while exploring the Wasteland. Make sure your explorers have high Charisma stats for this; if they don't, it might be easier to skip this for another Objective.

Finally, a third type of Objective requires your Dwellers to spend long periods of time in the Wasteland. Follow the advice in the main walkthrough for how to ensure your Dwellers survive the Wasteland, but the basic idea is to train as many of their SPECIAL stats as possible, equip them with your best Weapons and Armour, and give them the maximum (25) number of Stimpaks and Radaway before they leave. If you have pets, assign one to your explorer Dwellers as well.

Surviving Vault Incidents

There are a number of different Objectives that relate to stopping Vault Incidents. See the page for a more detailed list of the types of Vault incidents, and how best to survive them. In general, you want to assign high level Dwellers with good weapons to the room/s in which the Incident is occurring. You need a large number of Incidents to complete the later iterations of this Objective. You can trigger Incidents by having a Rush fail: To stop a number of Incidents quickly, keep Rushing the same room until it fails, deal with the Incident, then repeat. Just remember to heal your Dwellers with Stimpaks between Incidents!

Extinguish Vault Fires

Fires can occur randomly in any room in your Vault, or as a consequence of failing a Rush. Your Dwellers in the burning room will automatically stop what they are doing to fight it. If you have a Mr Handy on that level, it will help extinguish the fire as well. Make sure you assign as many Dwellers, preferable with a high level, as the Room can hold to fight the fire quickly. If the fire spreads, you will have to extinguish in those rooms, too, so try to respond as quickly as you can.

Vault Attacks

Approximately every 20 minutes, your Vault will be attacked by either Raiders, Feral Ghouls (once your Vault Population reaches 35) and Deathclaws (once your Vault Population reaches 60). You must kill all the invaders to stop the Incident. If you can spare them, have a couple of high level Dwellers, with high Strength and Agility, assigned to your Vault door with your best weapons. I also built my power rooms along the top levels of my Vault, and armed the Dwellers in these rooms with my best Weapons, so that invaders always encountered the strongest resistance possible.

Your Vault can also be attacked from within by Radroaches, Mole Rats, or Radscorpions that spawn within a room (usually one that's unoccupied) randomly or when you fail a Rush. Try to send your strongest Dwellers to the affected rooms as quickly as you can: Radroach and Mole Rat infestations will spread to neighbouring rooms if not stopped quickly, while the Radscorpion can jump to any room in your Vault.

Note that some Objectives require you to survive a certain type of attack without any casualties. These are relatively easy to do when you have a number of high level, well-trained and well-equipped Dwellers, but may be impossible early in the game. If you are frequently losing Dwellers to Incidents, I would skip this Objective type.

Stop Incidents

Either of the above Incident types count towards this Objective. Simply follow the above guidelines to stop as many incidents as the Objective requires.

Fallout Wiki

Fallout Shelter objectives

Objectives are tasks that can be found in Fallout Shelter .

At any given time The Overseer can have 3 objectives, which can be viewed in the objective menu. After completing the objective The Overseer will be rewarded with varying numbers of bottle caps , a lunchbox , a Mister Handy , or a pet carrier . Once a day, a challenge can be skipped for free by pressing the red X, and additional objectives can be skipped at the cost of Nuka-Cola Quantum by pressing the blue X. Once a challenge has been deleted or completed it will be replaced with a new one. It is important to note that any progress towards an objective will not count if done while on a quest, unless it involves leveling up dwellers in the Wasteland. Pets that add a multiplication to objective bonus help complete certain objectives faster.

  • 1 List of objectives and associated rewards
  • 2 Assigning dwellers to the right room
  • 3 Bald dwellers
  • 4 Raising SPECIAL stats
  • 5 Collecting resources
  • 6 Exploring the Wasteland for X hours
  • 7 Killing enemies without a weapon
  • 8 Sending X dwellers to the Wasteland

List of objectives and associated rewards [ ]


Some objectives and respective rewards

Assign 2 dwellers in the right room 25 caps
Assign 4 dwellers in the right room 100 caps
Assign 5 dwellers in the right room 150 caps
Assign 6 dwellers in the right room 165 caps
Assign 7 dwellers in the right room 210 caps
Assign 10 dwellers in the right room 1 lunchbox
Assign 14 dwellers in the right room 240 caps
Assign 15 dwellers in the right room 1 lunchbox or 170 caps
Assign 18 dwellers in the right room 1 lunchbox
Assign 20 dwellers in the right room 600 caps
Assign 27 dwellers in the right room 1 lunchbox
Assign 30 dwellers in the right room 1 lunchbox
Collect 1300 caps 240 caps
Collect 2000 caps 1 lunchbox
Collect 3200 caps 1 lunchbox
Collect 32000 caps 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 200 caps in the Vault 50 caps
Collect 1100 caps in the Vault 510 caps
Collect 1300 caps in the Vault 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Collect 10000 caps in the 1000 caps
Collect 32000 caps in the Wasteland 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 32500 caps in the Wasteland 2500 caps
Collect 38500 caps in the Wasteland 2900 caps
Collect 44500 caps in the Wasteland 3300 caps
Collect 55000 caps in the Wasteland 4000 caps
Collect 59500 caps in the Wasteland 4300 caps
Collect 140000 caps in the Wasteland 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 2750 caps on quests 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Collect 6000 caps on quests 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Collect 11000 caps on quests 2 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Collect 44000 caps on quests 3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Collect 3 stimpaks 70 caps
Collect 4 stimpaks 120 caps
Collect 5 stimpaks 150 caps
Collect 6 stimpaks 880 caps
Collect 9 stimpaks 220 or 1120 caps
Collect 11 stimpaks 240 caps
Collect 13 stimpaks 1300 caps
Collect 14 stimpaks 1 lunchbox
Collect 15 stimpaks 280 caps
Collect 16 stimpaks 200 caps
Collect 17 stimpaks 1320 caps
Collect 25 stimpaks 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 29 stimpaks 1820 caps
Collect 33 stimpaks 850 caps
Collect 40 stimpaks 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 47 stimpaks 2660 caps
Collect 65 stimpaks 4200 caps
Collect 83 stimpaks 5280 caps
Collect 110 stimpaks 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 7 pieces of 600 caps
Collect 13 pieces of junk 240 caps
Collect 50 pieces of junk 760 caps
Collect 57 pieces of junk 1 pet carrier
Collect 76 pieces of junk 1 lunchbox
Collect 78 pieces of junk 1920 caps
Collect 3 outfits 50 caps
Collect 4 outfits 55 caps
Collect 6 outfits 80 or 165 caps
Collect 8 outfits 195 caps
Collect 9 outfits 270 caps
Collect 14 outfits 170 or 240 caps
Collect 17 outfits 425 caps
Collect 18 outfits 1 lunchbox
Collect 19 outfits 570 caps
Collect 22 outfits 320 caps
Collect 24 outfits 1 lunchbox
Collect 38 outfits 950 caps
Collect 102 outfits 1 lunchbox
Collect 150 outfits 1100 or 2400 caps
Collect 230 outfits 2850 caps
Collect 250 outfits 2400 caps
Collect 340 outfits 3000 caps
Collect 420 outfits 1 lunchbox
Collect 480 outfits 1 lunchbox
Collect 14 rare outfits 320 caps
Collect 30 rare outfits 1320 caps
Collect 34 rare outfits 1440 caps
Collect 4 weapons 100 caps
Collect 5 weapons 150 caps
Collect 6 weapons 65, 120, or 165 caps
Collect 7 weapons 175 caps
Collect 8 weapons 140 caps
Collect 10 weapons 225 caps
Collect 12 weapons 220 caps
Collect 15 weapons 1 lunchbox
Collect 17 weapons 190 caps
Collect 21 weapons 1 lunchbox
Collect 30 weapons 1 lunchbox
Collect 37 weapons 925 caps
Collect 40 weapons 550 caps
Collect 57 weapons 1 lunchbox
Collect 108 weapons 1 lunchbox
Collect 110 weapons 1 pet carrier
Collect 175 weapons 2600 caps
Collect 190 weapons 2000 caps
Collect 210 weapons 1 pet carrier
Collect 250 weapons 1 pet carrier
Collect 300 weapons 1850 caps
Collect 310 weapons 2800 caps
Collect 390 weapons 1 pet carrier
Collect 450 weapons 4800 caps
Collect 480 weapons 1 pet carrier
Collect 8 rare weapons 1320 caps
Collect 20 rare weapons 1800 caps
Collect 24 rare weapons 2880 caps
Collect 34 rare weapons 2000 caps
Collect 74 rare weapons 1 lunchbox
Collect 50 food 25 caps
Collect 100 food 50 caps
Collect 300 food 100 caps
Collect 550 food 165 caps
Collect 700 food 270 caps
Collect 780 food 500 caps
Collect 1110 food 775 caps
Collect 1150 food 220 caps
Collect 2000 food 1 lunchbox
Collect 2400 food 1 lunchbox
Collect 3600 food 1 lunchbox
Collect 4400 food 1 lunchbox
Collect 9200 food 1 lunchbox
Collect 12800 food 1 lunchbox
Collect 230 food in under 1 minute 1820 caps or 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 250 food in under 1 minute 2600 caps
Collect 430 food in under 1 minute 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 450 food in under 1 minute 3600 caps
Collect 50 water 1 lunchbox
Collect 100 water 50 caps
Collect 200 water 50 caps
Collect 230 water 80 caps
Collect 300 water 100 caps
Collect 510 water 360 caps
Collect 650 water 195 caps
Collect 1000 water 200 caps
Collect 1150 water 540 caps
Collect 1050 water 725 caps
Collect 1450 water 260 caps
Collect 1600 water 280 or 400 caps
Collect 1850 water 960 caps
Collect 2000 water 1 lunchbox
Collect 2800 water 1 lunchbox
Collect 5650 water 1750 caps
Collect 5950 water 1750 caps
Collect 6000 water 1 lunchbox
Collect 12000 water 1 lunchbox
Collect 130 water in under 1 minute 1320 caps
Collect 150 water in under 1 minute 1 Mr. Handy
Collect 170 water in under 1 minute 1440 caps
Collect 250 water in under 1 minute 1680 or 2600 caps
Collect 270 water in under 1 minute 1960 caps
Collect 450 water in under 1 minute 3600 caps
Collect 100 power 50 caps
Collect 200 power 50 caps
Collect 210 power 55 caps
Collect 300 power 100 caps
Collect 390 power 130 caps
Collect 500 power 150 caps
Collect 530 power 380 caps
Collect 550 power 180 caps
Collect 720 power 450 caps
Collect 850 power 255 caps
Collect 1300 power 630 caps
Collect 1600 power 400 caps
Collect 2000 power 800 caps
Collect 2800 power 1 lunchbox
Collect 4800 power 1 lunchbox
Collect 5050 power 1550 caps
Collect 5800 power 1800 caps
Collect 6800 power 1 lunchbox
Collect 16000 power 1 lunchbox
Collect 200 power in under 1 minute 1100 or 1400 caps
Collect 240 power in under 1 minute 960 caps or 1 pet carrier or 2 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Collect 360 power in under 1 minute 1680 caps
Collect 440 power in under 1 minute 1820 caps
Collect 480 power in under 1 minute 1 pet carrier
Collect from 15 containers on quests 550 caps
Collect from 30 containers on quests 750 caps
Collect from 40 containers in quests 1 pet carrier
Collect from 45 containers on quests 1 pet carrier
Collect from 95 containers on quests 1 pet carrier
Collect from 105 containers on quests 1 pet carrier
Collect from 120 containers on quests 5200 caps
Collect from 150 containers on quests 1 pet carrier
Complete 4 quests from the Overseer's office. 600 or 1000 caps
Complete 6 quests from the Overseer's office. 1040 caps or 1 Mr. Handy
Complete 8 quests from the Overseer's office. 1 Mr. Handy
Complete 10 quests from the Overseer's office. 1 Mr. Handy
Complete 4 quests discovered in the Wasteland 690 or 735 caps
Complete 5 quests discovered in the Wasteland. 1 lunchbox
Complete 10 quests discovered in the Wasteland. 1 lunchbox
Craft 3 outfits 330 caps
Craft 5 outfits 715 caps
Craft 7 outfits 450 caps
Craft 8 outfits 1105 caps or 1 lunchbox
Craft 10 outfits 1 pet carrier
Craft 15 outfits 990 caps
Craft 19 outfits 1 lunchbox
Craft 20 outfits 1690 caps
Craft 24 outfits 2465 caps
Craft 1 rare outfit 400 caps
Craft 5 rare outfits 560 caps
Craft 10 rare outfits 1080 caps
Craft 15 rare outfits 1760 caps
Craft 17 rare outfits 2300 caps
Craft 25 rare outfits 3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Craft 7 weapons 1 lunchbox
Craft 15 weapons 1100 caps
Craft 18 weapons 1680 caps or 1 lunchbox
Craft 20 weapons 1820 caps
Craft 5 rare weapons 280 caps
Craft 10 rare weapons 720 caps
Craft 14 rare weapons 1280 caps
Deliver 1 baby dweller 25 caps
Deliver 2 baby dwellers 50 caps
Deliver 3 baby dwellers 55 caps
Deliver 7 baby dwellers 130 or 230 caps
Deliver 8 baby dwellers 200 or 250 caps
Deliver 10 baby dwellers 1 lunchbox
Deliver 11 baby dwellers 350 caps
Deliver 12 baby dwellers 1 lunchbox
Deliver 14 baby dwellers 1 lunchbox
Equip 1 dweller with an outfit 1 lunchbox
Equip 4 dwellers with an outfit 175 caps
Equip 5 dwellers with an outfit 225 caps
Equip 7 dwellers with an outfit 325 caps
Equip 10 dwellers with an outfit 1 lunchbox
Equip 11 dwellers with an outfit 65 caps
Equip 13 dwellers with an outfit 375 caps
Equip 16 dwellers with an outfit 775 caps
Equip 18 dwellers with an outfit 595 caps
Equip 20 dwellers with an outfit 255 caps
Equip 21 dwellers with an outfit 780 caps
Equip 22 dwellers with an outfit 540 caps
Equip 26 dwellers with an outfit 1 lunchbox
Equip 29 dwellers with an outfit 1040 caps
Equip 34 dwellers with an outfit 1675 caps
Equip 38 dwellers with an outfit 1280 caps
Equip 1 dweller with a weapon 25 caps
Equip 4 dwellers with a weapon 100 or 125 caps
Equip 7 dwellers with a weapon 75 caps
Equip 8 dwellers with a weapon 180 caps
Equip 9 dwellers with a weapon 280 caps
Equip 10 dwellers with a weapon 1 lunchbox
Equip 12 dwellers with a weapon 240 caps
Equip 14 dwellers with a weapon 1 lunchbox
Equip 19 dwellers with a weapon 565 caps
Equip 21 dwellers with a weapon 780 caps
Equip 22 dwellers with a weapon 880 caps
Equip 25 dwellers with a weapon 305 caps
Equip 33 dwellers with a weapon 305 caps
Equip 40 dwellers with a weapon 3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Equip 44 dwellers with a weapon 1760 caps
Equip 50 dwellers with a weapon 1 lunchbox
Equip 56 dwellers with a weapon 1760 caps
Equip 2 dwellers with a 55 caps
Equip 2 dwellers with a 55 caps
Equip 3 dwellers with a 275 caps
Equip 3 dwellers with a 300 caps
Equip 10 dwellers with a 380 caps
Equip 15 dwellers with an 575 caps
Explore 4 locations in the Wasteland 900 caps
Explore 5 locations in the Wasteland 840 caps
Explore 7 locations in the Wasteland 1 Mr. Handy
Explore 15 locations in the Wasteland 1150 caps
Explore 20 locations in the Wasteland 1 Mr. Handy
Explore 34 locations in the Wasteland 2870 or 1 Mr. Handy
Find the 5 times 520 caps
Find the Mysterious Stranger 6 times 1100 caps, 1 or 2 pet carrier(s)
Find the Mysterious Stranger 13 times 1 pet carrier
Find the Mysterious Stranger 15 times 1820 caps
Find the Mysterious Stranger 20 times 2 pet carriers
Find the Mysterious Stranger 25 times 3000 caps
Find the Mysterious Stranger 30 times 1 pet carrier
Have 1 bald dweller in the vault 50 caps
Have 2 bald dwellers in the vault 55 or 275 caps
Have 3 bald dwellers in the vault 350 caps
Have 5 bald dwellers in the vault 350 caps or 1 lunchbox
Have 6 bald dwellers in the vault 1 lunchbox
Have 19 bald dwellers in the vault 1 lunchbox
Customize 5 dwellers 560 caps
Customize 15 dwellers 1 pet carrier
Have 3 female dwellers pregnant 110 or 175 caps
Have 5 female dwellers pregnant 180 caps or 1 lunchbox
Have 7 female dwellers pregnant 260 caps or 1 lunchbox
Have 9 female dwellers pregnant 155 caps
Have 5 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 110 caps
Have 6 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 165 caps
Have 7 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 360 caps
Have 8 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 300 caps
Have 10 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 450 caps
Have 12 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 220 caps
Have 15 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 1 lunchbox
Have 18 male and female couples dance in the living rooms 1 lunchbox
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 2 hours 100 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 4 hours 150 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 6 hours 165 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 7 hours 150 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 9 hours 130 or 220 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 10 hours 225 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 12 hours 255 caps or 1 lunchbox
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 16 hours 1 lunchbox
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 17 hours 1 lunchbox
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 24 hours 1 lunchbox
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 25 hours 290 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 35 hours 900 caps
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 50 hours 1 lunchbox
Have a dweller exploring the Wasteland for 58 hours 1 lunchbox
Kill 15 creatures in the Wasteland 150 caps
Kill 17 creatures in the Wasteland 165 or 220 caps
Kill 20 creatures in the Wasteland 200 caps
Kill 26 creatures in the Wasteland 300 caps
Kill 30 creatures in the Wasteland 300 caps or 1 lunchbox
Kill 35 creatures in the Wasteland 300 caps or 1 lunchbox
Kill 50 creatures in the Wasteland 700 caps
Kill 68 creatures in the Wasteland 1000 caps
Kill 100 creatures in the Wasteland 1 lunchbox
Kill 725 creatures in the Wasteland 1050 caps
Kill 800 creatures in the Wasteland 1900 caps
Kill 875 creatures in the Wasteland 1 pet carrier
Kill 950 creatures in the Wasteland 3000 caps
Kill 1025 creatures in the Wasteland 1 pet carrier
Kill 1 without a weapon 500 caps
Kill 4 deathclaws without a weapon 575 caps
Kill 6 deathclaws without a weapon 1 Mr. Handy
Kill 8 deathclaws without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 10 deathclaws without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 24 deathclaws without a weapon 1 pet carrier
Kill 30 deathclaws without a weapon 1 pet carrier
Kill 10 without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 7 without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 8 raiders without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 9 raiders without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 10 raiders without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 17 raiders without a weapon 1 pet carrier
Kill 30 raiders without a weapon 1 pet carrier
Kill 8 without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 9 radroaches without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 15 radroaches without a weapon 3600 caps
Kill 16 radroaches without a weapon 1 pet carrier
Kill 17 radroaches without a weapon 1 pet carrier
Kill 6 without a weapon 3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Kill 7 mole rats without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 6 without a weapon 3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Kill 7 Feral Ghouls without a weapon 1 lunchbox
Kill 10 Feral Ghouls without a weapon 2100 caps
Level up 1 dweller 1 lunchbox
Level up 6 dwellers 120 caps
Level up 12 dwellers 250 caps
Level up 13 dwellers 150 caps
Level up 15 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Level up 18 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Level up 33 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Level up 10 times in the Wasteland 720 caps
Level up 25 times in the Wasteland 1 Mr. Handy
Make 6 friends in the Wasteland 300 caps
Make 7 friends in the Wasteland 1040 caps
Make 9 friends in the Wasteland 360 caps or 1 pet carrier
Make 10 friends in the Wasteland 380 caps
Make 13 friends in the Wasteland 1 pet carrier
Make 17 friends in the Wasteland 1 pet carrier
Make 24 friends in the Wasteland 2400 caps
Make 26 friends in the Wasteland 2 pet carriers
Make 30 friends in the Wasteland 1 or 2 pet carriers
Merge 2 pairs of rooms together 50 caps
Merge 3 pairs of rooms together 330 caps
Merge 4 pairs of rooms together 200 caps
Merge 5 pairs of rooms together 220 or 550 caps
Merge 6 pairs of rooms together 1 lunchbox
Merge 7 pairs of rooms together 1 lunchbox
Perform 3 perfect critical hits 700 caps
Perform 5 perfect critical hits 900 caps
Perform 7 perfect critical hits 1 lunchbox
Perform 10 perfect critical hits 2200 caps
Perform 20 perfect critical hits 1 lunchbox
Perform 25 perfect critical hits 1 lunchbox
Perform 20 critical hits 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Perform 30 critical hits 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Perform 40 critical hits 2 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Perform 50 critical hits 3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 2 dwellers 55, 110, or 150 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 3 dwellers 110 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 4 dwellers 180 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 5 dwellers 150 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 6 dwellers 165 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 7 dwellers 75 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 10 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 17 dwellers 440 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 18 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 45 dwellers 725 caps
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 50 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Raise the of 4 dwellers 65 caps
Raise the of 6 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Raise the endurance of 18 dwellers 840 caps
Raise the of 1 dweller to 100% 25 caps
Raise the happiness of 2 dwellers to 100% 200 caps
Raise the happiness of 4 dwellers to 100% 220 caps
Raise the happiness of 5 dwellers to 100% 110 caps
Raise the happiness of 6 dwellers to 100% 300 caps
Raise the happiness of 8 dwellers to 100% 200 or 350 caps
Raise the happiness of 10 dwellers to 100% 1 lunchbox
Raise the happiness of 12 dwellers to 100% 240 caps
Raise the of 3 dwellers 150 caps
Raise the agility of 15 dwellers 735 caps
Raise the of 3 dwellers 150 caps
Raise the intelligence of 5 dwellers 220 caps
Raise the intelligence of 8 dwellers 280 caps
Raise the intelligence of 9 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Raise the of 2 dwellers 55 caps
Raise the perception of 25 dwellers 680 caps
Raise the of 7 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Raise the of 29 dwellers 1 lunchbox
Scrap 3 weapons or outfits 100 caps
Scrap 11 weapons or outfits 305 caps
Scrap 21 weapons or outfits 1 lunchbox
Scrap 28 weapons or outfits 700 caps
Scrap 29 weapons or outfits 425 caps
Scrap 34 weapons or outfits 600 caps
Scrap 44 weapons or outfits 1100 caps
Sell 1 weapon or outfit 25 caps
Sell 2 weapons or outfits 50 caps
Sell 3 weapons or outfits 100 caps
Sell 5 weapons or outfits 165 caps
Sell 6 weapons or outfits 60 or 220 caps or 1 lunchbox
Sell 7 weapons or outfits 150 caps
Sell 8 weapons or outfits 210 caps
Sell 10 weapons or outfits 1 lunchbox
Sell 13 weapons or outfits 195 caps
Sell 15 weapons or outfits 1 lunchbox
Sell 25 weapons or outfits 800 caps
Sell 27 weapons or Outfits 880 caps
Sell 30 weapons or Outfits 300 caps
Sell 53 weapons or outfits 255 caps
Sell 70 weapons or Outfits 1400 caps
Sell 83 weapons or outfits 3120 caps
Sell 107 weapons or outfits 1440 caps
Sell 210 weapons or outfits 4200 caps
Sell 260 weapons or outfits 630 caps
Sell 291 weapons or outfits 220 caps
Sell 329 weapons or outfits 1100 caps
Sell 363 weapons or outfits 1840 caps
Sell 415 weapons or outfits 4340 caps
Sell 1230 weapons or outfits 1 lunchbox
Sell 1330 weapons or outfits 2600 caps
Sell 1915 weapons or outfits 2940 caps
Sell 2123 weapons or outfits 3120 caps
Sell 3150 weapons or outfits 1 lunchbox
Sell 12 pieces of junk 455 caps
Sell 40 pieces of junk 840 caps
Sell 60 pieces of junk 1295 caps
Sell 164 pieces of junk 475 caps
Sell 516 pieces of junk 780 caps
Sell 890 pieces of junk 1550 caps
Send 1 dweller to the Wasteland 25 caps
Send 6 dwellers to the Wasteland 70 caps
Send 7 dwellers to the Wasteland 1 lunchbox
Send 10 dwellers to the Wasteland 1 lunchbox
Send 13 dwellers to the Wasteland 160 caps
Send 17 dwellers to the Wasteland 450 caps
Send 18 dwellers to the Wasteland 210 caps
Send 19 dwellers to the Wasteland 1 lunchbox
Send 25 dwellers to the Wasteland 780 caps
Send 30 dwellers to the Wasteland 1 lunchbox
Stop 4 250 caps
Stop 6 incidents 120 caps
Stop 7 incidents 325 caps
Stop 8 incidents 200 caps
Stop 10 incidents 160 caps
Stop 12 incidents 480 caps
Stop 14 incidents 500 caps or 1 lunchbox
Stop 16 incidents 1 lunchbox
Stop 18 incidents 1 lunchbox
Stop 20 incidents 600 caps
Stop 34 incidents 805 caps or 1140 caps
Stop 45 incidents 850 caps
Stop 50 incidents 1600 caps or 1 lunchbox
Stop 60 incidents 1 pet carrier or 2 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Stop 65 incidents 3000 caps
Stop 75 incidents 1 pet carrier
Stop 5 mole rat infestations before they spread 1 lunchbox
Successfully extinguish 1 Vault fire 25 caps
Successfully extinguish 6 Vault fires 230 caps
Successfully extinguish 7 Vault fires 130 or 180 caps
Successfully extinguish 9 Vault fires 210 caps
Successfully extinguish 10 Vault fires 200 caps
Successfully extinguish 15 Vault fires 800 caps, 1 lunchbox or 3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Successfully extinguish 16 Vault fires 530 caps
Successfully extinguish 18 Vault fires 280 caps, 450 caps or 1 lunchbox
Successfully extinguish 19 Vault fires 525 caps
Successfully extinguish 21 Vault fires 1 lunchbox
Successfully extinguish 22 Vault fires 550 caps
Successfully extinguish 23 Vault fires 600 or 1380 caps
Successfully extinguish 24 Vault fires 1 lunchbox
Successfully extinguish 30 Vault fires 1800 caps
Successfully extinguish 36 Vault fires 1 lunchbox
Successfully 1 room 1 lunchbox
Successfully rush 5 rooms 125 caps
Successfully rush 6 rooms 50 caps
Successfully rush 8 rooms 195 caps
Successfully rush 11 rooms 180 caps
Successfully rush 12 rooms 220 caps
Successfully rush 15 rooms 1 lunchbox
Successfully rush 18 rooms 1200 caps
Successfully rush 20 rooms 500 caps
Successfully rush 24 rooms 720 caps or 1 lunchbox
Successfully rush 27 rooms 1 lunchbox
Successfully rush 53 rooms 1900 caps
Successfully rush 56 rooms 1000 caps
Successfully rush 75 rooms 1 lunchbox
Survive 4 deathclaw attacks without any casualties 600 caps
Survive 5 deathclaw attacks without any casualties 1 lunchbox
Survive 6 deathclaw attacks without any casualties 1 Mr. Handy
Survive 8 deathclaw attacks without any casualties 1 lunchbox
Survive 10 deathclaw attacks without any casualties 1 pet carrier
Survive 6 feral ghoul attacks without any casualties 900 caps
Survive 12 feral ghoul attacks without any casualties 3600 caps
Survive 4 mole rat attacks without any casualties 600 caps
Survive 6 mole rat attacks without any casualties 1 Mr. Handy
Survive 8 mole rat attacks without any casualties 1 pet carrier or a lunchbox
Survive 10 mole rat attacks without any casualties 1 Mr. Handy or 1 pet carrier
Survive 3 radscorpion attacks without any casualties 1200 caps
Survive 10 radscorpion attacks without any casualties 1 pet carrier
Survive 12 radscorpion attacks without any casualties 1 lunchbox
Survive 15 radscorpion attacks without any casualties 1 lunchbox
Survive 5 hours in the Vault with no casualties 1 lunchbox
Survive 5 hours in the Wasteland without using Radaway 250 caps
Upgrade 2 rooms 55 or 275 caps
Upgrade 3 rooms 150 or 330 caps
Upgrade 4 rooms 165, 200, or 385 caps
Upgrade 5 rooms 130, 220, or 550 caps
Upgrade 6 rooms 1 lunchbox or 1 Mr. Handy
Win 12 battles on quests 900 caps
Win 14 battles on quests 1600 caps
Win 50 battles on quests 1 lunchbox
Win 60 battles on quests 1 lunchbox

Assigning dwellers to the right room [ ]

A dweller's abilities with effective values (after applying outfit modifiers) that are greater or equal to other SPECIAL abilities values of the dweller define the list of proficient abilities. E.g. if dweller has SPECIAL 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, he is proficient at Strength and Endurance (abilities with the highest value).

When this objective is issued, the game creates a list of effective dwellers: dwellers whose highest ability (or one of the highest, if many are at the same level) corresponds to the room they currently work (except for living rooms ). Then, if a dweller that is not in that list is assigned to work in a room that uses one of their highest abilities, this dweller is added to the list of effective dwellers and the objective progresses.

Bald dwellers [ ]

The number of bald dwellers in the Vault are counted as soon as you receive the objective. Male hairstyles 10, 21, and 24 all count towards this objective. A dweller with a bald haircut is added to the objective every time a dweller is customised to have it or every time a bald dweller enters the Vault. This means that bald dwellers who are sent to the Wasteland and then recalled immediately will add to the objective even if they were already previously counted.

Raising SPECIAL stats [ ]

For objectives that require you to raise special stats, each individual dweller is only counted once, be they specific specials, or any specials. For example, "Raise the agility of 6 dwellers" means six separate dwellers, a dweller who levels in agility twice does not add to the objective twice. It is the same for the "Raise any SPECIAL stat of (number) dwellers".

Collecting resources [ ]

When an objective requires you to collect resources under a certain amount of time, be it Power, Water, or Food, and the game is closed and reopened, the game calculates the total number of resources collected all at once during the time the game was closed if you have assigned a Mr. Handy to those resource rooms. This allows you to complete these objectives without having to rush rooms or create extra resource rooms.

Exploring the Wasteland for X hours [ ]

For exploring the wasteland objectives in a certain number of hours, the game chooses a dweller that has been exploring the longest that has been sent out after you receive the objective. Hours displayed on the objective are reset if the dweller returns to the vault without reaching the required amount of hours, upon which the next longest exploring dweller's hours will be displayed in the objective. As such, for objectives that require you to explore the wasteland for 50+ hours, it is advised that you do not equip a dweller with a pet that increases the amount of items that they collect, otherwise they may return to the vault early and not contribute to the objective. An objective multiplier pet is recommended instead, as the hours required will be cut in half or in thirds. It is important to note that any dwellers already exploring when this objective is received do not count towards the objective's progress.

Killing enemies without a weapon [ ]

For objectives that require killing radroaches, radscorpions, and mole rats without a weapon, a small room can be built for the specific purpose of completing this objective (This strategy is recommended for end game vaults, when caps, radaways and stimpaks are no longer an issue). Assigning one or two dwellers without weapons to the room and repeatedly rushing it is quick way to complete this objective. Note that if a Mr. Handy gets the final killing blow on the enemy, it will not count towards the objective. Building a small room for the purpose of completing objectives also works for the "extinguishing fires" objectives, and most of the "surviving attacks without casualties" objectives.

Sending X dwellers to the Wasteland [ ]

These objectives can be easily and quickly completed. The requirement is to have X dwellers sent to explore the Wasteland. This can be done by sending X different dwellers or sending a single dweller X times. To complete this quickly, it is possible to send a dweller exploring, wait for him to exit the Vault, immediately call him back, wait for him to return, "collect" (to allow entering the Vault) and repeat X times. This way, the dweller doesn't need to have any stimpaks, radaways, or even equipment and there is no minimal time the dweller has to be outside the Vault.

by .
  • 1 Securitron
  • 2 Vault-Tec bobblehead (Fallout 4)
  • 3 Swamp plant

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Assign X Dwellers To the Correct Room

This objective seem to be quite glitchy. Often it doesn't work, for example if I assign dweller having highest stat S to power room - nothing. I assing another dweller with high strenght to power room and game counted it instead.

You must assign dwellers who are not in the righ room yet. Strenght center is focused on strength and so is power room so it does not work. I usually use dwellers that train some stat that is not their highest at that time or do another objectives and skip this one the next day. (The same with bald dwellers and pregnant/baby ones, when i am not ready for deathclaws yet).

This objective is nearly impossible to complete because I have all my dwellers in right rooms already and game seems to remember where dwellers were previously so I can't do any "assign S-guy from power room to warehouse and back"-tricks either. Only thing I can do is assign returning explorers to warehouse (high E stat). Simply not worth the hassle unless rewarded with a luchbox...

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How do you know which dweller to "assign to their right room"?

One challenge is to assign dwellers to the right room. Is it just based of their highest initial SPECIAL skill? Some are all even, so how do I know then? I've even boosted some dwellers SPECIAL to 10, and put them in the corresponding room, but never said it was the right room for them.


  1. Fallout Shelter assign dwellers in the right room

    assign 10 dwellers in the right room

  2. How to put dwellers to the right room

    assign 10 dwellers in the right room

  3. Fallout Shelter PC (Survival) Part 7

    assign 10 dwellers in the right room

  4. Photo 23 of 34 in 10 Tiny Home Dwellers You Should Follow on Instagram

    assign 10 dwellers in the right room

  5. Photo 19 of 34 in 10 Tiny Home Dwellers You Should Follow on…

    assign 10 dwellers in the right room

  6. Photo 25 of 34 in 10 Tiny Home Dwellers You Should Follow on Instagram

    assign 10 dwellers in the right room


  1. Playing Minecraft With 10 Dwellers! (S2E2)

  2. AutoCAD

  3. Skyblock 10 Dwellers Horror Creepypasta

  4. eDoor Front Desk How to Un-assign/Reassign Room from Reservation Stay Detail

  5. How to assign a room to a student

  6. Minecraft with like 10 Dwellers lol plus comentary


  1. "Assign X dwellers in the right room" : r/foshelter

    2- Females get pregnant, babies are born, babies grow up. 3- Assign the brand new dwellers to the righ room (related to the father's high SPECIAL) 4- Send them to die in the wasteland, repeat. In a triple barracks you can get 5 new dwellers every 3 hours (after waiting 7 hours for the first 5), to get 21 you need 7+ (3 * 3) = 16 hours, plus one ...

  2. How to put dwellers to the right room

    The rooms will just go dark. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat system of Falloutfame makes a return here. That's Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck, for those not in the know. Each dweller has these stats and each stat is used to increase the efficiency of certain rooms. Strength: Power Generator, Nuclear Generator.

  3. What's the best room to assign dwellers to?

    When the objective is given to you, all dwellers can be assigned to a room only ONCE. That means if you assign them and get the objective credit, they are done. Even if a person is already in a room they like, it is possible to get their "point" towards the objective, if you swap their clothing which would make a different stat higher, changing ...

  4. Best way to do "Assign X Dwellers in the right room" quest?

    I got this quest and I need to put 30 dwellers in the right room. Normally I'd skip it, but this is for a lunchbox. Im at 111 dwellers and everyone…

  5. "Assign X Dwellers to the right room" And You : r/foshelter

    In order to get credit towards completing the challenge, you need to satisfy two conditions, one of which is hidden from the player. the first condition, obviously, is that the room is the "right room" for the dweller. The second condition is that the room that the dweller is currently in cannot have an associated skill with the room you put ...

  6. Guide for Fallout Shelter

    This should complete your first Objective: Assign 2 Dwellers to the right room. ... (10/24 Room Types, 23-25 Rooms). During this expansion of your Vault, you should build your 25th room, unlocking

  7. [Objective] Assign 10 dwellers in the right room

    Fallout Shelter. [Objective] Assign 10 dwellers in the right room. Gopherpunter 9 years ago #1. When I got this objective, all my dwellers were already in the right room. I shuffle them around and move them back to the right places, but I can't seem to pass this objective. Is there any way to reset your dwellers' room assignments in such a way ...

  8. [Objective] Assign 10 dwellers in the right room

    For Fallout Shelter on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "[Objective] Assign 10 dwellers in the right room" - Page 2.

  9. Should I assign dwellers to the storage room?

    34. While the storage rooms do not produce anything, putting E type dwellers in them will raise their happiness, improving your average happiness rating and earning you more caps from your daily reviews. It will also count towards "Place # dwellers in the right room" objective. Share. Improve this answer.

  10. Objectives

    Assign Two Dwellers to the Right Room: 25 CAPS: Collect 50 Water: 1 LUNCHBOX: Collect 2,000 Water: ... Raise any SPECIAL Stat of 10 Dwellers: 1 LUNCHBOX: Upgrade 2 Rooms: 200 CAPS: Upgrade 5 Rooms

  11. "Assign 9 dwellers in the right rooms"

    "Assign 9 dwellers in the right rooms" Accolon 8 years ago #1. That's the objective. I know "the right room" is the one that matches their highest stat. ... Such objective is "Mission Impossible ". I have assign 32 Dwlrs to the right room, but I only have 50 rooms. As Quarters and training room do not count, I have to build a lot of new rooms.

  12. fallout shelter

    In Fallout: Shelter, you sometimes get objectives with conditions that are already satisfied, such as: Assign X dwellers to the right room. This objective is detailed in this question, and appears to be a hopeless case.I recently got the above one (which I removed, since I wasn't ready for a growth of X+ people), but immediately after I got rid of it, I got the following:

  13. [Question] "Assign X dwellers in the right room"

    It means if a dweller has high Agility you assign them to the Diner, or Strength goes to the power plant, Perception to water, etc... It is based off of their original stats, their highest stat (or one of the tied stats) are their preferred stat. Improving other stats does not affect it. 14 votes, 16 comments.

  14. Fallout Shelter assign dwellers in the right room

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  15. Fallout Shelter Side Objective Guide

    Assign 2 Dwellers In The Right Room - This is one of the first quests you will get and it is pretty easy. You will need to assign a Dweller to the right room. When you get this you should have one that has high Perception and one that has high Agility. Put the Agility Dweller in the Diner and the Perception Dweller in the Water Treatment area ...

  16. "Fallout Shelter": Objectives Guide

    Assign Dwellers in the Right Room. To accomplish this task, all you need to do is drag any dweller to the room they are most productive with. For example, if a certain dweller has "Strength" as its highest SPECIAL stat, then assigning it to the power generator is the right choice. Number of Dwellers Assigned Reward; 4.

  17. Discussion Easy way to assign xx dwellers to the right room

    Drag a fairly-high stats dweller, hover onto many different rooms. At 4 corners of each room, there will be a small L shaped the corresponds to each room. If the color of that L shape is yellow, move on to a different room. If the color of that L shape is green, that's the "right" room for the dweller. Proceed to drop the dweller in that green ...

  18. Guide for Fallout Shelter

    Assigning Dwellers to the right room This is a relatively easy objective type. You need to find a Dweller with a high level in a particular SPECIAL stat, then assign it to work a room that uses ...

  19. Basic Walkthrough

    When you complete placing one Level-5 Stat dweller in each of the two new rooms, you will complete the Objective: Assign 2 Dwellers to the Right Room, which rewards you with 25 Caps.

  20. Fallout Shelter objectives

    Assigning dwellers to the right room []. A dweller's abilities with effective values (after applying outfit modifiers) that are greater or equal to other SPECIAL abilities values of the dweller define the list of proficient abilities. E.g. if dweller has SPECIAL 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, he is proficient at Strength and Endurance (abilities with the highest value).

  21. Easy trick for "assign to the right room" : r/foshelter

    But the easiest part of the trick is to drag dwellers around during an incident, so you can get credit for the quest and then they all go back to where they started. Good way to kill time during a fie or whatever and get rid of an annoying quest. tl;dr drag dwellers to different rooms during an incident, get quest credit, they all go back to ...

  22. Assign X Dwellers To the Correct Room : Fallout 4

    One of my objectives is to assign 30 dwellers to the correct room. After several instances of sending new dwellers called by radio to the rooms that correspond with whatone of their highest special Stats is and still not receiving credit for putting them in the correct room, I got frustrated. So in an empty space in my vault for 2 rooms one by ...

  23. How do you know which dweller to "assign to their right room"?

    rangeDSP. •. room thats related to their highest stats. either training or production. outfit works too. (if one has high E, putting on an outfit that turns S to become the highest instead, now the right room is either weightroom or power plant) Reply reply. MembersOnline.