
PSYC 345 Introduction to Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: Writing in Psychology

  • Introduction
  • Search Strategies
  • Google Scholar
  • Internet Resources
  • Writing in Psychology
  • Writing & Citing
  • How to cite BOOKS, eBOOKS, CHAPTERS
  • How to cite MAGAZINES / JOURNALS
  • How to cite WEBSITES
  • How to cite ENCYCLOPEDIAS
  • How to cite DVDS, VIDEOS, CD-ROMS

Research Report

  • of interest to you
  • narrow in scope
  • relevant to the class or assignment
  • encyclopedias (print or online)
  • books from the library catalog
  • websites with .edu, .org, .gov, .net extensions (use with caution)
  • Databases with journal articles (peer reviewed)
  • author(s), title, source, publisher, year, pages
  • URL addresses
  • pose a question, problem or argument

Make an outline

  • state your thesis and purpose
  • state plan to address the topic
  • list major points
  • strong, stronger, strongest
  • restate the thesis
  • summarize arguments
  • explain your conclusion
  • critically analyze your research data
  • check for accuracy
  • provide opposing viewpoints
  • synthesize in your own words
  • follow your outline
  • summarize, paraphrase, quote each idea
  • correct content errors
  • check facts and figures
  • rearrange or reorganize as needed
  • spell check
  • use APA style for citations 

Literature Review

  • Is a written overview of major writings and sources on a selected topic
  • includes journal articles, books, government report, websites or other sources
  • provides a description, summary and evaluation of each source
  • is usually a part of a research paper, graduate thesis or dissertation
  • provide a critical account of the current state of a research topic
  • identify areas of prior scholarship
  • place each source in the context of its contribution to the topic or research under review
  • describe the relationship of each source to others in the review
  • identify news to interpret the previous research
  • point the way to further research
  • objective of the review
  • overview of the subject being considered
  • categories of sources selected in support or opposition of the thesis
  • comparison of sources for similarities and differences
  • define the subject and scope of the review
  • search library resources: subject databases relevant to the topic
  • read and evaluate sources to determine suitability
  • analyze, interpret and discuss the findings and conclusions of the source

Annotated Bibliograhy

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents.

Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words, 4 – 6 sentences) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation.

The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

  • Main focus or purpose of the work Intended audience for the work
  • Usefulness or relevance to your research topic (or why it did not meet your expectations)
  • Special features of the work that were unique or helpful
  • Background and credibility of the author
  • Conclusions or observations reached by the author
  • Conclusions or observations reached by you
  • How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography - Cornell University

Annotated Bibliographies

  • How to Write an Annotated Bibliography (UMGC)
  • Annotated Bibliographies (Purdue OWL)
  • Annotated Bibliographies Samples (Purdue OWL)
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APA References Page Formatting and Example

Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

The APA reference page (also called the reference list) is the final page of your paper where all sources you cited in the main text are listed.

It should include the full details of all sources you cited in the main text, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author’s surname.

Everything cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and everything on your reference page must be something you have referred to in the text. Make sure you don”t have anything in one place that isn’t in the other.

Reference Page vs. Bibliography

A reference list includes all works that have been cited in the assignment. A bibliography is a detailed list of references cited in your work, plus the background readings or other material you may have read, but not cited.

Note : This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October 2019.

Reference Page: Basic Rules

List references on a new page. Type “References” as page heading, written in boldface, at the top center of the page. Use double spacing. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work. For multiple articles by the same author, list the entries in chronological order, from earliest to most recent. Indent second and subsequent lines of each entry using a hanging indent of 5-7 spaces (by pressing Ctrl + T on a PC, or Command (⌘) + T on a Mac). All references in APA end with a full stop except when the reference ends with a URL or a DOI.

APA Reference List Example

An Example of an APA Format Reference List

Journal Article Reference in APA Format

  • Author or authors. The surname is followed by a comma and the first initials.
  • Year of publication of the article (in parentheses). End with a period.
  • Article title. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word. End with a period.
  • Capitalize all major words in the title of the journal, followed by a comma.
  • Italicize journal title and volume number. Do not put a space between in the volue number and the parentheses around the issue number.
  • Issue number of journal in parentheses (no italics) followed by a comma.
  • Page range of article. Use an en dash (not a hyphen); do not put spaces around the dash. End with a period.
  • Include a DOI (digital object identifier) for all works that have one (i.e. online journal articles). Do not put a period after the DOI url.

Journal Article (Online): One Author

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), page numbers. doi: or URL of the journal’s home page

Matsunaga, M. (2011). Underlying circuits of social support for bullied victims: An appraisalbased perspective on supportive communication and postbullying adjustment. Human Communication Research, 37 (2), 174-206. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2958.2010.01398.x

Journal Article (Online): 2-7 Authors

Author, A. A., Author, A. A., Author, A. A., Author, A. A., & Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), page numbers. doi: or URL of the journal’s home page

Williams, S. L., & Mickelson, K. D. (2008). A paradox of support seeking and rejection among the stigmatized. Personal Relationships, 15 (4), 493-509. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6811.2008.00212.x

Book Reference in APA Format

  • Book title (in italics ). Capitalize only the first letter of the first word. End with a period.
  • Edition (in parentheses), if other than first. Position this after the title but before the period.
  • Incude the name of the publisher, followed by a period. Do not include the publisher location.
  • Include a DOI for all workds that have one, regardless of whether you used the online version or print version. Do not put a period after the DOI url.

Book: One Author

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the work . Publisher.

Fletcher, D. P. (2018). Disrupters: Success strategies for women who break the mold . Entrepreneur Press.

Book: Two Authors, and Edition

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the work (edition). Publisher.

Moran, A., & Toner, J. (2017). A critical introduction to sport psychology (3rd ed.). Routledge.

  • Chapter in an Edited Book: One Author

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book (pages of chapter). Publisher.

Haybron, M. D. (2008). Philosophy and the science of the subjective well-being. In M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp. 17-43). Guilford Press.

Reference for a Chapter in Edited Book in APA Format

  • Title of the book chapter. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word. End with a period.
  • Write the word “In” and the initials and last name (not inverted) of each editor. Use “(Ed.)” for one editor or “(Eds.)” for multiple editors. End with a comma.
  • Write “pp.” and include the chapter page range (in parentheses). End with a period.
  • Include a DOI if available. Do not put a period after the DOI url.

Reference for a Website in APA Format

  • Year, Month Day of publication (in parentheses). Use the most exact date possible. End with a period.
  • Title (in italics ). End with a period.
  • Website name. Capitalize all major words. End with a period.
  • Website URL. Do not put a period after the url.

APA Website Reference Example

McLeod, S. A. (2019, September 29). APA reference page formatting and example . Simply Psychology.

Further Information

  • APA Style 7th Edition Quick Reference Guide
  • APA Style Citations & References

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How to Write a Title Page in APA Format for a Psychology Research Paper

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

psyc 345 research paper title page and reference page assignment

 James Lacy, MLS, is a fact-checker and researcher.

psyc 345 research paper title page and reference page assignment

  • Important Elements
  • Choosing a Title
  • Author’s Byline
  • Formatting Guidelines
  • Professional Papers
  • Title Page Checklist

The title page is the first page of a psychology paper. APA format is used when writing lab reports and other types of psychology papers. Therefore, it's important to have a title page in proper APA format when submitting these writings.

Here we discuss how to write a title page for a psychology research paper. We also share the different guidelines based on whether the title page is for a student paper or if the paper is being prepared by a psychology professional.

Important Psychology Title Page Elements

A psychology paper's title page should contain certain key elements. Important elements to include are:

  • Article title
  • Author’s name
  • Author's school or institutional affiliation
  • Running head (not required for student papers)
  • Course name
  • Instructor's name
  • Page number

Choosing a Psychology Paper Title

One of the most difficult tasks when writing a psychology paper is choosing a good title. Here are a few tips to help.

Be Specific

The paper's title should be as specific as possible. Work to craft a title that can stand alone and be fully explanatory without further elaboration. A reader browsing through paper titles in an online database should be able to quickly read the title and know exactly what the paper is about.

Page Title Examples

  • An example of a good, specific title : Second-Order Beliefs and the Use of Self-Presentational Explanations for Behavior
  • An example of a title that is too general : Cognitive Abilities and Social Understanding

Use Proper Structure

The best way to structure the title of a psychology paper is to look at the hypothesis and experimental variables . For example, it might be titled "The Effects of [Independent Variable] on [Dependent Variable]."

The official APA publication manual notes that a title should be brief, yet communicate the main topic and variables of interest. Avoid words that serve no real purpose or that do not communicate essential information. Some examples of such words and phrases include “An Experiment on…,” “A Study of…”, “method,” or “results.”

While there is no maximum length for titles, the APA recommends keeping the title concise while still including key terms.

How to Write a Title Page Byline

The next element of a psychology research paper title page is the byline, which lists the author’s name and institutional affiliation. Here's what to include for each.

Author's Name

The recommended format is first name, middle initial(s), and last name. Do not include titles or degrees, such as Dr. or PhD.

Students should include the name of the department followed by the name of their school. This should be centered on the page and appear after the author's name.

School Affiliation

The institutional affiliation is the location where the research was conducted, most often a college or university. In some cases, research may have been supported by more than one institution. In these instances, only include two affiliations if both schools offered substantial support to the research, and only list two affiliations for every author.

What should a person do if they are not affiliated with an academic institution where the research was conducted? In this instance, the APA suggests listing the author's city and state of residence in place of the academic affiliation.

Name and Affiliation Example

June Callaway

Department of Psychology, University of Ohio

PSYCH 101: Introduction to General Psychology

Dr. Ashana Lee

September 7, 2023

*Note: This information should be centered on the title page, not aligned to the left as it appears here.

Title Page Formatting Guidelines

There are additional formatting concerns to observe when drafting an APA format title page for a psychology paper:

  • A running head should be included in the upper left-hand corner on all pages, including the title page. This is not required if it's a student paper.
  • The running head should be no more than 50 characters , including letters, spacing between words, and punctuation.
  • The running head should be in all uppercase letters and only include the title; it should not include the label "running head."
  • All pages, including the title page, should also have a page number in the upper right-hand corner.
  • The author's title, name, and institution should be double-spaced and centered on the page. Student papers should also include the assignment due date directly below the institution's information.

Formatting Professional Psychology Papers

The APA's guidelines are slightly different for papers intended for publication in professional psychology journals . In addition to the basic elements included in a title page, a professional paper should also include:

  • A running head : The running head is a shortened version of the paper's title. It should appear on every page of the paper, along with the page number.
  • Author affiliation : In the second paragraph, list any changes in author affiliation. For example, if one of the authors is now affiliated with a different university from where the research was conducted, the author's note might state that "Dr. [Last Name] is now at the Department of Psychology, University of Georgia."
  • An author's note : This note includes the author's name, the symbol for the ORCID iD, and the URL for the ORCID iD. An ORCID iD is an alphanumeric code used to identify scientific and academic authors. If an author does not have an ORCID iD, their name should be omitted.  
  • Disclosures and acknowledgments : In the third paragraph, list any acknowledgments and disclosures, including possible conflicts of interest and sources of financial support.
  • Contact information : In the fourth paragraph of the author's note, include the author's contact information.

Author's Note, Disclosure, and Contact Info

For an author's note, include the author's name followed by a link to their ORCID iD. The disclosure might be a simple sentence stating that there are no known conflicts of interest to disclose. Next, state that correspondence concerning the article should be addressed to the individual listed, then provide the mailing address and email contact for that individual.

Psychology Paper Title Page Checklist

Before turning in a psychology paper, it's helpful to use these questions as a checklist to ensure that the title page is correct:

  • Does the title page contain a title, the author's name and institutional affiliation, a running head (not required on a student paper), and a page number?
  • Is the title clear and specific, and does it accurately describe what the research paper is about?
  • Is the running head in uppercase format and no longer than 50 characters in length?
  • Is the title, author's name, and institutional affiliation centered on the page and double-spaced?

If all of these questions can be answered with a 'yes,' then the title page is properly formatted using APA format.

American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020) .

American Psychological Association. Title page setup . APA Style.

American Psychological Association. Page header . APA Style.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Final Research Paper Requirements

This course has been designed to introduce you to experimental design procedures emphasizing methodology, data collection techniques, and the critical evaluation of research practices.

As you learn about the various components of the research process and research design each week, you will be asked to draft portions of your final paper.  The weekly assignments will build on one another from week to week, so it is important that you stay on track and actively engage in the writing process.  Each week you will receive feedback from your instructor, so make sure to review the comments/feedback provided so that you can apply the changes for the upcoming week’s assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to apply your enhanced understanding of behavioral research methods in order to create your own literature review and mock research proposal.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course, the field of psychology, and in your professional life beyond Bay Path.  These skills include:

  • Selecting an appropriate research topic
  • Identifying original research
  • Organizing key ideas and themes
  • Conducting a literature review
  • Writing a research question
  • Drafting a hypothesis
  • Designing a research proposal
  • Writing an organized, clear, and focused research proposal
  • Following correct APA format

This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:

  • Research design
  • Methods of data collection
  • Data analysis
  • The process of writing a literature review
  • The process of identifying original research and scholarly sources
  • The research process
  • The writing process


Your final research paper has been broken up into smaller assignments, allowing you the opportunity to revise and refine your proposal over time.  Each week you will be required to submit deliverables that will either help you to prepare you for the research and writing process, or will be included in your final paper

C omponents of Your Research Paper

Your final research paper will be due in Week 6 and should include each of the components outlined below.

Introduction:  The introduction provides the opportunity to grab the reader’s attention by describing the importance of your topic. Why should the reader take the time to read your full paper? Why is your topic so important and how is it relevant? This is also the place where you will provide a brief overview of what will be covered in your paper. You don’t have to go into detail…just give them a “sneak peek” of the main topics that will be covered. You will cover each topic in detail in the body of the paper.

Literature Review (6 sources):  Using a minimum of six original research articles, you will synthesize your findings into a comprehensive literature review.  Your discussion of the literature should be in a topical format. Summarize the key points and draw comparisons between the research you’ve reviewed focusing on theoretical concepts, themes, and findings. You will discuss how your proposed study expands on the current literature. Your six studies represent samples of present data on the topic, they demonstrate the need for further knowledge, and their procedures inform the methods proposed by you. Did you discover any gaps or contradictions in the literature that you want to address? Are there any findings that you want to strengthen or expand upon?

Research Proposal: Your research proposal essentially outlines the methods that you would use in your mock study. You will begin with a research statement describing the purpose of your research and identifying the variables that you are interested in studying, which leads to your hypothesis. Your research proposal should include each of the following:

  • A research statement describing the purpose of your research
  • A hypothesis
  • Identification of the variables being studied
  • A description of your target population and sample
  • A description of how you will measure the independent variable (what you are planning to study)
  • A description of how you will collect and analyze your data
  • An explanation as to whether you will be conducting a quantitative, a qualitative, or a mixed methods study. Explain why you chose that design
  • A discussion related to the reliability and validity of your research design
  • A discussion around the ethics and considerations related to your design and any precautions you would need to take to protect your participants

Conclusion: Your conclusion will summarize the content that you covered throughout the body of your paper.

Formatting Requirements: 

  • Writing/Flow: Your paper should be well organized with effective flow and formatting.
  • Title page with running head
  • Introduction and conclusion
  • Headings and subheadings as necessary
  • Within-text citations
  • Reference page (at least 6 sources)
  • Citation and References: All of the sources used throughout your paper should be properly cited using APA format. A complete reference list should be included in your paper. 
  • Length :  Your paper should be 6-8 pages of content (not including your title page and reference page), with page numbers
  • Font :  Times New Roman (12 point)
  • Spacing : Margins of 1 inch on all sides, double-spaced lines

Weekly Deliverable:

  • Literature Review
  • Research Proposal
  • Introduction and Conclusion
  • Reference Page

Criteria for Success

To be successful on this assignment, students should reference the grading rubric and familiarize themselves with the details outlined in the assignment requirements.  A successful research paper will include:

  • A comprehensive and well organized paper, free of formatting, spelling, and/or grammatical errors.
  • A clearly defined research topic, question and hypothesis
  • An engaging and informative introduction
  • A detailed and relevant literature review, highlighting a minimum of 6 original research sources.
  • A thorough and accurate description of each element of the research proposal
  • A concluding paragraph summarizing the key points of the research paper
  • Properly cited sources following APA format

PSY-250 Research Paper Guidelines and Resources Copyright © by David Adams. All Rights Reserved.

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PSYC 255 Introduction to Research

  • Course Description

Students will receive an introduction to psychological research techniques and methodology. Course content is designed to improve students’ overall understanding of research methods of the social sciences. Course content will address concepts related to research methodology, how to communicate ideas about science, and an overview of both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the  Academic Course Catalog .

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

Requires a student login to access.

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Research is integral to the science of psychology. This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and tools needed to evaluate and conduct research. By understanding the research process, as well as concepts such as validity and reliability, the student will become a better critical consumer and producer of research.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations.

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations , the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Essay: APA Publication Manual Treasure Hunt Assignment

The student will demonstrate the ability to find content in the Publication Manual, explain assigned content and academic issues, and demonstrate correct APA formatting.  

In preparation for this assignment students will need to know how to access the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, either the eBook in our course resources in Canvas, or a hard copy of the Publication Manual acquired elsewhere.  The document that you submit into Canvas for this assignment will include a title page, and 3-5 pages of written content addressing assigned questions. (CLO: E)

Essay: Research Topic, Interests, and References Assignment

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of research topics, research questions, identify research related personal interests, demonstrate library search skills and demonstrate correct APA formatting. The document that you submit into Canvas for this assignment will include a title page, references page and 3-5 pages of written content addressing assigned questions. (CLO: C, E)

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of qualitative research method approaches, and demonstrate correct APA formatting.  Students will answer assigned questions with 3-5 pages of written content addressing assigned questions, document the sources used, create a title page and references page. (CLO: B, C, E)

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of quantitative research method approaches, and demonstrate correct APA formatting. Students will answer assigned questions with 3-5 pages of written content, document sources used, create a title page and references page. (CLO: B, C, E)

Video Outline Assignment

This outline will incorporate content you have learned throughout the course so far. Along with what you have learned about identifying a research topic and question, locating scholarly sources that give some additional context to your topic and question, and determining the kind of research method you would like to use to answer your research question that you identified as an area of interest toward the beginning of the course. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E, F)

The Video Presentation Assignment will incorporate content you have learned throughout the course so far. The content specifically applies to you. For this Video Presentation Assignment you will post one 10-12 minutes video addressing the assigned content listed below. The content of your video presentation will be based on the work you have done so far in the course and what you have learned about identifying a research topic and question, locating scholarly sources that give some additional context to your topic and question, and determining the kind of research method would like to use to answer your research question that you identified as an area of interest toward the beginning of the course. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E)

This quiz will assess your understanding of basic concepts related to research, theories, and worldview. You will answer 10 questions (true and false or multiple choice). You may consult the Research Overview Presentation at any time during the quiz. (CLO: C, D). 

Quizzes (6)

There will be 6 open-book/open-notes quizzes in the course. Quizzes will cover content covered in the Learn folders.  Quizzes will have 15 questions each with a time limit of 1/2 hour. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E, F). 

The Comprehensive Final Examination in Module 8: Week 8 is an assessment tool to measure what students know, have learned, understand, and can put into practice from the PSYC 255 Introduction to Research course.  

Earlier in the course, brief quizzes were used to help prompt students to learn the content. Those quizzes were open book, and the time allowed was generous. By contrast the Comprehensive Final Examination is NOT open book . There is a reasonable time allowed. The timing is part of the assessment measurement. This will measure what you know and can use from what you have learned. There are 60 multiple choice questions, 2.5 points each.  (CLO: A, B, C, D, E, F)

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PSYC 345 Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment

Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment Instructions

Now that you have thoroughly investigated and gathered research on your topic through the previous two assignments, you are ready to write a research paper on the disorder/disability. This culminating assignment will provide a research foundation for your work in the field as a professional. Completion of this assignment will improve research and communication skills while increasing your knowledge of a specific disorder/disability.


Create a formal, current APA formatted paper using the following specifications and outline.

· Body of the paper should be a minimum of 5 pages (minimum 2500 words not including title page or reference pages).

· Current APA style is required.

· Minimum of 10 scholarly peer reviewed journal articles, published within the past 5 years, as well as the textbook, and the Bible, must be included in both in-text citations and the reference page.

· Websites are not acceptable scholarly sources.

· Do not include direct quotes.   Instead, paraphrase information from the scholarly sources (using in-text citations) in order to demonstrate your mastery of each concept.

· Do not use first person.   Write in a formal college-level essay style.

· Each section should have current APA formatted headers sub-headers using the following outline:

Overview of the Disability/Disorder  (approximately 2-3 pages)

Thoroughly summarize the selected disorder/disability and then address:

· Risk and protective factors

· Etiology

· Prevalence

· Characteristics

· Prognosis

Primary Concerns and Intervention Approaches  (approximately 2-3 pages)

· Three primary concerns

· Three evidence-based interventions

· Explain current trends and future research mentioned in the research reviewed.

Biblical Worldview  (approximately 1/2 page)

Explain how the Bible addressed disorders/disabilities. Use scripture in context and thoroughly explain application of the scripture.

Conclusion ( approximately 1/2 page)

Reference Page

Note: Your assignment Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Page 1 of 2

· Do not include direct quotes. Instead, paraphrase information from the scholarly sources (using in-text citations) in order to demonstrate your mastery of each concept.

· Do not use first person. Write in a formal college-level essay style.

Overview of the Disability/Disorder (approximately 2-3 pages)

Primary Concerns and Intervention Approaches (approximately 2-3 pages)

Biblical Worldview (approximately 1/2 page)

Conclusion (approximately 1/2 page) Plagiarism Free Papers

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psyc 345 research paper title page and reference page assignment

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Prepare and deliver a professional presentation based on the research paper you have been working on all session., reply to the following discussion by challenging the post. you will want to focus on their point of view, asking pertinent questions, adding to the responses by including information from other sources, and respectfully, this week you will be creating an implementation plan that will be attached to your final evidence-based project. in the article read last week,.

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    psyc 345 research paper title page and reference page assignment



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  1. Research Paper Title Page and Reference Page Assignment Instructions

    PSYC 345 R ESEARCH P APER: T ITLE P AGE AND R EFERENCE P AGE I NSTRUCTIONS O VERVIEW Finding current, relevant scholarly research is an important step when researching a topic in depth. In your professional life, it will also be crucial to ensure clients receive the most current evidence-based information. For this assignment, you will use current APA style to create a title page and reference ...

  2. PDF PSYC 345 Course Guides

    F. Title Page and Reference List for Case Study Paper The student will submit a title page and reference page with the 8 peer-reviewed articles (2010-present publication dates) that he/she plans on using for either his/her Case Study Paper. The title and reference page must be submitted in one document and in current APA format (MLO C).

  3. Writing in Psychology

    relevant to the class or assignment; Find Information. encyclopedias (print or online) books from the library catalog; websites with .edu, .org, .gov, .net extensions (use with caution) Databases with journal articles (peer reviewed) Record reference information of resources using APA citation format. author(s), title, source, publisher, year ...

  4. Research Paper Final Submission Assignment Instructions

    Body of the paper should be a minimum of 8 pages (this does not include the title page or reference page) Current APA style is required. Minimum of 10 scholarly peer reviewed journal articles addressing Classical and/or Instrumental (Operant) Conditioning, published within the most recent 5 years, as well as the textbook, and the Bible, must be ...

  5. APA References Page Formatting and Example

    Type "References" as page heading, written in boldface, at the top center of the page. Use double spacing. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work. For multiple articles by the same author, list the entries in chronological order, from earliest to most recent.

  6. PSYC 365-D02-Kevion Irvin-Research Paper-Title and Reference Page copy

    Research Paper: Title and Reference Page. Kevion Irvin Liberty University PSYC 365-D Professor Cynthia Edins March 29, 2023. TITLE AND REFERENCE PAGE 2. References Almasseri, M., & Al Hojailan, M. I. (2019). How flipped learning based on the cognitive theory of multimedia learning affects students' academic achievements.

  7. Write a Title Page in APA Format for a Psychology Paper

    A running head: The running head is a shortened version of the paper's title. It should appear on every page of the paper, along with the page number. Author affiliation: In the second paragraph, list any changes in author affiliation.For example, if one of the authors is now affiliated with a different university from where the research was conducted, the author's note might state that "Dr.

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    Psychology 495 capstone project assignments for entire class. depression and anxiety role of social media in causing increase in loneliness, and suicidal ... Titleand Reference Page Assignment MDorta. Professional Capstone Project. Coursework. 100% (3) 12. ... Lynzee Smith Research Title Reference Paper; Lynzee Smith PSY495-Ethical ...

  9. Title page setup

    Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the student title page. Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize major words of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired.

  10. PDF Guide to Writing a Psychology Research Paper

    Component 1: The Title Page. • On the right side of the header, type the first 2-3 words of your full title followed by the page number. This header will appear on every page of you report. • At the top of the page, type flush left the words "Running head:" followed by an abbreviation of your title in all caps.


    Psychology document from Liberty University, 4 pages, 1 Research Paper: TITLE PAGE AND REFERENCE PAGE ASSIGNMENT Larry O'Neal School of Behavioral Sciences, Liberty University PSYC365: Psychological Foundations of Learning Dr. Cynthia M Evans May 27, 2023 2 References Adelman, B. E. (2018). On the Condition

  12. Final Research Paper Requirements

    Length: Your paper should be 6-8 pages of content (not including your title page and reference page), with page numbers; Font: Times New Roman (12 point) Spacing: Margins of 1 inch on all sides, double-spaced lines; Weekly Deliverable: Your completed research paper is due by Saturday at 11:59 PM EST, and should include a: Literature Review

  13. PDF Psyc 200: Research Methods in Psychology Fall 2021

    Psyc 200 Research Methods in Psychology Fall 2021 Syllabus . ... as well as the grading rubric for the research paper assignment. Along with your partner, you will assemble the sections of the research paper into a final document the includes an APA style title page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and reference ...

  14. PSYC 345 Research Paper: Title Page and Reference Page Instructions

    Finding current, relevant scholarly research is an important step when researching a topic in depth. In your professional life, it will also be crucial to ensure clients receive the most current evidence-based information. For this assignment, you will use current APA style to create a title page and reference page. Instructions

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  16. PDF Guide to Writing a Psychology Research Paper

    report as well as tips for writing in a style appropriate for Psychology papers. Remember, it is always best to check with your department-approved writing book and your professor if you have any questions or concerns. 1. The Title Page • On the right side of the header, type the first 2-3 words of your full title followed by the page number.

  17. PSYC 345 Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment

    · Body of the paper should be a minimum of 5 pages (minimum 2500 words not including title page or reference pages). · Current APA style is required. · Minimum of 10 scholarly peer reviewed journal articles, published within the past 5 years, as well as the textbook, and the Bible, must be included in both in-text citations and the reference ...