Vstock Transfer

Vstock Transfer – Marketer

VStock Transfer is a stock transfer agent providing best-in-class service combined with a cost savings structure.

Vstock Transfer is an SEC-registered stock transfer firm. It serves private companies, IPO's and issuers listed on NYSE American, NASDAQ and OTC Markets. They are not just transaction-oriented but solution-focused to help you through every step of the process.

Vstock Transfer’s team takes pride to provide the highest quality of professionalism, knowledge and service.

Vstock Transfer is owned and managed by attorneys and a team of professionals who have spent their careers in counseling innovative companies on all aspects of initial public offerings, follow-on public offerings, private placements, proxy solicitations, reverse mergers and stock transfers. We invite you to utilize the depth and breadth of our knowledge and expertise in the securities industry to answer your questions and make your job as easy as possible.

Vstock Transfer is committed to providing outstanding value with a tremendous emphasis on being responsive to you and your shareholders. This firm is designed to serve the unique needs of companies that are driven by technology and demand excellence and value. Vstock Transfer uses web-based, state-of-the-art software to provide a reliable and scalable service that our customers require and expect.

Vstock Transfer is able to deliver our services on a cost-effective basis to clients, because we are not burdened with significant legacy costs and overhead. Clients pay only for the services they need.


Work experience.

Vstock Transfer

A team of attorneys and professionals at Vstock Transfer have spent their careers counseling innovative companies on all aspects of initial public offerings, follow-on public offerings, private placements, proxy solicitations, reverse mergers and stock transfers. To answer your questions and simplify your job, we invite you to use our knowledge and expertise in the securities industry.

How to Find a Professional and Reliable Transfer Agent & Registrar Service

Finding a transfer agent and a registrar service can be both challenging and time-consuming. Do you know what you need from your transfer agent and registrar? It’s not always easy to identify the best provider for your company. That’s why we have compiled some helpful information to help you make the right decision when choosing a company.

What should you look for when choosing a transfer agent? When choosing a transfer agent and a registrar service, there are a few key factors you should consider. Here are some examples: - How many years has the transfer agent been in business? - Is the transfer agent insured? - How many clients does the transfer agent service? - What kind of experience does the transfer agent have? - Does the transfer agent service your industry? - Does the transfer agent offer a wide range of transfer agent services? - What are the transfer agent’s transfer agent services? - What are the transfer agent’s transfer agent fees? - Is the transfer agent a member of a transfer agent association? - What are the transfer agent’s reviews from other companies?

Check if the company is registered as a transfer agent Make sure the company is registered with state and federal regulators as a transfer agent. A registered transfer agent is a recognized legal entity to accept securities as collateral for loans. A not-registered company can’t legally act as a transfer agent, but may offer transfer agent services. Registered transfer agents have to meet certain regulatory requirements. If the company is not registered, you can’t legally accept securities as collateral for a loan. This may lead to lawsuits or other problems with the lender. In addition, a non-registered company may lose its transfer agent license. The company may be able to continue transferring securities, but it won’t be authorized to accept securities as collateral for loans.

Find out if the company is licensed as a registrar A transfer agent is allowed to register a company’s transfer agent account with the state as a registrar. Registration as a registrar is required by most states. A registrar is a separate legal entity that holds the registration of a company’s commercial name. This is an important part of opening a business that may need to be renewed. While many states allow transfer agents to register, most only allow certain kinds of business entities to register. Existing corporations are always registered as commercial names, but LLCs and even S-Corp (small corporate) accounts can be registered in certain states. Your state business office can tell you if an entity type is allowed in your state. If the transfer agent service isn’t registered or licensed as a registrar, you can’t legally transfer securities as collateral for a loan or register a business name. These are important legal rights. There may be times when you want to transfer assets but you don’t want to use the assets as collateral. For example, you want to pay someone outside of your company, but you don’t want to use their assets as collateral.

Know whether the transfer agent service provides other services Check if the transfer agent service provides other services besides acting as a transfer agent and a registrar. For example, some transfer agent services provide limited administration services, corporate formation and dissolution services, and more. Limited administration services only allow you to sign documents electronically. This means you can’t type in signatures and print them. You need to sign electronically using a signature and a symbol on a tablet or computer. Most transfer agents can only perform limited administration services because the company or person who signs the documents is responsible for printing the documents.

Find out what additional services your transfer agent provides Make sure the transfer agent you choose offers the services you need. You should find out if the transfer agent provides a Corporate Clearing Department. This may be especially important if your company generates revenue from subscription-based products like digital content. Corporate Clearing Departments are often a requirement for companies that generate revenue from subscription-based products like digital content. These may include Netflix, Hulu, or Spotify. Corporate Clearing Departments are often a requirement for companies that generate revenue from subscription-based products like digital content. These may include Netflix, Hulu, or Spotify. Another important thing to know is what fees your transfer agent charges. Make sure you know how much it costs to transfer assets, to register a business name, and to perform other transfer agent services.

Conclusion Finding a reputable transfer agent and registrar service can be difficult. It’s important to take the time to do your research so you can confidently choose the best transfer agent and registrar service for your company. When choosing a transfer agent, consider these factors: how many years the transfer agent has been in business, how well they are regulated, and what services they offer. You should also check to see if the transfer agent is registered with your state as a transfer agent and a registrar. If they are, that’s a sign they are a reputable company. As you can see, finding a reputable transfer agent and registrar service can be challenging. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll help you identify a transfer agent that is well-regarded in the industry.

5 Tips on How to Reduce Stock Transfer Costs

Achieving cost-effectiveness is an essential task for any organization considering a stock transfer. A transfer can be an extremely costly and time-consuming process, especially if your company operates in a regulated industry with specific procedures and policies. In this article, we’ll discuss several tips to reduce the costs of a stock transfer and make it more cost-effective.

Decide the right time to transfer When should your company transfer assets? There are a few factors to consider before choosing a time. One thing to keep in mind is the availability of your assets. If the asset is sitting idle in the company inventory, the transfer will be delayed. The best time to transfer assets is when the inventory levels are low and employees have an available cash surplus to transfer. If you are transferring assets to a new business entity, the best time is when the company is at peak productivity and income. This will allow the new company to get its feet under it faster. If you are transferring assets between existing businesses, the best time will depend on the type of assets being transferred. If the assets are intangible, it’s best to transfer them when the company is at peak profitability.

Don’t skip the documentation Documentation is key to a successful stock transfer. In fact, it is essential to record a stock transfer. If you skip the documentation, you risk losing assets - or even breaking the law. The documentation doesn’t have to be extensive. Rather, a well-documented stock transfer will help avoid any issues when transferring assets in the future. Start with a clear transfer of both assets and liabilities. Next, record the shareholding information for each company. To avoid confusion, it’s a good idea to list each person’s name and position within the business. You can then detail how the shares are being transferred and the price. The structure of the transfer can also be documented. If you are selling a portion of a company, you can record the sale details such as the price of each share, the number of shares being sold, and the date of sale.

Set expectations and understand requirements Before you begin the documentation process, make sure both company management and employees are clear on the details of the stock transfer. This way, there are no surprises once the transfer is complete. Make sure each person understands the responsibilities of the transfer and who is responsible for making sure the stock transfer process is completed correctly. Before purchasing new equipment, it’s important to understand what the equipment is used for. For example, if the new asset is being purchased for the core business, you’ll want to know what the asset is used for and how it contributes to the company’s revenue. You’ll also want to determine what the equipment is used for, what its current condition is, and what condition it will be in after the transfer. This will help you calculate the current cost of ownership. Finally, you’ll want to make a note of any key service contracts that are attached to the asset.

Use a central depository Custom-designed depository services can help reduce the costs of a stock transfer. Most depository services offer a range of transfer options, including online and digital options. This makes transferring assets easier and more efficient. You can also choose a depository that offers a range of cost-saving features, including a centralized return. Your depository can help you minimize the costs of transferring assets by providing a centralized location for the transfer documents. This can potentially save you time - especially if you are transferring a large number of assets. A depository can also help you stay compliant with regulatory requirements.

Keep track of key information It’s important to keep track of key information, such as the company’s worth and the assets being transferred. This information can serve as a reference for future transfers. You can also use this information to estimate how much it will cost to purchase new equipment, vehicles, and other assets. It’s also important to keep track of any planned and unplanned expenses, such as the cost of fuel, equipment maintenance, taxes, and other expenses. You can use this information to estimate how much it will cost to operate your company.

Conclusion A stock transfer can be an extremely costly and time-consuming process. There are a few tips to reduce the costs of a stock transfer and make it more cost-effective. If you are transferring assets to a new business entity, the best time is when the company is at peak productivity and income. If you are transferring assets between existing businesses, the best time will depend on the type of assets being transferred: intangible, real estate, equipment, and so on. Next, decide when to transfer the assets and keep the documentation clear. Once the transfer is complete, use a central depository to reduce costs.

Stock Transfer Strategies: The 5 Top Tips to Maximize Your Stock Trading Success

Trading stocks can be a lucrative venture. However, in order to succeed you need to know how to play the game and follow a strategy that will help you beat the competition and put more money into your pocket. In this article we will explore the top five tips that can help you turn trading your stocks into a profitable venture. These tips will help you identify which companies have the potential to give you high returns on your investment, and reduce your risk of losing money by investing in undervalued stocks.

Invest in large cap stocks Large cap stocks are those that are listed on major stock exchanges such as the NYSE and NASDAQ. The idea behind investing in large cap stocks is that the market is more liquid and it is easier to invest in large companies that are listed on major exchanges. Liquidity refers to how easy it is to buy and sell shares because you would not have to wait for a certain number of shares to be traded before you are able to put in a trade. Large cap stocks are generally more liquid because they are listed on major exchanges, are more well known, and tend to have a larger market capitalization, which is the total value of the shares in circulation. When a company is listed on a major exchange it will have a larger market capitalization which means that it is likely to have a higher valuation. This is because a larger number of shares are traded. The idea behind investing in large cap stocks is that the market is more liquid and it is easier to invest in large companies that are listed on major exchanges.

Diversify your portfolio Diversifying your portfolio is a strategy that allows you to hedge your investment risk. What this essentially means is that you will increase your chances of making a profit by spreading your money across different stocks. However, this does not mean that you need to invest in a huge number of companies. Instead, you can diversify by spreading your investment across various industries and companies in different sectors. For example, you can divide your money across a number of different industries and companies so that each one has a small amount of your total portfolio. This way, even if one industry or company goes into decline, the others will still provide returns. Investing in different sectors and industries will reduce the risk that you are taking. For example, if one industry or company goes into decline, the others will still provide returns. You can diversify by investing in a diverse range of businesses across various sectors, such as technology, financial services and energy companies. This will diversify away your investment risk by having a large number of different investments in various industries across the world.

Don’t trade on emotion To be successful in the stock market you will need to be patient and avoid trading on emotion. This is because stocks are always going to be volatile and the market can change its direction at any time. However, you will be able to make more informed decisions if you avoid trading on emotions. If you invest solely on the emotion of the moment you will miss out on significant investment opportunities. You will also be less likely to be able to generate consistent returns because you will be less disciplined. Take a step back, evaluate your position and then reinvest when the time is right. This will help you keep your investment risk low and make better investment decisions. Although it is important to be disciplined, it is also important to have patience when it comes to investing. You will be able to take a longer-term approach to investing if you are patient, especially when the market is volatile. This will help you generate better investment returns over a longer period of time.

Research before you invest Before you decide to invest in any stocks, you should conduct some research. This can help you identify which companies have the potential to give you high returns on your investment and reduce your risk of losing money by investing in undervalued stocks. You can use a number of different resources to help you identify which companies have the potential to give you high returns on your investment. You can use websites such as Yahoo Finance and Google Finance to find out which stocks are currently trading at a high price. You can also use resources such as FactSet Research and TradingView to find out which stocks are hot right now. This will allow you to quickly identify which stocks have the potential to give you high returns on your investment. You can also use resources such as Yahoo Finance to help you identify which companies have the potential to generate high returns on your investment. You can use this resource to identify companies that are currently trading at a high price and have a low amount of debt. This will allow you to identify companies that have the potential to give you high returns on your investment.

Be patient and avoid panic selling If you are new to the stock market, it is important that you do not rush into investing in a wide range of stocks all at once. Instead, you should invest in a small number of stocks at first and grow your portfolio gradually. This will help you avoid the risk of investing in a large number of stocks that are all over the map and will also help to reduce your investment risk. You should also avoid the urge to sell your stocks at the first sign of a downturn in the market. This is known as selling on the panic. If the market starts to fall you might want to sell your stocks and try to buy them again when the market has stabilized. However, if the downturn has been going on for a while, it is best to avoid selling out at the bottom.

Conclusion Whether you are looking to trade stocks for the first time or you want to improve your current trading strategy, following these tips will help you to make better investment decisions. Invest in large cap stocks. These are likely to be more liquid and have a larger market capitalization. They are also likely to have greater potential for growth and are therefore likely to have a higher valuation. Diversify your portfolio. By having a diverse investment strategy you will be able to reduce your investment risk and increase your chances of generating consistent returns over the long term. Don’t trade on emotion. This will help you make more informed investment decisions and reduce your investment risk. Research before you invest. By using a number of resources such as Yahoo Finance and Google Finance, you should be able to identify which companies have the potential to give you high returns on your investment. Be patient and avoid panic selling. This will allow you to make better investment decisions and reduce your investment risk.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I transfer my shares to another person or entity?

2. What are the fees associated with transferring stock certificates?

3. How can a shareholder contact VStock Stock Transfer?

4. What is DTC and Cede & Co.?

5. What is a “Medallion Guarantee”?

6. How should I send my stock certificate?

7. What is restricted stock?

8. How is a lost or stolen stock certificate replaced?

9. As a shareholder, how do I contact the company whose stock I hold?

10. How long will it take to transfer shares?

11. How do I remove the restricted legend from my stock certificate?

12. How do I find the rules surrounding 144?

13..How do I change my address with you?

At V Stock Transfer, our goal is to make your life easier in the transfer process. Here is a suggested list of items to consider/obtain.


1. Include your original stock certificate(s)

2. Make sure you endorse the back of certificate or stock power if changing registration

3. Obtain a medallion guaranteed stamp on endorsement

4. Include a shareholder transfer request form

5. Please provide names, addresses, and IDs of Shareholders to issue the stock to.

6. Include delivery instructions for the new certificate with delivery method (FedEx, UPS, Local Pickup/Delivery, Priority Mail)

7. If you are a corporate shareholder and send a Stock Power instead of endorsing the back of the certificate, include a Corporate Resolution

8. Determine if you need additional forms that may be required (See Restricted Stock section, Lost Certificates Section

9. Include your processing fee

Feel free to contact us at V Stock Transfer (212 828 8436) if you have any questions about the forms or fees associated with your transfer request.

The fees vary based upon the specific request and services needed. Feel free to contact us at V Stock Transfer (212 828 8436) if you have any questions about the forms or fees associated with your transfer request.

V Stock Transfer, LLC

18 Lafayette Place

Woodmere, NY 11598

Attention: Yoel Goldfeder

Phone:   212-828-8436

Toll-Free: 855-9VSTOCK

Fax: 646-536-3179

[email protected]


DTC is an acronym for the Depository Trust Company. DTC is the central depository for the brokerage community where stock and bond certificates are deposited or transferred by the broker participants. The main function of DTC is to clear and settle stock trades and to provide custody of securities in an automated environment. DTC provides an efficient and safe way for the buyer and seller to exchange securities electronically and in a centralized location eliminating the need for physical stock certificates and time for transit. DTC is a member of the Federal Reserve System, owned by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC). DTCC, in turn, is owned by several banks, brokerage houses and trading exchanges. Cede & Co. is merely the nominee name for DTC. DTC and Cede & Co. are synonymous and are often used interchangeably.

A medallion guarantee is provided by an eligible institution who is a participant of the medallion program. Banks, trust companies and broker dealers may participate in this program. A medallion is an insured stamp to guarantee that the signer is authorized and validates the signature. For certain types of transfers, a medallion guarantee stamp is required.

We strongly suggest you send all stock certificates to V Stock Transfer LLC by registered mail with a return receipt requested.

Restricted stock is issued with a ‘restricted legend’ on the stock certificate. Shareholders with restricted stock may only sell their shares in compliance with SEC regulation.

If you have lost a stock certificate, you should contact or email us immediately so that we may place a ‘”STOP” on the form of certificate. Once the “STOP” is placed, please fill out, you may need to complete a “lost instrument bond” form. Feel free to call us to discuss.

Bonds: Surety bonds are typically required by transfer agents to replace lost, stolen, or damaged stock certificates .

Usually, a company’s contact information can be found on their website. Additionally, company information many times can be found on www.sec.gov.

At V Stock Transfer LLC we pride ourselves on responsiveness and quick turnaround time. Routine transfers are generally turned around the same day and in virtually every case in less than 72 hours. Both routine and non-routine transfers maybe expedited with RUSH processing for an additional fee.

Removing a restricted legend is a complex process governed by regulations. If your shares have a restrictive legend, contact your broker to request the proper paperwork and procedure. Brokers and clearing agents are sometimes particular regarding what forms and disclosures they require before assisting in the removal of a restricted legend from a security. Legal opinions (from company counsel or outside counsel) are also sometimes needed to remove a restricted legend.

The Securities and Exchange Commission governs rule 144, the following link to the SEC website provides valuable information about the rule.


Affiliate or Person Selling on Behalf of an Affiliate

• During six-month holding period no re-sales under Rule 144 permitted.

• After six-month holding period may resell in accordance with all Rule 144 requirements including: current public information, volume limitations, manner       of sale requirements for equity securities, and filing of form 144.

Non-Affiliate (and has not been an affiliate during the prior three months)

• After six-month holding period but before one year, unlimited public re-sales under Rule 144 except that the current public information requirement still applies.

• After one-year holding period, unlimited public re-sales under Rule 144; need not comply with any other Rule 144 requirements.



• During one year holding period no re-sales under Rule 144 permitted.

• After one-year holding period, may resell in accordance with all Rule 144 requirements, including: current public information, volume limitations, manner of sale


• Unlimited public re-sales under Rule 144; need not comply with any other Rule 144 requirements

*Please note – this is general information only; not legal advice, nor represents any form of a legal opinion.

How do I change my address with you?

You will need to complete a ‘change of address’ form. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will email you the correct Form.

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Yahoo Finance

Genesis financial inc. appoints vstock transfer as transfer agent.

New York, NY, Aug. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Genesis Financial Inc. (OTC: GFNL) (the “Company”) announced today that it has engaged Vstock Transfer as the Company’s new transfer agent and registrar of its common stock to, effective immediately. Company shareholders may contact VStock Transfer by phone at (855) 987-8625, via the Internet at www.vstocktransfer.com , or by mail at V Stock Transfer, LLC, 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, NY 11598.

Managing Director of VStock Transfer, Lisa Loew, commented, “We welcome Genesis Financial, its management team and all the Company’s shareholders. We look forward to exceeding their expectations and the Company’s continued growth.”

About Genesis Financial , Inc. (OTC : GFNL): A publicly-listed diversified global financial services company focused on Fintech investment: Wealth Management and Lending Platforms.

About VStock Transfer : VStock Transfer is a stock transfer agent providing best-in-class service combined with a cost savings structure. Offering a unique combination of technology and proactive, energetic, personalized and experienced customer service. VStock provides online access to shareholder data and reports and can assist in online proxy services, voting and tabulation. VStock Transfer works with private companies, IPOs (OTCBB and NASDAQ) and public companies of all sizes. We are also able to assist companies with DTC eligibility ( www.dtceligibility.com ).

Related Links http://www.vstocktransfer.com

Genesis Financial, Inc. Phone: Toll-free 1-800-485-8085 Website: http://www.gfnlinc.com Email: [email protected]

Investor Relations: Jessica Starman Elev8 New Media, LLC. [email protected] (818) 621 - 7216

Call us today! 212-828-8436  |  Hours: 8 AM – 5:30 PM EST  |  Email Us: [email protected]


  • How do I transfer my shares to another person or entity? At V Stock Transfer, our goal is to make your life easier in the transfer process. Here is a suggested list of items to consider/obtain. TRANSFER CHECKLIST Include your original stock certificate(s) Make sure you endorse the back of certificate or stock power if changing registration Obtain a medallion guaranteed stamp on endorsement Include a shareholder transfer request form Please provide names, addresses, and IDs of Shareholders to issue the stock to. Include delivery instructions for the new certificate with delivery method (FedEx, UPS, Local Pickup/Delivery, Priority Mail) If you are a corporate shareholder and send a Stock Power instead of endorsing the back of the certificate, include a Corporate Resolution Determine if you need additional forms that may be required (See Restricted Stock section, Lost Certificates Section Include your processing fee Feel free to contact us at V Stock Transfer (212 828 8436) if you have any questions about the forms or fees associated with your transfer request.
  • What are the fees associated with transferring stock certificates? The fees vary based upon the specific request and services needed. Feel free to contact us at V Stock Transfer (212 828 8436) if you have any questions about the forms or fees associated with your transfer request.
  • How can a shareholder contact VStock Stock Transfer? V Stock Transfer, LLC 18 Lafayette Place Woodmere, NY 11598 Attention: Yoel Goldfeder Phone: 212-828-8436 Toll-Free: 855-9VSTOCK Fax: 646-536-3179 [email protected] www.VStockTransfer.com
  • What is DTC and Cede & Co.? DTC is an acronym for the Depository Trust Company. DTC is the central depository for the brokerage community where stock and bond certificates are deposited or transferred by the broker participants. The main function of DTC is to clear and settle stock trades and to provide custody of securities in an automated environment. DTC provides an efficient and safe way for the buyer and seller to exchange securities electronically and in a centralized location eliminating the need for physical stock certificates and time for transit. DTC is a member of the Federal Reserve System, owned by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC). DTCC, in turn, is owned by several banks, brokerage houses and trading exchanges. Cede & Co. is merely the nominee name for DTC. DTC and Cede & Co. are synonymous and are often used interchangeably.
  • What is a “Medallion Guarantee”? A medallion guarantee is provided by an eligible institution who is a participant of the medallion program. Banks, trust companies and broker dealers may participate in this program. A medallion is an insured stamp to guarantee that the signer is authorized and validates the signature. For certain types of transfers, a medallion guarantee stamp is required.
  • How should I send my stock certificate? We strongly suggest you send all stock certificates to V Stock Transfer LLC by registered mail with a return receipt requested.
  • What is restricted stock? Restricted stock is issued with a ‘restricted legend’ on the stock certificate. Shareholders with restricted stock may only sell their shares in compliance with SEC regulation.
  • How is a lost or stolen stock certificate replaced? If you have lost a stock certificate, you should contact or email us immediately so that we may place a ‘”STOP” on the form of certificate. Once the “STOP” is placed, please fill out, you may need to complete a “lost instrument bond” form. Feel free to call us to discuss. Bonds: Surety bonds are typically required by transfer agents to replace lost, stolen, or damaged stock certificates.
  • As a shareholder, how do I contact the company whose stock I hold?" Usually, a company’s contact information can be found on their website. Additionally, company information many times can be found on www.sec.gov.
  • How long will it take to transfer shares? At V Stock Transfer LLC we pride ourselves on responsiveness and quick turnaround time. Routine transfers are generally turned around the same day and in virtually every case in less than 72 hours. Both routine and non-routine transfers maybe expedited with RUSH processing for an additional fee.
  • How do I remove the restricted legend from my stock certificate? Removing a restricted legend is a complex process governed by regulations. If your shares have a restrictive legend, contact your broker to request the proper paperwork and procedure. Brokers and clearing agents are sometimes particular regarding what forms and disclosures they require before assisting in the removal of a restricted legend from a security. Legal opinions (from company counsel or outside counsel) are also sometimes needed to remove a restricted legend.
  • How do I find the rules surrounding 144? The Securities and Exchange Commission governs rule 144, the following link to the SEC website provides valuable information about the rule. http://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/rule144.htm Affiliate or Person Selling on Behalf of an Affiliate During six-month holding period no re-sales under Rule 144 permitted. After six-month holding period may resell in accordance with all Rule 144 requirements including: current public information, volume limitations, manner of sale requirements for equity securities, and filing of form 144. Non-Affiliate (and has not been an affiliate during the prior three months) During six-month holding period no re-sales under Rule 144 permitted. After six-month holding period but before one year, unlimited public re-sales under Rule 144 except that the current public information requirement still applies. After one-year holding period, unlimited public re-sales under Rule 144; need not comply with any other Rule 144 requirements. THIS IS GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY AND NOT TO BE TAKEN AS LEGAL ADVICE NOR IS THIS TO BE TAKEN AS A LEGAL OPINION. RESTRICTED SECURITIES OF NON-REPORTING ISSUERS Affiliate or Person Selling on Behalf of an Affiliate During one year holding period no re-sales under Rule 144 permitted. After one-year holding period, may resell in accordance with all Rule 144 requirements, including: current public information, volume limitations, manner of sale REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUITY SECURITIES, AND FILING OF FORM 144. Non-Affiliate (and has not been an affiliate during the prior three months) During one year holding period no re-sales under Rule 144 permitted. Unlimited public re-sales under Rule 144; need not comply with any other Rule 144 requirements *Please note – this is general information only; not legal advice, nor represents any form of a legal opinion.
  • How do I change my address with you? You will need to complete a ‘change of address’ form. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will email you the correct Form.

VStock Transfer

SEC-Registered Stock Transfer Firm

About VStock Transfer

VStock Transfer is an SEC-registered stock transfer firm that assists firms listed on the NYSE American, NASDAQ, and OTC Markets in transferring stock. In addition to transferring stock, VStock Transfer also offers a wide range of stock transfer services.

Quality, mastery, and customer service are the hallmarks of Vstock Transfer. In addition to being an attorney-run firm, Vstock Transfer has a team of specialists with decades of experience preparing initial public offerings, subsequent public offerings, private placements, proxy solicitations, reverse mergers, and stock transfers for cutting-edge firms. We guarantee the highest level of professionalism, expertise, and service. With the team’s experience in the securities industry and familiarity with the securities industry, Vstock Transfer can simplify your job and answer your questions.

Vstock Transfer delivers exceptional value in addition to being exceptionally responsive to your shareholders’ clients. To ensure reliable and scalable services, this firm uses state-of-the-art web-based software. Due to Vstock Transfer’s low overhead costs and legacy expenses, we can provide services at a reasonable price to our clients. Clients only pay for the services they use.

stock transfer woodmere ny

VStock Transfer Services


VStock Transfer guarantees the highest quality expertise, knowledge, and service. VStock Transfer, a group of attorneys and specialists who have worked with leading law firms on IPO preparation, subsequent public offering, private placement, proxy solicitation, reverse merger, and stock transfer issues for years, guarantees highest quality expertise, knowledge, and service. Your queries may be answered by VStock Transfer’s team of securities industry specialists.

Vstock Transfer is owned and managed by attorneys and a team of professionals who have spent their careers advising innovative companies on all aspects of initial public offerings, follow-on public offerings, private placements, proxy solicitations, reverse mergers, and stock transfers. You can take advantage of the depth and breadth of our experience and knowledge in the securities industry to answer your questions.

The Vstock Transfer team is committed to providing you and your shareholders with outstanding value. The firm is designed to serve the unique needs of technology-driven companies that demand value and excellence. To provide our customers with a reliable, scalable, and state-of-the-art service, Vstock Transfer uses web-based, cutting-edge software.

Our goal is to provide excellent value combined with being extremely responsive to you and your shareholders’ clients, who are focused on technology. We offer a state-of-the-art, web-based software program to ensure reliable and scalable services.

Our clients only pay for the services they consume, so VStock Transfer’s low legacy costs and overhead enables us to provide our services at a good price.

All shareholders should be treated as customers when using VStock Transfer, since VStock Transfer provides sample documents and forms, as well as the interface to the Depository Trust Company and all street holders so that they receive the same level of service and care.

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VStock Transfer

Professional transfer agent and registrar services to public companies.

VStock Transfer


Vstock Transfer is a brokerage firm that provides stock transfers for businesses listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, and the OTC Markets. Vstock Transfer can assist firms with all phases of the stock transfer process, not just the transaction.

Vstock Transfer’s goal is to provide the highest level of quality expertise and service. They are an experienced team of attorneys and experts in initial public offerings, follow-on public offerings, private placements, proxy solicitations, reverse mergers, and stock transfers. Vstock Transfer’s team knowledge and experience in the securities industry can help you with your job.

Vstock Transfer provides outstanding value with a keen sensitivity to your and your shareholders' requirements. Vstock Transfer is aligned with companies that are powered by technology and require high quality and value. They provide clients with a straightforward, scalable service using web-based, cutting-edge software. Vstock Transfer does not have to cope with significant legacy issues and overhead costs, which allows them to deliver our services at an economical rate. Clients only have to pay for the services they demand.

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Nov 11 2022


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  2. FREE 8+ Stock Transfer Forms in PDF

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  3. FREE 10+ Sample Stock Transfer Forms in PDF

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  4. Stock Transfer Form

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  5. Stock Transfer Register Report @ Tally.ERP 9 : www.TallyERP9Book.Com

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    stock transfer woodmere ny


  1. Flash Flood Causes Bubbling Manhole in Woodmere, NY 7/18/23 #shorts #flood

  2. 603 Derby Ave, Woodmere, NY

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  4. 55 Burton Avenue, Woodmere, NY 11598

  5. Exploring the Stock Transfer Feature

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  1. Vstock Transfer

    Vstock Transfer is an SEC-registered stock transfer firm serving private companies, IPO's and issuers listed on NYSE American, NASDAQ and OTC Markets. top of page. Call us today! 212-828-8436 | Hours: 8 AM - 5:30 PM EST | Email Us: [email protected]. ... Woodmere, NY 11598.

  2. Who We Are

    Vstock Transfer is an SEC-registered stock transfer firm serving private companies, IPO's and issuers listed on NYSE American, NASDAQ and OTC Markets. We are not just transaction-oriented but solution-focused to help you through every step of the process. ... Woodmere, NY 11598.

  3. VStock Transfer

    VStock Transfer Financial Services Woodmere, New York 1,352 followers STOCK TRANSFER AGENT - KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ONE PLACE

  4. Vstock Transfer, Marketer in Woodmere, NY, USA

    Vstock Transfer is an SEC-registered stock transfer firm. It serves private companies, IPO's and issuers listed on NYSE American, NASDAQ and OTC Markets. They are not just transaction-oriented but solution-focused to help you through every step of the process. Vstock Transfer's team takes pride to provide the highest quality of ...

  5. Vstock Transfer, LLC, 18 Lafayette Pl, Suite 2, Woodmere, NY

    Vstock Transfer, LLC is a trusted transfer agent based in Woodmere, NY, offering a comprehensive range of services to both public and private companies. With a team of 25 dedicated professionals, they specialize in DTC eligibility, DWAC transfers, IPOs, proxy annual meeting services, and more.

  6. Equity Stock Transfer

    Woodmere, New York Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Financial Services Minneapolis, MN BNY Mellon Financial Services ... Equity Stock Transfer | 310 followers on LinkedIn. NYC based and SEC ...

  7. Frequently Asked Questions

    At V Stock Transfer, our goal is to make your life easier in the transfer process. Here is a suggested list of items to consider/obtain. ... Woodmere, NY 11598 . Attention: Yoel Goldfeder. Phone: 212-828-8436. Toll-Free: 855-9VSTOCK. Fax: 646-536-3179 . [email protected]. www.VStockTransfer.com . 4. What is DTC and Cede & Co.?

  8. VStock Transfer in Woodmere, NY 11598

    VStock Transfer located at 18 Lafayette Pl, Woodmere, NY 11598 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more.

  9. V Stock Transfer, 18 Lafayette Pl, Woodmere, NY

    V Stock Transfer is a private company based in Woodmere, NY, specializing in providing transfer agent services for both public and private companies, including DTC eligibility, DWAC transfers, IPOs, proxy annual meeting services, and more.

  10. Vstock Transfer Company Profile

    Vstock Transfer is a stock transfer company. It offers digitized recordkeeping, tax reporting, and other services. Type Private Status Active HQ Woodmere, NY, US | view all locations Website https://www.vstocktransfer.com Cybersecurity rating. Sectors. ... Woodmere, NY HQ. United States ...

  11. Genesis Financial Inc. Appoints VStock Transfer as Transfer Agent

    Company shareholders may contact VStock Transfer by phone at (855) 987-8625, via the Internet at www.vstocktransfer.com, or by mail at V Stock Transfer, LLC, 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, NY 11598.

  12. Vstock Transfer

    New York; Woodmere; Stock Brokers; Vstock Transfer (current page) Share Print. ... Vstock Transfer. 18 Lafayette Place Woodmere, NY 11598-2138. 1; Business Profile for Vstock Transfer. Stock Brokers.

  13. V STOCK TRANSFER Company Profile

    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for V STOCK TRANSFER of Woodmere, NY. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  14. VStock Transfer, LLC

    VStock Transfer, LLC, Woodmere, New York. Local business

  15. Vstock Transfer

    At V Stock Transfer, our goal is to make your life easier in the transfer process. Here is a suggested list of items to consider/obtain. ... V Stock Transfer, LLC 18 Lafayette Place Woodmere, NY 11598 Attention: Yoel Goldfeder Phone: 212-828-8436 Toll-Free: 855-9VSTOCK Fax: 646-536-3179 [email protected] www.VStockTransfer.com

  16. Vstock Transfer

    VStock Transfer is an SEC-registered stock transfer firm that assists firms listed on the NYSE American, NASDAQ, and OTC Markets in transferring stock. In addition to transferring stock, VStock Transfer also offers a wide range of stock transfer services. Quality, mastery, and customer service are the hallmarks of Vstock Transfer.

  17. Genesis Financial Inc. Appoints VStock Transfer as Transfer

    Company shareholders may contact VStock Transfer by phone at (855) 987-8625, via the Internet at www.vstocktransfer.com, or by mail at V Stock Transfer, LLC, 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, NY 11598.

  18. VStock Transfer

    Woodmere, NY. Member Since Nov, 2022. Writes at. VStock Transfer. ... Vstock Transfer is a brokerage firm that provides stock transfers for businesses listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, and the OTC Markets. Vstock Transfer can assist firms with all phases of the stock transfer process, not just the transaction.

  19. VStock Transfer

    NEW YORK, Aug. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NetworkWire -- Vstock Transfer, a leading transfer agent and registrar firm that services private issuers, IPOs and Regulation A transactions, today announced its participation as a Silver sponsor of The LD 500 virtual institutional investor conference, being held Sept. 1-4, 2020. Aug 28, 2020.