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Middle School Social Studies World War I Projects

Remembrance Day Assembly Ideas

Remembrance Day Assembly Ideas

Many people remember history as a dry collection of textbook facts but project-based learning allows students to encounter history in 3-D. Middle-school World War I projects familiarize students with key people, places, events and machinery of the Great War while grabbing their attention through the use of artistic expression and technology. Middle school students can come away with a deeper understanding and appreciation of how past events have shaped the world they know today.

Secret Mission

Prepare a memo informing students that they have been specially chosen for a secret intelligence gathering mission and hand out a list of questions that the secret service needs to know to properly conduct war operations. Write sample questions that will lead students to explore one of the battles of the war. Students must then check internet websites for the answers and record the "sensitive information" in a trench journal. They must then conceal the journal in a disguise, such as folded in a newspaper, glued inside a folded map, placed in a hollow book or a soldier's boot or even baked into a loaf of bread. They must then hand in the journal at "headquarters"--the classroom.

Multimedia History

Break students into small groups to create multimedia slide-show time lines of key causes, people, events, battles and places in World War I. Provide a list of questions or topics to cover for each group; the slide show should include pictures, maps, graphs and charts of casualties, war costs for each country and the wartime industry. The last slide(s) should include a bibliography of the resources used to research the war.

Illustrated History

Have the students create books that follow the story of one soldier through the war. Each student plans out the soldier's identity details--country, name, rank, regiment, personality, family background--and roughs in some details of important moments in the war for which this soldier was present. The story should explore the human side of war as realistically as possible and highlight how the battles and events at home and on the field affected the soldier's physical health, thoughts and feelings. The students can accompany their "books" with illustrations of their choosing, drawing the character or the scenes or events he encounters, or include handwritten diary entries of the character.

Historical Re-enactment

Put students in small groups and either assign or have each group choose a key event in World War I. Each group writes a script and re-enacts the event through a skit or puppet show. If possible, provide or encourage students to bring appropriate period costumes to add an air of authenticity to the re-enactment.

Weapons of War

Have students choose a particular plane, tank or weapon of World War I to research. They will create a poster or manual describing the specs on the particular model. They should provide a picture as well as a description and include any interesting historical uses or what was necessary to operate the machine or weapon.

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Tamara Christine has written more than 900 articles for a variety of clients since 2010. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in applied linguistics and an elementary teaching license. Additionally, she completed a course in digital journalism in 2014. She has more than 10 years experience teaching and gardening.

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Primary Sources & Teaching Activities for World War I

Group of servicemen returning home from war

You can find primary sources and online teaching activities for World War I on our DocsTeach World War I page .

Find primary sources for topics such as:

  • New weapons like airplanes , trench warfare , machine guns , submarines , and tanks
  • Women in WWI
  • WWI Posters
  • The Homefront
  • Espionage, sedition, and spying
  • Armistice, the Treaty of Versailles, and the end of the war
  • The Harlem Hellfighters
  • The 1918 Flu Pandemic

Babe Ruth's draft card

See WWI draft cards for personalities like Babe Ruth, Al Capone, Charles Hamilton Houston, and Ty Cobb. Students can use Babe Ruth’s Draft Card to identify differences between WWI America and today in the activity WWI America: Babe Ruth’s Draft Card .

Check out World War I posters to discuss propaganda techniques, food conservation, liberty loans, victory gardens, and recruiting with your students. You can also access poster-based teaching activities .

Students can practice “Decoding an Intercepted Message” in the activity The Zimmermann Telegram to learn about this important document and turning point in the war. They analyze the telegram and make an assessment about whether the United States should have entered WWI based on the telegram’s information and implications.

Other teaching activities on the DocsTeach World War I page include:

  • Americans on the Homefront Helped Win World War I
  • New Technology in World War I
  • Comparing WWI Food Conservation Posters
  • Artists Document World War I
  • WWI Propaganda and Art
  • Baseball on the World War I Homefront
  • Baseball: A Morale Booster During Wartime?

world war 1 project ideas for middle school

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Home Lessons Modern History World War One

Lessons on World War One

World War One, also known as the Great War, was a major global conflict that took place between 1914 and 1918. It was one of the deadliest and most destructive wars in history and had a profound impact on the world. The Cunning History Teacher’s Lesson Plans for World War One history provide a comprehensive and engaging way to teach this important topic.

The lesson plans cover a wide range of topics related to World War One, including the causes of the war, major battles and events, the role of technology, and the impact of the war on society. The plans also include primary source materials such as letters, speeches, photographs, and artwork, which provide a firsthand look into the lives and times of the people who lived through the war.

One of the key strengths of the Cunning History Teacher’s Lesson Plans is our use of interactive activities and hands-on projects. These activities help to engage students and make the material more relatable. For example, students might be asked to research and present a report on a specific battle or event, or to create a timeline of key events from the war. These activities help to develop critical thinking and analysis skills and encourage students to form their own opinions and interpretations of the past.

Another strength of the lesson plans is their focus on historical thinking skills. The plans encourage students to look beyond the surface-level facts and to consider the broader historical context and implications of the events and individuals studied. This helps to develop students’ historical thinking skills and encourages them to form their own opinions and interpretations of the past.

In conclusion, the Cunning History Teacher’s Lesson Plans for World War One history provide a valuable resource for educators looking to teach this topic in a dynamic and engaging way. The plans are well-researched, well-organized, and offer a wealth of primary source materials and interactive activities that will capture students’ attention and help them develop a deeper understanding of the history of World War One and its impact on the world.

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  • Social Studies

Teaching World History: World War I Lesson Plan and Activities

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This blog is part of a  Shaped  monthly series providing teachers for Grades 6–12 with downloadable world history classroom resources and discussion topics.

World War I was known as the Great War, and it lasted from 1914 to 1918, eventually claiming more than 16 million lives. 

It began in June 1914, when Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were fatally shot in Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital, by a Serbian nationalist. This triggered a chain of events that ultimately pitted the Central Powers—including Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire—against the Allied Powers, including Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, and the United States.

At first, the United States adhered to a policy of neutrality and continued trade and commerce with both sides of the conflict; however, maintaining neutrality proved difficult for President Woodrow Wilson. Among other events, public opinion supporting the United States' entrance into the war was influenced by a German U-boat sinking the Lusitania , a British-owned ship traveling from New York to Liverpool, England, in 1915, with a more than 100 Americans onboard. The United States wouldn't officially enter the war, however, until 1917, after Britain intercepted the Zimmerman telegram proposing a military alliance between Germany and Mexico.

World War I saw the horrors of trench warfare and the use of new weapons that had never before been used in conflict. It shaped lives at the time, as women entered the workforce to support and replace the men who were fighting overseas. To teach students more about the legacy of World War I, have them  look at this timeline (with a supplemental enrichment activity available for download as a PDF) . Then, distribute the accompanying resources: a transcript of a speech by President Woodrow Wilson  ( primary source enrichment activity )  and a writing enrichment activity   about the role of Edith Wharton.

Timeline Wwi

Learn more about  HMH Social Studies , which presents the rich, endlessly inventive story of our world, challenging students to dig deep into the past.

Read more blogs about teaching world history on topics including:

  • The Early Middle Ages
  • Ancient Greece
  • Hammurabi's Code of Laws
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  • The Renaissance
  • The Reformation
  • Absolute Monarchs
  • Enlightenment and the American Revolution
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Lesson Plan: Choice Board: World War I

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The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Author Margaret MacMillan talked about the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


This document is a choice board covering 16 different events and topics occurring during World War I. For each topic, students are provided a link to a C-SPAN video clip asked to answer questions addressed in the video clip. Teachers can customize this document as needed -- the current directions ask students to complete 5 slides, but that can be adjusted. This is a multi-day activity that can be done in person or via distance learning.

Open the Choice Board - World War I Google Slides Presentation in Google and choose "File" then "Make a Copy" to get your own copy. Make any needed adjustments in the instructions and then make it available to students (via Google Classroom or another method).

Update the directions on the first slide of the choice board with your own instructions to students if you choose. The board currently requires them to complete 5 total topics, but you can adjust that before you send to students. Additional instructions for teachers can be found on the Teacher Notes Google Doc linked below.

Each student will need their own digital copy of the Google Slides (via Google Classroom or some other method); they will also need a Google account to be able to complete the work.

CHOICE BOARD: World War I (Google Slides)

TEACHER NOTES: World War I (Google Doc)


Share the Google Slides document with the students and instruct them to make a copy of the choice board that they can edit.


Students will complete a total of five slides on the choice board. Students should keep track of which slides they have completed by clicking and dragging the poppies over each completed box on the choice board.

For each slide, students will need view the video clip and answer the questions relating to each video clip on the slide.


Below are the video clips included in each of the slides.

Slide 2: The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  • Video Clip: The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (5:16)

Slide 3: The United States’ Role

  • Video Clip: The United States and the Decision to enter World War I (7:58)

Slide 4: American War Cemeteries

  • Video Clip: The Cultural Landscape of American World War I Cemeteries (5:08)

Slide 5: War Poster

  • Video Clip: World War I Poster (5:02)

Slide 6: Fort McHenry Hospital

  • Video Clip: Fort McHenry During World War I (3:53)

Slide 7: African American Soldiers

  • Video Clip: African American Soldiers During World War I (10:36)

Slide 8: Women in the War

  • Video Clip: Women in the War (3:22)

Slide 9: American Soldier Equipment

  • Video Clip: World War I - American Soldier (8:19)

Slide 10: German U-Boats

  • Video Clip: German U-Boat WWI (5:12)

Slide 11: Weaponry

Video Clip: WWI Weaponry Part One (2:31)

  • Video Clip: WWI Weaponry Part Two (2:43)

Slide 12: Trench Warfare

  • Video Clip: World War I and Trench Warfare (5:49)

Slide 13: Aviation

  • Video Clip: Military Aviation during World War I (3:40)

Slide 14: The Battle of Saint Mihiel

  • Video Clip: World War I Battle of Saint-Mihiel (6:51)

Slide 15: The Battle of Belleau Wood

  • Video Clip: WWI: Battle at Belleau Wood (4:59)

Slide 16: The Argonne Forest

  • Video Clip: World War I: The Argonne Forest (7:13)

Slide 17: The End of the War

  • Video Clip: Fall of Empires
  • Video Clip: Veterans Day History (5:25)


After completing the required tasks, students should turn in their completed Google Slides by submitting the URL with the completed Google Slides to you electronically.

Review student responses and address any misconceptions.


Classroom Museum Exhibit- Students can select one of the topics they learned about and create an artifact to include in the exhibit along with a written explanation describing its significance.

Newspaper Article- As a journalist, write a newspaper article describing the circumstances of one of the topics that was covered during this time.


Respond to one of the following prompts by providing a written response:

How should people remember World War I today?

How do the events and legacy of World War I impact the world today?

  • Compare the events and tactics of World War to other wars that you have studied. How are they similar? How are they different?

Additional Resources

  • Lesson Plan: World War I
  • Lesson Plan: WWI: United States Military in France in 1918
  • Trench Warfare

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Ohio state navigation bar.

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The First World War in Global Context

German Troops Firing from a Trench, 1915  


  • Teacher created lesson plans on the topic 
  • A bibliography of historical works on  World War I  
  • Links to quality websites related to the history of the Great War

Lesson Plans

Analyzing primary sources, powerpoint presentations.

  • Causes of World War I   
  • World War I: Total War
  • The United States Enters World War I
  • The US Homefront During World War I
  • National Security vs. Liberty: The US Homefront
  • The US and World War I: Social Change


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Using Literature to Teach about World War One in Middle School

teach about world war one

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Many of us use a curriculum to teach history, but using literature to teach history can be a great teaching tool. I am continuing this history literature series with some of the best books to teach about World War I. Using literature to teach history illuminates the time period, helps integrate the history curriculum, and enriches social studies. With my love for literature and history, it only makes sense to combine the two so I have gathered some of my favorite books that teach about World War I in middle school.

Great Battles for Boys: World War I by Joe Giorello is written for boys, but girls can learn just as much as young readers experience an unforgettable journey into World War I. They learn about the major battles, leaders, tactics, and strategies that helped the Allies topple the Axis powers. They’ll also learn about new inventions, such as airplanes and tanks, which proved to be crucial to World War I.

World War I for Kids: A History with 21 Activities by R. Kent Rasmussen provides an intriguing and comprehensive look at this defining conflict that involved all of the world’s superpowers. Why and how did the war come about? What was life like for soldiers in the trenches? What roles did zeppelins, barbed war, and the passenger ship Lusitania play in the war? Young history buffs will learn the answer to these questions and many others. This book goes in depth into the war with hands-on activities for kids to make a periscope, make a parachute, cook Maconochie stew, and much more.

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo is a family favorite. In 1914, Joey, a farm horse, is sold to the army and thrust into the midst of World War I on the Western Front. When Joey is dragged away, his heart aches for Albert, the farmer’s son he is forced to leave behind. In the army the beautiful red-bay horse is trained to charge the enemy, drag heavy artillery, and carry wounded soldiers not much older than Albert off the battlefields. Amongst the clamoring of guns and while plodding through the cold mud, Joey wonders if the war will ever end. Be sure to read the book (before watching the movie) to see if he ever finds Albert again.

Soldier Dog by Sam Angus is about a 14-year-old boy named Stanley who takes care of the family’s greyhound and puppies after his brother has gone to fight in the war until the morning Stanley wakes to find the puppies gone. Determined to find his brother, he runs away to join an increasingly desperate army. Assigned to the experimental War Dog School, Stanley is given a problematic Great Dane named Bones to train. Against all odds, the pair excels, and Stanley is sent to France. But the war in France is larger and more brutal than Stanley ever imagined. Readers will see how one young boy can survive war and find his brother with only a dog to help.

These are only a few of my favorite books that teach about World War I. There are so many more out there! Feel free to share in the comments what you consider the best book to teach about World War I in middle school.

Welcome to My Happy Homeschool! My name is Susan Reed and my heart’s desire is to encourage the homeschool mom to live out God’s calling and stay the course.

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Hands-on History Projects: Learning About the World Wars

My middle school girls and I have been studying World War 1 and 2 as we round off our school year and prepare to take a break. We’ve done this primarily through reading great literature and notebooking. But I always like to have a few hands-on projects as well.

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World War I

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The Poppy Story    (Y,M) An animated short film about the journey of the poppy and what it means. Written specifically for very young children this is an excellent introduction to the poppy and remembrance.

WWI at Mr. Donn's Site    (Y,M,O,T) Large collection of lesson plans, presentations, activities, games, and other resources for teachers and students about WWI, covering The Lusitania and Submarine Warfare, The Zimmerman Telegram, WW1 Propaganda Posters, and more.

PBS WWI Resources (T) A collection of lesson plans, articles, video clips, images, and more from PBS covering the Great War. Designed for middle and high school students.

World War I Homeschool Activities, Lesson Plans, and More.

Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36 - Crash Course

Teacher Lesson Plans from the Harry Truman Library    (T) A collection of various US and World History lessons, including numerous WWI lessons, from the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Mostly Secondary level lesson plans.

The Great War: Evaluating the Treaty of Versailles    (O,T) WWI lesson plans from EDSITEment that explore the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany. For 9th-12th grades.

The WWI Document Archive (BYU)    (M,O,T) An archive of primary documents from World War One that you can browse by date, type of document, or topic. From Brigham Young University.

Teaching With Documents: The Zimmermann Telegram    (O,T) Learn about the telegram that changes the course of history by studying the primary documents and these accompanying activities from the National Archives.

Teaching With Documents: Photographs of the 369th Infantry and African Americans during World War I    (M,O,T) Read about the "Harlem Hellfighters," an all-black regiment under the command of mostly white officers. From the National Archives

Teaching With Documents: Sow the Seeds of Victory! Posters from the Food Administration During World War I    (M,O,T) On August 10, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson issued Executive Order 2679-A creating the U. S. Food Administration. See how this organization has impacted American lives. From the National Archives, includes posters and lessons.

Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points    (M,O,T) A full-text, primary source of President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points from Yale.

Recordings from WWI and the 1920 Election    (M,O,T) This collection consists of fifty-nine Library of Congress sound recordings of speeches from 1918-1920. Speakers include: Warren G. Harding, James Cox, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Samuel Gompers, Henry Cabot Lodge, and John J. Pershing.

The National WWI Museum and Memorial (Y,M,O,T) The National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, MO has a large collection of artifacts, photos, posters, ads, and more that can be browsed online, as well as an interactive timeline, digital exhibitions, articles, lessons, activities, and other educator resources.

International Encyclopedia of the First World War (M,O) 1914-1918-online is a collaborative, open-access digital encyclopedia that contains hundreds of multimedia articles on various topics about WWI.

U.S. World War One Centennial Commission (Y,M,O,T) The WWI Centennial Commission “was established by the World War One Centennial Commission Act, part of Public Law 112-272 passed by the 112th Congress and signed by President Obama on January 16, 2013, and further refined by Public Law 113-291, Subtitle J, Section 3091. The Commission is responsible for planning, developing, and executing programs, projects, and activities to commemorate the centennial of World War One.” The site contains a large collection of primary sources and educator resources.

Over the Top: WWI Game (Y,M,O) “Over the Top is an interactive adventure that allows you to experience the life in the trenches during the First World War.”

The Pritzker Military Museum (M,O) The Pritzker Military Museum & Library is a non-partisan, non-governmental museum dedicated to military history, military affairs, and national security public education. It hosts a large online collection of historical photographs, artifacts, memorabilia, books, videos, magazines, and veteran biographies, most of which is available online.

Eyewitness to History WWI (M,O) First-hand accounts of WWI from those who lived through it. From Eyewitness to History.

Naval History and Heritage Command (M,O) The Naval History and Heritage Command is an association of Naval museums across the United States that collects documents, artifacts, photos, oral histories, and art from the U.S. Navy. In addition to a large online collection of primary sources, the site hosts a vast amount of historical information, where you can research specific topics, statistics, and notable service member biographies from WWI.

The Smithsonian WWI Collection (Y,M,O) Browse the Smithsonian Institute's WWI collection of artifacts, photos, films, advertisements, uniforms, and more online.

Smithsonian WWI Lessons (Y,M,O,T) A collection of WWI lesson plans from the Smithsonian Institute that utilize various artifacts and primary sources to teach students about the war.

MacArthur Memorial WWI Video Lessons (M,O,T) “The MacArthur Memorial is a museum and research center dedicated to preserving and presenting the story of the life of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.” In addition to a large collection of primary sources and artifacts, the MacArthur Memorial has a series of lessons covering maps, battles, the end of the war, trench warfare, and more.

BBC WWI Video and Interactive Resources (Y,M,O,T) The BBC has a large collection of video resources and an interactive exhibition to explore various topics about WWI, such as Armistice Day, the roles of various countries and regions in the war, specific battles, women in war, and more.

World War I Homeschool Activities, Lesson Plans, and More.

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Ten Fun Ways to Study World War I

  • Cindy Downes The Old Schoolhouse
  • Published Jul 21, 2010

Ten Fun Ways to Study World War I

Teaching World War I as a unit study to children on all grade levels can be a challenge; however, with a bit of creativity and some fun resources, you can do it.

For teens, it's easy. Simply use appropriate chapters from a history textbook, Internet resources, or library books to learn about the people, places, and events of this war. For "homework" and "assessment," teens can do research projects, composition projects, and PowerPoint slide presentations to demonstrate what they have learned.

For primary-age children, you'll need to make it a lot more interesting and a little less gruesome! There are many related topics that do not focus on the war itself. By selecting war-related topics that your child can understand and enjoy, you'll not only create an interesting and fun learning unit, but you'll also give your child a fact-filled introduction to the Great War. You can use this basic introduction to build upon in later school years.

Here are ten ideas to get you started:

1. Young children love animals. Why not focus your World War I lessons on animals and how they were used in the war? Not only were horses used in the Great War, but you'll also discover that pigeons, canaries, reindeer, mules, dogs, and storks were also part of this worldwide event. For example, reindeer were used by Russians to transport supplies across the tundra, cats were used to control disease-carrying rats, and canaries were used to test for the presence of poisonous gases.

• "Cher Ami and the Lost Battalion": Download this free booklet about a World War I carrier pigeon named Cher Ami, which your child can read and color.

• More than 50,000 dogs were used in World War I as sentries, messengers, equipment and food carriers, ambulance dogs, and guard dogs. Learn more at K-9 History: The Great War 1914-1918 .

• Create a World War I animal booklet. Find images of animals used in World War I and paste one image per page. Write a sentence or two under each image describing how they were used.

• Read  Chico—The Story of a Homing Pigeon in the Great War by Lucy M. Blanchard. For another look at animals in war, read  The Cold War Pigeon Patrols: And Other Animal Spies by Danielle Denega.

2. Other topics of interest to children are ships and planes. Why not do some reading and research about ships and planes used in World War I? Here are two ideas: 

• The Lusitania left New York on May 1, 1915. A German U-boat attacked it before it reached Liverpool, England. Within eighteen minutes, the ship sank, killing 1,195 of the 1,959 people on board. Use images from the  Great Ships website to create a photo page about the Lusitania . Write a paragraph or two explaining how the sinking of the Lusitania affected the war. Do a search on Google Images for "ships coloring page." Have your child color the page and add it to his World War I notebook.

• Eddie Rickenbacker, born in 1890 in the state of Ohio, was an ace fighter pilot in World War I. Learn about his famous "sorties." Create a poster or PowerPoint presentation about Rickenbacker, using images on the Internet. Read Eddie Rickenbacker: Boy Pilot and Racer by Kathryn Cleven Sisson. Just for fun, read  Snoopy: Flying Ace to the Rescue by Charles M. Schulz.

• Complete the  WebQuest about pilots in World War I.

3. Learning about technology is another fun activity for kids. 

• Read Weapons and Technology of World War 1 by Paul Dowswell. Have your children make a list of weapons of war and illustrations for their notebook. Some examples include aircraft carrier, destroyer, radar, bayonet, hand grenade, sonar, submarine, bazooka, bomber, machine gun, and torpedo. Have them make a list of military lingo such as A.W.O.L ., barracks , G.I. , mess hall , and boot camp .  

4. Music and poetry can be useful for introducing younger children to difficult topics. 

• Listen to music from the Great War period. This website has a list of popular tunes . 

• Read the poem " In Flanders Field " by John McCrae. 

• Read the book, In Flanders Fields: The Story of the Poem by John McCrae , authored by Linda Granfield and illustrated by Janet Wilson.  

• Read  other poetry about World War I. 

• Have your children watch videos and listen to  audios from World War I, especially Enrico Caruso's "Over There," American Quartet's "You're a Grand Old Flag" (1918), and "Goodbye Broadway, Hello France" by American Quartet (1919). Another resource is British Troops Receiving Rations, 1914 . 

• Have your child write his or her own song or poem, illustrate it, and add it to his World War I notebook. 

5. One of the greatest heroes of World War I was Sergeant Alvin York . Although it's in black and white, the movie about this hero (starring Gary Cooper) is well worth watching. You can watch a trailer of this movie on YouTube . 

• The website titled World War I: Trenches on the Web offers a special feature titled " The Great War in Numbers ". Find out how many soldiers were captured by Sergeant York on October 8, 1918. 

• Read Alvin C. York, Young Marksman ( Childhood of Famous Americans ) by Ethel H. Weddle. Write a biography about this American hero. Younger children might like to use my Famous Person Report form . 

6. Let's not forget about Woodrow Wilson , our twenty-eighth President, who served from 1913-1921 . The burden of leading our country through World War I fell to this man. 

• Read Woodrow Wilson (Getting to Know the U.S. Presidents ) by Mike Venezia or another book about Woodrow Wilson. 

• Younger children might like to color his portrait . 

7. For art lesson ideas, use information and images from 1914-1918 at a website titled Art of the First World War . 

• Select one painter to research and have your children write a biography about his or her life. 

• Have your children create their own World War I paintings. 

8. For composition projects, read, view, and/or listen to diaries, letters, and scrapbooks written by people during World War I. Have your child pretend he is someone living during the time of World War I, and ask him to write a diary entry. 

• For composition projects, younger students might enjoy using World War I thematic writing paper . 

9. Research World War I on the Internet: 

•  Trenches on the Web is the best all-in-one reference resource for World War I. It includes biographies, documents, maps, photos, timelines, posters, and more. Bookmark this one, because you will want to refer to it often. 

• A brief explanation of the causes of World War I can be found at this website . 

• Using information found from this research, have your children create a picture timeline of major events, a poster, and maps of the Great War. 

10. For more ideas, purchase hands-on, thematic units related to World War I. Here are two I recommend: 

•   World War I, Thematic Unit published by Teacher Created Resources. 

• World War I Project Pack offered by In the Hands of a Child . 

Happy learning!

*This article published August 18, 2010.

Copyright 2010. Originally appeared in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Spring 2010. Used with permission. Visit them at  For all your homeschool curriculum needs visit the Schoolhouse Store .

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world war 1 project ideas for middle school

This primary resource from National Geographic Kids explores the events of the First World War, both at home and abroad. Discover how the war started and how long it lasted. What made this war different from the conflicts that came before it? What is a trench? When did the war end?

Pupils will learn about the role of women during the war, and what life was like in Britain while soldiers were abroad.

The resource can be used in study group tasks for an overview of World War I. It can be used as a printed handout for each pupil to read themselves, or for display on the interactive whiteboard, as part of a whole-class reading exercise.

Plus, it includes great things like a First World War comic and resources on war horses .

War Horse on stage

Talking of war horses, the National Theatre stage production website is packed full of resources for KS2 .

There are singing and music lessons; memory box activities; poetry-, diary- and letter-writing exercises; drama tasks and loads more.

Women at work – Florence Cordell

world war 1 project ideas for middle school

Florence Cordell was one of the first women to work as a bus conductor during WW1 as women filled the roles of men on the home front.

Use this five-lesson ‘Women at Work’ series from the Royal British Legion to support KS2 children to write a thank you letter to Florence as a personal act of Remembrance.

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world war 1 middle school

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World war 1 middle school

Preview of World War 1 Worksheets for Middle School and Special Education - ESL

World War 1 Worksheets for Middle School and Special Education - ESL

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  • Google Apps™
  • Easel Activity

Preview of World War One/ WW1 Web Quest: Middle and High School Social Studies/ History

World War One / WW1 Web Quest: Middle and High School Social Studies/ History

world war 1 project ideas for middle school

  • Google Docs™

Preview of World War One - Webquest with Key (Google Doc Included)

World War One - Webquest with Key (Google Doc Included)

world war 1 project ideas for middle school

  • Internet Activities

Preview of World War I Resource Bundle for Middle and High School History

World War I Resource Bundle for Middle and High School History

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Treaty of Versailles End of WWI Activity ( Middle and High School )

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U.S. History: World War I PowerPoint ( Middle School )

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World War I Jeopardy - Engaging History Review Game for Middle /High School

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WWI Presentation for Middle School

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World History WWI - Middle / High School - Full Unit Study Lesson

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World War I ppt for middle school -remedial high school

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World War I Map Activity Lesson (1914 & 1918 Europe Maps)Print &Digital Resource

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World War 1 Unit: WW1 PPTs, Guided Notes, Worksheets, Plans, Test + Google Apps

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Preview of World War I (WWI) UNIT BUNDLE (PDF and Google Docs Formats)

World War I (WWI) UNIT BUNDLE (PDF and Google Docs Formats)

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World War I ( World War 1 ) Timeline Activity for U.S. & World History

Preview of World War 1 Unit - Lesson, Notes, Project, and Activities

World War 1 Unit - Lesson, Notes, Project, and Activities

world war 1 project ideas for middle school

MAIN Causes of World War I (WWI) Stations Activity (PDF and Google Docs Formats)

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World War I Map Activity & MAIN Causes (WW1)

Preview of World War 1 (World War I) Battles Map Activity (Print and Digital)

World War 1 ( World War I ) Battles Map Activity (Print and Digital)

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World War I (WWI) - Treaty of Versailles Stations Activity (PDF and Google Docs)

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  6. 45 best World War One / WW1 Topic / Role Play

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  1. Back to school DIY

  2. World War 1 project

  3. The Ravenfield World War 1 Experience

  4. German Artillery Barrage Followed by 10,000 TRENCH CHARGE!

  5. Project on World War 1

  6. Drawing lines from World War I


  1. Middle School Social Studies World War I Projects

    Remembrance Day Assembly Ideas. Many people remember history as a dry collection of textbook facts but project-based learning allows students to encounter history in 3-D. Middle-school World War I projects familiarize students with key people, places, events and machinery of the Great War while grabbing their attention through the use of ...

  2. Lesson Plan World War I: What Are We Fighting For Over There?

    Before beginning the unit, we provide students with background knowledge of World War I. Lesson One - Introduction to Library of Congress Digital Collections and Primary Sources. Students are introduced to the resources of Library of Congress Digital Collections by viewing several "Today in History" pages which focus on World War I events ...

  3. World War 1 Unit Plan for World or US History

    A Complete Unit Plan for World or US History in Middle School or High School. Both my US History and World History curricula have engaging units on World War 1. While both cover the causes, events, and effects of the war, the American History course will also focus on the war at home and America's role, while the World curriculum looks at the ...

  4. Primary Sources & Teaching Activities for World War I

    Find primary sources for topics such as: New weapons like airplanes, trench warfare, machine guns, submarines, and tanks. Women in WWI. WWI Posters. The Homefront. Espionage, sedition, and spying. Armistice, the Treaty of Versailles, and the end of the war. The Harlem Hellfighters.

  5. World War One Lesson Plans

    World War One, also known as the Great War, was a major global conflict that took place between 1914 and 1918. It was one of the deadliest and most destructive wars in history and had a profound impact on the world. The Cunning History Teacher's Lesson Plans for World War One history provide a comprehensive and engaging way to teach this ...

  6. PDF World War I

    As we look back on the war 100 years later, we can learn a great deal about the ways the war shaped our world. As the lesson plans and articles in this book show, examining the many dimensions of ...

  7. Classroom Materials

    World War I was the first total war in human history. This unit is designed to explore how the concept of total war affected civilians on all fronts and how economic systems were affected. ... WWI had a profound impact on the Middle East, shaping the region's political, social, and cultural landscape for decades to come. ...

  8. Connecting Students to Their Past: A World War I Project

    One student, a horse enthusiast, had to leave the room when one of the veterans shared the unique place that horses had in World War I battles. She told us later that seeing horses in gas masks and hearing how many of them had died made her "sick to her stomach." Stories From the Street was a lesson and a project John Keating would have loved.

  9. World War I Lesson Plans & Activities

    April 28, 2020. 2 Min Read. This blog is part of a Shaped monthly series providing teachers for Grades 6-12 with downloadable world history classroom resources and discussion topics. World War I was known as the Great War, and it lasted from 1914 to 1918, eventually claiming more than 16 million lives. It began in June 1914, when Austrian ...

  10. World War I

    Save & Organize Resources. See State Standards. Manage Classes & Assignments. Sync with Google Classroom. Create Lessons. Customized Dashboard. Find lessons on World War I for all grades. Free interactive resources and activities for the classroom and home.

  11. Choice Board: World War I

    Description. This document is a choice board covering 16 different events and topics occurring during World War I. For each topic, students are provided a link to a C-SPAN video clip asked to ...

  12. The First World War in Global Context

    This First World War curriculum is aimed at getting students to think beyond causes, major battles and ramifications of the conflict. The textbook and lecture should lay out a political, diplomatic, and military overview before or while teachers implement pieces of this curriculum. Since the First World War marks such a dividing line in modern ...

  13. World War I Classroom Activities

    Materials: colored markers, index cards, online access (optional), textbooks. During World War I, Herbert Hoover led a volunteer food rationing program in America, while in England even the King ...

  14. World War 1 (WWI)

    Dave Raymond covers World War 1 from its beginnings to the armistice in Lesson 17 of his Modernity World History curriculum. Please use these WWI resources to provide additional context for your homeschool students as they are studying this important period of world history. BTW - there is an enormous amount of amazing WWI resources online.

  15. World War 1 Unit and Lesson Plan Bundle: Projects, Activities ...

    This amazing US History MEGA-bundle includes over 150 resources in 5 entire units (Progressive Era, Imperialism, World War I, the Roaring 20's, & the Great Depression) for an incredible money and time saving deal!With this one download, you get ALL of these:⭐ Gilded Age Unit Bundle⭐ Progressive. 5. Products. $125.00 $181.00 Save $56.00.

  16. Using Literature to Teach about World War One in Middle School

    War Horse by Michael Morpurgo is a family favorite. In 1914, Joey, a farm horse, is sold to the army and thrust into the midst of World War I on the Western Front. When Joey is dragged away, his heart aches for Albert, the farmer's son he is forced to leave behind. In the army the beautiful red-bay horse is trained to charge the enemy, drag ...

  17. Hands-on History Projects: Learning About the World Wars

    My middle school girls and I have been studying World War 1 and 2 as we round off our school year and prepare to take a break. We've done this primarily through reading great literature and notebooking. But I always like to have a few hands-on projects as well. ... This project, one of my favorites, is shaped like a basket- which can be glued ...

  18. World War I

    Designed for middle and high school students. A collection of various US and World History lessons, including numerous WWI lessons, from the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Mostly Secondary level lesson plans. WWI lesson plans from EDSITEment that explore the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany.

  19. Ten Fun Ways to Study World War I

    Encourage your children to create their own film to entertain the "troops". • Read Weapons and Technology of World War 1 by Paul Dowswell. Have your children make a list of weapons of war and ...

  20. WW1 KS2 resources

    KS2 history lesson plan. This WW1 KS2 history lesson plan by Rachel Bruce and Bev Forrest will help pupils to gain a better understanding of the World Wars. They will think about the impact on their own area and focus on the lives of individuals or groups affected by the wars.

  21. Results for world war 1 middle school

    5. Showing 1 - 24 of 520 + results. Browse world war 1 middle school resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  22. A Middle School Student's Guide to World War I

    What happened during World War I? Check out this abbreviated version of the Great War.

  23. 13 Great Books to Read While Studying World War 1

    9. The War To End All Wars: World War I by Russell Freedman. If your student is writing a paper or report on WWI, this book is perfect. Length-wise, it is easy to read but filled with interesting pieces of information and original documents. It can be enjoyed by everyone in your family as well.