
Fish Farming Business Plan in Nigeria – A Complete Guide

July 25, 2022 Aqua4nations Fish Rearing 1

Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria - A Complete Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction To Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria

Without a question, fish farming is a more lucrative agribusiness if you are thinking about starting a commercial fish farming firm. Prior to writing a commercial fish farming business plan, research how to raise fish profitably.

To start a fish farming firm , a market analysis and business plan are essential. Before beginning, you should conduct a thorough market analysis. Next, examine the fish demand and market trends in your area. Talk to fish processing facilities in advance if you intend to run a commercial fish farming business for export. selecting the ideal fish species for your operation can help you succeed in the fish farming industry.

Waste Water Management In Fish Farming

The choice of fish species for farming relies on the climate, market demand, maintenance requirements, and resource availability, among other factors.

Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria – Executive Summary

This business plan demonstrates how setting up a fish farm in Nigeria is possible. The strategy went into great detail to describe tilapia and catfish aquaculture in Nigeria. The various pond types utilized in fish farming were outlined in detail.

Additionally highlighted was the cost and income analysis of starting a fish farming business in Nigeria. The overall cost, revenue, and profit anticipated from Nigerian fish farming were described. A good fish farmer in Nigeria can achieve a Return on Investment (ROI) of between 40 and 100 percent in a reasonably short period of time, according to the business plan.

This business plan provides all the details you require to launch a fish farming business in Nigeria.

What is Aquaculture?

Aquaculture is referred to as fish farming. Many fish farmers in Nigeria operate their operations for financial gain. In Nigeria, catfish farming accounts for over 80% of all fish farming. The most popular fish raised for aquaculture in Nigeria is the catfish.

Fish farming is a business that anyone can invest in. If you know the ins and outs of the industry, it can be highly profitable. If not, it can be a loss-making endeavor.

Waste Water Management In Fish Farming

Fish farming has the advantage of not being seasonal like other forms of agriculture.

Both the rainy and dry seasons are suitable for carrying it out. In all Nigerian cities, towns, and villages, fish farming is also possible. You can do this business anywhere in Nigeria, including Kaduna, Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, Abeokuta, Port Harcourt, Calabar, Benin, and Owerri.

The quality of fingerlings and other fish seeds, water quality, water PH, dissolved oxygen in the water, ammonia, farm hygiene, and turbidity are the main causes of fish farming failure in Nigeria.

Procedures to follow before starting a fish farming business

Get a good piece of land or space.

A field, land, or area must be purchased, leased, or rented in order to engage in fish farming. The beauty of the fish farming industry is that, with the use of intensive farming methods, it is possible to operate in a relatively small area.

Since fish farming requires a lot of water, your land or area must always have enough water available. The closer your land is to a commercial region, the easier it will be to sell your fish at a profit and the less expensive it will be to carry your harvests to market.

Set up your water supply

For fish farming, water is crucial. Make sure there is enough water accessible before purchasing the land or area.

Water is a necessity for aquaculture. You can use natural water sources like rivers and streams, a well, or a borehole to get water. Large amounts of water can also be collected during the rainy season for usage later on.

Fish farming problems

Analyze the soil and water

Many fish producers in Nigeria don’t follow this rule. You must send water and soil samples to a reputable lab for examination. The results of the soil and water test will reveal the PH of the soil and water, the nutrients profile of the soil and water, and the kind and number of microorganisms present in the soil and water. You must fix any anomalies found by the test if they are found.

For instance, lime will need to be added to an acidic soil.

Construct the fish pond

Ponds come in a variety of forms. There are benefits and drawbacks to each form of fish pond . It is best to always hire a professional to construct your fish pond.

You ought to have a number of ponds. You will need to separate your fish at various stages and place them in various ponds based on their sizes. You will also have a separate pond where you can keep fish who are ill or hurt. The quarantine pond is what it is called.

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If you don’t sort and separate your fish, the larger fish won’t let the smaller fish eat, which might cause the smaller fish to die and ultimately result in a loss-making fish farming operation.

To protect against predators, the pond needs to be enclosed in nets.

Protect the farm

Fish farms are targets for thieves because they know the products may be easily sold. You can hire a security guard or fence the farm off. You can also utilize an IP camera with night vision that is SIM card enabled. Nevertheless, even without all of the aforementioned precautions, certain regions are relatively secure.

Get capable hands involved

You will need to hire qualified workers if your fish farm is large. Don’t hire somebody based just on their resumes. Hire somebody with practical knowledge of fish farming. Additionally, you ought to request references from their prior employers.

A source of energy

You need a steady source of electricity for your fish farm. If the grid’s power supply is inconsistent, you can use a tiny power generator.

Put fish seeds in the pond

At this point, most fish farmers make mistakes. I can vouch for the fact that inbreeding has occurred in the majority of Nigerian fingerlings and other fish seeds.

They are unsuitable for successful fish farming operations. Many farmers do not understand this. Once you purchase these fish fingerlings or fish seeds, you will need to keep feeding them because they won’t mature into large fish, which means you will probably lose a lot of money.

Tilapia farming

Even the majority of fish hatcheries keep the healthy fingerlings for themselves after hatching them and sell the unhealthy ones to gullible fish farmers.

Get quality fingerlings, and you’ll be halfway to profitable fish farming. Avoid runts and stay away from fingerlings priced at absolute bargains; this is a tactic used to get you to acquire subpar fingerlings.

Fish seeds come in post-fries, fingerlings, juveniles, and giant varieties. Prices start at N8 and go up to N60.

Controlling the fish farm

You must adhere completely to your fish farm’s daily management plan. The water should be cleaned with disinfectants on occasion. Antibiotics can also be used to combat illnesses that could harm a fish farm.

Before adding manure to the pond, it should be treated and cleaned.

Fish should not be harvested before a definite purchase agreement has been made with buyers. Some purchasers deceive farmers into harvesting before they subsequently visit the property and start making outrageous offers. You can promote your products by going to nearby eateries and hotels.

Fish Farming Business Plan: Catfish Fish Farming Cost and Revenue Evaluation For 5,000 Fish

This business plan for fish farming calls for the maturation of 5,000 catfish. While stocking fish seeds or fingerlings, a farmer can utilize a number of strategies to save money.

This business plan recommends purchasing 15,000 fingerlings at a cost of N10 each, for a total of N150,000. Please be aware that the fingerlings will be periodically separated until only 5,000 of the best and healthiest fish are kept till they reach maturity. The remaining fingerlings might be offered for sale to additional fish growers. Also take note that the aquaculture business plan does not address the option for the fish farmer to create his own hatchery.

The fish will likely be raised for five months and then sold.

Cost Evaluation

The fish farm would be funded with N296,000 in the first month. This includes the fingerlings’ N150,000 price. The fish should be fed as frequently as possible throughout the first month. The fish should at the very least be fed three times per day. The fish will eat about 12 bags of fish feed in the first month. At this point, copper feed, which costs between N8,000 and N8,700 a bag, can be utilized.

Every week, the pond needs to be cleaned, treated with salt, and given antibiotics. It is possible to use the excellent antibacterial and antifungal drug Blagdon.

Tetracycline and other broad spectrum antibiotic drugs are also options. The first month should see the start of fish size separation. The table above includes the prices for labor, power, operations, drugs, and other items.

About 14 bags of feed are anticipated to be used by the fish in the second month. At this point, ziegler and coppers feed are appropriate. The estimated cost for the second month is N159,000. This includes N117,000 for food, N15,000 for labor, N11,000 for power, N10,000 for operating costs, and N6,000 for other expenses.

Fish farming business

N303,000 is anticipated to be expended in the third month. The estimated price of feeding is N214,000. The third month should see substantial use of Ziegler feed and maggot.

The fish are anticipated to consume 32 bags of feed during the fourth month. The largest fish should consume 6 mm of feed, while the middle-sized fish should consume 4 mm of feed. N330,000 is the entire estimated expenditure for the fourth month. The table above displays the cost breakdown.

According to the table above, N373,000 is anticipated to be spent on food, labor, operations, miscellaneous expenses, and power in the fifth month, which is anticipated to be the final month before harvest. At this point, 38 bags of feed are anticipated to be used.

Business Plan for Catfish Farming – Revenue Evaluation

If the fish farm is well managed and the fish are divided into several ponds based on their sizes. In all likelihood, after 5 or 5.5 months, around 1,500 extremely huge fish, N 1,000 enormous fish, 2,000 medium size fish, and 500 small fish will be harvested.

The super-sized fish, which can weigh up to 1.2 kg or 1.5 kg, are anticipated to sell for between N1,200 and N1,500. The super-sized fish will bring in N1,800,000 when sold for N1,200 each.

The price of the large fish is N650. They ought to weigh around 1 kilogram or little more on average. The fish farmer will earn roughly N650,000 from this (if sold N650 per kg multiplied by 1,000 fishes).

There will be 2,500 pieces of medium and tiny fish. In local slang, these are referred to as mélanges and are offered for sale in baffs. 38 baffs are equal to 2,500 pieces of tiny and medium-sized fish. About 28kg make up a baff. The 38 baffs are anticipated to generate a total of N420,000 in sales.

There will be N2,870,000 in sales overall.

From 5,000 catfish stocks, a profit of (N2,870,000 − 1,461,000) = N1,409,000 is anticipated.

Please take note that your region, management procedures, and socioeconomic realities may change the cost, income, estimations, and assumptions in this fish farming business plan.

Catfish Farming Melange

After three months, a catfish farmer may choose to grow his catfish and sell it as a mélange. The short term is advantageous, and this may be beneficial.

If the catfish farmer sells his fish as mélange, he can still achieve Returns on Investment (ROI) of 40% to 50% after three months.

Some farmers find it far simpler to raise their fish and sell them as mélanges since they can avoid spending money on the costly feeds and fats needed to fatten their fish.

More information about Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria

Catfish characteristics.

The African catfish has an elongated body, small eyes with bones, and a rather large head. It is typically farmed in Nigeria and other African nations. Typically having long dorsal and anal fins, Nigerian catfish thrive in freshwater environments. It can also be grown in farms and at home. The catfish ranges in color from brown to black. The fish has a fairly whitish belly. The catfish uses its gills, which it expands and closes, to breathe.

Nigeria’s catfish heritage

In Nigeria’s freshwater bodies, catfish naturally exist. Over a century ago, Nigeria was where aquaculture first became a commercial endeavor. In Nigeria, people have been raising fish, particularly catfish, for decades.

Fish farmers have raised catfish extensively in both the southern and northern parts of Nigeria. Around 1950, catfish were domesticated for the first time in Nigeria. In South Africa, Ghana, the Congo DR, and other African nations, the same domestication trials were conducted at the same period.

The management of catfish farms, spawning, breeding, harvesting, and selling were all part of the catfish domestication experiments conducted in Nigeria in the 1950s.

Prior to some of them switching to aquaculture, the early fishermen in Nigeria caught catfish in rivers and other freshwater bodies using boats, nets, and hooks.

Fish farm

Nations that produce catfish

The world produces catfish in a number of different nations. Even in chilly nations like the UK, Netherlands, Canada, the US, and Belgium, catfish is raised and produced in vast quantities.

Catfish are produced in Nigeria and the majority of African nations. In Nigeria, catfish production is preferred by the majority of fish farmers.

Catfish Biology and Habitat

All of Africa is home to the African/Nigerian catfish. Nearly all of Nigeria’s nations are where it is found in its natural habitat. You can locate catfish in freshwater bodies in Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Congo, and Somalia, among other places. Additionally, catfish can be found in the waterways of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc. South American nations including Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and others have catfish. Additionally, China and Vietnam are home to catfish. In reality, several nations are now using catfish in their rice farming. It has been demonstrated that catfish farming increases rice productivity in China and certain other Asian nations.

Rivers, floodplains, lakes, streams, and wetlands all include catfish.

They have the ability to travel from larger bodies of water to flooded areas to mate and then return to their original habitat. Catfish migrate in uncultivated water primarily for reproductive purposes.

A catfish adult female may produce 60,000 eggs per kg. Catfish typically lay their eggs on vegetation near the bodies of water they inhabit. Juveniles that will subsequently mature into adults emerge after these eggs hatch (after 20–60 hours).

Manufacturing Systems

In Nigeria, catfish are raised in pits, ponds, concrete ponds, plastic tanks, fiberglass, etc. that are coated with tarpaulin. In addition to well-established catfish farms, fingerlings can also be found in Nigeria’s flooded plains close to rivers and dams.

Following the introduction of fingerlings to the farms, fish/soya meals and grain-based feeds are periodically fed to the fingerlings. These industrial techniques that are highlighted here are also used in other nations.

Supply of seeds, hatchery output, and nursery

When the surrounding environment is ideal, wide catfish will reproduce. These environmental factors include an increase in water level, suitable humidity and temperature, and the availability of enough water.

Hormones are used in aquaculture to help catfish reproduce. Ovaprim, Deoxycorticosterone Acetate (DOCA), and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin are some of these hormones (HCG). Having quality broodstock in catfish farming might determine whether a farmer makes a profit or a loss.

The Nigerian government supports a variety of studies to help the nation become self-sufficient in the production of high-quality broodstock for catfish farmers.

Nigeria has a variety of large and small hatcheries, however there aren’t enough of either in the nation. Catfish larvae are typically fed a combination of egg yolk and cow brain for 3–7 days in well-run hatcheries before being put in ponds at a density of 50–80 per square meter. Prior to adding the larvae, the ponds are enhanced with chicken manure to encourage zooplankton growth. In certain circumstances, netting and other materials are used to protect the ponds from predators.

Fish farming problems

The catfish postlarvae are often fed compound diets for 24-28 days. The fingerlings are graded and weighed after being harvested at the 28th day. In contrast, those weighing less than 6 grams may be fattened until they reach the appropriate weight of 6 grams before being sold to farmers who require them or transferred to production ponds. In the nursing of larvae, there is a 30 percent survival rate.

Large hatcheries operated by seasoned catfish farmers in Nigeria make use of intense recirculation systems. In these hatcheries, genetically enhanced broodstock is used along with live organisms as feed.

Brachionus, Moina, Daphnia, Artemia, and other live feeds are included. The success percentage of eggs to fry in these hatcheries is roughly 70%, and some have success rates of more than 80%.

The demand for catfish fingerlings is extremely high in Nigeria. It greatly outweighs the available supply of fingerlings. Many of the fingerlings sold in Nigeria are of poor quality and do not develop into large animals, which lowers farmers’ Returns on Investment (ROI).

In recirculating aquaculture systems, fry are fed artemia during the first 14 days. In the recirculation aquaculture system, biofilters are utilized to remove excess ammonia and nitrogen and the water temperature must not rise beyond 28 degrees Celsius.

In order to stop or avoid illnesses, the entire aquaculture system is cleaned and disinfected at the end of each cycle.

Catfish-growing techniques

There are several techniques for raising or farming catfish, which are described below:

Using earthen ponds

Catfish are frequently grown in earthen ponds in Nigeria. This kind of fish-growing technique is excavating a certain area of land and turning it into a pond where fish may be supplied, fed, and harvested once they are old enough.

In order for the harvest to coincide with holiday celebrations like Easter, Christmas, New Year’s, and Muslim festivals, fish are typically stocked in earthen ponds.

Due to the higher demand for their stock of fish throughout various seasons of the year, fish farmers anticipate making profits that are above average.

Chicken dung and other organic kitchen scraps, such as plantain and yam peels and food scraps, are frequently used to feed earthen ponds. The clay ponds can also be fertilized with compost. Fertilization enhances the growth of the zooplankton that fish can consume. The fish may gain weight as a result and see an improvement in their general health.

Grading of fish is done on occasion while using clay ponds to develop catfish in order to distinguish between larger and smaller fish. The larger fish can eat the smaller ones and diminish the pond owner’s potential profit.

When fish are sorted and separated in clay ponds, the smaller fish have a better chance of finding food since if they are kept with the bigger fish, they won’t be able to fish as effectively and may starve to death.


To prevent predators like snakes from accessing the clay ponds, nets should be utilized to guard and fence the ponds. The catfish can be prevented by the net from traveling to nearby water bodies to breed.

  • Raceways and tanks

The majority of catfish farmers in Nigeria prefer to raise their fish in ponds. Due of its portability and ease of usage, tanks are frequently used in Nigeria’s metropolitan regions. Unlike the use of ponds, using tanks to cultivate catfish does not require any specialized knowledge or technicians. In contrast to ponds, technicians are required for pond building and mapping. Fish tanks are simple to purchase on the open market and may be put up in a short period of time.

The tank might be made of concrete, steel, or plastic. While the concrete fish tank must be erected on the premises, the plastic and steel tanks can be easily purchased from the open market.

In Nigeria, 400 catfish weighing between 5 and 15 grams apiece can be kept in a concrete tank measuring 4 by 3 by 1.3 meters. The fish can be harvested for 300–600 kg every cycle after six months of feeding. The fish farmer’s abilities and competence have an impact on the yield.

The innovative method of cultivating catfish that has been developed and implemented in Nigeria is the water recirculation system. With this novel technique, some farmers now raise catfish. There should be a supply of high-quality floating feed available for water recirculation systems, although this is a problem in some regions of Nigeria. The usage of a water recirculation system might not be successful without appropriate floating fish feed.

Due to the water’s inconsistent circulation throughout the system, there needs also be a sufficient supply of electricity.

A water pump and a biological filter made of plastic substrate are both common components of water recirculating systems. The density of fingerlings is 100–200 per cubic meter, with a recirculation rate of 2–10 litres per second. Every year, fish output rates of above 900 kg per cubic meter have been observed. Nigeria imports the majority of its floating fish feed, however some companies and fish farmers there make their own.

Since freshwater has a very low saline level, it is preferable to use it for recirculation aquaculture systems. Seawater is not good for catfish.

Plastic substrate biological filters are used to temporarily purify the water in the recirculating system. The system is housed in plastic tanks that are part of a fiberglass and concrete housing.

Recirculation aquaculture systems are much more intensive than tanks, and a farmer can collect up to 1,000 kg of fish per cubic meter of space using the former. The recirculation aquaculture technology also requires a modest amount of land. The intensive nature of recirculating aquaculture systems allows for a lot of productivity; nevertheless, using these systems in Nigeria may be expensive.

Plains Underwater

This type of catfish farming involves introducing fingerlings to flooded plains, which are typically particularly rich in zooplankton. This is possible in regions that yearly undergo seasonal flooding of plains. Due to the transport of debris and decomposing plant components, flooded plains are fertile for all forms of agriculture.

Another benefit of the flood plains is the natural recruitment of catfish fingerlings. The water that is released as a result of flood activity carries a variety of fish and their fingerlings. A portion of the flooded plains can be used by locals, who can then introduce their own catfish fingerlings and harvest the adults before the floodwaters recede at the end of the season.

This is a more affordable method of conducting aquaculture, particularly the rearing of catfish in Nigeria and other African nations with flooded plains that occur seasonally.

While using holes to produce catfish is uncommon in Nigeria, it is highly popular in nations in southern Asia like Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. This form of catfish-growing technique involves building or digging ditches that are 1 to 2,500 meters square, introducing fingerlings into these holes, pits, or ditches, then feeding them until they become adults and are harvested.

One gram of fingerlings per 40–80 cubic meters of space is stocked into the holes, and 200–300 grams of fish are anticipated to be harvested.


In this kind of growth environment, the fish have a survival rate of roughly 40%.

In Nigeria, catfish are also raised in cages. In open water areas like rivers and dams, catfish can be stocked in cages that have been submerged. The bodies of water must be freshwater. The biggest benefit of employing fish cages for fish raising is that the water doesn’t need to be changed because the water is constantly being replenished by flowing water.

In comparison to other techniques of catfish raising, cages can be a little easier to manage. The fish may be simply taken because they are gathered in the cages. Cages are relatively simple to purchase and install in bodies of water.

Catfish Feed

In Nigeria, traditional catfish feed is composed from ingredients like maize, wheat, rice bran, cornmeal, groundnut meal, and cottonseed meal. The grains are the source of the fish feed’s carbohydrates, while the protein comes from groundnut, fish, or soya bean meal. On their farms, several large catfish growers also prepare and pelletize their own meals. Typically, the meal has a 30-34 percent protein content. Brewery waste, poultry droppings, cocoa husk, coffee pulp, and other raw materials are utilized as ingredients in fish feed produced in farms. The production of fish can be fed with earthworms, crickets, termites, maggots, and other insects and worms.

The most popular source of protein for catfish bred and farmed in Nigeria and most other African nations is animal protein, such as fish meal and blood meal. When compared to other catfish fed with varied percentages of crude protein, catfish fed on feed with 34 percent to 43 percent crude protein frequently outperform them. Numerous studies have confirmed this reality.

Although the raw materials are nearly identical in recirculation systems, the types of feeds employed are considerably different from those in conventional systems. This is because the composition of the crude protein and other nutrients is different.

The majority of the packaged fish feed that is sold in Nigeria is imported.

Catfish farming

Several businesses had intentions to begin manufacturing high-quality fish feed in Nigeria , but only a select handful have succeeded. Utilizing locally produced fish feed still raises certain difficulties for Nigerian fish producers.

Catfish collection techniques

With the use of hauling seines, catfish that are ready for the market can be gathered. The seine net is available in a variety of sizes, from very large to very small. Before purchasing the seine net, you must take into account the size of your pond or fish farm.

The fish can be sized after being hauled out for simpler pricing and sales. In Nigeria, harvested catfish are often sold by the kilogram.

However, some fish producers favor smoking their catfish to increase sales when business is slow.

Additionally, the pond may be drained to make all of the fish readily visible for simple catching. Some fish can conceal themselves in the dirt as well. The farmer will be able to dig through the mud and extract all of the catfish by draining the pond.

If a farmer uses a recirculation system or tanks, graded bars can also be employed for catfish partial harvesting. The larger fish are typically harvested using graded bars.

Processing and Handling

When not in water, the Nigerian catfish and kindred African catfish are exceptionally tough. The catfish’s body still has water on it, so they can go without it for days without suffering any major consequences. This makes handling catfish relatively simple. The caught catfish can be transported to the market for sale by being put onto trucks or placed in plastic bowls with little water. These enclosures can hold the catfish for days without any of them dying. Catfish are typically sold to ladies.

These women may work as brokers or as proprietors of bars and restaurants. In major cities and towns in Nigeria, women make up roughly 80% of the catfish customers. As was previously mentioned in this business strategy, some farmers favor smoking their collected catfish.

A catfish can be killed in a matter of minutes by salt that has been placed on its skin. In Nigeria, one of the most popular methods for killing catfish before processing is salt. The fresh catfish’s gills are removed, and they are then put in the conventional oven for smoking. Catfish that has been smoked can be kept for months without going bad.

Additionally, catfish can be made into fillets. Fresh catfish is adorned with pepper, onions, and sauce in restaurants and pubs in Nigeria before being roasted.

Delicious roasted catfish is frequently enjoyed with soda, beer, and juice. If you go to a pub or restaurant in Nigeria, you might see roasted catfish there.

In Nigeria, catfish is the fish of choice while cooking pepper soup. Nearly all Nigerians enjoy eating pepper soup, which is a delicacy.

Price of production

The price of producing catfish varies by location in Nigeria. The cost of labor is significantly higher in urban areas like Abuja and Lagos than it is in rural areas like Aiyetoro, Ogun state.

Because the majority of the feed producers are located in Lagos, the price of fish feed may also be lower there. However, the same product may be more expensive in rural parts of northern Nigeria due to the high cost of trucking feeds there from Lagos.

In Nigeria, the cost of feed continues to be the largest production expense for catfish. Between 50 and 75 percent of the overall cost of producing catfish in Nigeria goes toward feed. All catfish farmers express vehement dissatisfaction about the price of obtaining feed for their stock of catfish.


Farmers must deal with the high expenses of the industrially generated feeds because there are now no affordable and effective substitutes for the industrially produced feeds.

Farmers that use locally sourced feed frequently lament the underweight of their catfish and are frequently compelled to purchase fish feed made industrially. Other African nations’ catfish growers likewise bemoan the high price of fish feed. The importation of fish meal and other protein sources, the depreciation of the naira, and the high cost of power are the main causes of the high price of fish feed in Nigeria.

Diseases and Prevention Techniques

There are several diseases that can harm catfish, but if they are detected early enough, they can often be prevented and controlled. The following are descriptions of a few diseases:

Production, Market, and Trade Statistics

The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, and other countries offer sizable markets for African catfish; however, Nigerian catfish farmers have not been able to access these markets due to government red tape and a failure to meet the requirements required by these nations.

In Nigeria, the cost of a kilogram of catfish ranges from N400 to N700, depending on the buyer’s region and purchasing power. Local market vendors frequently attempt to negotiate steep discounts on fresh catfish from farmers. They employ a variety of tactics to unfairly overcharge for the just caught catfish.

Condition and Trend

The market for catfish in Nigeria will keep expanding because fish farmers there primarily only raise this one species of fish. In Nigeria, tilapia and croaker culture is uncommon. Any town or city in Nigeria is likely to have a large population of catfish farmers.

The growing demand for catfish in Nigeria is also a result of the country’s expanding population, rising rural-to-urban migration, and planned restrictions on fish imports.

Although over 65 percent of the catfish harvested in Nigeria is sold fresh, value addition to catfish is another factor contributing to its rising demand and consumption.

The main problems with Nigerian catfish farming

Land ownership is still a problem for catfish farming in Nigeria . Investors in fish farming frequently find it extremely difficult to buy farmlands in some places, such as Lagos, due to touts known as “omonile.” The omoniles can prevent you from gaining complete control of the farmland until you pay them an outrageous price known as a “owo ile” in the local lingo, even after you have paid the landowner and other costs that the government has stipulated.

Another significant concern in Nigerian catfish farming is pricing.

Some farmers still struggle to make ends meet because the local market vendors, who are frequently women, resort to all kinds of shady tactics to buy the caught catfish at exorbitant prices while fully aware that the farmer would prefer to sell the catfish rather than spend excessive amounts of money feeding the fish. There are times when the market women will offer to buy from the fish farmers at a predetermined price only to arrive at the farm and inform the farmers that they are unable to purchase at the predetermined price. The farmer may have gathered his fish with the expectation that the women would show up and make the agreed-upon purchase.

Fish diseases

Aquaculture is not practiced in Nigeria due to the high cost of imported raw ingredients for catfish feed. Nigeria mostly imports its primary protein source for catfish feed from South Africa, Belgium, and the Netherlands. The local currency’s depreciation has increased the cost of importation, which is passed on to fish growers. However, catfish consumers do not want to accept the price increases brought on by the rising cost of catfish feed. As a result, catfish producers’ profits have decreased.

In places like Lagos, the water quality used for catfish aquaculture might be problematic. The cultivation of catfish may suffer as a result of the excessively saline water in some parts of Lagos.

Ethical methods for raising catfish

Farmers of catfish should make an effort to abide by all the laws and regulations of the nation and region they operate in. In several states in Nigeria, catfish growers are required to get governmental permissions before they can engage in fish farming. Small fish producers are not eligible for these permits. To be on the safe side and avoid engaging in activities that would be considered criminal where they operate, the huge catfish growers might need to apply for these licences. For instance, catfish farming is not allowed in several residential districts of Lagos Island in the state of Lagos.

Farmers of catfish should also use and dispose of water responsibly (including waste water). Effluents shouldn’t be dumped into waterways since they can affect wildlife, vegetation, and people who utilize the water. Fish farm waste needs to be properly disposed of.

Farmers of catfish are also encouraged to join cooperatives or associations because there is power in numbers. Dealing with cooperatives and associations is preferred by governments and non-governmental organizations (NGO). They may provide loans, grants, and other forms of support to cooperatives or association members. Rarely do they deal with specific catfish farms.

Tilapia Rearing

Tilapia is a member of the cichlid fish family . Tilapias are freshwater fish that can be found primarily in lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. They can be discovered in brackish water as well. Tilapia is appropriate for both industrial and small-scale fish production. Although tilapia farming is not widespread in Nigeria, several African nations have adopted the practice.

The Nile Tilapia is the species of tilapia that is most frequently raised in Africa, including Nigeria. The breed of this species that is best suited for farming. Since tilapia are omnivores, they can consume both meat and vegetables in their diets.

Although it can be more difficult than catfish farming, tilapia farming can be quite profitable. This is especially true in the area of fish sex management.

Tilapia breeding

Male tilapia fish are typically kept by tilapia growers. I have never come across a commercial tilapia aquaculture operation that had females on hand. Due to the size of male tilapia, which might increase the farmer’s income, they primarily keep males. Additionally, because female tilapia are so prolific, keeping them will result in an overabundance of little fish in your pond, which is bad for the overall health of the fish population.

Fish farming business

The many techniques for breeding male tilapia progeny are listed below:

Utilizing methyltestosterone (MT)

Methyltestosterone is introduced to the food of the young tilapia fish in this method. As a result, the males remain men and the females develop into males. Methyltestosterone merely turns a female’s sex to a man. It contains a hormone that alters sex. After 30 days, methyltestosterone does not remain in the fish’s body, making it safe to consume.

This process exclusively results in guys with YY chromosomes. To generate solely male tilapia fish, a sex-detection method is used.

Although it is a highly laborious process, men and females can also be separated from one another in the hatchery.

Techniques for Growing Tilapia

Ponds can be used to cultivate tilapia. Ponds may be man-made or natural. Fish are kept or raised in man-made bodies of water known as artificial ponds. For pond-cultured tilapia, the primary inputs are vegetation, bran, chaff, manures, feed, and inorganic fertilizers.

Fertilizers and animal dung promote the development of zooplankton, which tilapia can consume. The growth of planktons high in protein can raise the yield of the pond. One of the most nutrient-dense manures for tilapia pond culture in Nigeria is chicken manure.

When employing manure, the pond’s level of oxygen content needs to be checked. Excessive manure application can reduce the oxygen content of the water and have a negative effect on the pond’s fish population.

The yield of tilapia per hectare can be increased by about 4 tonnes in 150 days by applying 220 kg of chicken manure per week per hectare along with 28 kg of urea and 7 kg of Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) per week per hectare. If this yield is annualized, it can be increased by about 10 tonnes in a year.

If the soil is acidic, the pond needs to be limed. Every day, the pond’s dissolved oxygen concentration should range from 5 to 15%.

Aquatic cages

In bodies of water, metallic-made cages called floating cages are positioned. These cages house tilapia fish until they are harvested. The main benefit of the floating cage is that the water does not need to be changed frequently, however there is a problem with the cage’s effluents polluting the water body.

Raffia and other hardwood materials can also be used to construct cages, although these cages are not as durable as those made with iron rods.

Other advantages of a floating cage include:

  • Diseases in the fish can be closely watched.
  • The amount of money required for floating cage culture is not very high.
  • Harvesting is relatively inexpensive.

These are the drawbacks of floating cage culture:

  • Thieves or predators may harm the cage.
  • A greater danger of disease outbreak exists.
  • Feeding costs could be more expensive.

Raceways and tanks can also be used to cultivate tilapia. The volume of these tanks and raceways can range from 10 to 1000 cubic meters.

Recirculation techniques

Tilapia stock is intensively managed using the recirculation system. The fish rearing tanks, biofilter, solid removal apparatus, aerator, and degassing unit are the main elements of a recirculation system.

The biofiliter cleans the system of undesired debris and substances like ammonia. The fish are raised in the fish raising tank. The solid removal apparatus removes undesired solids from the recirculation system while the aerator increases the system’s oxygenation.

To ensure that the water is free of ammonia and other undesired pollutants, the recirculation system makes sure that clean water is used to replace the waste water each day. The fish in the system may experience issues from ammonia-rich water, and they may even perish.

Tilapia harvesting techniques

Seine nets can be used to catch tilapia in ponds, just like catfish can. When fish enter the seine nets, which can be dispersed over the pond, the net’s rope is dragged in order to catch the fish.

Some seine nets can be left out overnight to catch the pond’s fish. To find the fish that may have hidden in the dirt, the pond may need to be dug out.

The nets are available in various sizes. Some types of nets can only be handled by numerous persons, but others are larger and can only be handled by one person.

In several African and Nigerian cultures, tilapia is also harvested using baskets. The raffia-woven baskets have a cylindrical shape that prevents fish from being able to escape once they get inside.

Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria - A Complete Guide

Tilapia can also be harvested by hand, particularly in cultures that emphasize intensive farming. The technology allows for the fish to be captured in an enclosure so that each one may be manually selected.

  • Fish Farming
  • Fish farming business
  • Fish Farming Business In Nigeria
  • Fish Farming Business Plan

Well done. The above analysis and business plan for fish farming in Nigeria, happen to be among the best I have come across. With little help a novice can apply this knowledge and succeed.

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business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf

Fish Farming Business Plan Proposal

[Pdf Sample] Business Plan For Fish Farming Docx

In recent years, fish farming has gained significant popularity as a lucrative business opportunity. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with a well-structured fish farming business plan in PDF format. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a beginner in the industry, this article will equip you with the essential knowledge and insights to start and run a successful fish farming venture.

[Pdf Sample] Fish Farming Business Plan Proposal Docx

Table of Contents

To write a business plan, here is a breakdown of how it should be structured and what should be in each category. After this instruction, I will provide you with a sample of one I wrote for my farm, let us go:

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Executive Summary

The executive summary highlights the crucial elements of your fish farming business plan, providing a snapshot of the entire venture. It outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies required to achieve success in the industry.

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Market Analysis

Choosing the right fish species.

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Site Selection and Pond Construction

Choosing the right site for your fish farm is crucial. We discuss the criteria for selecting an ideal location, including water source, soil quality, accessibility, and environmental considerations. Additionally, we explore the construction process of fish ponds, ensuring they meet the necessary specifications.

Water Management and Quality

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Fish Feeding and Nutrition

Disease prevention and management, harvesting and processing.

When it’s time to harvest your fish, proper techniques and handling are essential to maintain product quality. We discuss various harvesting methods, post-harvest handling practices, and processing options to ensure you deliver the best possible products to the market.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Financial projections and budgeting.

Accurate financial projections and budgeting are essential for assessing the financial viability of your fish farming venture. This section guides you through the process of estimating costs, revenue projections, profit margins, and return on investment (ROI) analysis.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Complying with the legal and regulatory framework is vital for running a fish farming business. We discuss the necessary licenses, permits, and regulations you need to be aware of, ensuring your operation remains within the legal boundaries.

Sustainability Practices

Embracing sustainable practices in fish farming is not only environmentally responsible but also beneficial for long-term profitability. We highlight eco-friendly approaches, water conservation methods, waste management strategies, and the importance of social responsibility in the industry.

Risks and Challenges

Business model for’s fish farming business.

Value Proposition: Farm aims to provide the local market with high-quality, sustainable, and locally-produced fish products. Our value proposition includes:

Traceability and Transparency: We provide full transparency regarding our farming methods , allowing customers to trace the origin and production process of our fish products.

Customer Education: We aim to educate consumers about the benefits of sustainable aquaculture and the importance of supporting local food systems.

Health-conscious individuals: Customers who prioritize nutritious and sustainably sourced food.

Channels: We utilize multiple channels to reach our target customers and distribute our fish products:

Partnerships: Collaborating with local markets, restaurants, and distributors to establish reliable sales channels.

Online Presence: Leveraging our website and social media platforms to engage with customers, share information, and promote our products.

Communication: Engaging with customers through social media, newsletters, and educational content.

Feedback and Support: Welcoming customer feedback and providing assistance to address inquiries and concerns.

Wholesale and Retail Sales: Selling fish directly to customers through various channels, including online and on-site.

Fish Farming: Cultivating fish species, such as tilapia and catfish, through proper management and nutrition.

Harvesting and Processing: Implementing efficient and humane harvesting techniques and processing fish to maintain quality.

Sustainability Practices: Implementing environmentally responsible practices, including water and energy conservation, waste management , and community engagement.

Fish Stock and Feed: Sourcing high-quality fish stock and formulating nutritious feed for optimal growth.

Key Partnerships: Farm establishes strategic partnerships to support its operations and enhance market reach:

Restaurants and Chefs: Building relationships with local restaurants and chefs to secure long-term partnerships for the supply of fresh fish.

Infrastructure Costs: Investments in land, pond construction, processing facilities, and equipment.

Compliance and Insurance: Costs associated with regulatory compliance and insurance coverage.

Key Metrics: Farm tracks the following key metrics to assess the performance and success of the business:

Production Efficiency: Assessing fish growth rates, feed conversion ratios, and other operational metrics to optimize production processes.

Sustainability Metrics: Monitoring water and energy consumption, waste management, and adherence to sustainability goals.

Required Capital to Start a Fish Farming Business

The required capital to start a fish farming business can vary depending on several factors, such as the scale of operation, the type of fish species being farmed, and the infrastructure needed. Generally, the capital required includes expenses for land or pond lease, construction or renovation of ponds, purchase of fingerlings (young fish), feed, equipment, water management systems , and other operational costs.

Time to Start Generating Profits from a Fish Farm

Some fast-growing fish species may allow for quicker returns on investment, while others with longer growth cycles may require more patience. Effective management practices, such as proper feeding, water quality management, and disease prevention, can help expedite the growth process and shorten the time to profitability.

Feasibility of Fish Farming in Landlocked Areas

Key factors affecting fish growth.

Genetics and the specific breed or strain of fish being farmed can also affect growth rates. Environmental factors like stocking density, availability of space, and light exposure can influence fish growth and overall health. Disease management and prevention, including timely vaccinations and biosecurity measures, are also critical for ensuring optimal fish growth.

Government Subsidies and Funding Options for Fish Farming Startups

Government support can come in the form of financial assistance, grants, low-interest loans, tax incentives, training programs, and technical guidance. These funding options and subsidies vary by region and country, and aspiring fish farmers should research and explore the opportunities provided by local government agencies, agricultural departments, and fisheries authorities.

Engaging with relevant industry associations and networking with experienced fish farmers can also provide valuable insights into available funding sources and support programs.

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Fish Farming in Nigeria: How to Build a Thriving Business

Damilare Aanu

Ever thought about starting a fish farm in Nigeria? It may seem like an unconventional business idea, but fish farming, or aquaculture, is one of the fastest-growing agricultural sectors in the country. As the population expands, the demand for fish keeps increasing. If you have access to land and water, fish farming could be an extremely profitable venture.

You’re probably wondering how to get started. The good news is, it’s easier than you might think. With some time, money, and dedication, you can build a successful fish farm. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to start your own fish farming business in Nigeria.

While fish farming does require an investment of time and resources, the potential rewards are huge. Not only can it be a sustainable source of income and food production, but it can also create jobs and support local communities. If you’re an entrepreneur looking for an opportunity to grow a thriving business, fish farming in Nigeria may just be the catch you’ve been waiting for.

What is Fish Farming?

Fish Farming in Nigeria

Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, is the practice of breeding and raising fish in controlled environments for commercial purposes. In Nigeria, fish farming is a lucrative business because there is high demand for fish and limited local production.

To get started, you’ll need adequate land, fishponds, fingerlings, feed, and equipment. A small fish farm can cost between 500,000 to 5 million naira to set up. The major fish species farmed in Nigeria are catfish and tilapia. Catfish and tilapia are more popular because of their fast growth rate and high market demand.

With the right location, quality inputs, and good management, fish farming can be very profitable in Nigeria. Some farmers earn as much as 800,000 to millions of naira per harvest, with 2-3 harvests possible per year. The key is keeping costs low while maximizing fish growth and survival rates.

If done properly, fish farming is a sustainable way to produce healthy food, create jobs and boost the economy. By learning about this field and starting your own fish farm, you’ll be swimming your way to success in no time!

The Potential of Fish Farming in Nigeria

The potential for fish farming in Nigeria is huge. Nigeria has a population of over 200 million people, and fish is a major source of protein. However, the demand for fish in Nigeria far outstrips supply. Nigeria imports about N122.5 billion worth of fish annually to meet demand.

There is a huge gap between the demand and supply of fish in Nigeria that needs to be filled. Fish farming presents a huge opportunity to fill this gap. The climatic conditions in Nigeria also favor fish farming, especially catfish farming. Catfish is the most popular fish for farming in Nigeria.

How to start a fish Farming business in Nigeria?

To start a successful fish farming business in Nigeria, you need to first develop a comprehensive business plan. If you want to start a thriving fish farm in Nigeria, you have several options for production methods.

The intensive system means raising fish in high densities, like in tanks. Pros: high yields, controlled environment. Cons: expensive, risk of disease.

The extensive system uses large ponds with low stocking densities. Pros: low cost, natural feed. Cons: lower yields, vulnerable to predators.

The flow-through system continuously supplies fresh, oxygenated water. Pros: maximum growth, reduced waste. Cons: high cost, requires filtration system.

Ranching utilizes natural lakes or rivers. Pros: low cost, natural habitat. Cons: difficult to monitor, vulnerable to pollution.

With the right method, equipment, and care, fish farming in Nigeria can be a profitable business. Do your research to determine which system is the best fit based on your resources and goals.

Selecting the Right Fish Species for Farming in Nigeria

When selecting fish species for your farm in Nigeria, consider the following factors:

Climate and environment

Choose species that will thrive in Nigeria’s tropical climate, such as catfish, tilapia, and carp. These species can tolerate warm water and low oxygen levels.

Local demand and preferences

Catfish and tilapia are popular and widely eaten in Nigeria, so they are good options for commercial farming. Meet with local buyers to determine current demand and preferences.

Growth rate

Fast-growing species like tilapia and catfish reach market size in 4-7 months, allowing for quick harvest and return on investment. Slower-growing species may tie up capital for longer.

Input requirements

Choose species that do not require expensive feed or equipment, like trout or striped bass. Low-input species like tilapia and catfish are better suited for small and medium-scale farms in Nigeria.

Disease resistance

Select species that are resistant to diseases common in Nigeria’s climate to minimize losses, e.g., tilapia is resistant to streptococcus while catfish is susceptible.

By considering these factors, you can identify fish species well-suited to farming in Nigeria’s climate and markets, with low input requirements, fast growth, and strong demand from buyers. Focusing on the right species will help ensure the success and profitability of your fish farm.

Choosing a Suitable Location for Your Fish Farm

Choosing a suitable location for your fish farm is critical to its success. Some key factors to consider:


Pick a spot that is easily accessible for building supplies, equipment, workers, and transportation of fish products. Being near a main road is ideal.

Water supply

Ensure there is an abundant supply of fresh, clean water for your fish tanks and ponds. A natural water source like a stream or well is best. If using municipal water, check that supply is consistent and chemical-free.

Soil and terrain

Select land with fertile, clay soil and a gentle slope for easy construction and drainage. Avoid rocky, sandy, or steep areas.

Consider the local climate and how it may impact your fish farm. Lots of rainfall and warm temperatures are good for fast growth, while extremely hot weather requires shade and aeration. Colder climates need indoor facilities.

Zoning laws

Check with local authorities regarding any restrictions on aquaculture facilities in the desired area before purchasing land or beginning construction. Proper permits must be obtained.

Choose a spot away from pollutants like agricultural runoff, industrial waste, or residential sewage that could contaminate your water supply and harm your fish.

Pick a location that allows room for future growth as your business develops. Extra space is useful for building new ponds, storage facilities, hatcheries, or processing plants.

With the right location that provides ideal conditions for your fish to thrive, you’ll be on your way to establishing a successful fish farming business in Nigeria. But be sure to start small and scale up as you gain experience.

Equipment and Supplies You’ll Need and their Functions

To get started in the fish farming business in Nigeria, you’ll need to invest in some basic equipment and supplies. Here are the essentials:

-Fish tanks or ponds: You’ll need containers to raise your fish. Choose between concrete ponds, plastic tanks, or fiberglass tanks.

-Pipes and pumps: For circulating and filtering the water. You’ll need water pumps, PVC pipes, and valves.

-Filters: Mechanical filters remove solid waste, while biological filters help establish beneficial bacteria. Choose between mesh filters, box filters, and drum filters.

-Water test kits: To monitor the pH level, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels to keep the water conditions healthy for your fish.

-Fish feed: You’ll need to feed your fish a proper diet to support healthy growth. Choose between pelleted feed, extruded feed, or live feed, like insects or worms.

-Fingerlings or juvenile fish: To start your farm, you’ll need to obtain fish to raise to market size. Buy from reputable hatcheries.

-Fencing and netting: To keep predators out and contain your fish. You’ll need netting, wire, posts, and gates.

-Oxygenation equipment: Paddlewheels, diffusers, and aerators help keep oxygen levels adequate for your fish.

-Harvesting equipment: Seine nets, lift nets and dip nets to harvest your fish.

-Transport equipment: Oxygen tanks, hoses, and insulated containers to transport your harvested fish.

-Protective clothing: Boots, gloves, coveralls, and masks for handling fish and maintaining your farm.

In the end, evaluate your resources and goals. Ponds, cages, or tanks can all be excellent options if set up and managed properly. A thriving fish farm starts with choosing a system suited to your needs and sticking to best practices.

Marketing and Selling Your Fish

To successfully sell your fish, you’ll need to find the right buyers and market your products effectively. Some options to consider:

Local fish markets and traders

Selling to established local traders and markets is convenient since the infrastructure and customer base already exists. You can sell your fish wholesale or retail to individual customers. Make sure to build relationships with the traders and market managers.


High-end restaurants are always looking for fresh, high-quality seafood to serve their customers. Contact restaurants in your area, especially those that focus on local and organic ingredients. Offer them samples of your fish to build interest. Once they see the quality, they’ll become repeat customers.

Online and social media

Create a website to promote your fish farm and sell products online for delivery or pickup. Use Facebook and Instagram to increase visibility, engage with potential customers, and sell fish. Offer discounts and promotions on social media to drive new traffic to your website.

If you have access to an international airport, consider exporting your fish to overseas markets where demand and prices may be higher. Make connections with seafood importers and distributors in target export countries. Ensure you understand the regulations for exporting fish and can properly handle and ship fresh seafood.

With some hustle and the right strategy, you’ll find many opportunities to sell your fish at a good price. Keep improving your quality and production, build strong customer relationships, and actively promote your products in person and online. Success will follow!

Best Practices for Maximizing Fish Farm Productivity and Profits

When it comes to maximizing your fish farm’s productivity and profits, following some best practices will help you build a thriving business.

Location matters

Select a site with access to clean, fresh water and electricity. Place your farm in an area with a suitable climate for the fish species you want to raise. Locate near available resources and infrastructure to minimize costs.

Choose wisely

Select a fish species suitable for your local conditions and target market. Fast-growing, disease-resistant species with high demand are ideal. Provide the proper habitat and diet for healthy fish.

Quality over quantity

Focus on producing high-quality fish to gain the trust of customers and maximize profits. Feed your fish a nutritious diet and monitor water conditions closely.

Keep good records

Maintain detailed records of expenses, growth rates, feeding schedules, and harvests. Track data to determine optimal practices and make adjustments to improve productivity. Records also help in obtaining financing and certifications.

Staff properly

Hire knowledgeable, dedicated staff and provide ongoing training. Pay fair wages to minimize turnover. Make sure you have enough staff to properly care for fish, equipment, and facilities.

Market wisely

Develop a marketing plan to build customer demand and gain the best prices for your fish. Consider selling to local buyers, restaurants, distributors, and at regional markets. Build your brand and customer base over time through quality, service, and competitive pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions about fish farming in Nigeria

Here are some of the most asked questions about fish farming in Nigeria:

Can I do fish farming at home?

Absolutely! Fish farming, or aquaculture, can be done right in your own backyard. All you need is a pond or tank, some fingerlings (baby fish), food, equipment like nets, buckets, and an aerator. Start with a small home-based system before expanding.

What nutrients do fish need?

Fish require a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to grow healthy and strong. Feed your fish a commercial pellet food 2-3 times per day. For tilapia and catfish, look for a feed with roughly 32% protein and 5-10% fat. The food should also contain essential fatty acids like omega-3s, as well as vitamins A, B, C, and D. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium are important for bone and cell health.

How do you calculate fish feed?

To determine how much to feed your fish, start by calculating the total weight of fish in your pond. For tilapia and catfish, feed about 2-3% of body weight per day. So, if you have 100 kg of fish, feed 2-3 kg of food daily, divide this amount into 2-3 equal feedings. As the fish grow, increase the amount of feed accordingly. It’s best to underfeed slightly, as overfeeding can pollute the water.

How can fish be harvested?

When the fish reach market size (0.5-1 kg for tilapia), they are ready to harvest. Lower the water level so you can easily catch the fish with nets or by hand.

How can the harvested fish be preserved?

Freezing, canning, smoking, and pickling are the four most common ways to preserve fish. Fish is the most vulnerable to tissue disintegration, rancidity, and microbiological deterioration of any flesh food.

How long does fish farming take?

Fish farming in Nigeria typically takes 4-18 months, depending on the species.

What are the ways to grow fish faster?

To speed up growth, here are some tips:

  • Provide high-quality feed 2-3 times a day. A pelleted feed with 35-40% protein is good for young fish.
  • Change 1/3 of the water every week. Fresh, oxygenated water promotes growth.
  • Maintain good water quality. Test for ammonia, nitrites, pH, and temperature regularly and make adjustments as needed.
  • Use aerators or pumps to add oxygen to the water. Lack of oxygen slows growth.
  • Stockfish at the proper density, Overcrowding causes stress and stunting.

What is the most consumed fish in Nigeria?

The most consumed fish in Nigeria is catfish, followed by tilapia. Catfish can be sold fresh, smoked, or dried and used in dishes like pepper soup, catfish stew, and grilled catfish.

What’s the easiest fish to farm?

Tilapia and catfish are two of the easiest fish to farm. Tilapia are fast-growing, disease resistant, and can survive in poor-quality water. Catfish also grow quickly and have a high market demand in Nigeria. Both fish are easy to breed and are suitable for small-scale farms.

What are the challenges of fish farming in Nigeria?

Some challenges of fish farming in Nigeria are:

  • Difficulty accessing quality inputs like feed, fingerlings, and equipment
  • High cost of feed
  • Inadequate access to finance and credit
  • Pollution and waste management
  • Lack of technical knowledge

With hard work and persistence, fish farming can be a very rewarding business in Nigeria. Do your research, start small, provide great care and high quality, and you’ll be on your way to success!

So that’s the basics of building a thriving fish farming business in Nigeria. While it may seem daunting, if you start small, get the right training, build a solid plan, and work hard to achieve your goals, you’ll be well on your way to success. Remember, choose a sustainable location, select fish breeds suited for your local climate, keep your fish healthy and your ponds clean, and find customers by building connections in your community. Fish farming can be a rewarding business if you go in with realistic expectations, learn from your mistakes, and don’t get discouraged easily. With some luck and perseverance, your little fish farm could turn into something that provides income and nourishment for years to come.

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This  Business plan  for Fish farming in Nigeria is regularly updated and can also be used to obtain loans and grants etc.

Fish farming is a very profitable business; it is also simple and can be started with small capital.

Lots of Nigerian Youths don’t know that fish farming in Nigeria untapped and could change their lives economically if they decide to get into the fish farming business here in Nigeria

Anyone with a small space and can find a market within a locality can engage in fish farming. In fact, with as little as $500 you can start fish farming. In this Fish Farming business plan, we shall discuss how you can successfully set up a fish farming business.

Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria –

Table of Contents

To enable interested investors and business-minded  persons to  take advantage of the money-making opportunities in the  Fish Farming business   in Nigeria , we at NaijaCEO have packaged a comprehensive Business Plan for Fish Farming in Nigeria



Liaoncem catfish business will be established to meet the fish demand in the community. It will be located in Owerri Imo state. The main economic significance of the business is to contribute towards narrowing down the fish demand-supply gap deficit in Nigeria as well as the supply of proteins and micronutrients for feeding the teeming population Imo State, South East and Nigeria at large.

The business would be managed by Micah Erumaka, Hezron and Valio Jacob who are all part of the management team. They are all experienced in the field of fish farming and have managed different businesses across the state.

The catfish industry in Nigeria and Africa at Large in untapped and the fish farming business is a lucrative business as the demand for fish in the country is growing geometrically, the opportunity to expand is necessary because of the growing demand for fish and due to some health benefits attached to the consumption of fish as compared to consumption of meat. With our dominance, and being the only and pioneering fish farm in this locality, we would flood the whole market with our fish. The business will be a partnership with all partners required to contribute capital according to an agreed percentage (40%, 35%, 25%) respectively.

The risk of the business is mainly getting a market and we have already identified our target market. The cost-benefit analysis of this fish farming business plan shows that in the startup year, with 1700 fingerlings in stock and projected sales of 1500 adult fish in one circle which is half a year, we would make N1, 000,000. This implies that about N2,000,000 is realizable annually for two (2) production cycles with a return on investment (ROI) of 100% which indicates that the project is very much feasible, viable and very much profitable and as such worth investing.



The fish industry involves the cultivation and marketing of fish in a controlled environment for all or part of their life cycle. The catfish industry in Nigeria is one of the fast-growing segments of the agriculture fish market today. The growth potential for the catfish market is at its strongest level ever. The demand for catfish is increasing due to the ever-increasing health consciousness of consumers. Per capita consumption of fish in Nigeria has increased at a very high level. These increases in demand are stressing the world’s natural fisheries, which are generally considered to be at or near their maximum sustainable yield, thus increasing the demand for the catfish raised in aquaculture facilities. Not to mention the increasing demand in our society for locally grown products.


The demand for fish according to the federal ministry of agriculture was 9.1 million tons in 2015while domestic production was 3.5 million tons. The Nigerian Federal Ministry of Agriculture estimates that the demand for fish in the nation is projected to grow from its current demand by 30%.

This deficit was partly augmented by the massive importation of fish of about 1,200,000 tons. This is a big drawback of our scarce foreign exchange. This still left a huge deficit of 4,400,000 tons, hence the concerted effort to ensure self-sufficiency in fish production through aquaculture in Nigeria.

The demand for Fish in the country is currently estimated at about 11,830,000 million tons annually, as against the local annual production of just 3,500,000 metric tons, giving a demand-supply gap of about 8,330,000 million tons. It is very clear that the demand is far higher than the supply.

business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf



The company is a new company which was recently incorporated.The idea for this  Business Plan for Fish Farming in Nigeria  emanated from the intent to make investors see the untapped opportunity in Nigeria, But the idea to venture into fish farming (Catfish) came from the urge to fill the demand for fish in this environment.


To provide healthy fish of high nutritional value and affordable prices that improve people’s lives while improving the lives and livelihood of African populace.


Production of catfish is one business that demands care and expertise, the main expenditure in the production cycle is the fish feed and the staff salary. It takes a life cycle of about six months to get to maturity when feeding adequately.

Catfish is an indigenous spice. As a result of the growing cost of buying meat, this has created much demand for fish. This is the market we intend to fill by taking our product (Catfish) to the market.

Catfish species we would offer:    Clariasnigro-digitatus  Heteroclarias  Clariasgariepinus  Heterobranchusbidorsalis  Heterobranchussp  Clariasspp

How To Go Into Fish Farming Business In Nigeria

business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf

  • Step one:  Come Up With a Fish Farming Business Plan in Nigeria doc, a vital step .

Here, one has to determine whether one wants to go into a big or small-scale commercial venture, secondly, the pond system to adopt, Re-circulatory system, earthen pond or concrete/plastic pond or both. Then come up with a comprehensive  Fish Farming Business plan In Nigeria doc (document).

  • Step two:  Land:   Acquire land in a suitable location. However, give consideration to the land’s closeness to market, access to good roads and cheap labour.
  • Step Three: Water supply Source for your Fish Farming Business In Nigeria

The provision of a good and dependable water supply is a crucial factor to consider when starting a fish farm business. To cut costs, you can situate your pond near a tap or stream or consider digging a borehole. It’s advised to ensure that clean water is available all the time because fish depends on water for all their needs.

The best water for fish farming is from boreholes. One or two must be sunk to guarantee a steady water supply. The water system must not fail.

  • Step Four: Construction of pond : 

The next step is to either construct a concrete pond or create a pond using plastic or tarpaulin pond types. If you want to start with a concrete pond, hire the service of a professional. However, with the plastic or tarpaulin pond types, you can be flexible as construction is pretty straightforward. In terms of cost, the concrete pond is much expensive than other pond types.

For example, to construct a 17 x 15ft concrete pond on a quarter plot of land usually costs between N100,000 to N300,000. An entrepreneur planning to start a small scale fish business on a tight budget can opt for either plastic tanks or tarpaulin pond types. Tarpaulin/plastic pond types are not only less expensive, they are also easily movable. Typically, tarpaulin ponds of size 17 x 15ft would cost between N70,000 to N90,000. These prices however vary based on the buyer’s pricing capabilities and the quality of the tarpaulin.

Here Are Details Of Catfish Farming In Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria

1. Stable supply and Demand

As one of the highest sources of protein, catfish is widely consumed by Nigerians on a somewhat large scale. This means that demand for this product is mainly stable all year round and since fishes grow rapidly, there will always be enough to supply. Investing in fish farming will definitely incur large and stable stream of profits over time.

2. Top consumer choice

CatFish is relatively cheaper than most meat products and hence, it sells faster. It is therefore an attractive venture as it remains the top choice for consumers in terms of affordability.

3. Steady Growth pattern

The growth pattern in fish is very fast and easy to understand. Farmers can also quicken the growth process of the fishes by giving them certain growth-enhancing feeds. This characteristic of fish ensures that farmers can harvest and sell in a very short period of time.

4. High Revenue

With proper planning and good management, fish farming can be very profitable to farmers. With  N 2 million as capital or investment, one could gain up to  N 3 million worth of profit in just six months.

5. Easy to maintain

With adequate knowledge, expertise and resources, fishes can be very easy to handle and maintain.

Without a doubt, fish farming is one of the most lucrative agricultural business ventures. With a brilliant business plan and the much-needed resources and expertise, one can easily obtain great success through fish farming.

Ready To Start Your Fish Farming  Business In Nigeria Or Africa?

Maybe you dream of opening your own   Fish Farming   Business , but you’re still working out the details on how to make that dream a reality. Well we are the leading Business consulting firm in Nigeria and can help you make the process much easier contact us with 08122230861

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Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka

About Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka is the Founder of LiaonCEM solutions which owns NaijaCEO. He is an Internet Entrepreneur and a content creator. After the failure of his first company at age 18 he started NaijaCEO to help entrepreneurs with the information they need in operating a successful business in Africa

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This engaging guide will provide accurate data and easy-to-read information to help you navigate the key rules of starting a successful fish farming business. We’ve covered you, from site selection and pond construction to choosing the right fish species and marketing strategies. Get ready to dive into the exciting world of fish farming in Nigeria!

Fish Farming in Nigeria

Fish farming, or aquaculture, refers to raising fish in controlled environments for commercial purposes in Nigeria. It involves constructing ponds or tanks and carefully managing water conditions to support fish growth. Fish farmers in Nigeria rear various species like catfish, tilapia, and carp. This method provides a sustainable way to meet the increasing demand for fish, create employment opportunities, and contribute to the country’s food security and economic development.

To start a fish farming business in Nigeria, conduct thorough research on fish species market demand and profitability. Additionally, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses from the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant agencies is essential for legal operation.

Selecting an appropriate location with ample water supply, accessibility, and infrastructure is vital. Construct well-designed fishponds with proper sealing and water circulation to ensure a conducive environment for the fish. Stock the ponds with suitable fingerlings or fish juveniles and implement a balanced feeding regimen.

Monitoring and maintaining water quality through aeration and filtration systems are important for fish health. Implement measures to control and protect fish from predators. Plan efficient fish harvesting techniques based on pond size and species.

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Modern Fish Ponds

  • Money Making: Fish farming is seen as a lucrative occupation, allowing fish farmers to generate significant profits from selling and marketing fish.
  • Economic Boost: Fish farming activities can benefit coastal areas and communities by creating employment opportunities and supporting related industries.
  • Food Production: Fish farming helps meet the demand for fish as a food source in Nigeria, making it more accessible to the public.
  • Species Protection: Fish farming protects fish species from overfishing and the risk of extinction, ensuring their sustainability.
  • Catfish Farming: Catfish is Nigeria’s most commonly reared fish species due to its popularity in African meals. It is easy to cultivate and has high demand in the market.
  • Tilapia Fish Farming: Tilapia is Nigeria’s second most popular fish species. It grows quickly, survives in poor water quality, and is profitable for fish farmers.
  • Salmon (Mackerel) Farming: Salmon, known as “Titus” in Nigeria, is a widely consumed fish species that can be caught in the wild or cultivated on fish farms.
  • The cost of starting a fish farm depends on the scale of the operation.
  • A rough estimate for starting from scratch ranges from Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000) to about One Million Naira (N1,000,000) in Nigeria.
  • Key expenses include land acquisition, pond construction, electricity for water pumping, business plan development, and purchasing or hatching fingerlings.
  • Other costs involve plumbing infrastructure for water supply and drainage.
  • Land: Acquiring suitable land for the fish farm is essential, and the cost may vary depending on the location.
  • Pond Construction: Building ponds of different sizes are required, with costs varying based on the type of pond (ground or block) and the number of ponds.
  • Electricity for Water Pumping: Access to a reliable source of electricity is important for pumping and removing water from the ponds.
  • Buying or Hatching Fingerlings: Acquiring small fish (fingerlings) for breeding is an expense.
  • Plumbing: Proper plumbing infrastructure, including boreholes and tanks, is necessary for water supply and pond circulation.

In case you missed it: Project Report of Pangasius Fish Farming: Cultivation Economics, Production Cost, and Profit Analysis

Natural Fish Ponds

Craft a Comprehensive Business Plan: Writing a business plan is crucial and should be your first step. It involves conducting a feasibility study, setting goals, performing market research, and documenting essential information like executive summary, products and services, location, market strategy, financial projections, and expansion plans.

Register your business: Registering your fish farming business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) provides official recognition and access to benefits tailored for registered businesses in Nigeria.

Obtain Proper Training : Acquiring knowledge, technical skills, and training is essential for success in fish farming. Seek expert guidance, learn as an apprentice, enroll in online courses, read books, and conduct thorough research to understand fish health, disease prevention, medication administration, and effective farm management.

Find a Suitable Location for Your Fish Pond: Choose a location that accommodates your requirements. Fish farming doesn’t cause an environmental disturbance, so that you can select a space. You can rent, buy land, or utilize available space in your compound.

Construct the Fish Pond, Borehole, and Overhead Tank: Consult experts to determine the best pond type for your farm based on location. Earthen, concrete, or plastic tank ponds are common choices. Additionally, you’ll need a borehole and overhead tank for water supply. Seek professional assistance to avoid costly mistakes.

Select the Appropriate Fish Species: Consider the weather and climate of Nigeria when choosing fish species. Catfish is popular due to its suitability for farming in Nigeria. Consult experts to identify the specific catfish species that thrive in your environment.

Purchase Fingerlings or Juveniles: To start your fish farm, acquire them from specialized fish farmers who hatch and sell them. Buying juveniles is recommended for beginners.

Choice of Right Fish Feed: Provide nutritious supplementary fish feed for optimal production. You can also incorporate low-cost conventional or unconventional animal by-products and plant residues. The fish feed can be categorized as natural feed (found in the pond), supplementary feed (locally available materials), or complete feed (carefully formulated and commercially produced).

Implement Effective Marketing Strategies: Promote your fish farming business by creating a website and social media handles and leveraging word-of-mouth. Approach restaurants, supermarkets, and other potential buyers to raise awareness about your products.

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Traditional Fish Ponds

  • Lucrative Business: Fish farming is a highly profitable venture in Nigeria, offering significant returns on investment for entrepreneurs.
  • High Demand: There is a constant and increasing demand for fish in Nigeria due to its status as a staple food, making fish farming a sustainable and lucrative business.
  • Favorable Climate: Nigeria’s tropical climate provides a conducive environment for fish farming, allowing fish to grow well and quickly.
  • Low Cost of Production: Compared to other livestock farming, fish farming has relatively lower production costs, making it accessible to a wide range of investors.
  • Quick Growth: Certain fish species, like catfish and tilapia, have rapid growth rates, leading to quicker turnover and higher profits.
  • Multiple Income Streams: Fish farming generates income from selling live fish and processed fish products like smoked, dried, or canned fish.
  • Government Support: The Nigerian government provides various incentives, grants, and loans to support fish farming, further enhancing its profitability.
  • Export Opportunities: Nigeria’s fish farming industry has potential export opportunities, expanding the market and increasing profitability for farmers.
  • Diverse Market Channels: Fish products can be sold through local markets, supermarkets, restaurants, and online platforms, diversifying sales channels for farmers.
  • Scalability: Fish farming operations can be easily scaled up to meet growing demand, allowing for increased profits over time.
  • Fish Tanks or Ponds: Fish tanks or ponds are essential for housing and raising fish in controlled environments. They come in various sizes and materials, such as concrete, earthen, or plastic tanks.
  • Aeration Systems: Aeration systems provide oxygen to the water, ensuring optimal conditions for fish growth and health. Equipment like air pumps, diffusers, and aerators help maintain adequate oxygen levels.
  • Filtration Systems: Filtration systems remove impurities and maintain water quality in fish tanks or ponds. They include mechanical, biological, and chemical filters to remove debris, ammonia, and harmful substances.
  • Feeding Equipment: Feeding equipment includes automatic feeders, fish feed dispensers, and feeding trays to ensure regular and controlled fish feeding.
  • Nets and Harvesting Tools: Nets transfer fish and harvest from the tanks or ponds. Harvesting tools such as fish graders, weighing scales, and fish counters assist in managing and measuring the fish population.
  • Water Testing Kits: Water testing kits are essential for monitoring water parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrate, and oxygen levels. They help ensure the water quality is suitable for fish health.
  • Medications and Disease Control: Fish farming requires medications and disease control measures to prevent and treat common fish diseases. These may include antibiotics, antiparasitic treatments, and vaccines.
  • Hatchery Equipment: Hatchery equipment is necessary for fish breeding and reproduction. It includes hatchery tanks, incubators, and breeding nets for properly managing fish eggs and fry.
  • Water Circulation and Pumping Systems: Water circulation and pumping systems maintain proper water flow and exchange in fish tanks or ponds. They include pumps, pipes, and water distribution systems.
  • Testing and Monitoring Devices: Testing and monitoring devices such as thermometers, pH meters, and dissolved oxygen meters help assess and regulate environmental conditions in fish farming.

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Fish Farming

Catfish: Catfish is Nigeria’s most popular and widely reared fish species. It dominates the aquaculture industry due to its high demand and ease of cultivation. Catfish is a versatile fish in various African dishes, making it a preferred choice for homes, restaurants, and hotels. It is predominantly farmed in ponds, with the breeding of fingerlings and rearing of juveniles to maturity as key practices.

Tilapia: Tilapia ranks as the second most popular fish species in Nigeria. It is a freshwater fish in streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes, thriving in warm-water habitats. Tilapia is increasingly important in aquaculture worldwide due to its fast growth and ability to tolerate high stocking densities and suboptimal water quality. Fish farmers favor it for its profitability. Tilapia farming primarily occurs in freshwater systems like streams, ponds, and lakes.

Salmon (Mackerel): Salmons, known as “Titus” in Nigeria, are a widely consumed fish species in the country. They are both caught in the wild and cultivated on fish farms. Salmons are typically freshwater fish that migrate to the ocean and return to freshwater for spawning. They constitute a significant portion of the fisheries products consumed in Nigeria.

Fish farming in Nigeria is subject to government regulations and permits. The main regulatory body is the Nigerian Fisheries Act, which governs aquaculture activities. Fish farmers are required to obtain licenses and permits from the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. These permits ensure compliance with environmental, health, and safety standards. Additionally, fish farmers may need to adhere to specific regulations at the state and local levels.

Feeding Techniques and Nutrition in Fish Farming

  • Feeding techniques in fish farming include hand-feeding, automatic feeders, and demand-feeding systems.
  • Hand-feeding involves manually distributing the feed to the fish at regular intervals.
  • Automatic feeders are mechanical devices that dispense feed at predetermined times.
  • Demand-feeding systems allow fish to self-regulate their feeding by activating a feeding mechanism when hungry.
  • Proper nutrition is crucial for the growth and health of farmed fish.
  • The fish feed should contain a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  • The protein source is typically derived from fishmeal, soybean meal, or other plant-based proteins.
  • Carbohydrates provide energy and can be sourced from grains like maize or wheat.
  • Fats are essential for energy, and fish or vegetable oil is commonly used in feed formulations.
  • Vitamins and minerals are added to ensure the fish receive all necessary nutrients for optimal growth and development.

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Fish Farm Feed Management

In Nigeria, severe weather events pose significant challenges to farming and fishing communities due to the arid environment. In 2021, delayed rainfall and subsequent flooding resulted in a substantial harvest reduction and crop loss for farmers in northwestern Nigeria.

Hajia Fatima Aliu joined the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish to protect her livelihood, collaborating with the FAO, the University of Ibadan, and the University of Georgia. Aliu embraced integrated rice-fish farming, growing rice and fish in an aquatic ecosystem. This approach reduced greenhouse gas emissions, enhanced food supply, and improved nutrition for her community.

The project established research plots and shared these techniques with Aliu’s community, empowering her as a role model for integrated rice-fish farming. By combining rice farming with fish cultivation, Aliu increased her income and contributed to environmental sustainability and climate resilience. She now shares her knowledge and experiences to benefit other women and families in her community.

The rise of fish farming in Nigeria presents promising opportunities for entrepreneurs. To start from scratch, aspiring fish farmers should focus on obtaining necessary permits, selecting suitable fish species, securing adequate resources, implementing proper management practices, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

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Fish Farming Business Plan in Nigeria – The Million Naira Venture

Executive summary.

This business plan shows how fish farming venture can be done in Nigeria. The plan extensively explained catfish farming and tilapia farming in Nigeria. Types of ponds used in fish farming were thoroughly explained.

The cost and revenue analysis of engaging in fish farming business in Nigeria was also highlighted. The total cost, revenue and profit expected from fish farming in Nigeria were explained. The business plan showed that a good fish farmer in Nigeria can make a Return on Investment (ROI) of between 40-100% within a relatively short time.

This business plan highlights all the information you need to start your fish farming venture in Nigeria.

What is fish farming?

Fish farming is the rearing of fishes. In Nigeria, a lot of the people who engage in fish farming do it for profit making. About 80% of fish farmers in Nigeria engage in catfish farming. Catfish is the commonest type of fish used in aquaculture in Nigeria.

Fish farming is a venture anybody can invest in, It can be very profitable if you know the nitty gritty and it can be a loss making business if you do not know the tricks of the business.

The good thing about fish farming is that it is not seasonal like other types of farming. It can be done in the rainy season and in the dry season. Fish farming can also be done in all cities, towns and villages in Nigeria. You can engage in this venture in Kaduna, Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, Abeokuta, Port Harcourt, Calabar, Benin, Owerri and all locations in Nigeria.

The main factors leading to failure in fish farming in Nigeria are the quality of fingerlings and other fish seeds, quality of water, the PH of the water, dissolved oxygen in the water, ammonia, cleanliness of the farm and turbidity etc.

business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf

Steps to take before venturing into fish farming business

Get a suitable land or space.

To engage in fish farming, you need to acquire, lease or rent a farmland, land or space. The beauty of fish farming business is that it can be done in a very small space through intensive farming techniques.

Your land or space must have adequate water all year round as fish farming is water intensive. It is better if your land is near a commercial area as this will enable you to sell your fish at a good price and also reduce the cost of transporting your harvests to the market.

Arrange your source of water

Water is very important to fish farming. Before getting the land or space, you should ensure that adequate water is available. Aquaculture needs a lot of water. You can sink a borehole, well or use natural sources of water like river and stream. It is also possible to harvest large volume of water during the rainy season for use in the dry season.

Do soil and water analysis

This is what a lot of fish farmers do not do in Nigeria. You must send samples of your soil and water to a credible laboratory for analysis. The soil and water test will show the PH of the water and soil, nutrients profile of the water and soil and the microbial nature and count of the soil and water. If the test shows any anomaly, you will have to correct the anomaly. For example, an acidic soil will need to be amended with lime.

Build the fish pond

There are several types of ponds. Each type of fish pond has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is better you always engage an expert to build your fish pond for you. Veggie Grow builds good fish ponds for farmers in Nigeria ( [email protected] or call 08025141924).

You should have several ponds. At different stages, you will have to sort your fishes and put fishes in different ponds according to their sizes. You will also have a separate pond for keeping sick and injured fishes. This is called the quarantine pond.

If you do not sort and separate your fishes, the big ones will not allow the smaller ones to feed, this can lead to death of the smaller ones and ultimately a loss making fish farming business.

The pond should be covered with nets to guide against predators.

Secure the farm

Thieves are attracted to fish farms because they know that they can easily sell the products. You can fence the farm round or employ a security guard. You can also use SIM card enabled IP camera with night vision.  Some areas are however very safe even without all these aforementioned measures.

Recruit capable hands

If your fish farm is big, you will need to recruit capable staff. Do not engage people based on big paper qualifications. Employ those with hands on experience on fish farming. You should also ask them for references from their past employers.

Supply of power

Your fish farm should have constant supply of power. You can use a small power generator if the supply of power from the grid is erratic.

Stock the pond with fish seeds

Most fish farmers get it wrong at this stage. I can confirm that most fingerlings and other fish seeds in Nigeria have undergone inbreeding. They are not fit for a good fish farming venture. This is what a lot of farmers do not know. Once you buy this type of fingerlings or fish seeds, you will keep feeding them and they will not grow big, at the end of the day, you are likely to make a huge loss.

Even most fish hatcheries after hatching their fingerlings will keep the good ones for themselves and sell the bad fingerlings to unsuspecting fish farmers.

Get good fingerlings and you are half way to making good profit in fish farming. Avoid runts and do not go around looking for fingerlings priced at rock bottom prices, this is the trick they use to lure you to buy bad fingerlings.

The types of fish seeds are post fries, fingerlings, juveniles and jumbo. The prices range from N8 to N60 .

At Veggie Grow, we sell fingerlings gotten from imported breed stocks.

Management of the fish farm

You should strictly follow the daily management plan of your fish farm. Disinfectants should be used intermittently to clean the water. There are also antibiotics that can be used to attack diseases that can affect the fish farm.

Manure should be cured and disinfected before introduction to the pond.

You should not harvest your fishes before you get a firm commitment from buyers. Some buyers trick farmers to harvest and later get to the farm and start offering ridiculous prices. You can also visit restaurants and hotels around your location to market your products.

Business Plan – Cost and Revenue Analysis of Fish Farming (catfish) – 5,000 Fishes

This fish farming business plan is for the rearing of 5,000 catfish to maturity. There are several ways a farmer can use to save money while stocking fish seeds or fingerlings.

This business plan suggests the buying of 15,000 fingerlings at N10 each which will make the cost of buying the fingerlings N150,000. Please note that the fingerlings will be separated intermittently until the best and most healthy 5,000 fishes are left till maturity. The rest of the fingerlings can be sold to other fish farmers. Also note that the fish farmer can also prefer to have his own hatchery, this is not discussed in this aquaculture business plan.

The fishes are expected to be reared for 5 months and sold thereafter.

Cost Analysis

In the first month, the sum of N296,000 will be spent on the fish farm. This includes the cost of fingerlings which is N150,000. At the first month, the fishes should be fed as frequent as possible. At least, the fishes should be fed three times a day. About 12 bags of fish feed will be consumed by the fishes in the first month. Copper feed can be used at this stage, it retails for N8,000 – N8,700 per bag.

The pond should be disinfected and treated with salt and antibiotics medication weekly. Blagdon is a fantastic anti bacteria and anti fungi medication that can be used. Also, tetracycline and other broad spectrum anti-biotic medication can be used. Separation of fishes according to sizes should commence in the first month. The labor costs, cost of power, cost of operations and medications and miscellaneous are in the table above.

In the second month, about 14 bags of feed are expected to be consumed by the fishes. Ziegler feed and coppers feed are appropriate at this stage. About N117,000 is expected to be spent on feeding in the second month, N15,000 on labour, N11,000 on power, N10,000 on cost of operations and N6,000 on miscellaneous making a total cost for the second month to be N159,000.

In the third month, N303,000 is expected to be spent. The cost of feeding is expected to be about N214,000. Ziegler feed and maggot should be used extensively in the third month.

In the fourth month, about 32 bags of feeds are expected to be consumed by the fishes. The biggest fishes should eat 6mm feed while the medium size fishes should eat 4mm feed. The total cost expected to be spent in the fourth month is N330,000. The breakdown of the cost is shown in the table above.

In the fifth month which is expected to be the last month before harvest, N373,000 is expected to be spent on feeding, labour, operations, miscellaneous and power as shown in the table above. 38 bags of feed are expected to be consumed at this stage.

Catfish Farming Business Plan – Revenue Analysis

If the fish farm is well run and the fishes are separated to different ponds according to their sizes. All things been equal, about 1,500 super big fishes, N1,000 big fishes, 2,000 medium size fishes and 500 small fishes are expected to be harvested after 5 months or 5.5 months.

The super big fishes are expected to be sold between N1,200 and N1,500 as they can weigh up 1.2kg -2kg. Selling the super big fishes N1,200 each will yield N1,800,000.

The big fishes can be sold for N650. They should weight an average of 1kg or slightly more. This will make the fish farmer about N650,000 (if sold N650 per kg multiplied by 1,000 fishes).

The medium and small fishes expected are 2,500 pieces. These are called mélanges and are sold in baffs in the local parlance. 2,500 pieces of small and medium fishes will be about 38 baffs.  A baff is about 28kg. A sum of N420,000 is expected as sales from the 38 baffs.

The total sales will be N2,870,000.

The Profit expected from 5,000 catfish stock is (N2,870,000 minus 1,461,000) = N1,409,000

Please note that cost, revenue, estimates and assumptions in this fish farming business plan can vary according to your location, management practices and socio-economic realities.

Catfish Melange Farming

A catfish farmer may prefer to farm his catfish and sell as mélange after 3 months. This can be profitable and the short term is an advantage.

The catfish farmer can still make Returns on Investment (ROI) of 40% – 50% within 3 months if he sells his fishes as mélange.

For some farmers, it is far easier to rear their fishes and sell as mélanges as they do not need to spend money on the purchase of expensive feeds and fats for fattening their fishes.

Should you want a detailed business plan on mélange farming, please do not hesitate to contact us through [email protected] or call us on 08025141924.

business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf

Other details about fish farming business plan

Features of catfish.

The African catfish usually farmed in Nigeria and other African countries has a fairly large head, small eyes with bones and elongated body. The catfish grown in Nigeria usually have long dorsal and anal fins and can do well in fresh water bodies. It can also be farmed at home and in farms. The colour of the catfish is brown to black. The belly of the fish is somewhat white. The catfish breathes with its gills which it opens and closes.

History of catfish in Nigeria

Catfish naturally live in the fresh water bodies in Nigeria. Aquaculture is a business venture that started in Nigeria over 100 years ago. People have always farmed fish especially catfish in Nigeria for decades.

Catfish has been widely farmed by fish farmers in the southern part of Nigeria and the northern part of Nigeria. The first domestication of catfish in Nigeria was done around 1950 in Nigeria. Same domestication trails were done almost the same time in South Africa, Ghana, Congo DR and other African countries.

The domestication trials of catfish in Nigeria in the 1950s include the spawning, breeding, catfish farm management, harvesting and marketing.

The earlier fishermen in Nigeria used boats, nets and hooks to catch catfishes in rivers and other fresh water bodies in Nigeria before some of them shifted to aquaculture.

Countries Producing Catfish

Catfish is produced by a number of countries in the world. Even in cold countries like the United Kingdom, Netherland, Canada, United States and Belgium, catfish is farmed and produced in huge volume.

Nigeria and most of the African countries produce catfish. Most of the fish farmers in Nigeria prefer the production of catfish.

Habitat and Biology

The African/Nigerian catfish is distributed across Africa. It has its natural habitat in almost all countries in Nigeria. Go to Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Congo and Somalia etc, you will find catfish in the fresh water bodies there. Catfish is also present in the waters of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine etc. Catfish occurs in South American countries like Mexico, Peru and Brazil etc. Catfish is also found in China and Vietnam. As a matter of fact, catfish are now being used in rice farming in these countries. Catfish farming has been proven to increase the yield of rice in China and some other Asian countries.

Catfish are found in rivers, floodplains, lakes, streams and swamps. They can migrate from larger body of water to flooded areas to breed and return to where they came from after breeding. The migration of catfish in uncultured water is largely for reproduction reasons.

An adult female catfish can lay about 60,000 eggs per kg. The egg laid by catfish usually stick to vegetations around the water they live in. When these eggs hatch (after 20-60 hours), juveniles that will later turn to adults emerge.

Production Systems

Catfish in Nigeria are reared in tarpaulin lined pits, ponds, concrete ponds, plastic tanks and fiberglass etc. Fingerlings are usually bought from well established catfish farms, they can also be gotten from flooded plains near rives and dams in Nigeria. After the introduction of fingerlings into the farms, feeds made from grains and fish/soya meals are given to fingerlings periodically. These production systems highlighted here are also practiced in other countries.

Seed supply, hatchery production and nursery

Wide catfish reproduce when the environmental conditions are ideal. These environmental conditions include the rise in water level, appropriate temperature and humidity and availability of adequate level of water.

In aquaculture, hormones are used to enable catfish to reproduce. These hormones include Ovaprim, Deoxycorticosterone Acetate (DOCA) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). In catfish farming, having good broodstock can make a farmer make good profit or make a loss. The government of Nigeria is encouraging various research to enable the country to be self sufficient in the production of good broodstock for catfish farmers.

There are a number of large and small hatcheries in Nigeria, though the number of hatcheries in the country is not enough. In well run hatcheries, catfish larvae are usually fed with a combination of egg yolk, cow brain for 3-7 days before they are stocked at 50-80 per square meter ponds. The ponds are enriched with chicken manure to promote the growth of zooplankton before the larvae are introduced. In some cases, the ponds are protected with nets and other materials to guard against predators.

Compounded feeds are usually used to feed the catfish postlarvae for 24-28 days. After harvesting at the 28 th day, the fingerlings are weighed and graded. Those weighing below 10 grams are transferred to the production pond while those weighing below 6 grams may be fattened to reach the ideal weight of 6 grams before they are sold to farmers who need them or taken into production ponds. The survival rate in the nursing of larvae is about 30%.

In Nigeria, large hatcheries run by big time catfish farmers use the intensive recirculation systems. Genetically improved broodstock are used in these hatcheries with living organisms as feeds. These live feeds include Artemia, Brachionus, Moina and Daphnia. In these hatcheries, the success rate of eggs to fry is about 70% and some hatcheries have recorded above 80% success rates.

In Nigeria, the demand for catfish fingerlings is huge. It far exceeds the supply of fingerlings. A lot of the fingerlings supplied in Nigeria are of poor quality, they do not grow big, thereby reducing the Returns on Investment (ROI) of farmers.

Artemia is used to feed fry in the recirculation aquaculture systems for the first 14 days. Water temperature must no exceed 28 degree Celsius and biofilters are used to remove the excess ammonia and nitrogen in the recirculation aquaculture system. All the components of the aquaculture system are disinfected after every cycle in order to prevent or avoid diseases. Techniques of growing catfish

There are a number of ways that can be used to grow or farm catfish, these methods are explained below:

The use of earthen ponds

Earthen ponds are common in Nigeria for the growing of catfish. This type of fish growing method involves the digging of a specified size of land and converting the dug land to a pond where fish can be stocked, fed and harvested when they are mature enough.

Stocking of fish in earthen ponds are usually done so that harvest will coincide with festive periods like Easter celebrations, Christmas, New Year and the Muslim festivals. Fish farmers expect to make super normal profits at these times of the year because of the increased demand for their stock of fish.

Earthen ponds are usually fertilized with chicken manure and other organic kitchen leftovers like plantain peels, yam peels and food leftovers etc. Compost can also be used to fertilise the earthen ponds. Fertilisation improves the development of zooplankton which the fish can feed on. This can lead to the general wellbeing of the fishes and increase their weight.

When using earthen ponds for catfish growing, grading of fish is intermittently done in order to separate the larger and the smaller fishes. The larger fishes can feed on the small ones and reduce the potential profit of the owner of the pond.

Grading and separation of fishes in earthen ponds also enable the smaller fishes to have the chance to feed will because if they are kept with bigger fishes, they will not be able to fish well and they may starve to death.

Nets should be used to guard and fence the earthen ponds so that predators like snakes will not have access to the pond. The net can also stop the catfish from going to nearby water bodies to spawn.

Tanks and raceways In Nigeria, most of the catfish farmers prefer rearing their fishes in ponds. The use of tanks is common in the urban areas of Nigeria because it is portable and very easy to use. The use of tanks for the growing of catfish does not need any special skills or technicians like the use of ponds. Unlike ponds, technicians are needed for the mapping and construction of the pond. Fish tanks can easily be bought in the open market and set up within a few hours.

The tank can either be plastic, steel or made with concrete. The plastic and steel tanks can be easily bought in the open market while the concrete fish tank has to be built on the site of fish farm.

In Nigeria, a concrete tank of 4m by 3m by 1.3m can accommodate 400 catfish of size 5-15 grams each. After 6 months of feeding these fishes, a harvest of 300-600kg per cycle can be achieved. The yield depends on the competences and skills of the fish farmer.

Water recirculation system is a new system of growing catfish that has been adopted and introduced in Nigeria. Some farmers now practise catfish farming with this unique method. To be successful in water recirculation system, there should be availability of quality floating feed which is a concern in some parts of Nigeria. Without good floating fish feed, the use of water recirculation system may not be successful. There should also be adequate supply of power as the water will be circulated around the system intermittently.

In a typical water recirculation system, a water pump and plastic substrate biological filter are used. Fingerlings are stocked at 100-200 per cubic meter and the recirculation rate is about 2-10 litres per second. Fish production rates of above 900 kg per cubic meter can be recorded every year. Most of the floating fish feed in Nigeria are imported, however, some producers and fish farmers in Nigeria produce their own fish feed.

Freshwater is better used for the recirculation aquaculture system as they have very low saline level. Catfish do not do well in salty water. The water in the recirculation system is purified intermittently with the use of plastic substrate biological filters. The system is houses in a fiberglass, concrete housing of plastic tanks.

The main difference between the recirculation aquaculture system and tanks is that the former is highly intensive and a farmer can harvest up to 1,000 kg of fish per cubic meter space. The size of land required for the recirculation aquaculture system is also small. A lot can be achieved from the intensive nature of recirculation aquaculture system; however, it may be expensive to use this type of fish growing system in Nigeria.

Flooded Plains

In this method of growing catfish, fingerlings are introduced with flooded plains which are usually very rich in zooplankton. This can be done in areas that experience seasonal flooded plains every year. Flooded plains are fertile for all types of agriculture because debris and decomposed plant materials are brought to the flooded plains.

The flood plains also have the advantage of natural recruitment of catfish fingerlings. The water emanating from flood activities bring along with it all manners of fishes and their fingerlings. Local people can use a part of the flooded plains; introduce their own catfish fingerlings and harvest the adults before the flood recede at the end of the season.

This is a cost effective way of practicing aquaculture especially the farming of catfish in Nigeria and other African countries with seasonal flooded plains.

The use of holes to grow catfish is not common in Nigeria, it is very common in southern Asian countries like India, Nepal and Bangladesh. In this type of catfish growing method, ditches of 1-2,500 metres square are constructed or dug, fingerlings are introduced into these holes, pits or ditches and they are fed till they grow into adults and harvested.

The stocking rate of fingerlings in the holes is 1 gram of fry at 40-80 cubic meter and harvests are expected to be 200-300 grams of fish. The survival rate of the fish in this type of growing system is about 40%.

Cages are also used for farming catfish in Nigeria. Catfish can be stocked in cages dipped in open water bodies like rivers and dams. The water bodies must contain fresh water. The main advantage of using cages for rearing of fish is that you do not need to change the water as the flowing water replenishes the cage with fresh water.

Cage can also be somewhat easier to manage than other methods of rearing catfish. The fish are concentrated in the cages and can be harvested easily. Cages are also easy to buy and placed in water bodies. Feed for catfish

The traditional feed used for catfish rearing in Nigeria is made with maize, wheat, rice bran, cornmeal, groundnut meal and cottonseed meal etc. The grains provide the carbohydrate while groundnut, fish meal or soya bean meal provide the protein component of the fish feed. Some big catfish farmers also make and pelletize their own feeds on farm. The feed usually contain about 30-34% protein. Raw materials used for farm made fish feed include brewery waste, chicken droppings, cocoa husk and coffee pulp etc. Earthworms, crickets, termites, maggots and other insects and worms can be used as feed for fish production.

Animal protein like fish meal and blood meal is the commonest source of protein for grow-out feeds for catfish grown and farmed in Nigeria and most other African countries. Catfish fed on feed with 34%-43% crude protein often perform better than other catfish fed with different percentage of crude protein. A lot of research have pointed to this fact.

In recirculation systems, the types of feeds used are somewhat different from the conventional type of feed, though the raw materials are almost the same but the composition of the crude protein and other nutrients are different.

Most of the packaged fish feed sold in Nigeria are imported into the country. There has been plans by some companies to start the production of quality fish feed in Nigeria but only few firms have achieved this feat. Fish farmers in Nigeria still have some concerns about using locally produced fish feed.

business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf

Methods of harvesting catfish

Catfish ready for the market can be harvested with the use of hauling seines. The seine net comes in different sizes; some can be very big while some can be small. You need to consider the size of your pond or fish farm before buying the seine net.

After hauling the fish out, they can be sorted into sizes for easier pricing and sales. Harvested catfish are usually sold per kilogram in Nigeria. However, some fish farmers prefer to smoke their catfish for sales during the lean period.

The pond can also be drained so that all the fishes in the pond can be visible to the eyes for easy catching. Some of the fishes can also hide in the mud. Draining the pond will enable the farmer to dig the mud and bring out all the hidden catfish.

Graded bars can also be used in partial harvesting of catfish especially if the farmer uses a recirculation system or tanks. Graded bars are usually used to harvest the largest fishes.

Handling and Processing

The Nigerian catfish and other African catfish are very rugged when out of water. So far there is water on the body of the catfish; they can stay out of water for days without any serious adverse effect on the catfish. This makes catfish very easy to handle. Harvested catfish can be loaded on trucks or plastic bowls with little water and taken to the market for sale. These catfish can be in these confinements for days without any of the catfish dying.

Harvested catfish are mostly sold to women. These women can be intermediaries or restaurant and bar owners. In Nigeria, about 80% of the buyers of harvested catfish are women in big cities and towns. As explained in this business plan earlier, some farmers prefer to smoke their harvested catfish.

Salts sprinkled on the skin of a catfish can kill it within a few minutes. The use of salt is one of the commonest ways of killing catfish before processing in Nigeria.

The gills of the fresh catfish are removed and placed on the traditional oven for smoking. Smoked catfish can be stored for months without deterioration.

Catfish can also be processed into fillets. In restaurants and bars in Nigeria, fresh catfish are garnished with pepper, onions and sauce before they are roasted. Roasted catfish are delicious and often consumed with soda, beer and juice. You are likely to see roasted catfish if you visit any bar or restaurant in Nigeria.

Catfish is also the choice fish for making pepper soup in Nigeria. Pepper soup is a delicacy eaten by almost all Nigerians.

Production Costs

The production costs of catfish in Nigeria vary according to location. The cost of labour in an urban area like Abuja and Lagos is much higher than the cost of labour in a rural area like Aiyetoro, Ogun state. The cost of fish feed can also be cheaper in Lagos because most of the feed producers are concentrated in this city while the same product can be more expensive in rural areas in Northern Nigeria because of the cost of trucking the feeds from Lagos to the rural areas in the  northern part of Nigeria.

The cost of feed remains the biggest production cost in catfish production in Nigeria. The cost of feed consists of between 50-75% of the total production costs of catfish in Nigeria. All catfish farmers complain bitterly about the cost of getting feeds for their stock of catfish. There are no cheap and efficient feeds to the industrially produced feeds yet; hence farmers have to contend with the high costs of the industrially produced feeds.

Farmers who use locally sourced feed often complain of low weight of their catfish and they are often forced to buy the industrially produced fish feed. Catfish farmers in other African countries also complain about the high cost of fish feed. The major reason of the high cost of fish feed in Nigeria is the importation of fish meal and other protein sources, devaluation of the naira and high cost of power.

Diseases and Control Measure

There are a number of diseases that can affect catfish, these diseases can be prevented and controlled if caught early. Below are the explanations of some diseases:

Production Statistics

Market and trade.

There is a huge market for African catfish in Netherlands, United Kingdom, France and Belgium etc, however, the Nigerian catfish farmers have not been able to tap this market because of government bureaucracy and non-adherence to standards demanded by these countries.

The price of a kilogram of catfish in Nigeria varies from N400 – N700 depending on the location and purchasing power of the buyers. Local market traders often try to buy fresh catfish from farmers at rock bottom prices. They use all manners of strategies to misprice the freshly harvested catfish.

Status and Trend

The market for catfish in Nigeria will continue to grow as it is mainly the only specie of fish cultured by fish farmers in Nigeria. The culture of tilapia and croaker is not common in Nigeria. Go to any town or city in Nigeria, you are likely to see a lot of catfish farmers.

The demand for catfish also keeps increasing in Nigeria partly due to increasing population in Nigeria, increased rural urban migration and the planned restriction on the importation of fish into Nigeria.

Value addition to catfish is also a reason for the increasing demand and consumption of catfish in Nigeria, though about 65% of the harvested catfish in Nigeria is sold fresh.

Main Issues in catfish farming in Nigeria

The issue of land ownership still remains an issue in catfish farming in Nigeria. In some cities like Lagos, touts called ‘omonile’ often make it very difficult for investors in fish farming to own farmlands. Even after paying the owner of the land and other government prescribed fees, the omoniles can stop you from taking full possession of the farmland until you pay them an exorbitant fee called ‘owo ile’ in the local parlance.

Pricing is also a key issue in catfish farming in Nigeria. Some farmers still find it hard to breakeven as the local market traders who are often women use all manners of tricks to buy the harvested catfish at ridiculous prices, knowing full well that the catfish farmer will prefer to sell the catfish in order not to over spend on feeding the fishes. There are instances where the market women will promise the fish farmers to buy at an agreed price only to reach the farm and tell the farmers that they cannot buy at the earlier agreed price. The farmer might have harvested his fishes expecting the women to come and buy at the agreed price.

The high prices of imported raw materials for catfish feed is also a discouraging factor for practicing aquaculture in Nigeria. The main protein source used for producing catfish feed in Nigeria is mainly imported from Netherland, Belgium and South Africa. The devalued local currency has made the importation expensive and the increase in prices is transferred to fish farmers. Yet, buyers of the catfish do not want to accept the increase in prices occasioned by the increase cost of catfish feed. This has reduced the margin of catfish farmers.

The quality of water used in catfish farming in areas like Lagos can be an issue. In some areas in Lagos, the water is highly saline; this can negatively impact the farming of catfish.

Responsible Catfish farming practices

Catfish farmers should strive to obey all the relevant laws and regulations of the country and location they operate in. There are state permits which catfish farmers need to get in some states in Nigeria if they want to practise fish farming in some areas. These permits do not apply to small scale fish farmers. The big catfish farmers may need to apply for these permits in order to play safe and not to do what will be termed as illegal in the location they operate. For example, in a state like Lagos, catfish farming is not permitted in some residential areas in Lagos Island.

Catfish farmers should also be responsible in their usage and discharge of water (including waste water). Water bodies should not be polluted with effluents which can be harmful to the locals, plants and animals making use of the water. Wastes from fish farms should be properly disposed.

Catfish farmers are also advised to join cooperatives or associations as there is strength in unity. Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) prefer dealing with co-operatives and associations. They can offer grants, loans and other assistance to members of the association or co-operatives. They hardly deal with individual catfish farmers.

Tilapia Farming

Tilapia belongs to the family of the cichlid fish. Tilapias are fresh water fish mainly found in rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. They may also be found in brackish water. Tilapia is suitable for commercial and artisanal fish farming. Though the culture of tilapia is not common in Nigeria, it has been embraced by fish farmers in some African countries.

The specie of tilapia commonly farmed in Africa (Nigeria inclusive) is the Nile Tilapia. This specie is the most suitable breed for farming. Tilapia is an omnivorous animal; it can eat diets composed of vegetables and animal.

Tilapia farming can be very profitable though it can be more challenging than catfish farming especially in the area of management of the sex of the fish.

Breeding of tilapia

Tilapia farmers keep mostly male tilapia fish. I have never seen any commercial tilapia aquaculture business that stocked females. They mostly keep male tilapia because of the size of male which can bring more revenue to the farmer. Besides, female tilapia are very prolific, if you keep female tilapia fish, you will overpopulate your pond with small fishes which will be detrimental to the health of the whole population of fish in the pond.

Below are the various methods used in breeding male tilapia offsprings:

Methyltestosterone technique (MT)

In this technique, methyltestosterone is added to the diet given to the juvenile tilapia fish. This makes the females grow as males while the males are left as males. Methyltestosterone simply changes the sex of females to males. It contains a sex changing hormone. Methyltestosterone does not retain in the body of the fish after 30 days so it is safe for consumption after 30 days.

This method produces only YY chromosome males. It is a sex determining technique which is used to produce only male tilapia fish.

Males can also be separated individually from females in the hatchery, though this is a very tedious method for catfish breeding.

Tilapia Ongrowing Techniques

Tilapia can be cultured in ponds. Ponds can be natural or artificial. Artificial ponds are man-made body of water where fishes are kept or reared. The main inputs of pond culture of tilapia include vegetation, brans, chaff, manures, feed and inorganic fertilizers.

Animal manure and fertilisers encourage the growth of zooplankton which the tilapia can feed on. The proliferation of protein rich planktons can increase the yield of the pond. Chicken manure is one of the most nutritious manures that can be used for pond culture of tilapia fish in Nigeria.

There should be a check of the oxygen concentration level of the pond when using manure. Excessive manure application can deplete the oxygen in the water and negatively impact the fishes in the pond.

Applying chicken manure of 220kg every week per hectare with urea of 28kg of N per week per hectare and Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) of 7kg of P per week per hectare can produce about 4 tonnes of tilapia per hectare in 150 days, if this is annualized, about 10 tonnes yield can be achieved in 12 months.

The pond should be limed if the soil is acidic. The dissolved oxygen in the pond every day should be between 5-15 percent.

Floating cages

Floating cages are metallic made cages placed in water bodies. Tilapia fish are kept in these cages till harvest. The main advantage of the floating cage is that the water does not need to be changed regularly, however there is an issue of polluting the water body with effluents from the cage.

Cages can also be built with raffia and other wooden materials but this type of cages do not last long like cages built with iron rods.

Other merits of floating cage are:

  • The fish can be closely monitored for diseases
  • The capital needed for floating cage culture is relatively low
  • The cost of harvesting is relatively low

The demerits of floating cage culture are:

  • The cage can be damaged by predators or thieves
  • There is a higher risk of disease outbreak
  • The cost of feeding may be higher

Tanks and raceways

Tilapia can also be cultured in raceways and tanks. These tanks and raceways can vary in sizes from 10-1000 cubic meter.

Recirculation systems

The recirculation system is an intensive stock management for tilapia. The main components of a recirculation system are the fish rearing tanks, biofilter, solid removal equipment, aerator and a degassing unit.

The biofiliter removes the unwanted dirts and materials like ammonia from the system. The fish rearing tank is where the fishes are reared. The aerator improves the oxygenation of the system while the solid removal equipment removes the unwanted solids from the recirculation system.

The recirculation system ensures that clean water is used to replace the waste water every day; this is to ensure that the water is free of ammonia and other unwanted impurities. Water rich in ammonia can cause problems for the fish in the system; it can even lead to their death.

Methods of harvesting tilapia

Just like catfish, seine nets can be used for the harvesting of tilapia in ponds. The seine nets can be spread in the pond, one the fishes enter the net, the rope of the net will be drawn to capture the fishes.

Some seine nets can also be set overnight to capture the fishes in the pond. The pond may need digging to unearth the fishes which might have hidden in the mud.

The nets come in different sizes. Some nets can be handled by just a single person while some larger types can only be handled by several people.

Baskets are also used for harvesting of tilapia in some communities in Nigeria and Africa. The baskets are woven with raffia; they are made in a cylindrical shape which ensures that fishes that enter it cannot get out again.

The tilapia can also be harvested by hand especially in intensive farming culture. The fishes can be trapped in an enclosure in the system so that they can be hand picked individually.

This fish farming business plan has discussed all what you need to know about fish farming and its profitability. Should you need any further information, kindly send an email to [email protected] or call us on 08025141924. We do a complete fish farm set up.

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Ayo Akinfolarin

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Fish Farming Business Plan

Fish Farming Business Plan

This post Fish Farming In Nigeria (Business Plan), entails all you need to know about starting a fish farm in Nigeria which includes the Executive Summary (full introductory analysis summarized here), Farm Set-Up(full details in business plan pdf), Detailed... More

This post Fish Farming In Nigeria (Business Plan), entails all you need to know about starting a fish farm in Nigeria which includes the Executive Summary (full introductory analysis summarized here), Farm Set-Up(full details in business plan pdf), Detailed financial analysis which includes running cost and profit margin (full details in business plan pdf), Marketing strategy (full details in business plan pdf), Competition analysis (full details in business plan pdf) etc Less

BUSINESS PLANS FOR BEGINNERS Get the full detailed analysis of the financial running cost, best location and best season to establish your business. D EC E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 1 9 BY A D M I N Fish Farming In Nigeria (Business Plan) This post Fish Farming In Nigeria (Business Plan), entails all you need to know about starting a fish farm in Nigeria which includes the Executive Summary (full introductory analysis summarized here), Farm Set-Up(full details in business plan pdf), Detailed financial analysis which includes running

cost and profit margin (full details in business plan pdf), Marketing strategy (full details in business plan pdf), Competition analysis (full details in business plan pdf) etc. With proper planning and good management, a N1 million investment in sh farming could easily result in N3 million of pure pro t within six months. With a well drafted business plan like ours, Grants & Loan approvals are a guarantee when there is no Start-up Capital. Call +2347033914653 to get plan for N10,000 Fish Farming Business plan in Nigeria: Executive Summary The fish farming system is the system in which fishes are grown for sale or for consumption. In other words, fish farming entails breeding different varieties of fishes such as Catfish, Tilapia and Mackerel (Tilapia) etc. Fish Farming is a fast-growing as well as a lucrative business and is popular across every market and some strategic locations. Gone are the days when the only means of getting fish is by catching it in the local rivers and ponds through trial and errors. Fish farming requires progressive knowledge and skills. Hence the importance of training, self-development and consultation and management of fishes. Vaccination and medication; prevention, identification, and treatment. Entrepreneurial and marketing aspects also require training. The Internet provides a variety of information about how to start Fish Farming. This system of farming is one of the most popular agro-businesses in Nigeria, which is fish farming and for good reasons. If you are an existing farmer and are looking to expand your farm capacity, I’d encourage you to invest in fish farming to boost your line of business. Fish farming (especially catfish) is the most compatible with the poultry farming system in Nigeria, as you can use the poultry drops to facilitate the production of the feed for your fish. The fish farming business is dynamic. It revolves around innovation on a daily basis. Fish farming is a lucrative business if you are determined and can employ the use of required modern equipment. Aquaculture is an industry that is currently attracting investors due to its lucrative nature, fertile land for fish, high demands for fish and the low supply in the country. To make it in this business, it requires having the right knowledge and proper management skills. With these, high-profit margins are achievable and ensured in this business. Fish a major component of both Nigeria and foreign dishes. This implies that the demand and the market for fish will increase and expand as fish is required for local consumption or for export purposes.

This is one of the reasons you need to take advantage of this opportunity(invest in fish farming) through local fish breeding and supply. you will not only boost this agricultural level in the country, but you will reduce the cost of fishes and create a job avenue. Thereby reducing the level of unemployment and poverty in the country. Asides being a profitable business in Nigeria, Fish farming is a capital intensive. You can make a huge profit by going into fish farming or aquaculture business in Nigeria. This business can be run successfully and watch it grow and expand into multi-level business within a short time. The following are reasons why you should be interested in Fish farming: 1. Fish is in high demand Fishery products are by far the most popular animal products in the market, accounting for more than 60% of meat products in the Nigerian market. 2. Fish is a source of protein and other nutrients Fish is one of the highest sources of protein. It is a low-fat high-quality protein that is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is also very rich in calcium and phosphorus and is equally a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium for the body. 3. Fish sells fast Fish sells faster and is relatively cheaper than other animal products in the market making it the first choice in respect to affordability. 4. Fish matures quickly With the right steps and processes, fish grows rapidly. Fish grows very fast as practices in fish farming make it possible for farmers to increase the speed of their fish growth by giving them certain feeds, ensuring that you harvest and sell within a short period of time. 5. Fish Contains Omega-3 The surest supply of Omega-3 acid is in the proper consumption of fish. Fish is the biggest source of Omega-3 fatty acids which is extremely beneficial to a human heart; Omega-3 helps to keep our heart and brain very healthy. Since the human body does not produce Omega-3 fatty acids, the only source through which we can get it is by what we eat, that is where fish comes to the rescue.

6. Fish Farming is Profitable Fish farming is very profitable. With proper planning and good management, N1 million investment in fish farming could easily result in N3 million of pure profit within six months. There are, also certain risks involved in the fish farming business. They include: 1. Sensitive to Manage Fish is very sensitive to manage and a slight mistake could result in degenerated growth of your fish or even death which may cause massive revenue loss. 2. Capital Intensive Setting up a fish farm is capital intensive, much more than that of poultry and Setting up a fish farm requires more careful planning and much capital input. A relatively small fish farm may take up to N500,000 to setup, while bigger ones take millions of naira. 3. Fish is Priced High Due to the cost of production, fish produced from the farm is priced higher than those caught from the rivers and ponds by fishermen. 4. There are no by-products There are no by-products in fishery, unlike in the case of poultry where even the drop can be harvested and sold to other farmers and make extra profit. In fishery, all you get is the flesh.   Business Plan: Fish Farming Price: N10,000 Contact Info: Send a mail to [email protected] or call +2347033914653 and the plan will be sent to your mail, after payment is confirmed. Account : Olise Ijoma, 0138589926 Gt Bank   See Also >>> Poultry Farming In Nigeria (business Plan)

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Everything to Know about Starting a Fish Farming Business in Nigeria

business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf

  • fish business
  • fish farming

The fish farming business is very lucrative in Nigeria and you can be successful if you are determined and can also employ the right strategies in the business.

Yet as lucrative as fish farming can be, a lack of proper information concerning the business can lead to huge losses.

Here are the major steps you need to take before embarking on this business.

1. Write a business plan

It is a very crucial part of setting up your business and should be the first step. Writing a business plan involves carrying out a feasibility study, documenting goals and objectives, and doing proper market research to know what is obtainable.

A well-documented business plan can give you access to loans and other financial support both from the government and investors. In writing a fish farming business plan, the following information needs to be documented;

  • Executive Summary
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Products and Services
  • Market Research and Strategy
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Financial Projection
  • Possible business expansion

2. Register your business

After the business plan has been created, the next step is to register your business. By registering your business, you become one of the certified business owners in Nigeria and can enjoy every benefit tailored to registered businesses.

You will need to register with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), the agency in charge of business registration in Nigeria.

3. Get adequate training

To be successful in Fish farming, you need to get adequate knowledge, technical skills, and training.

Training here doesn’t mean the kind of training you get from one-day seminars as proper training will help you identify healthy fish, prevent disease outbreaks, understand the type of medication, and the time of administration of the medication.

In other to run the farm effectively, you can learn under a practicing fish farmer as an apprentice or get an expert. You just also take some online courses, read books and do lots of research via Google.

4. Get a good location for the  fish pond

After determining the type of fish you want to breed the next thing is to find a space for the fish pond. A fish pond can be situated almost anywhere because fish doesn’t cause any environmental disturbance.

You can either hire or buy land, depending on how you intend to run it. Also, if you have leftover space in your compound that can accommodate two or three ponds, you can use it.

5. Construct the pond, a borehole, and overhead tank

As a starter, it is best for you to consult an expert in other to know the pond type that is best for you based on where you intend to carry out the activities of the farm.

There are three major types of ponds; and they are, earthen pond, concrete pond, and plastic tank pond.

In addition to the fish pond, you’ll also require a borehole and overhead tank to supply water to the fish. Ensure you get experts to do this so as to avoid any mistakes that might bring about a loss in the future.

6. Determine the species of fish you want to breed

There are numerous species of fish around the world. All of those species are not suitable for farming according to the weather and climate of Nigeria. That is why the most popular fish usually used in this business is the catfish.

The catfish equally have other species so you might have to consult an expert to determine which one would thrive well in your environment.

7. Purchase your fingerlings or juveniles

Fingerlings are the baby fish you’ll need to start your farm and are also known as juveniles.

The best practice if you’re just starting a fish farm in Nigeria is to buy juveniles.

There are fish farmers that specialize in hatching fingerlings and selling juveniles.

8. Choose the right fish feed

For successful fish farming in Nigeria and better production, you have to feed the fish good and nutritious supplementary fish feed.

You can also use some low cost conventional or unconventional animal by-products and plant residue in fish feed.

There are three means of food for your fish.

  • Natural fish feed . This is found naturally in the pond. This includes; detritus, bacteria, plankton, worms, insects, snails, aquatic plants, and fish (yes, fish eat fish if they`re hungry).
  • Supplementary fish feed . This usually includes cheap materials locally available such as terrestrial plants, kitchen wastes, or agricultural by-products. The supplementary feed may be good, but they are not for the serious fish farmers (except if he includes the other types of feeds). Many people who are into fish farming in Nigeria are using supplementary feeds. some to their profit, others to their loss.
  • Complete feed . This is a carefully made fish feed. They`re usually of good ingredients and nutrients, made by the experts who understand the perfect formula for the fish at a different stage.

9. Marketing

As with most businesses, marketing is very important as you need people to know about what you do.

Start with a marketing strategy that should involve creating a website and social media handles. Word of mouth should also be used. Take the awareness to restaurants, supermarkets, and everywhere that needs fish.


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Fish Farming in Nigeria

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Among the agribusiness, commercial fish farming in Nigeria is very popular. Fish farming is also an established lucrative business. And the demand of catfish is increasing continuously.

Among all the fish species, catfish farming has a great demand in Nigeria. You can start fish farming in small scale for fulfilling your daily family demands or for earning some extra cash with your regular income.

Table of Contents

How to Start Fish Farming in Nigeria

Fish farming has great opportunities in Nigeria and you also can go for large scale commercial production. Here we are discussing more about commercial catfish production in Nigeria.

Fish Species

There are numerous species of catfish around the world. All of those species are not suitable for farming according to the weather and climate of Nigeria.

A few of those can be used for commercial fish farming in Nigeria. Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Heterobranchus hybrid (Heteroclarias), Clarias nigrodigitatus, Heterobranchus spp, Clarias spp etc. are common and most popular catfish species in Nigeria for commercial fish farming business.

Farming Method

Concrete tanks and fingerling outdoor systems both are very suitable for catfish farming . Most species of catfish are cannibals.

fish farming, fish farming Nigeria, catfish farming Nigeria, fish farming in nigeria

So, you have to take proper care during sorting them as outlined by their size. In case of fingerling outdoor culture, you have to prevent the predatory insects.

You can ensure their protection by covering the tanks with mosquito nets. This will keep the predatory insects away from your fish.

Polyculture of catfish with other common fish species like tilapia fish also very popular in Nigeria.

Polyculture of catfish in tanks with tilapia or other fish species ensure proper use of supplementary feed and higher production.

For successful fish farming and better production in Nigeria, you have to feed the fish good and nutritious supplementary fish feed .

Always ensure sufficient availability of amino acids like arginine, methionine, lysine and crude protein in their feed. Fishmeal is a great source of crude protein.

You can also use some low cost conventional or unconventional animal by-products and plant residue in fish feed. Groundnut cake, soybean meat etc. are Plant residue those can fulfill the nutrient requirements of catfish.

Nowadays, most of the fish farmers of Nigeria are using pelleted floating feeds. This types of food ensure all necessary nutrients for fish and help to increase growth rate and production.

Generally, artificial breeding through hormonal induction is used for catfish . After successful breeding, you have to take special care of the fry during the first week.

During this time you can feed the larvae zooplankton. The main problem with catfish is their cannibalism. So, keep the different aged and sized fish separate from each other.

Fish farming is a great business idea in Nigeria. And the demand of catfish is increasing rapidly. Because, it is a great source of nutrition and food. And there is already a suitable market available.

As a developing nation, fish farming can play a great contribution in the national income in Nigeria. The government have to create more and facilities for spreading fish farming business throughout the Nigeria.

Frequently Asked Questions

People ask many questions about fish farming in Nigeria. Here we are listing the most common questions about this lucrative business, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Is fish farming a profitable business in Nigeria?

Yes, commercial fish farming is a very profitable business in Nigeria. You can start this business for making money.

How to start fish farming in Nigeria?

Starting a commercial fish production business in Nigeria is very easy and simple. You can easily start this business if you follow the steps mentioned below.

  • First of all, make an effective business plan.
  • Then choose a very good location for your farm.
  • Ensure a good source of water is available near your pond.
  • Make one or several ponds depending upon your land.
  • Select the right fish species for your production. Consult with some existing farmers in your area before selecting the fish species.
  • Purchase healthy fingerling or juveniles from good supplier.
  • Feed your fish with good quality and nutritious food.
  • Provide them with required medications.
  • And always try to take good care of your fish and monitor their health on a regular basis.

How much does it cost to start a fish farm in Nigeria?

Actually, it’s not possible to tell the exact amount. Because exact costs depends on numerous factors such as land cost, type of pond, size of the pond, number of stock, type of production, equipment cost and other facilities. Generally, the cost is between ₦0.5 and ₦4 million.

Which fish is best for farming in Nigeria?

Catfish is the most farmed fish species in Nigeria. It is highly popular and grow relatively faster as compared to many other fish species.

How profitable is fish farming business in Nigeria?

Commercial fish farming is a very popular business in Nigeria. You will get your invested money back very soon. Please consult with some existing farmers in your area to know more about the amount of profits they make from this business.

What is the problem of fish farming in Nigeria?

There are some problems in fish farming business in Nigeria. Common problems are high feeding costs, low water quality, shortage of improved seeds, inadequate technical management etc.

What is the most consumed fish in Nigeria.

Most popular and most consumed fish species in Nigeria is Catfish.

What fish is popular in Nigeria?

Catfish is the most popular and mostly consumed fish species in Nigeria.

What is the demand for fish in Nigeria?

Nigeria’s total demand for fish is 3.6 million tonnes annually.

What are the challenges facing fishing industry in Nigeria?

How much is 1kg of fresh catfish in Nigeria?

Depends on numerous factors and can vary from place to place. Generally, the price of live catfish is between ₦1500 and ₦2000.

Where is the largest fish market in Nigeria?

The Oluwo fish market also known as the Epe fish market is the biggest fish market in Lagos state. It is located in Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria.

What is the largest fish farm in Nigeria?

Dickem Farms is the largest fish farm in Nigeria that deals mainly in the production of aquaculture products such as fish feed, machines for fish feed production, fish meal, herbal fish supplements, collapsible mobile fish ponds and water purifiers.

Does Nigeria export catfish?

Currently, Nigeria exports about 100 metric tons of catfish yearly to the US, Canada, and Europe.

How much is tilapia in Nigeria?

Depends on numerous factors and can vary from place to place. Average price is ₦18,00 per 1 kg.

How long does catfish take to grow in Nigeria?

African catfish is an enormously fast-growing species, when raised in intensive aquaculture. It has been reported that 40 to 60 days are needed to grow fry to 20 g. After that, the grow-out stage begins, where the fish requires 90 to 120 days to reach 1 kg.

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The study investigate the socio-economic analysis of fish farming in Yewa and Ijebu Division Area of Ogun State The study was based on primary data collected from 120 respondents in the study area. Multistage sampling techniques were used to randomly select the communities that were visited. In terms of age, evidence on shows that majority (60.0 per cent) of the sampled fish farmers, in the study area have their falling between 31 and 40 years. As much as 3.3 per cent were aged, while youths (30 years or younger) featured less prominently (11.7 per cent) among the farmers. 70.8 per cent of the fish farmers were males: it also shows that majority (92.5 per cent) of the fish farmers were married as expected. Meanwhile, results show that all the fish farmers (100.0 per cent) possess some formal education, which is predominantly at the tertiary level; Majority, 58.3% of the sampled fish farmers are also Muslim by religion with 5-10 years fish farming experience by majority. The results also show the distribution of the budgetary analysis of fish production in the study areas. It shows that the mean of the total variable cost is positively signed (N4048275.00), the mean of the gross margin is also positive (N2657463.33), total cost is (N4187853.89), total revenue is (N 1390811.66), the net income is also positively signed (N 2797042.22) while the mean of the total fixed cost is (N 139578.89). This implies that the level of profitability of fish farming in the study area is positive, since the above table shows the net income to be positively signed. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that: The major constraint impeding expansion of fish production in the study area was financial problem. Therefore, credit should be made available and accessible to fish farmers at low interest rate by the government and private organizations. There should be an insurance policy that would protect the farmers against mass loss as a result of disease outbreak, pollution, predation and devastating effect of flooding. Government and non-governmental organizations should educate fish farmers on management and solutions to fish farming problems by organizing seminars, conferences, workshop etc.

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Fish Farming (Aquaculture)

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Fish Farming

Fish farming manual and business plan PDF/Word

Fish farming

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Current Situation of aquaculture in Nigeria Aquaculture Production in Nigeria Aquaculture Policy Environment at National and State Levels Success potential Skills and abilities for success Production feasibility


MARKET ANALYSIS Overview Product description Financial projections Competitors marketing analysis Proposed Marketing Strategy

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Operational Details and Structure Machinery/Equipment Requirements, housing, drugs and feeding Raw materials and sources

MANPOWER REQUIREMENT, MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION Management Personnel requirement Organization structure

INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Mathematical formula for catfish cost production in Nigeria Capital/initial Cost Pre-Operating Expenses

Cost production of 50,000 fingerlings Hatchery unit and expected returns (cost of feed, cost of fingerlings, survival rates and sale price of the catfish) in a year

Cost production of 50,000 Grow-out pond unit and expected returns (cost of feed, cost of fingerlings, survival rates and sale price of the catfish) in a year

Cost production of 50,000 smoked fish and expected returns (cost of smoking, weight after smoking, and price of smoked fish)

Fish farming business plan




Commercial Fish Production

Sustainable aquaculture production

Why some fish farmers fail

Sitting the farm


Earthen pond

Re-circulatory system

Flow through system (Concrete tank, plastic tanks or vat)


Choosing Your Male & Female Brood Stock

Injecting the Female Fish

Getting the Male Sperm

Stripping the Female Fish

Mixing Sperm with Eggs & Spreading Inside the Vat

Feeding the Fries

Daily schedules of works in trough rearing of fries

Sorting: A Necessary Factor

Operational cost for fingerlings production

Diseases of fingerlings

Transportation of fish


Water quality/quantity

Stocking Good quality fingerling/juvenile

Feeds, feeding and feed milling

Feed formulation and processing

Feed formulation table from 2month old fish and above

An example are as shown below (this is a proven formula) for a tone (1000kg)

Culturing tilapia for feeding your fish

Handling, sampling and harvesting

Catfish health

Practical preventive measures

Predators and their Control


Running a fish farm as a business

Operational cost for stocking 3,000 catfish

Cost of Pond construction

Frequently asked question and answers

Fish Feed Dealers in Nigeria

Fish farming consists of two major subdivisions, which could either be operated separately or as an integrated process. The two subdivisions are the nursery and the grow-out pond operation.

The nursery operation is the basis for the grow-out operation and as such it cannot be operated without the nursery. The nursery involves the inducement of the female fish to lay eggs, which are then fertilized; incubated and hatched fish are known as fries.

These fries are then nurtured fro between three and four weeks into fingerlings which is the size suitable for use in the fish grow-out operation. In-between the nursery and grow-out operation is what the purpose of this manual referred to as the primary operation.

It involves the nurturing of the three or four weeks within which they could grow into post fingerlings, mini juveniles

and juveniles respectively. These can be nurtured for four to five month into grow-out or

table size fish suitable for sale and consumption. Going in catfish farming involves the

Step one: planning for Fish Farming Business, a vital step .

Here, one has to determine whether one wants to go into a big or small-scale commercial

venture, secondly, the pond system to adopt, Re-circulatory system, earthen pond or

concrete/plastic pond or both.

Step two: land, a very critical aspect of your fish farming business

This is very important. One has to acquire at least full plot of land in a suitable location. This

means, you must consider good access road, closeness to market and labour. If the land is

already available, it is good. Then we apportion it as follows:

1. Location of ponds

2. Location of farm house.

3. Location of water supply

4. Location of drainage facility. (The last point is very important, as you don’t drain your water to constitute

public nuisance).

Step Three: Water supply Source in your Fish Farming Business

The best water for fish farming is from bore hole. One or two must be sunk to guarantee

steady water supply. Overhead tanks for holding water should also be installed. The

mechanism of pumping of water must be backed up. The system must not fail.

Step Four: Pond Construction

It is advisable to engage the service of a consultant. The success or failure of this project

depends largely on construction of standard ponds that can stand the test of time. Common causes or failure in catfish farming include over stocking, poor quality feeds, water pollution

and bad specie of catfish fingerlings.


Here are details of catfish farming

1. They can be easily farmed at the family backyard

2. Cost of medication is very negligible in fish farming and it is a good poverty alleviation

activity to stem rural-urban migration

3. Rearing of fish for local consumption will decrease importation of frozen fish chicken and

turkey into the country and producing fish for export will greatly enhance our economic

potential. It will firm up the naira, improve the GDP, reduce inflation and create more jobs

for Nigerians. Over a million jobs can be created in the fish industry alone.

The Concept of Commercial Fish Production

The objective of commercial fish farming is to produce fish to supply markets at a

competitive price and make a profit. The market is therefore, the driving force for

commercial fish farming. The key parameters that determine the levels of production and success in fish farming are water quality, feed quality and seed quality. How one manages these parameters vis-à-vis the prevailing market demand and prices determines the viability

of a commercial fish farm.


The catfish production technology discussed in this manual is feed based and built upon the

principles of sustainable aquaculture. Sustainable aquaculture as applied in this technology

package is ‘an adaptable aquaculture production technology system whose ecological and

economic viability persists indefinitely’. Fish are greatly affected by the environment in

which they are grown. An aquatic ecosystem is extremely dynamic, changing with nutrient

inputs, weather and season. The effects of the changes are even more pronounced in artificial

systems like fish farms where man influences what organisms and other inputs are added to

the culture environment .Fish growth and survival are closely related to water quality

.Furthermore, fish are cold-blooded animals. All of their bodily functions are directly

influenced by the temperature of the environment. So, while the markets determine

aquaculture opportunity, the ecological and economic principles determine the choices for

sustainable aquaculture e practices and technology. Therefore, users of the manual are

encouraged to understand the principles upon which this catfish farming production

technology is based. This is because, the specific environment where the farm is located

defines what additional opportunities and constraints in production one is likely to encounter.

Farmers are therefore encouraged to be observant and continue to make adaptations, in order

to enhance the productivity and profitability of their specific enterprises.

1. Poor Farm Sitting: Such as in a place with inadequate water supply, poor soils for pond

construction (e.g. may be rocky), far away from markets and/or supplies, etc.

2. Poor farm and facility design: Ponds not compacted properly, leak a lot, may be too

shallow, and consequently construction and maintenance costs become too high while

optimum yields are not achieved, Poor accessibility to ponds, requiring workers to walk

across difficult terrain to transfer fish from pond to vehicle or vice-versa. 3. Poor Investment Plan: Several farmers assume that to be a commercial fish farmer one

must have several large ponds. Hence, they construct many ponds at once, which constrain

their cash flow. Because of this, some farmers take a while to start production or may only

afford to start production in one pond after all the investment.

4. Start production before knowing what management options are available or Start looking

for the market for fish when the fish is ready for sale. Meanwhile, because they are still

feeding, the pond attains its maximum loading and fish stop growing. The longer the fish stay

in the pond after they have stopped growing, the smaller the profit margin.

6. Do not employ the right people. Entrepreneurs use other peoples time, i.e. employ the right

people. Hiring family members who have little or no desire to learn proper fish farming

techniques is a liability because most people find it difficult to dismiss them even after it has

become apparent that they are the reason for the poor performance of the fish farm.

7. Irregular and improper feeding. This ranges from complete lack of knowledge about the

nutritional requirements and feeding of catfish to attempts at saving money by using cheap

feeds. Some farmers just do not feed their fish because they think fish will grow as long as

they are in water. They do not realize that like all animals, best performance would be

obtained if the fish have a balanced diet and that the feed needs to be palatable, easily

digestible and does not disintegrate into the water before the fish can consume it. For the

same reasons that the majority of poultry farmers would not think it wise to feed layers maize

bran, a commercial fish farmer should not believe they can get the best production results by

feeding catfish maize bran only. If one intends to increase production and profit margins from

producing eggs, then it is well known that the best way would be to feed the layers with

quality layers mash and not growers mash. Likewise, fish should be fed with the correct feed

of the right quality.

8. Do not appreciate that different management levels have different requirements which

consequently affects stocking rates. As in cattle, for example, the management requirements

and stocking rates for ranching are different from zero grazing because of the limits to which

the animals reared under the different systems can get access to adequate feed to cater for their maintenance and production needs. The same applies in fish farming. Stocking rates are a function of the specific management regime.

9. Being more impressed with harvesting the few large fish rather than looking at the overall picture and appreciating total tonnage at harvest. If you had a sow that ate all its piglets and grew nice and fat; would you be happy? Or would you rather have several but smaller animals of a reasonable size for sale rather than one giant? Survival rates and average fish size matter when raising table-fish, because profit margins above operational costs generally range between 30 to 40% depending on one’s market. The net income is therefore largely a function of turnover.

10. Wrong objectives for investing in aquaculture. Some do it simply because their friends are doing it or because they are targeting ‘free’ funds from donors or government. Nothing in this world is free. Always watch out for the hidden costs before making a final decision.

business plan for fish farming in nigeria pdf

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Catfish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria (2024 DOC)

Catfish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria

Catfish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria 2024 PDF

Catfish farming activities is one of the most lucrative but mind tasking business; the Catfish farming business is one you can actually venture into today.


Business plans and feasibility studies to get a discount.

The business has been billed as one of the most profitable businesses in the agricultural farming business.

The reason for its profitability is dependent on the level of consumption, according to records, on a daily basis across the major cities in Nigeria where catfish farms are located, an estimated sale of over 3,000 catfish are sold within each city, across supermarkets, restaurants, fish joints where pepper soup and grilled fish are made and then you have those who buy for home consumption.

Starting up a profitable business such as this requires you carry out a thorough research on the modalities required. As stated earlier, it is important to note that starting a profitable Catfish farming business in Nigeria requires commitment, concentration as well as paying complete attention to the aquatic creatures.

Apart from paying full attention to the business itself, one important thing required is have a well written catfish farming business plan in Nigeria PDF, it is a feasibility study that has all the information you need for the business, the information contained in it is well detailed with all the required financial implication and full analysis as well as projection.

This catfish farming business plan in Nigeria PDF was a research/feasibility study on the fish farm, it has been subjected to regular updates, hence, new information is added when necessary to reflect the estimated market prices .

Uses Of Catfish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria PDF

The information contained in this PDF file can serve several purposes, these purposes includes the following,

  • Can be used to apply for bank loans
  • Can be referenced in students research work
  • Can be used to apply for Grant from corporation
  • It can serve as a business proposal etc

Note – It is entirely great if you can access your start up fund for your catfish farming business in Nigeria.

This catfish farming business plan has every required information that you need to get your business running, following all the details outlined therein will see you achieve a considerable return on investment (ROI).

Factors To Consider Before Starting Your Catfish Business

Before setting up your fish farm business , there is one thing that every entrepreneur does, that is to put into consideration every factor that may affect the success of the business, here we have highlighted the possible factor you must put into consideration before going ahead with your business, see below;

  • How Healthy is catfish as regards consumption – The essence of farming catfish apart from making profit is for consumption, health wise (FISH) catfish has been categorized as one of the major sources of protein to man, this brand of fish has low level of cholesterol and it is government approved for consumption.
  • Type of water to use – Water is one of the most important component in this business, of cause fish only survives in water, hence it is important to make adequate provision for enough water for use, you can source for your water from either of the following sources (i) Borehole, (ii) River basin, (iii) Ponds, Wells or other natural source.
  • Where to locate your catfish farming business – In setting up a catfish farm, location is about as important as any of the other factors involved, are you setting up it up in your residential area? Then you have to consider its close proximity to water and market. Close proximity to water entails having unlimited water source to your pond, and close proximity to the potential market entails accessibility to the buyers, in essence, you have to provide water for your catfish to keep them alive and then ensure your location can be accessed easily by your customers.
  • Administrative Part of the catfish business – The administrative aspect covers the following (i) Farm management (ii) Accounting for (catfish purchases and sales), profit made (profit margin), general management of the farm.
  • Market for your catfish – It is important to know your potential customers before you venture into the business. How do you know your market? Carry out a survey, by this you can measure how often you can make sales, the survey will also help you to know the size of farm to set up, knowing the size of the farm to set up means you already know the size of your market.
  • Competition – Competition matters a lot in this choice of business, on a larger scale your major competitors would be Obasanjo farm, Jovana farms or Maizubi farm, these are like the caviar agricultural/ Live stock farming business in Nigeria . To compete effectively, you must have a business plan that can help you become competitive enough. You also need a business plan to set up a mini catfish business in Nigeria.
  • The type of catfish you want to grow – The business is a completed one if you do not have the technical know-how, but with a business plan, you have an information on little details that will be important to your course. There are types of catfish to grow, they include (i) Nursery (ii) The grow out pond operation. You can run both types at once, depending on your capacity.
  • Feed & Medicine for your fish – As living creatures, you will agree with me that you need to know the best feed for your aquatic creatures in a bid to keep them sustained. Do you know that the type of feed to give these fishes determines their growth level, feed that contains nutrients such as arginine, lysine and methionine. Feeds are expensive, however, you can go for feeds like soya bean cake, groundnut cake etc note before making use of any of the feed, ensure you consult professionals for tutorials on the best mix for your conventional feeds, also consult a medical professional if you notice that your fishes are not as active as they used to be, they administer or tell you the best medicine to administer and how it is done.

Our Catfish Farm Business Plan Table of content             

Executive Summary – The executive summary includes the business overview or the business description. Here you describe how you get to start-up your catfish Farm business, also included are the things involved in processing and production of quality as well as sizable fresh catfish. There are other processed catfish derivatives which are meant to target consumers of every category. In all, you get to outline your farm products as well as services to be provided.

Company Structure – Here the business founder gets to outline the structure of the business beginning from the name of the business, for example Joseph Catfish farm, describe how the establishment will be viewed, list out co investors or say those who will be involved in the limited liability company, since that is what the business will be established as, describe the hierarchy of the worker.

Products and Service – On your catfish business plan, you must spell out in clear terms your products as well as the services you are offering, this should include information of your fresh table-sized catfish as well as other semi-processed catfish derivatives. You could extend your services to be offering what is known as the “Kill–‐Cut–‐Wrap–‐Freeze” services, KCWF in short. Identify the traditional cuts in paper or cryovac packaging you can offer at your farms. Also in plain terms you could go ahead to assure your customers as well as your potential customers on how your products are hygienic, not just that also rich in protein and only high quality breeds are produced at your farms. The process of running a fish farm could be tedious and at the same time heavily rewarding, going by the three years financial planning we implemented on our fish farming business in Nigeria. Services such as production processing as well as package of your fish farm products in order to meet Nigeria as well as international standard could as well help your profit.

Market Analysis – With the Nigerian population as an advantage, the market size of Nigeria offers great market potentials for massive sales, Nigeria has the largest fish consumption ratio per nation at about 1.5 million of frozen fish annually, this is the record so far in Africa. To make it worse for local Catfish farmers, at least 60% of the fish consumed in Nigeria are imported; there lies the market gap in the industry. This simply means that the imported fish account for at least four times higher than what the local fish farmers produce, this means with a higher production capacity locally, the need to import might not be there anymore. Definitely, the market potential in Nigeria is high and profit maximization is achievable.

Competition Advantage – See eh! One way you can stay ahead of others who are in the same business as you are is to study them and understand what they do better than you, with regards to fish farm, your competitors should be the likes of Choice Farms, Obasanjo farms, Best Foods Global, Safari farms, Meat World Foods, Chi Farms etc. You could actually compete with them favorably; all you need to do is to engage experts who can help you establish a competitive edge over these other farms.

Financial Considerations – You can write a fish farm business plan that seeks for N5 million long-term financing. This cover for the business start-up, purchasing of equipment, building the required size ponds as well as working capital, the five million will cover as many expenses and costs as possible. Business partners can actually provide the initial equity for the business. With that amount it is supposed that the business will get to a positive cash flow in its 10th month of operation. This will help you speed up you loan repayment contract.

Sales and Marketing Plan – This entails all the modalities employed by the business owner to get their business known. There are techniques one can use to get their business known, some of these techniques includes but not limited to the following;

  • Distribution of flyers to the public.
  • Cultivate a customer business relationship with your customers.
  • Mouth to mouth publication
  • Make use of referrals to increase market sales.
  • Use of online medium to market your farm products as well as services, this can be done through a dedicated website, social media platforms, facebook page or even the use of online influencers that are mostly active on twitter.
  • The use of newspapers and magazines for advertisement purposes.

Now you get a sample of the Catfish farming business plan, a well written feasibility study on Catfish farming business in Nigeria.

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Account Name – Okite Joseph ikenna

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    The risk of the business is mainly getting a market and we have already identified our. target market. The cost benefit analysis of this plan shows that in the startup year, with. 12,000 ...

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    Tilapia Farming. Being the second most popular fish in Nigeria's aquaculture industry, Tilapia are tropical fish that require warm water to grow with the ideal water temperature between 28 to 30 degrees Celsius. They are more resistant to diseases and parasites and are also rich in proteins and vitamins.

  3. Fish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria (2024 DOC)

    GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name - Okite Joseph ikenna. Account No - 0044083736. Once payment is made for the FISH FARMING BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA / FEASIBILITY STUDY PDF, send the following info (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers - 07039768549.

  4. Fish Farming Business Plan in Nigeria

    Business Plan for Catfish Farming - Revenue Evaluation. If the fish farm is well managed and the fish are divided into several ponds based on their sizes. In all likelihood, after 5 or 5.5 months, around 1,500 extremely huge fish, N 1,000 enormous fish, 2,000 medium size fish, and 500 small fish will be harvested.

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  12. Calaméo

    Business Plan: Fish Farming Price: N10,000 Contact Info: Send a mail to [email protected] or call +2347033914653 and the plan will be sent to your mail, after payment is confirmed. Account : Olise Ijoma, 0138589926 Gt Bank See Also >>> Poultry Farming In Nigeria (business Plan)

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    The best practice if you're just starting a fish farm in Nigeria is to buy juveniles. There are fish farmers that specialize in hatching fingerlings and selling juveniles. 8. Choose the right fish feed. For successful fish farming in Nigeria and better production, you have to feed the fish good and nutritious supplementary fish feed.


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    For start up, The firm already have Four (4) very big concrete ponds, each to carry 3,000 fishes. Cost of Borehole Drilling (Water Source) N450,000. Cost of pump machine to pump water to Overhead ...

  17. PDF Catfish Farming Business Plan in Nigeria

    TO GET THE FULL SAMPLE FISH FARMING BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA, PAY N10,000.00 TO: BANK NAME: FIRST BANK OF NIGERIA PLC ACCOUNT NAME: CHIBUZOR TOCHI ONYEMENAM ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122 After payment, send your full name/ depositor's name, email address and title of business plan (fish framing business plan) to : +2347033378184

  18. Fish Farming In Nigeria: Best Guide For Beginners

    Feeding. For successful fish farming and better production in Nigeria, you have to feed the fish good and nutritious supplementary fish feed. Always ensure sufficient availability of amino acids like arginine, methionine, lysine and crude protein in their feed. Fishmeal is a great source of crude protein.

  19. Fish Farming Business Plan (Sample)

    Fish Farming business Plan (Sample) - Nigeria Resource Hub - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Fish farming plan

  20. (Pdf) a Business Plan on Fish Farming in Kashere Community Gombe State

    CURRENT STATUS The firm is the only existing in this area. It is a new firm ACC1037, ACC1040, ACC1078 Page 8 STEVARON catfish business plan MARKET ANALYSIS Fish Farming in Nigeria started gaining wide spread recognition in the year 2000 and has now become a business that all farmers are venturing into.

  21. Fish Farming (Aquaculture)

    Here are details of catfish farming. 1. They can be easily farmed at the family backyard. 2. Cost of medication is very negligible in fish farming and it is a good poverty alleviation. activity to stem rural-urban migration. 3. Rearing of fish for local consumption will decrease importation of frozen fish chicken and.

  22. Business Proposal For Fish Farm in Nigeria

    Business Proposal for Fish Farm in Nigeria - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. feasibility of fish farm

  23. Catfish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria (2024 DOC)

    Once payment is made for the Catfish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria PDF file, send the following (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers - 07039768549. Other Business Plans. Cosmetics Business Plan in Nigeria. Fashion Design Business Plan In Nigeria. Pig Farming Business Plan In Nigeria.