Manual Network Configuration in Linux and How to Set a Static IP Address

Last updated: March 18, 2024

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

  • Administration

1. Introduction

Many Linux distributions come with a network manager. In theory, it should help during the networking setup. Yet, we might not always want to install or use managers when setting up an interface. Moreover, a network manager is often just a convenient abstraction or interface to the configuration files of a Linux distribution.

In this tutorial, we look at standard low-level files and tools to configure our IP address settings . We start off by briefly discussing dynamic and static addresses. After picking static IP network configuration as an example, we look at a universal way to perform it under Linux. Next, we explore network managers in detail. Finally, we show our main example in action on multiple Linux distributions.

For brevity, we only use IPv4 instead of IPv6 and static instead of dynamic addresses, but most concepts apply to all variants.

We tested the code in this tutorial on Debian 12 (Bookworm), CentOS Stream 9, Slackware 15.0, Gentoo 2.8, and ArchLinux Rolling (2022.10.01). It should work in most POSIX-compliant environments.

2. Dynamic and Static IP Address

When using a static IP, the operating system (OS) knows that we have two requirements for a given interface:

  • a specific IP address
  • full control over the address assignment

Since the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can take the Media Access Control (MAC) address into account when assigning the network-layer address, we might still automatically receive the same IP on each connection with that protocol. Moreover, the client can usually specify a preference.

However, whether we get the same IP address with DHCP might depend on many factors, some of which are external :

  • DHCP server IP reservation
  • same DHCP server
  • unchanged DHCP server configuration
  • same network interface card (NIC) or MAC address

Thus, we give up control of our network-layer address, which may become inconvenient when it’s our sole means to identify a system. For example, switching environments can lead to a new IP. If we don’t have remotely-resolvable hostnames or domain names, we’d need this new IP when using access protocols like SSH. Further, a name (type) on one network could be unrecognizable on another.

On the other hand, a static IP ensures we always assign the same address . Of course, this comes with its own problems:

  • manual settings might not comply with a given environment
  • might have to change configuration depending on the network
  • can lead to IP address conflicts, especially on smaller networks

Still, for stationary machines and the proper administration, a static address is usually more of a convenience than a burden . So, we use that as our example configuration.

3. Static IP on Linux

While there are many managers, graphical user interface (GUI) front-ends, and command-line interface (CLI) utilities for network settings, many boil down to the ip command, which supersedes ifconfig .

Let’s use ip to acquire and set our NIC configuration.

3.1. Current Settings

First, we check our current setup:

Here, we have an IPv4 ( inet ) address of with its associated broadcast and several specifiers. Of the latter, dynamic means the system uses DHCP to set up the connection . Let’s confirm this:

Above, we use grep to case-insensitively filter for dhcp in the system log from the last boot as returned by journalctl . Consequently, we see the setup of our eth1 interface with the address .

3.2. Consider DHCP

In most recent Linux distributions, disabling DHCP comes down to controlling a daemon for the server ( dhcpd ) or client ( dhcpcd ):

However, there are several pitfalls:

  • we might not need to disable DHCP at all if it’s properly configured
  • the daemon name and control mechanisms can vary
  • on older systems, DHCP client calls can instead be in other services
  • custom solutions can provide and force DHCP depending on the Linux distribution

Because of this, how and whether we turn DHCP off depends on the system and our needs.

3.3. Temporary Static IP via ip

Now, let’s use ip to set a static IP on eth1 :

After flushing all addresses and routes from eth1 , we add a new static address and gateway. Next, we verify the settings by confirming that dynamic is no longer present in the interface characteristics. However, a system reboot now would wipe our network setup and restore the IP to what DHCP provides .

3.4. Permanent Static IP via ip

To make the settings we applied remain the same between reboots, we can run a script on startup, which includes the ip lines above, along with any other related commands. Naturally, the exact way depends on the Linux distribution.

4. Network Managers

Using a manager can be critical for complex setups. Yet, even a one-interface machine can benefit from the features network managers provide:

  • seamlessly detect networks
  • automatically configure connections
  • maintain and switch between configuration profiles
  • support multiple protocols, wireless and wired

Critically, network managers are feature-rich abstractions to the network configuration files of a given system . While there are many Linux network managers like Connman , netctl , and wicd , three are ubiquitous:

  • System V (SysV) network(ing) services
  • systemd ‘s systemd-networkd
  • NetworkManager

Since most Linux distributions migrated to systemd , the first of these is now mostly deprecated, although still widely supported. Importantly, SysV network(ing) service configuration files provide the original framework commonly used by other network management solutions .

4.1. Identify Network Managers

Before doing any network configuration on a Linux system, we should identify and disable unused network managers. Thus, it’s usually a good idea to start by checking for any related services:

In this case, we use grep to search for the keyword network in the list of services. While not foolproof, this is a good first step. Consequently, we see NetworkManager is active and running .

4.2. Control Network Managers

We can simply use systemctl to detect and toggle most service-based network managers. For example, we can easily replace one manager with another where available:

Notably, the *-wait-online and other secondary daemons that each solution offers are also part of the packages. While the enable and disable lines are optional, running conflicting services or configurations of any kind is considered bad practice and can lead to severe issues and system instability , especially regarding networking.

Of course, with services of this kind, any setup should be easier to configure and maintain. Adding to that, most managers have a GUI, terminal user interface (TUI), or at least a flexible CLI. Unlike ip , settings from network management tools can persist between reboots.

Now, we move to the most persistent, albeit in part, distribution-specific solutions.

5. Static IP on Debian Distributions

Let’s check the default structure of networking configuration files in Debian derivatives such as Kali , Knoppix , Ubuntu , Raspberry Pi OS , and Tails :

Here, the tree command shows the /etc/network/*.d directories for scripts that run before ( pre ), after ( post ), or while an interface ( if ) goes up or down . Next to them, the /etc/network/interfaces file contains the main network interface configuration, sourcing any files in the /etc/network/interfaces.d .

5.1. Add Interface Configuration

By default, to set a static IP on eth1 under Debian-based systems, we add a block to /etc/network/interfaces and remove any other configuration related to eth1 :

Let’s break down the meaning of this block:

  • auto eth1 enables automatic configuration for this interface during boot
  • iface eth1 inet static sets eth1 as an IPv4 interface with a static address
  • address , netmask , and gateway assign the respective addresses and network
  • dns-nameservers , while not strictly necessary, sets the DNS servers to use

Of course, we can add more options like pre-up /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ , which utilizes a script in the if-pre-up.d directory from earlier. Now, we’re ready to apply our configuration.

5.2. Restart Networking or Interface

At this point, we just need to restart networking via SysV with /etc/init.d/networking (deprecated, not recommended), systemd , our network management tool, or directly for changes to take effect , depending on the system version:

Basically, the last command uses the legacy ifupdown package to only toggle the particular interface.

However, NetworkManager can also handle the native Debian network setup files . Importantly, the method of choice depends more on the version of the system and less on our preferences.

5.3. Confirm Setup

Finally, we can verify the new settings:

Here, we see our changes are in effect via ip .

6. Static IP in RedHat and Other RPM Distributions

Again, we start by briefly looking at the network setup files in RedHat , SUSE , openSUSE , Fedora , CentOS , Oracle Linux , and other RPM-based Linux versions:

By utilizing the -P flag of tree , we can filter only network-related items in the /etc/sysconfig directory. In particular, /etc/sysconfig/network contains global options for all interfaces, while /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-IFNAME files are responsible for configuring interface IFNAME .

However, since version 9 of RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and other RPM-based distributions, ifcfg configuration files have been deprecated in favor of so-called keyfiles . This is also indicated by /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts-readme-ifcfg-rh.txt file:

Notably, keyfiles require the NetworkManager to function correctly.

6.1. network-scripts and NetworkManager

The SysV-based network-scripts package contains tools and scripts for different functions:

  • /etc/init.d/network script to stop, start, and restart network components
  • ifup* , ifdown* , and other /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory scripts
  • ifup and ifdown native tools for interface state toggling
  • usernetctl native command for general network configuration

In the case of RedHat and other related distributions, their newer versions have deprecated network-scripts in favor of NetworkManager .

To that end, some tools and scripts are either not available or have become wrappers for nmcli command lines. Consequently, for recent versions of RPM-based distributions, it’s usually best to leave NetworkManager installed, enabled, and started .

As an alternative, we might still be able to install the network-scripts package in its place, but that’s not recommended . If we do go that route, we must stop and disable NetworkManager via systemctl stop NetworkManager NetworkManager-wait-online, and systemctl disable NetworkManager NetworkManager-wait-online .

All of the above means that, while the interface settings files have mostly remained unchanged, their default processing has.

6.2. Create Interface Configuration File

After considering the network setup mechanisms, to configure eth1 with a static IP on RPM distributions, we can simply add the necessary options in a deprecated /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 file :

As before, let’s check what the options mean:

  • DEVICE=eth1 ensures we have the correct interface name
  • BOOTPROTO is dhcp for DHCP, but our static configuration doesn’t require any protocol, so we use none
  • ONBOOT=yes , similar to Debian’s auto , indicates the interface should be activated on boot
  • IPADDR , NETMASK , GATEWAY , and BROADCAST are all set to their respective values for our static address
  • DNS1 and DNS2 optionally set DNS servers
  • USERCTL=no prevents non-superusers to control the interface
  • NM_CONTROLLED=no stops NetworkManager from managing the interface

Of course, there are many other settings .

Alternatively, we can use the NetworkManager keyfiles instead . Let’s see an equivalent of the above in the new format:

Further, as indicated in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts-readme-ifcfg-rh.txt , we can migrate all connections from the deprecated ifcfg format to the new keyfile format:

Notably, many keyfiles fields are the same in ifcfg files, while others are similar.

In addition, having to use NetworkManager for keyfiles means nmcli can perform our configuration directly :

This provides the added benefit of syntax checking.

6.3. Restart Networking or Interface

Naturally, the changes are applied once we restart the networking .

There are two main options for that:

  • with systemd
  • directly via network-scripts with /etc/rc.d/init.d/network (deprecated, not recommended)

By default, we’d use nmcli or the NetworkManager service:

Alternatively, we can employ nmcli and keyfiles to just manage the specific interface:

If we have them disabled, we can use basic tooling:

Once again, the last command only restarts eth1 . Also, the method of choice depends on the version of the system and our needs.

6.4. Confirm Setup

Now, we can confirm eth1 has the correct settings:

Here, we see that our interface has a static IP address.

7. Static IP in Slackware Distributions

In Slackware and its related distributions like Slax and Absolute Linux , the system startup goes through the original /etc/rc.d network file framework:

  • /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
  • /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
  • /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2

Of these, /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ensures we have a network, while /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf sets the properties of our interfaces .

7.1. Disable Network Managers

Indeed, recent Slackware versions often come with NetworkManager by default . Still, external network management solutions can interfere with our manual settings or add more on top of them. Because of this, we stop and disable NetworkManager and any other similar services:

At this point, we can move on with the internal network setup mechanism.

7.2. Modify Interface Configuration

Basically, to configure a static IP address for eth1 on Slackware-based distributions, we can simply replace or add options for that interface in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf :

Notably, the matching numbers ( 0 ) within square brackets indicate settings for the same interface . Also, unlike other methods, there are no options for DNS servers, as Slackware uses only /etc/resolv.conf by default. Of course, we don’t set values for DHCP options.

7.3. Restart Networking

In Slackware-based Linux versions, the built-in networking restart mechanism is the /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 script:

Now, we can confirm our new settings:

Conveniently, Slackware-based distributions also include the netconfig tool . It provides an interactive way to configure most network settings.

8. Static IP in Gentoo Distributions

Because Gentoo and its family are commonly source-based and highly flexible, we can perform their initialization process with many init systems.

By default, it’s the OpenRC init system, very similar to Slackware’s. Further, Gentoo uses Netifrc as its default integrated network configuration framework :

  • /etc/conf.d/net for general interface setup (usually created by an administrator)
  • /etc/init.d/net.lo and /etc/init.d/net.* scripts to control interfaces

Because of this, interface setup means editing /etc/conf.d/net and creating the related service script for that interface . Of course, keeping with the general philosophy of Gentoo, we can remove or ignore the netifrc package in favor of external managers.

8.1. Add Interface Configuration

By default, to set a static IP on eth1 on Gentoo-based systems, we modify /etc/conf.d/net with our settings :

Here, options refer to the interface name with a suffix. The configuration is similar to the options of ip .

Next, to control the interface, we have to create a respectively-named script by making a symbolic link with ln to /etc/init.d/net.lo :

In case /etc/init.d/net.lo is missing, we can acquire it via emerge :

Thus, we restored /etc/init.d/net.lo .

8.2. Restart the Interface

At this point, we are ready to start or restart our interface service net.eth1 with the new configuration:

Usually, the warning can safely be ignored.

To apply the settings on each restart, we add the script via OpenRC’s rc-update :

Further, we can do the same via systemctl where available:

Similar to Slackware’s netconfig , Gentoo includes the net-setup script for interactive network configuration.

9. Static IP in ArchLinux Distributions

Since ArchLinux is built from scratch, its family, including Manjaro and others , usually doesn’t provide its own network configuration framework. Instead, they integrate and leverage the framework of systemd-networkd by default:

This is more or less in contrast with Gentoo. Essentially, we can set a static IP in ArchLinux via systemd-networkd by creating a /etc/systemd/network/ file :

Now, we just disable DHCP and restart systemd-networkd :

At this point, we should have the correct static IP on eth1 .

10. Summary

In this article, we looked at network configuration under many different Linux distributions, with the main example of setting a static IP address.

In conclusion, while the way we configure our network setup can vary widely between Linux versions, there are also universal ways to perform it.


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: To get the most from this article, understand the following concepts before reading: basic unix command line tools, text editors, DNS, TCP/IP, DHCP, netmask, gateway

3 ways to configure the network

Starting and stopping interfaces, reinitialize new network setup, network interface names, using dhcp to automatically configure the interface, configuring the interface manually, setting the speed and duplex, bringing up an interface without an ip address, the resolv.conf configuration file, the resolvconf program, dns configuration for networkmanager, using systemd-resolved for dns resolution, dhcp client configuration, bridging without switching, manual config, network init script config, bridges and vlans, caveats when using bridging and vlan, network config, bonding with active backup, /etc/network/interfaces, how to set the mtu (max transfer unit / packet size) with vlans over a bonded interface, legacy method, iproute2 method.

  • The interfaces configuration file at /etc/network/interfaces (this page): for basic or simple configurations (e.g. workstation)

Setting up an Ethernet Interface

Upgrading and network interface names.

  • Identify the interface in question (it will often be eth0). Adjust the remainder of these instructions accordingly.
  • Reboot the machine to make sure it comes up correctly, and be prepared to intervene manually (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-Del and then boot into single-user mode from GRUB or LILO) if things don't work.

Defining the (DNS) Nameservers

  • DHCP clients
  • Choose a connection (from the Wired or Wireless tab) and click Edit.
  • Click on the IPv4 Settings tab
  • Choose 'Automatic (DHCP) addresses only' instead of just 'Automatic (DHCP)'.
  • Enter the DNS servers in the “DNS servers” field, separated by spaces (e.g. for OpenDNS).
  • Click “Apply.”

Enabling systemd-resolved

Checking the status and flushing the cache in systemd-resolved, managing systemd-resolved settings, setting additional dns servers, setting additional search domains, howto use vlan (dot1q, 802.1q, trunk) (etch, lenny), howto create fault tolerant bonding with vlan (etch - stretch).


Multiple IP addresses on one Interface

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How to Set Up a Static IP Address on Debian 12

How to Set Static IP Address on Debian 12?

A static IP address is an IP address that does not change/modify with time. It is useful for setting up servers, remote access, or other network services that require a fixed IP address (need to be reachable at a fixed location). By default, Debian 12 uses a dynamic IP address that is allocated by a DHCP server. However, you can configure your Debian 12 system to use a static IP address by editing the network configuration files.

This guide will explain all possible methods to set up a static IP address on Debian 12 along with the step-by-step instructions.

Prerequisite: Create a Backup File

Before network configuration, it is good practice to create a backup of the existing network settings via the “ cp ” command:

How to Set Up a Static IP Address on Debian 12?

There are different methods to set up a static IP address on Debian 12, depending on the network interface you are using. You can use either the command line or graphical interface to configure your network settings.

To set up a static IP address on Debian 12, follow these:

  • Method 1: Editing the /etc/network/interfaces File
  • Method 2: Using the nmcli (Command-line Tool)
  • Method 3: Using the nmtui (Text-based Interface)
  • Method 4: Using NetworkManager (Graphical-based Interface)

Let’s begin with the first method.

Method 1: Set Up a Static IP Address on Debian 12 Editing the /etc/network/interfaces File

The “ /etc/network/interfaces ” file is a configuration file that defines how the network interfaces are configured on the system. To change an interface’s IP address, first check its current IP address:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Here, the network interface “ ens33 ” has the IP address “ ”. The last IP address on the network is “ ”, which is the broadcast address. The IP address must be in the range of “ ” to “ ”.

To set up a static IP address on Debian 12, edit the “/ etc/network/interfaces ” file and add the desired IP address, netmask, gateway, and DNS server for your interface. After saving the file, restart the network service to take effect as follow:

Step 1: Open /etc/network/interfaces File

First, access the /etc/network/interfaces file to edit the desired networking file via nano (editor):

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 2: Configure Network Interface

Find the line that starts with “ iface ” and match to the network interface for configuration. For instance, to configure the ethernet interface “ ens33 ”, add the following lines (address, netmask, gateway, and dns-nameservers):

Users can replace the values with your own:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Save and close the file by pressing Ctrl+O and then Ctrl+X.

Note : Users can find the network interface using the “ nmcli connection show ” command by following the “ Device Name ” column.

IMPORTANT : Users ensure the default gateway is the same as the assigned IP address (for NAT or Bridged Network). Otherwise, look for “ iface ens33 inet dhcp ” and change the word “ dhcp ” to “ static ” by following the above configuration.

Step 3: Restart Networking Service

Finally, restart the networking service using the “ systemctl ” command or reboot the system for the changes to take effect:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 4: Verify Set up IP Address

To check the static IP address on the running system, use the “ ip ” command with “ a ” utility:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Finally, the static IP address has been set up using the “/ etc/network/interfaces ” file on Debian 12.

Note : Each method has independent settings/configurations to set up a static IP address on the Debian system.

Method 2: Set Up a Static IP Address on Debian 12 Using the nmcli

The nmcli is a part of the “ NetworkManager ” package that allows users to manage network connections from the terminal. This tool specifies the IP address, prefix, gateway, and DNS server associated with the device.

To set up a static IP address on Debian 12 using nmcli, follow these steps:

Step 1: List Network Connections

To list all the available network connections on the system, use “ nmcli ” command with “ connection show ”. It prints the network connections along with the connection name, UUID, connection type and device name:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 2: Configure Network Connection

To configure the ethernet connection “ ens33 ”, use the “ Wired connection 1 ” in the below instructions:

Now, configure/modify connection settings. Such as IP address

  • Assign/Set Static IP Address

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

  • Set Default Gateway

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

  • Modify Configuration from Automatic to Static

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

  • Set the DNS IP (Google DNS Server)

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

  • Activate/Enable the Connection

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Note : To deactivate the connection, replace the “ down ” utility with the “ up ” utility in the above command.

Verify Static IP Address

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Tip: Add or Delete Network Connection

Restart the NetworkManager service by typing sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager or reboot your system for the changes to take effect:

Finally, the static IP address has been set up on Debian 12 using nmcli command line tool.

Method 3: Set Up a Static IP Address on Debian 12 Using the nmtui

The nmtui is another part of the “ NetworkManager ” package that allows you to manage the network connections from a text-based user interface (TUI).

To set up a static IP address on Debian 12 using nmtui, follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch nmtui Interface

First, type “ nmtui ” command to launch the interface, use the arrow keys, and Enter key to navigate through the menus and options

Step 2: Edit a Connection

Select “ Edit a connection ” option and press Enter:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Select the connection (e.g., “ Wired connection 1 ”) that users want to configure and press Enter:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

It navigates to the “ Edit a connection ” interface. At there,

  • Select “ IPv4 CONFIGURATION ” and press Enter. Pick “ Manual ” from the list and hit the “ Enter ” button.
  • Select “ Show ” to add or edit the IPv4 addresses of the connection.
  • Enter the static IP address (, gateway( and DNS servers ( of the connection that users want to assign to the connection.

Scroll down, and hit the “ OK ” button to save the address and return to the previous menu:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 3: Restart the NetworkManager Services

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Then, press the “ Activate/Deactivate ” for the changes to take effect. Finally, back, and then “ Quit ” to exit the interface:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 4: Verify Static IP Address

Now, users can verify the Static IP address using the “ ip ” command with the “ a ” utility:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

This section has set up/configured the static IP address on Debian 12 using nmtui tool.

Method 4: Set Up a Static IP Address on Debian 12 Using NetworkManager

The GUI method is an easy-to-implement method for static IP address configuration. To set up a static IP address using the graphical interface. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Click on the Network Icon

Click on the network icon on the top right corner of the screen and select “Wired Settings

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 2: Access the Network Interface

In the “ Wired ” tab, hit the gear icon under the network interface for configuration:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 3: Edit Network Information

In the “ IPv4 ” tab, switch the method from “ Automatic (DHCP) ” to “ Manual ”. After that, enter the IP address (, subnet mask (, gateway ( and DNS servers (, Finally, click on “ Apply ” to save the changes:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Note : If a user found any issue, check the Gateway that remains the same as in the previous configuration located in the “ Details ” tab.

Step 4: Restart Network Interface

Now, restart the network interface via toggle button for the changes to take effect:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

Step 5: Verification

User can verify the static ip address on settings by navigating to the “ Detail ” tab:

change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

In this way, a static IP address has been set up on Debian 12 using the GUI.

Setting up a static IP address on Debian 12 is a simple and useful task that can improve your network security and stability. To set up a static IP address on Debian 12, use the “ /etc/network/interfaces ” file, the “ nmcli ” tool, and the “ nmtui ” interface.

Alternatively, use the “ NetworkManager ” graphical tool and configure the IPv4 settings for your connection. The easiest method is to use the “ NetworkManager ” tool to static IP addresses on Debian 12.

This guide has explained all possible ways to set up a static IP address on Debian 12.

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  • The Debian Administrator's Handbook

8.2. Configuring the Network

BACK TO BASICS Essential network concepts (Ethernet, IP address, subnet, broadcast)

NOTE NetworkManager

8.2.1. Ethernet Interface

Example 8.1. DHCP configuration

IN PRACTICE Names of network interfaces

Example 8.2. Static configuration

NOTE Multiple addresses

8.2.2. Wireless Interface installing the required firmwares, wireless specific entries in /etc/network/interfaces.

Example 8.3. DHCP configuration for a wireless interface

HISTORY WEP encryption

8.2.3. Connecting with PPP through a PSTN Modem

8.2.4. connecting through an adsl modem, modems supporting pppoe.

TIP Starting ppp at boot Modems Supporting PPTP modems supporting dhcp.

BACK TO BASICS Crossover cable for a direct Ethernet connection

8.2.5. Automatic Network Configuration for Roaming Users

  • Prev Chapter 8. Basic Configuration: Network, Accounts...
  • Next 8.3. Setting the Hostname and Configuring the Nam...

How to Configure Static IP Address on Ubuntu 20.04

Published on Sep 15, 2020

Ubuntu Static IP Address

This article explains how to set up a static IP address on Ubuntu 20.04.

Typically, in most network configurations, the IP address is assigned dynamically by the router DHCP server. Setting a static IP address may be required in different situations, such as configuring port forwarding or running a media server .

Configuring Static IP address using DHCP #

The easiest and recommended way to assign a static IP address to a device on your LAN is to configure a Static DHCP on your router. Static DHCP or DHCP reservation is a feature found on most routers which makes the DHCP server to automatically assign the same IP address to a specific network device, each time the device requests an address from the DHCP server. This works by assigning a static IP to the device’s unique MAC address.

The steps for configuring a DHCP reservation vary from router to router. Consult the vendor’s documentation for more information.

Ubuntu 17.10 and later uses Netplan as the default network management tool. The previous Ubuntu versions were using ifconfig and its configuration file /etc/network/interfaces to configure the network.

Netplan configuration files are written in YAML syntax with a .yaml file extension. To configure a network interface with Netplan, you need to create a YAML description for the interface, and Netplan will generate the required configuration files for the chosen renderer tool.

Netplan supports two renderers, NetworkManager and Systemd-networkd. NetworkManager is mostly used on Desktop machines, while the Systemd-networkd is used on servers without a GUI.

Configuring Static IP address on Ubuntu Server #

On Ubuntu 20.04, the system identifies network interfaces using ‘predictable network interface names’.

The first step toward setting up a static IP address is identifying the name of the ethernet interface you want to configure. To do so, use the ip link command, as shown below:

The command prints a list of all the available network interfaces. In this example, the name of the interface is ens3 :

Netplan configuration files are stored in the /etc/netplan directory. You’ll probably find one or more YAML files in this directory. The name of the file may differ from setup to setup. Usually, the file is named either 01-netcfg.yaml , 50-cloud-init.yaml , or NN_interfaceName.yaml , but in your system it may be different.

If your Ubuntu cloud instance is provisioned with cloud-init, you’ll need to disable it. To do so create the following file:

To assign a static IP address on the network interface, open the YAML configuration file with your text editor :

Before changing the configuration, let’s explain the code in a short.

Each Netplan Yaml file starts with the network key that has at least two required elements. The first required element is the version of the network configuration format, and the second one is the device type. The device type can be ethernets , bonds , bridges , or vlans .

The configuration above also has a line that shows the renderer type. Out of the box, if you installed Ubuntu in server mode, the renderer is configured to use networkd as the back end.

Under the device’s type ( ethernets ), you can specify one or more network interfaces. In this example, we have only one interface ens3 that is configured to obtain IP addressing from a DHCP server dhcp4: yes .

To assign a static IP address to ens3 interface, edit the file as follows:

  • Set DHCP to dhcp4: no .
  • Specify the static IP address. Under addresses: you can add one or more IPv4 or IPv6 IP addresses that will be assigned to the network interface.
  • Specify the gateway.
  • Under nameservers , set the IP addresses of the nameservers.

When editing Yaml files, make sure you follow the YAML code indent standards. If the syntax is not correct, the changes will not be applied.

Once done, save the file and apply the changes by running the following command:

Verify the changes by typing:

That’s it! You have assigned a static IP to your Ubuntu server.

Configuring Static IP address on Ubuntu Desktop #

Setting up a static IP address on Ubuntu Desktop computers requires no technical knowledge.

In the Activities screen, search for “settings” and click on the icon. This will open the GNOME settings window. Depending on the interface you want to modify, click either on the Network or Wi-Fi tab. To open the interface settings, click on the cog icon next to the interface name.

In “IPV4” Method" tab, select “Manual” and enter your static IP address, Netmask and Gateway. Once done, click on the “Apply” button.

Ubuntu Set static IP Address

To verify the changes, open your terminal either by using the Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut or by clicking on the terminal icon and run:

The output will show the interface IP address:

Conclusion #

We’ve shown you how to configure a static IP address on Ubuntu 20.04.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides

How to Set Static IP Address and Configure Network in Linux

If you are a Linux system administrator, time will come when you will need to configure networking on your system. Unlike desktop machines where you can use dynamic IP addresses, on a server infrastructure, you will need to setup a static IP address (at least in most cases).

Read Also: How to Set or Change System Hostname in Linux </p

This article is meant to show you how to configure static IP address on most frequently used Linux distributions.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the following Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) details:

Configure Static IP Address in RHEL/CentOS/Fedora:

To configure static IP address in  RHEL / CentOS / Fedora , you will need to edit:

Where in the above "ifcfg-eth0" answers to your network interface eth0 . If your interface is named “ eth1" then the file that you will need to edit is "ifcfg-eth1" .

Let’s start with the first file:

Open that file and set:

Note : Make sure to open the file corresponding to your network interface. You can find your network interface name with ifconfig -a command .

In that file make the following changes:

You will only need to edit the settings for:

  • DNS1 and DNS2

Other settings should have already been predefined.

Next edit resolve.conf file by opening it with a text editor such as nano or vi :

Once you have made your changes restart the networking with:

Set Static IP Address in Debian / Ubuntu

To setup static IP address in Debian / Ubuntu , open the following file:

You may see a line looking like this:

Change it so it looks like this:

Save the file and then edit /etc/resolv.conf like this:

Restart the networking on your system with:

Your static IP address has been configured.


You now know how to configure a static IP address on a Linux distro. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to submit them in the comment section below.

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change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

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There isn’t an “eth0” on my server because it is connected by WIFI only.


If your server is connected only via WiFi, the network interface will likely have a different name, such as ` wlan0 ` or something similar, depending on your system and its configuration.

The steps to set a static IP address and configure the network are similar, but you’ll need to use the correct interface name for your WiFi connection.

You can find the name of your WiFi interface by running the ` ip a` command in the terminal. Once you have the correct interface name, you can follow the same process to configure your network settings.

The time will come when you will need to configure networking on your system. Unlike desktop machines where you can use dynamic IP addresses, on a server infrastructure, you will need to set up a static IP address (at least in most cases).

Terrible – and my ‘ linux distro ‘ isn’t the same as yours, there’s no ‘ /etc/sysconfig/ ‘ folder.

In Ubuntu 20.04 there is no interfaces file they switch to netplan . If you can update this article to include the new change it will help a lot.

thanks Raouf

Well, this isn’t correct. Just trashed my Linux mint distro

Is it public Static IP? or can I use to access data from other networks?

Failed to restart network.service: Unit network.service not found.

I’m asking a question on a fairly old thread, but just in case, is it possible to do this on a WIFI network?

For example, when using the first command (# nano /etc/network/interfaces ) in Ubuntu, the result I see is:

There isn’t an “ eth0 ” on my server because it is connected by WIFI only. Will it still work using another option?

Yes it will work I think so, just change the settings in the interfaces file as explained in this article.

I set the static IP in ifcfg-eth0, added HWADDR and UUID, but on reboot system does not associate the IP to eth0.

This is VM. Any idea why its happening and steps to troubleshoot.

I think you need to make sure that you select “ manual ” and the correct IP address, subnet mask, and gateway and save the configuration as explained in the article. Also, I personally would select a new and different IP address, so that you can really check if it has been saved by opening the terminal and typing:

after a restart.

If i set ip address as static am not able to ping why and also packages are not installed.

Please give me reply as soon as possible.


Please add the DNS Name servers in your /etc/resolv.conf file..

@Ravi Saive thanks for your reply , yes i did /etc.resolv.conf also but getting the same problem


The file is /etc/resolv.conf , in this file add your DNS name servers for example.

When I enter the /etc/resolv.conf file, what is it supposed to look like? And when you say “edit” do you mean delete what’s there and write what you’ve provided, or just add new lines?

Hello Marin, Thank you very much for this article. It was a major help in my class project. This is my first time using a vm and it is an awesome learning experience. I’m really glad I ran into this article, it was well written and easy to follow.

Just wanted to say a million thank you’s for this well-written, comprehensive and easily-understood article! Awesome stuff! A real lifesaver too, as I had to quickly configure a static IP for myself to get access to remote computing. Thank you! :-D

A question from a linux newbie. Does this instruction apply for both ubuntu running on my desktop PC as well as debian linux on an embedded board?

Yes, the instructions will works on any Debian/Ubuntu based distribution without any issues..have you tried on your embedded board? does these instructions worked? let us know.

Hi Ravi, thanks for your reply.

Default the folder /etc/sysconfig does not exist on my embedded system. Of Course i could create it as well as the files mentioned, but it would be out of the context of this instructions.

Thanks, Rob

I found here very good stuff! You are doing an excellent job and I like your site! Thanks!

Thanks for finding this site very useful and thanks for appreciating our work, Keep visiting for more such useful articles…

Great job, I was I actually looking for an article like this one. So thank you so very much. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for appreciating and finding this article useful, keep connected to Tecmint for such wonderful articles…:)

What if I have 2 NICs on my server one for LAN & one for WAN and I want to set one of them (WAN) as default gateway? How to configure this server as gateway and as a router.

The easiest way to add default gateway using route command as shown:

Don’t forget to replace the gateway IP address and interface-name in the above command.

One can also use following command to setup static IP on eth0 interface for example. # ifconfig eth0 netmask up # route add default gw # service network restart

Thanks for the tip, but I think setting IP address directly from the commandline using ifconfig and route will only allow you to set temporarily, once you reboot, these settings disappears. So, the best option to set static IP address permanently in network configuration files only….

wipe on reboot, so that best option is to set permannetly

Hello Ravi, What is difference between the service “NetworkManager” and “network”


This article will help you to understand the difference between and NetworkManager and Network:

Why do we need to specify DNS in both ifcfg-eth0 and resolvlf.conf?

Hello Augustine,

Actually if you have added the DNS servers in the ifcfig-eth0 file the DNS servers will be automatically added to /etc/resolv.conf. You can skip defining the DNS servers in the ifcfig-eth0 file, but then you will need to have them set in /etc/resolv.conf manually. It’s a good practice to make sure that the DNS servers are specified correctly in both files, this is why the article says to set them in both files.

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Good detailed explanation of /etc/network/interfaces syntax?

I understood the very basic concept of how to use /etc/network/interfaces , but all I find online are examples, example after example, which I can copy-paste from. What I miss is an explanation of the syntax, an explanation of the meaning of the commands and which order the commands require. I want to understand, because most of the time copy-paste is not enough, because I'm not working on a fresh machine, so I can't just overwrite existing configurations because it would break a lot of stuff. man interfaces was not very helpful since it is written very complicated.

Example questions I have: what does inet in an iface line mean exactly (I could not even find it in the manpage), what does manual in an iface line mean exactly (many examples use it, but according to manpage it needs an extra config file then, which the examples don't present), when do I use or need them? When not? When I create a bridge, what exactly happens to the interfaces?

Foo Bar's user avatar

  • 7 The man page says what comes after the interface name is the address family that the interface uses. "inet" is the name for IPv4, inet6 for ipv6. There's also ipx, x25, appletalk..., though ifupdown only deal with inet/inet6/ipx as the man page explains. manual means that ifupdown don't do anything about them, you have to do it yourself manually. –  Stéphane Chazelas Commented May 8, 2014 at 10:25

4 Answers 4

Well, let’s separate it into pieces, to make it easier to understand /etc/network/interfaces :

Link layer +interface type options (generally the first of each interface stanza and called address family + method by interfaces(5) manpages):

auto interface – Start the interface(s) at boot. That’s why the lo interface uses this kind of linking configuration.

allow-auto interface – Same as auto

allow-hotplug interface – Start the interface when a "hotplug" event is detected. In the real world, this is used in the same situations as auto but the difference is that it will wait for an event like "being detected by udev hotplug api" or "cable linked". See " Related Stuff(hotplug) " for additional info.

These options are pretty much "layer 2" options, setting up link states on interfaces, and are not related with "layer 3" (routing and addressing). As an example you could have a link aggregation where the bond0 interface needs to be up whatever the link state is, and its members could be up after a link state event:

So, this way I create a link aggregation and the interfaces will be added to it and removed on cable link states.

Most common interface types:

All options below are a suffix to a defined interface ( iface <Interface_family> ). Basically the iface eth0 creates a stanza called eth0 on an Ethernet device. iface ppp0 should create a point-to-point interface, and it could have different ways to acquire addresses like inet wvdial that will forward the configuration of this interface to wvdialconf script. The tuple inet / inet6 + option will define the version of the IP protocol that will be used and the way this address will be configured ( static , dhcp , scripts ...). The online Debian manuals will give you more details about this.

Options on Ethernet interfaces:

inet static – Defines a static IP address.

inet manual – Does not define an IP address for an interface. Generally used by interfaces that are bridge or aggregation members, interfaces that need to operate in promiscuous mode ( e.g. port mirroring or network TAPs ), or have a VLAN device configured on them. It's a way to keep the interface up without an IP address.

inet dhcp – Acquire IP address through DHCP protocol.

inet6 static – Defines a static IPv6 address.

This example will bring eth0 up, and create a VLAN interface called vlan10 that will process the tag number 10 on an Ethernet frame.

Common options inside an interface stanza(layer 2 and 3):

address – IP address for a static IP configured interface

netmask – Network mask. Can be omitted if you use cidr address. Example:

gateway – The default gateway of a server. Be careful to use only one of this guy.

vlan-raw-device – On a VLAN interface, defines its "father".

bridge_ports – On a bridge interface, define its members.

down – Use the following command to down the interface instead of ifdown .

post-down – Actions taken right after the interface is down.

pre-up – Actions before the interface is up.

up – Use the following command to up the interface instead of ifup . It is up to your imagination to use any option available on iputils . As an example we could use up ip link set $IFACE up mtu 9000 to enable jumbo frames during the up operation(instead of using the mtu option itself). You can also call any other software like up sleep 5; mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD $IFACE to force 100Mbps Full duplex 5 seconds after the interface is up.

hwaddress ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 - Change the mac address of the interface instead of using the one that is hardcoded into rom, or generated by algorithms. You can use the keyword random to get a randomized mac address.

dns-nameservers – IP addresses of nameservers. Requires the resolvconf package. It’s a way to concentrate all the information in /etc/network/interfaces instead of using /etc/resolv.conf for DNS-related configurations. Do not edit the resolv.conf configuration file manually as it will be dynamically changed by programs in the system.

dns-search – Append as domain to queries of host, creating the FQDN. Option domain of /etc/resolv.conf

wpa-ssid – Wireless: Set a wireless WPA SSID.

mtu - MTU size. mtu 9000 = Jumbo Frame. Useful if your Linux box is connected with switches that support larger MTU sizes. Can break some protocols(I had bad experiences with snmp and jumbo frames).

wpa-psk – Wireless: Set a hexadecimal encoded PSK for your SSID.

ip_rp_filter 1 - Reverse path filter enabled. Useful in situations where you have 2 routes to a host, and this will force the packet to come back from where it came(same interface, using its routes). Example: You are connected on your lan( ) and you have a dlna server with one interface on your lan( ) and other interface on dmz to execute administrative tasks( ). During a ssh session from your computer to dlna dmz ip, the information needs to come back to you, but will hang forever because your dlna server will try to deliver the response directly through it's lan interface. With rp_filter enabled, it will ensure that the connection will come back from where it came from. More information here .

Some of those options are not optional. Debian will warn you if you put an IP address on an interface without a netmask, for example.

You can find more good examples of network configuration here .

Related Stuff :

Links that have information related to /etc/network/interfaces network configuration file:

  • HOWTO: Wireless Security - WPA1, WPA2, LEAP, etc .
  • How can I bridge two interfaces with ip/iproute2? .
  • What is a hotplug event from the interface?

Community's user avatar

  • Thanks, this helps much. Does inet has anything to do with "internet"? I read somehwere that it just means "IPv4" and inet6 means "IPv6", but the term "inet" is really confusing when you see it and confuse it with short for "internet". And the names one uses, like eth0 , are these defined or can I chose them myself? If I have more than one LAN adapter, how do I tell which eth belongs to which LAN adapter? –  Foo Bar Commented May 9, 2014 at 12:48
  • 2 Both. Together they define method of ip address aquisition(dhcp, static, ppp scripts, no address) and version of ip protocol( inet = v4 and inet6 = v6). The interface names pretty much depends on the distribution you are using, and the way udev is configured. Debian uses eth* and wlan* to cable and wireless interfaces. Fedora uses the biosdevname scheme where em0 is the first built-in ethernet interface on your motherboard, and p<slot>p<eth port> the name for a PCI nic. You can fix network names at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules or create alias on interfaces . –  user34720 Commented May 9, 2014 at 13:05
  • 3 Regarding "gateway - the default gateway of a server. be carefull to use only one of this guy." Is that one per stanza or one gateway interface among all stanzas? –  ctbrown Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 14:17
  • 2 Should be one gateway among all stanzas, or, you will have trouble with your default route. To work with multi gateway / multi link, some thinkering with iptables + package marking + ip rules will be needed. –  user34720 Commented Jan 20, 2015 at 11:26
  • 2 allow-hotplug does not wait in the background for "cable linked" events on Ethernet ports, and it has never done so. –  sourcejedi Commented May 23, 2019 at 14:22

I would also add that:

  • interfaces is for ifup/ifdown services.
  • When u use allow-hotplug it will not start with ifup/ifdown, bcos u need to use flag --allow=hotplug.

U may track what is happening with ifup by using --verbose flag.

Im not 100% shure of this, but it seems that basically when ifup is called u will execute all from /etc/network/interfaces with up ... if not stated otherwise.

Im not shure how it relates to : service networking ...

Would be nice if someone would point whats happening after call:

in relation to ifup/ifdown.

yourstruly's user avatar

If you need to add options when using the resolvconf package, i.e. on Ubuntu you put that configuration in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base :

sastorsl's user avatar

Important thing for attribute names is:

There are no any file with standard description. This mean that this file is implementation defined

It can be lower, upper or mixed case

It does not matter '-' or '_'

It can not contain spaces and tabs

As far as ifupdown sources says

Except some common names like "pre-up" "down" and etc, that can not be written with another way

Igr Mineev's user avatar

  • This does not add anything of value to @user34720 response. –  number9 Commented Mar 24, 2021 at 19:11

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change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

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The network setting for /etc/network/interfaces for static IP of a supernet address

I want to change my Ubuntu to static IP. My current IP setting is:

what should I put as the network in /etc/network/interfaces (note the network mask of )?

xpt's user avatar

  • What exactly do you have trouble with? I don't see any network statements in interfaces(5) . You might consider rephrasing your question and add some details. –  Andreas Wiese Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 19:56
  • 1 Stop using ifconfig , use ip addr instead. This is what ifupdown (the software that parses /etc/network/interfaces ) uses under the hood anyway, so you will definitely want to get used to it. –  BatchyX Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 20:06
  • @BatchyX, I use ip addr for other things but not this one, because it'd be worse that ifconfig -- ifconfig at least gives me address, broadcast & netmask, but ip addr doesn't give me netmask, at least my version doesn't. –  xpt Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 2:40
  • @xpt: ip addr gives you the modern CIDR prefix length just next to the IP address. It also accept old-style netmask on input (i.e. ) –  BatchyX Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 17:52

If I'm understanding your question, to set a static IP, your network runs from -, with the identity address at and the broadcast at I've never had to use the Network keyword, but I've never used a supernet address on a host. I've only seen them used for route aggregation.

Frank Thomas's user avatar

  • My IP is not a good example for network for this case. I guess if my IP is , my network value is still , correct? BTW, are you saying that is network optional for /etc/network/interfaces ? I'm following , and there is a network there. –  xpt Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 2:29
  • it depends on your network mask. for the Class C network 192.168.X.Y, a subnetted network would have >24 bits of mask (, a supernetted net would have < 24 bits mask (255.0-255.0-252.0), and a normal (class natural) Class C would be which one it is defines the "shape" of your IP address layout. –  Frank Thomas Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 11:27
  • 1 yep. now that said, there is the possibility that subnetworks are defined under this address space, so make sure when configuring systems in this way that they all have a mask. if you see any more confining masks (more than 20 bits) you will need to recalculate the network range, ID, and broadcast when configuring systems on that network. I use this calculator: –  Frank Thomas Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 14:16
  • 2 network is totally ignored by ifupdown, the system can figure it by itself anyway. Your broadcast is useless here: the system will pick the same in your case. Your gateway is not part of your subnet, so ifupdown will fail at that point. –  BatchyX Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 18:00
  • 1 And nobody told you that classful addressing has been deprecated and dead for 20 years now ? All the Internet uses Classless interdomain routing now (CIDR for short, see RFC 4632), so there is no concept of "classes" or "supernetting" anymore. You may even specify a prefix length in netmask (like netmask 20 ) instead of a netmask. –  BatchyX Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 18:08

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change ip address /etc/network/interfaces


Random things that i have learned . . ., setting a static ip address in metasploitable.

This should also work for command line IP address changes to Linux:

edit the file /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway dns-nameservers

Restart neworking

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

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Static IP address set in /etc/network/interface not getting updated after rmmod and insmod

I have configured static IP address in /etc/network/interfaces file as below

But, when i try to do rmmod of the driver e1000 and then insmod again. the eth0 network interface would be loaded but, the ip address is not assigned until i explicitly do ifconfig eth0 or ifup eth0 .

I have tried adding a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ which has

but, no luck the IP address is getting assigned.

My aim is that whenever i insmod the ethernet device driver i want to get the network interface( eth0 ) assigned with static IP address i have assigned in the interfaces file

Could anybody let me know what am i missing here

  • linux-kernel
  • network-interface

Sunil Kumar's user avatar

  • Does adding the line allow-hotplug eth0 help? –  Ian Abbott Commented Feb 17, 2021 at 16:54
  • I tried allow-hotplug eth0 but, It didn't work –  Sunil Kumar Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 11:02

2 Answers 2

what am i missing here

The files in /etc/network/ are parsed when when ifup or ifdown commands are executed. (I think also when ifplugd picks them up).

insmod loads a module into the running kernel.

You are missing the knowledge, that there is just no connection between insmod -ing a kernel driver and reading any files from /etc/network directory.

My aim is that whenever i insmod the ethernet device driver i want to get the network interface(eth0) assigned with static IP address i have assigned in the interfaces file

You may setup udev rule to run a custom script upon insmod -ing a kernel driver or when interface comes up.

KamilCuk's user avatar

  • Could you please let me know how to setup udev rules. i tried adding rules like "SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNELS=="0000:00:03.0", NAME=="eth0" and placed it in the /etc/udev/rules.d and /lib/udev/rules.d/ but, nothing worked –  Sunil Kumar Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 11:12
  • I followed the procedure mentioned in this link –  Sunil Kumar Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 11:15
  • 1 First, listen on udef events with I think udevadm monitor . Then insmod/rmmod your module and check for events. Then write a rule that will match with some debugging output to logger . Then refresh udev rules with some command. Watch journal to see if the rule is really executing. I'm am really bad at udev, it's always pain for me - once it works, it works. –  KamilCuk Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 11:20

After going through man page of udev i understood how to create udev rules and with a dummy test specified in this link i was able to invoke the udev rules when insmod -ing and rmmod -ing a driver.

So, Here's what i did to automatically set the ip address for the ethernet network interface once driver is loaded or insmod ed

I create a udev rules file named 80-net_auto_up.rules in the ethernet pcie driver recipe (it is an out of tree kernel module. Hence, custom recipe)

i added SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/sbin/ifup eth0"

and edited ethernet pcie driver recipe .bb file and added below lines

and now it works. when i reset the ethernet device manually. The device is getting detected and Static IP address configured in the /etc/network/interfaces is set

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change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

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/etc/network/interfaces is not changing my static IP

I'm using xubuntu and I have set my /etc/network/interfaces file like this:

When I reboot the system and run ifconfig command, everything is ok:

But, when I update the /etc/network/interfaces file changing the IP to and do this:

The ifconfig command show me the same IP ( as before. Moreover, I can do a ping to both addresses and they answer.

I can't see the expected IP ( until I reboot the system. Even a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart execution can't solve that...

What am I doing wrong?

PS: I have disabled the GUI Network Manager to avoid conflicts.

EDIT : I have used sudo ifdown enp0s3 && sudo ifup -v enp0s3 and this is the result:

Every time I edit the /etc/network/interfaces , change the static IP address and restart the network, it's like if I were adding new IPs to my machine. I can ping to each one I write!!

Ommadawn's user avatar

  • 1 try systemctl restart ifup@enp0s3 –  pLumo Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 13:03
  • 1 Which version of Ubuntu are you using? Is the result any better if you: sudo ifdown enp0s3 && sudo ifup -v enp0s3 ? –  chili555 Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 16:10
  • @chili555: xubuntu 18.04 LTS. I have done what you said and I have got the results you can see at my edited post (didn't work). Thanks! –  Ommadawn Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 16:19
  • 1 In the absence of Network Manager, in 18.04, networking is handled by netplan, not /etc/network/interfaces . Please see:… –  chili555 Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 17:19
  • 1 Not to be too blunt, but it appears that the answer is incorrect. You can use interfaces, but it takes much more than ifup/down.… Be sure to read all the following comments. Isn't it just much simpler to adapt to netplan? –  chili555 Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 17:37
  • Check the IP with ping ;
  • Then check IP, it will assign dynamically into LAN or not, If IP assign to another machine in your LAN then it will come 'IP conflict';
  • If not, add static IP ( ) in /etc/network/interfaces ;
  • Then restart networking with the command service networking restart ;
  • then run command ifdown enp0s3 && ifup enp0s3 if you don't want to restart.

Daniele Santi's user avatar

  • 1) Both addresses answer to ping. 2) No conflict, it's an isolated virtual machine with its on LAN. 3) Added. 4) I have run the command and nothing have changed. If I restart the computer, it works, but I don't want to restart! :( THanks for your help! –  Ommadawn Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 15:30

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change ip address /etc/network/interfaces

How to Change Server IP Addresses for a Cluster (Multi-Node)

Article id: 291367, updated on:, issue/introduction, environment.

  • EDR Server: All Versions
  • Open the WebUI, then navigate to  Administration  >  Sensors  and select  Edit  Settings.
  • Support's recommendation is to keep the default sensor communication port, 443. There are additional configuration changes that need to be made in /etc/cb/cb.conf and /etc/cb/nginx/conf.d/ in order for the sensors to communicate on a custom port.
  • Repeat the step above for each sensor group if they exist.

Stop Cluster Services : 

Change the server IP using normal OS commands for configuring the network interface

  • Update the IP address of the master node in Postgres: (NOTE: This should also be repeated for each Minion in the Cluster IE: Minion 1 is node_id=1)
  • In product versions 7.4.0 to 7.5.0:
  • In product versions prior to 7.4.0:
  • Update /etc/cb/ cluster.conf  to match new IPs for all relevant nodes

Update /etc/sysconfig/ iptables  to accept traffic from new minion IPs if applicable

  • Update /etc/ hosts  to redirect to match new IPs for all relevant nodes
  • Change the server IP using normal OS commands for configuring the network interface if applicable
  • Update psql  DatabaseURL  value
  • Update Redis  RedisHost  value
  • Update /etc/cb/ cluster.conf  to match new IPs for new master IP (and minions if applicable)
  • If CB managed firewall run the following command on master and minions /usr/share/cb/cbcheck firewall -a
  • Update /etc/ hosts  to match new IPs for new master IP (and minions if applicable)
  • Start EDR Cluster :
  • Verify that ~/.ssh/ known_hosts  has been updated
  • For Windows this is located at  HKLM\SOFTWARE\CarbonBlack\config\SensorBackendServer
  • For MacOs and Linux, this value is stored in  /var/lib/cb/sensorsettings.ini

Additional Information

  • There will be a delay after changing this setting as all endpoints would need to check in first to pull down the new server IP / FQDN.
  • Any offline endpoints that don't check in will either need to have sensor reinstalled or registry edited to point to the new server. 
  • If using custom certificates, the hosts files on sensors will be updated once registry changes have been made (either via sync with new Sensor Group settings or manually changed on the sensor).  If this does not take effect, a restart of sensor services should generate a new hosts file and allow connection to the server's new IP address.

Wolken Software

Linux Tutorials – Learn Linux Configuration

How to Reset a Network Interface in Linux

In this tutorial, we will explore how to reset a network interface in Linux. Resetting a network interface can help resolve network issues, apply new settings, or refresh the network connection. This process involves bringing the interface down and back up, reloading drivers, and flushing configurations if necessary.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to restart a network interface
  • How to reset a network interface by reloading drivers and flushing configurations

How to Reset a Network Interface in Linux

Software Requirements and Linux Command Line Conventions
Category Requirements, Conventions or Software Version Used
System Any Linux distribution
Software None specific
Other Access to the terminal and root privileges
Conventions – requires given to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of command
– requires given to be executed as a regular non-privileged user

Resetting a Network Interface in Linux

Resetting a network interface in Linux can involve different steps depending on the extent of the reset needed. Below, we will go through restarting the interface, reloading the network driver, and flushing IP addresses and routes.

Identify the driver of you network card

Identify the driver associated with your interface, then unload and reload it:

Resetting a network interface in Linux can help resolve a variety of network-related issues and apply new settings. Whether you are restarting the interface, reloading drivers, or flushing configurations, the steps outlined in this tutorial provide a comprehensive guide to managing network interfaces in Linux.

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NetScaler secure deployment guide

Best practices for NetScaler MPX, VPX, and SDX security

Deployment guidelines

Configuration guidelines

Network security

Securing the pass-through traffic on NetScaler

Administration and management

System and user accounts

Logging and monitoring

LOM configuration

Applications and services

DNSSEC security recommendations

Legacy configuration

Configure NDCPP compliance certificate check

NetScaler cryptographic recommendations

Other features

Best practices for NetScaler Console security

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When deploying NetScaler in a production environment, we recommend that the following key configuration changes are made:

  • Do not expose the NetScaler administrator interface (NSIP) to the Internet.
  • The NetScaler default SSL certificate must be replaced.
  • HTTPS (HTTP over TLS) must be used when accessing the GUI and the default HTTP interface disabled.

The following section provides more information on these key considerations, in addition to the further changes that are recommended.

  • Key network security considerations

Do not expose the NSIP and Management Service IP address to the Internet:

We recommend that the NetScaler Management IP (NSIP) address and Management Service IP address of SDX is not exposed to the public Internet and is deployed behind an appropriate stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall.

Replace the NetScaler default TLS certificate:

During the initial configuration of NetScaler, the default TLS certificates are created. These certificates are not intended for use in production deployments and must be replaced.

We recommend that customers configure NetScaler to use certificates either from a reputable Certificate Authority (CA) or appropriate certificates from your enterprise Certificate Authority.

When bound to a public-facing virtual server, a valid TLS certificate from a reputable CA simplifies the user experience for internet-facing web applications; user web browsers require no user interaction when initiating secure communication with the web server. To replace the default NetScaler certificate with a trusted CA certificate, see Knowledge Center article CTX122521: “ How to replace the default certificate of a NetScaler appliance with a trusted CA certificate that matches the host name of the appliance .”

Alternatively, it is possible to create and use custom TLS certificates and private keys. While this action can provide an equivalent level of transport layer security, it requires the TLS certificates to be distributed to users and requires a user interaction when initiating connections to the web server. For more information on how to create custom certificates, see Knowledge Center article CTX121617: How to Create and Install Self-Signed Certificates on NetScaler Appliance .

More information on TLS certificate management and configuration can be found in the “NetScaler TLS Recommendations” section of this guide.

Disable HTTP access to the administrator interface:

To protect traffic to the NetScaler administrative interface and GUI, NetScaler must be configured to use HTTPS. Perform the following steps:

Create a 2048-bit or greater RSA private and public key pair and use the keys for HTTPS and SSH to access the NetScaler IP address, replacing the factory provisioned 512-bit RSA private and public key pair.

Configure NetScaler to use only strong cipher suites and change the ‘DEFAULT’ set of cipher suites to strong cipher suites on NetScaler. We recommend that you use the list of approved TLS Cipher suites in section 3.3 of NIST Special Publication 800-52 (Revision 1). This document can be found on the NIST website at the following address:

Configure NetScaler to use SSH public key authentication to access the administrator interface. Do not use the NetScaler default keys. Create and use your own 2048-bit RSA private and public key pair. For more information, see Knowledge Center article CTX109011: How to Secure SSH Access to the NetScaler Appliance with Public Key Authentication and the NetScaler product documentation: SSH key-based authentication for local system users

Once the NetScaler has been configured to use these new certificates, HTTP access to the GUI management interface can be disabled with the following command:

For more information on how to configure secure access to the Administration GUI, see the Knowledge Center article CTX111531: How to Enable Secure Access to NetScaler GUI Using the SNIP/MIP Address of the Appliance .

  • Other network security considerations

Limit VPX shell access of VPX administrators who are not trusted to manage the SDX:

In situations where it is desirable to have a different person administer a VPX to that of the Management Service, the Management Service administrator must create a VPX admin user which has limited shell access on the VPX and only provide the restricted admin user account to the VPX administrator.

Some operations might require shell access (such as administering SSL certificates). However, only individuals who are trusted to administer the SVM must be granted access to the VPX instance shell. RBAC level commands, listed later in this section, can be assigned to those accounts. These recommendations are applicable for all SVM-IP/VPX-NSIP (L2/L3) management workflows and must be followed for secure access auditing purposes.

The following steps can be used to remove shell access from a VPX admin.

Securing an existing VPX instance:

Log in to the VPX CLI as nsroot or superuser.

We recommend not to use the nsroot account and instead create a superuser account. When using the nsroot account, ensure that the passwords are strong with special characters. For details on strong passwords, see Administration and management .

  • Create a user and an RBAC policy in a VPX instance on NetScaler SDX.
  • Bind that user to the policy.

Note: In this example, the system cmdpolicy (ex: cmdpolicy name: shell) is created to deny shell access. This policy is bound to the user userabc with priority high. Default superuser cmdpolicy is also bound as lower priority to the system user. With this configuration, the new system user has superuser RBAC policies but shell access is denied.

  • Verify that the current user has applied the RBAC policies.
  • Run any commands that the user is authorized to. (for example, show system cmdpolicy )
  • Run the shell command to verify that shell access is restricted.

login as: userabc

Pre-authentication banner message from server:

In the console of that VPX, log in as that user and make sure that the shell access is not allowed for this user:

Log in as regular admin user ( nsroot ) and make sure that shell access is allowed:

Securing a new VPX instance:

When a new VPX instance is created from the Management Service GUI, create an INSTANCE ADMIN user, and clear the Shell/SFTP/SCP Access checkbox. On disabling shell access, svm_access_policy (action DENY) is bound explicitly to the specified instance admin user.

Provide this user information to the VPX admin. The SDX admin must retain this nsroot admin password and must not share it with the VPX admin.

  • To change the nsroot password, log on to Management Service, select the instance, and change the password. Never change the nsroot password from the VPX CLI.
  • For details about RBAC users, see User, user groups, and command policies .
  • For modifying the password of NetScaler from SVM, see Modify a NetScaler instance .
  • For provisioning NetScaler with instance administration, see Add a NetScaler instance .

Disable SSH port forwarding:

SSH port forwarding is not required by NetScaler. If you do not want to use this functionality, then we recommend that you disable it by using the following steps:

Edit the /etc/sshd_config file by adding the following line:

AllowTcpForwarding no

Save the file and copy it to the /nsconfig directory to ensure that the changes are persistent in case you reboot during the tests.

Restart the sshd process by using the following command:

Configure NetScaler with high availability:

In deployments where continuous operation is required, NetScaler can be deployed in a high availability setup. Such a setup provides continued operation if one of the NetScaler stops functioning or requires an offline upgrade.

For information on how to configure a high availability setup, see Configuring high availability .

Set up secure communication between peer appliances:

If you have configured your NetScaler in a high availability, cluster, or GSLB setup, secure the communication between NetScaler appliances.

To secure communication, we recommend that you change the internal user account or RPC node password, and enable the Secure option. RPC nodes are internal system entities used for system-to-system communication of configuration and session information.

NetScaler features can also use an SSH key-based authentication for internal communication when the internal user account is disabled. In such cases, the key name must be set as “ns_comm_key”. For more information, see Access a NetScaler appliance by using SSH keys and no password .

Change the default passwords:

For enhanced security, we recommend that you change the administrator, and internal user account or RPC node passwords for both on-premises and cloud deployments. Frequently changing the passwords is advisable.

  • Administrator password: See Change administrator password .
Note We also recommend that you disable the internal user account and instead use the key-based authentication.

Configure network security domains and VLANs:

We recommend that network traffic to NetScaler management interface is separated, either physically or logically, from normal network traffic. The recommended best practice is to have three VLANs:

  • Outside Internet VLAN
  • Management VLAN
  • Inside server VLAN

We recommend configuring the network to make the LOM port part of the management VLAN.

When deploying NetScaler in two-arm mode, dedicate a specific port to a specific network. If VLAN tagging and binding two networks to one port is required, you must ensure that the two networks have the same, or similar, security levels.

If the two networks have different security levels, VLAN tagging must not be used. Instead, consider dedicating a port for each specific network and use independent VLANs distributed over the ports on NetScaler.

Consider using NetScaler Web App Firewall: A Premium edition licensed NetScaler provides a built-in NetScaler Web App Firewall that uses a positive security model and automatically learns the proper application behavior for protection against threats such as command injection, SQL injection, and Cross Site Scripting.

When you use NetScaler Web App Firewall, users can add extra security to the web application without code changes and with minimal change in configuration. For more information, see Introduction to NetScaler Web Application Firewall .

Restrict non-management applications access : Run the following command to restrict the ability of non-management applications to access NetScaler.

Secure cluster deployment: If NetScaler cluster nodes are distributed outside the data center, we recommend that you use secure RPC for Node to Node Messaging (NNM), AppNNM, and a high availability setup.

To enable the Secure RPC feature for all NetScaler IP addresses in a NetScaler Cluster and a high availability setup, run the following command:

Note : Other configurations might be required. For more information, see the Clustering topics on the Product Documentation .

When deployed in an L3 cluster deployment, packets between NetScaler nodes are exchanged over an unencrypted GRE tunnel that uses the NSIP addresses of the source and destination nodes for routing. When the exchange occurs over the internet, in the absence of an IPsec tunnel, the NSIPs are exposed on the internet, which is not recommended as it doesn’t comply with the security best practices for NetScaler.

̇We recommend that customers establish their own IPsec solution to use the cluster over the L3 feature.

If the IP forwarding feature is not in use, use the following command to disable L3 mode:

Use secure MEP for global server load balancing (GSLB): To encrypt the MEP between NetScaler for GSLB, run the following command from the NSCLI:

Secure the load balancing persistence cookie:

We recommend encrypting the load balancing persistence cookie in addition to the SSL/TLS channel. For more information, see HTTP cookie persistence .

Helloverifyrequest parameter to mitigate the DTLS DDoS amplification attack:

Starting from NetScaler release 12.1 build 62.x and release 13.0 build 79.x, the helloverifyrequest parameter is enabled by default. Enabling the helloverifyrequest parameter on the DTLS profile helps mitigate the risk of an attacker or bots overwhelming the network throughput, potentially leading to outbound bandwidth exhaustion. That is, it helps mitigate the DTLS DDoS amplification attack.

To view the helloverifyrequest parameter status, at the CLI prompt, type:

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    Physical interface names should follow the word "auto" on the same line. There can be multiple "auto" stanzas. ifup brings the named inter faces up in the order listed. For example following example setup eth0 (first network interface card) with IP address and gateway (router) to iface eth0 inet static.

  4. Manual Network Configuration in Linux and How to Set a Static IP Address

    a specific IP address; full control over the address assignment; Since the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can take the Media Access Control (MAC) address into account when assigning the network-layer address, we might still automatically receive the same IP on each connection with that protocol.

  5. How to set up static IP address on Debian Linux 10/11

    Save and close the file when using vim/vi text editor.. Restart networking service on Debian Linux to switch from DHCP to static IP config. Warning: Do not run the following over ssh based session as you will disconnect.. Use the systemctl command as follows: $ sudo systemctl restart networking.service Make sure service restarted without any errors. Hence, type the following command: $ sudo ...

  6. NetworkConfiguration

    3 ways to configure the network. Setting up an Ethernet Interface. Starting and Stopping Interfaces. Reinitialize new network setup. Network Interface Names. Using DHCP to automatically configure the interface. Configuring the interface manually. Setting the speed and duplex. Bringing up an interface without an IP address.

  7. How to change IP when /etc/network/interface file is missing?

    Change them to instead be: (example IP addresses) auto eth0 #iface eth0 inet dhcp iface eth0 inet static address 192.168..130 netmask 255.255.255. network 192.168.. broadcast 192.168..255 gateway 192.168..1 dns-nameservers 192.168..1 Then re-start your server. It should now be using: 192.168..130

  8. How to Set Static IP Address on Debian 12?

    To set up a static IP address on Debian 12 using nmtui, follow these steps: Step 1: Launch nmtui Interface. First, type " nmtui " command to launch the interface, use the arrow keys, and Enter key to navigate through the menus and options. Step 2: Edit a Connection. Select " Edit a connection " option and press Enter:

  9. How to configure a static IP address on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 Linux

    There are many cases in which we may want to set a static IP for a network interface. In RHEL 8 / CentOS 8, the network connections are managed by the NetworkManager daemon, so in this tutorial we see how we can perform such task by editing an interface file directly, by using a command line utility, nmcli, or via a text user interface, nmtui.. In this tutorial you will learn:

  10. Setting a Static IP Address in Ubuntu 24.04 via the Command Line

    Identify Your Network Interface: To set a static IP address, you first need to know which network interface you're configuring. $ nmcli d Identify Your Network Interface. This command lists all network interfaces on your system. Note the interface name you plan to configure, such as 'enp0s3'.

  11. 8.2. Configuring the Network

    An IP address is a number used to identify a network interface on a computer on a local network or the Internet. In the currently most widespread version of IP (IPv4), this number is encoded in 32 bits, and is usually represented as 4 numbers separated by periods (e.g. 192.168..1), each number being between 0 and 255 (inclusive, which corresponds to 8 bits of data).

  12. Linux Basics: Configuring A Static IP In Debian

    sudo systemctl restart networking. and then check the IP address to verify that your new settings have applied: ip a. The output should look similar to this: If we check the eth0@if2 interface again, notice that the address is now the static IP I've specified and it is no longer showing as being dynamic.

  13. How to Configure Static IP Address on Ubuntu 20.04

    Depending on the interface you want to modify, click either on the Network or Wi-Fi tab. To open the interface settings, click on the cog icon next to the interface name. In "IPV4" Method" tab, select "Manual" and enter your static IP address, Netmask and Gateway. Once done, click on the "Apply" button.

  14. How to Set Static IP Address and Configure Network in Linux

    @Thuemaychuaonet, If your server is connected only via WiFi, the network interface will likely have a different name, such as `wlan0` or something similar, depending on your system and its configuration. The steps to set a static IP address and configure the network are similar, but you'll need to use the correct interface name for your WiFi connection.

  15. Good detailed explanation of /etc/network/interfaces syntax?

    address - IP address for a static IP configured interface. netmask - Network mask. Can be omitted if you use cidr address. Example: iface eth1 inet static address gateway gateway - The default gateway of a server. Be careful to use only one of this guy.

  16. Can't change IP address to static

    You should be able to add a static ip address in the interfaces file, e.g. : auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto enp0s31f6 iface enp0s31f6 inet static address gateway netmask 255.255.255. dns-nameservers

  17. Configuring networks

    To configure a default gateway, you can use the ip command in the following manner. Modify the default gateway address to match your network requirements. sudo ip route add default via You can also use the ip command to verify your default gateway configuration, as follows: ip route show.

  18. linux

    If I'm understanding your question, to set a static IP, your network runs from -, with the identity address at 192.168.16. and the broadcast at I've never had to use the Network keyword, but I've never used a supernet address on a host. I've only seen them used for route aggregation.

  19. Changes in /etc/network/interfaces do not make any change

    For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface auto eth0 #iface eth0 inet dhcp iface eth0 inet static address netmask 255.255.255. gateway and restart eth0 interface $ sudo ifconfig eth0 down $ sudo ifconfig eth0 up but the eth0 ...

  20. Setting a Static IP Address in Metasploitable

    This should also work for command line IP address changes to Linux: edit the file /etc/network/interfaces. Change: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp. To:

  21. networking

    You are missing the knowledge, that there is just no connection between insmod-ing a kernel driver and reading any files from /etc/network directory. My aim is that whenever i insmod the ethernet device driver i want to get the network interface(eth0) assigned with static IP address i have assigned in the interfaces file

  22. /etc/network/interfaces is not changing my static IP

    Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.. Visit Stack Exchange

  23. How to Change Server IP Addresses for a Cluster (Multi-Node)

    Update /etc/hosts to redirect to match new IPs for all relevant nodes; 4. Run these commands after all online sensors have checked in: Update Minions from the Command Line: Change the server IP using normal OS commands for configuring the network interface if applicable; Update /etc/cb/cb.conf to match new master IP Update psql DatabaseURL value

  24. How to Reset a Network Interface in Linux

    Replace <interface_name> with the name of your network interface (e.g., eth0, wlan0). This command will bring the interface down and then back up, effectively restarting it. Using the ip command: Another method to restart the network interface using the ip command. # ip link set down <interface_name> # ip link set up <interface_name>

  25. Network security

    HTTPS (HTTP over TLS) must be used when accessing the GUI and the default HTTP interface disabled. The following section provides more information on these key considerations, in addition to the further changes that are recommended. Key network security considerations. Do not expose the NSIP and Management Service IP address to the Internet: